Future For 2011

Let’s make this a good year, It can be yours!  You don’t want to be one of the unemployed people in the U.S. you need to think about the future.  The unemployment rate is 6.5% with 10.1 million people jobless, with the total U.S. population being about 301 million people.  You can avoid that, have open opportunities to make yourself valuable in every which way possible.

If you have something that you might be selling/managing locally or maybe it is something you might be thinking of starting to do.  Make it Nationwide and at least double your profits or more.  With alittle knowledge and education at the Internet Marketing Training Center, will help you never forget 2011!

Online Classes

You have a website, you are trying to sell your online products…what now?

IMTC can train you to make money online!  You will need the knowledge on how to market your site and products if you want to be successful.  We will teach you everything you need to know and much more.

Call to get information for our online classes, 757-687-5191.

That is correct, online classes.  No rushing around to get ready in the morning and no freezing out in the snow to get to class.  Stay in the comfort of your home in your pajamas!

Twas the night before Christmas in Cyberspace

I found this updated version of the Christmas classic floating around the Internet.  Hope it adds a little merriment to your day.

Twas the night before Christmas, and in a cyberspace “House”
Many souls stirred, now clicking their mouse.

Warm messages were sent, through the lines with care,
as merry yuletide greetings sang in the air.

The people now met, from all through the land
In “Mucks” and “IRC's” and chat rooms to hand

These festive wishes which left no doubt
Of the peace and happiness the season was about.

And me in my nightclothes now seeing it quite late
Prepared to log off, to rest for the date

That now was only some hours away,
For all too soon, it would be Christmas day.

My finger hovered over the exiting key
When what to my wondering eyes did I see!

A small moving icon did appear on the screen
And for a moment I thought, “this *must* be a dream”.

Nine reindeer now flew, one with a red nose,
Pulling a sleigh and up they all rose,

As a jolly old driver now called them by name
And I stared in wonderment as I knew of their fame.

Prancing in the air, to the top of my page,
They landed quite deftly, setting the stage,

For the one called Saint Nick as he smiled at me
Letting me know I had no reason to flee.

Seeing this I relaxed, and sighed with relief,
For I knew that this vision would cause me no grief.

No figment was he, no vision brought on,
By an addled brain that was too far gone

Or a “virus” of some sort, to lead me to think
That my entire system was now on the blink.

He spoke not a word but went straight to work,
And leaping from the sleigh, turned with a jerk.

To the icon of my mailbox I watched him now stride
And opening the cover, he slipped quickly inside,

A wrapped gift taken from the sack on his sleigh,
And raising the “flag” was then on his way.

Leaping to his sleigh to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down on a thistle

But I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight,
“Happy Christmas to all! And to all a good night!”

Distance Learning: Who Knew? Distance Education Is the New Green!

Have you ever noticed how traffic seems to triple when students return to school in the fall? More cars on the road, more congestion on the highways, more road rage and fender benders, more fuel consumed, more air pollution. Avoiding these is a just one more good reason to take classes online.

As more people have become aware of the impact cars and other gas-burning vehicles have on our environment, our nation’s population is looking for ways to conserve our national resources. Has it occurred to you that distance education is a step in the right direction?

Consider these “Green” benefits of online training:

A student participating in online courses doesn’t need a dorm room, a library, a cafeteria or seven different classrooms in order to learn. There is no huge sprawling campus burning hundreds of lights, using mega watts of electricity and dumping gallons of water down the drain. In addition, no wildlife is displaced to make way for new buildings and campuses.

An distance learner doesn’t have to depend on vehicles to participate in classes. No car, no bus, no commuting, thereby eliminating exhaust and fuel consumption.

Instructors and students generally communicate through email, so no trees are sacrificed to make paper for lessons and handouts. In addition, the learners don’t have to print their assignments so they are not adding ink cartridges to the landfill.

