Unemployment seems to be rather stagnant these days. It's stuck around 10% right now as the average for the US. Some places are higher, some are a bit lower. As a country, we got down around 3.6% in October 2000. That was 10 years ago. There was a boom in the dot coms and then things leveled off. In January 09, things took a turn for the worse and we've been flirting around 10% ever since.
We've lost a lot of jobs in industries that might never come back. If you were in one of these industries, what can you do? Well, I've got some news for you. It's time to move on. Let me tell you how.
Internet Marketing is a field that continues to grow. The Internet has become our second brain. Need directions? Got a smartphone? You're good. We have access to so much information, ALL of the time now. We spend out time on Facebook talking to our friends, we do all of our shopping on Amazon, we download new books to Kindle or other ebook readers, we download music to our mp3 players. It's pretty clear, that the Internet is here to stay. Businesses continue to join the internet… in fact there are an incredible number of businesses that have no actual storefront, no actual inventory—and yet they are making money on the Internet.
How can you get into Internet Marketing? How can you learn what you need to know to make yourself valuable to almost any business? Or if you want to start your OWN business? We can help with that too. We are IMTC. The Internet Marketing Training Center. We teach Internet Marketing that encompasses website design, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), copywriting, list building, and even product creation.
Internet Marketing is a growing industry that continues to explore the fields of social media, viral marketing techniques, and traditional marketing practices on the Internet. Now is a good time to get into the field.
Interested in more details? Visit the Internet Marketing Training Center and develop a new career!