Internet Marketing: Adapt Your Products to Capture Smart Phone Users

Young woman looking at cell phone

Adapt your products to target cell phone users

For years we’ve were encouraged to think outside the box. Then we were encouraged to think outside the bun. After reading predictions from the Yankee Group, a high-tech research firm,  I would like to challenge Internet marketers to think outside their desktops and laptops to their mobile devices.

Look at this Yankee Group prediction, as quoted from a Newsweek article by Daniel Lyons:
“Over the next decade the technologies will become so cheap that virtually every phone sold will be what we, today, would call a smart phone. Most important, every one of those smart phones will be constantly connected to the Internet. The proliferation of low-cost handhelds will enable people in developing economies to see the rest of the world–and join it. Sanjay Jha, the co-CEO of Motorola says, ‘I can’t imagine anything since the invention of the spinning jenny that will so profoundly change the lives of people in the deepest rural parts of the emerging market.”

In addition, the Yankee Group forecasted “that during the next four years, Internet advertising revenue will grow 9.2 percent annually and will reach $33.7 billion in 2012. Growth hopes lie with mobile Internet access.”

More smart phones, a rise in advertising revenue…
Judging from these forecasts, it seems very likely that we will be buying and selling more products over mobile devices such as iPads, iPhones and Droids. Yes, the screens are much smaller than our PCs and Macs. How will you Internet marketers adapt your products and marketing strategies to capture the smart phone users? It is not too soon too to create products specifically for the smart phone users.