Distance education pays off for the individual in many ways. Helping the planet while educating yourself is a bonus. That is just one more reason to take online courses. It’s convenient, it’s accessible 24-7, and it’s the new green.

Distance Learning: What Does It Take to Succeed in Distance Education?

You gave it a lot of thought and did a lot of research, but you finally took the plunge and signed up for a distance education course. This is a very exciting time for you because you have high expectations that your studies will lead to a lucrative new career. Now it is time to focus on what it will take for you to succeed and how to approach distance education.

Below are some pointers to help you adapt to online learning and reach your goals:

  • Commit to learning the lessons.
    Make every effort to understand the material covered in each lesson as it is presented. Definitely avoid waiting until the last minute to look at the lesson because you will have to rush through the material, which will make it difficult to absorb and learn.
  • Manage your time.
    We all have family and other obligations to balance with our day-to day activities. Make sure you set specific times to devote to your studies with as few interruptions as possible. When you are a new student, you may find that, at first, family members don’t take your desire to learn as seriously as you do. Be persistent and protect your study time. You may be pleasantly surprised when your family eventually takes on more responsibilities to free you of your tasks so you can concentrate on the courses.
  • Start with a clean slate and a clear mind.
    A cluttered space makes for a cluttered mind.  Set up a learning environment for yourself wherever you can find the peace and quiet to concentrate. It may be at a kitchen table, it may be at your office, it may even be in the neighborhood coffee shop or local library.
  • Arrange the supplies and equipment you need before you begin.
    Work in a well-lit space and place everything you will need nearby. This may be your laptop, a recorder, pencil and paper or a printer, as well as a comfortable chair and surface to work on. Some students like to play music as they study so you may want to load your favorite tunes on a CD or MP3 player before you begin to study. The objective is to set the stage for learning.

You have already invested your hopes and money in preparing for a new career. Invest your time and efforts, as well, to ensure you reach your objectives for a better future.

To learn more about distance learning, visit http://imtcva.org/program/distance-learning/

Website: Costs

Current theme preview

From the Domain, to Hosting Company, to the Web Design, Now you have think of the cost of maintaining your website. All of this gets to be very costly if you had to pay out. If you had products and want to sell those you would have to pay monthly for your shopping cart. Your Domain, Hosting, and shopping Cart are a must.

You can avoid paying out loads of money on labor with creating designs and maintenance, even if it’s not something you like then you would have to pay more just for them fixing it.  Avoid all the hassle by joining the Internet Marketing Training Center. Where you can manage your own site, having it look the way you want it, and taking credit for a job well done.

It is time for a change

Are you struggling in this tough economy?  Are you stuck at a dead end job?  Do you want to become more valuable to your current employer?  Do you want the financial and lifestyle freedom that you have always dreamed about?

Internet Marketing Training Center is the answer.  We have created an awesome Internet marketing school, the first ever in the world.  All course material is under the strict guidelines of Internet marketing master Tom Antion.  Go ahead, Google him, you will see!

This is a great time of year to make a change.  The Internet is everywhere.  With the right training you could be on your way to a better life for you and your family.  Look into IMTC!

Are you ready?!

The first semester at IMTC will be open any day now for online enrollment!  Now is the time to make that career change or improve your skills for your current employer.

We are so excited to finally be ready for enrollment.  There has been so much planning, labor and hard work gone into IMTC already and we have just begun.  We can't wait to get you started!

Feel free to call us at 757-687-5190 or send an email to:  Stephanie@Antion.com

We look forward to hearing from you!

America’s First School for Internet Marketing

Step into the Internet Marketing Training Center where you can make your dreams come true…  See what we can offer you that will open your path to bigger and better opportunity's.  We have it to where you can take the whole semester all together or you can take individual semester's when you have time and at your own pace.  We also have Tuition Finance options/Payment plans available,  You can call us @ 757-687-5190 and we will direct you.  You can even go to the right of the page click on LIVE CHAT and you can leave a message and we will get right back to you, Thanks for visiting!