Domain Name: How to Find the Right One For your Business?

1.)  Identify first what your business provides.
2.) Who does this business serve?
3.) What is your mission statement? Does it mention your business name, your services, your goals?
4.) Identify the words that describe your business

Then you are going to want to do your keyword search with the words you came up with.  You need to choose the words that have a lot of hits. The important point in making your online business presence a success and in using keywords is that these ‘keywords' are words that should be in the title of your domain name if at all possible, in your mission statement, in the copy of your website, in your description.  By doing that The Search Engines will not have to search as hard and you could be one the first page.  I hope you will find a perfect Domain Name for your business.

On-Site Campus

Here is a view of the campus; It is really nice, area is good,  Friendly neighbors and a lot of parking.  If your interested and your in the area you should stop by and check it out.  We are just about there and are ready to start on-line classes.  You can learn how to start an on-line business, How to get more traffic coming to your business you already have, or even if it's to get familiar with the computer and how everything works.  You will be opening up a bigger window for yourself , you will make yourself more valuable, and you will always have something to fall back on if your job falls through. 


Make your Dreams come True: Working On-Line

Being a single/stay at home parent in the world today is very difficult with lay off’s and downsizing.  By finding something that your good at and love to do, you can sell on-line nationwide.  Even if it’s a service that you are selling you can always get Advertisers and Affiliates.  There are more options/benefits by working online.

Look forward to overcome the insecurity; You can work from home, work at your own pace, build your own site, do research, and optimize. You will everything you need to know from start to finish.  Stop thinking that you’re out of options and you don’t know what to do next.  We have what everyone is looking for that will make all your worries go away!

Inside News: At IMTC

I’m looking forward to the school opening; it is what everyone is looking for. While we’re waiting for everything to come together which it is, very nicely. We have Marc (Video Editor) updating The Lessons w/ video and adding them to the site.   Nick (Graphic Designer) is adding text to our school sites he is also working on the cover for the catalog, brochure, and the business cards. 


Our writer Judy is making a different version of The Million Dollar Mouse; also she is doing guest speaker interviews with people that Tom has helped become famous with his knowledge of Internet Marketing.  Colin (Social Media/Professor) is working on making the Camtasia video’s for the Internet Marketing Training Center’s Curriculum.  That's all I have for today come back for more updates.  Thank you for visiting, your comments are important to us, we look forward to hearing from you.


– Corinne, Here from Inside the Internet Marketing Training Center