One of the best parts of being a writer is learning as I look for information to include in articles and marketing pieces. This week, for instance, I learned that wage-and-salary employment in Internet marketing is expected to grow 38 percent by the year 2016, compared with only 11 percent growth projected for the entire economy. In addition, Internet marketing will add more than 489,000 jobs over the decade, placing it among the 10 industries with the largest job growth.
Not only are job growth projections high, those who choose jobs in Internet marketing do not have to be in fear that their jobs will be sent overseas, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. While programmers and computer support specialists are at risk of offshore outsourcing, other tasks, such as integrating and designing web based marketing systems (the skills we teach at the Internet Marketing Training Center) will be insulated from the effects of offshoring.
With so much gloom and doom in the unemployment figures these days, it’s nice to know that Internet marketing offers a brighter outlook. To see if Internet marketing is in your future, visit