Home Based Business Highly Recommended




Home based businesses are spreading like wildfire. Are you ready to take your career to the next level? Learn how you can discover the hottest and most in demand jobs available today. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months and be on your way to a great job. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for

Using Pamphlets for Marketing a Business

pamphlets for marketing


People are making a fortune on pamphlets. If you go into an airport, there are pamphlets available that cost about $6.95.

They contain about twenty pages of all white space with one quote that says, “Be Productive.” It makes you wonder how long it took them to come up with that one! They couldn’t possibly have cost more than fifty cents to produce, and probably a lot less.

One particular lady is selling a pamphlet on how to do a really cool business card. It consists of 100 tips and she is selling these little folded pieces of paper for five bucks a pop. They are little pamphlets that are stapled together. These are great because the production cost is so cheap you can sell them in bulk by the thousands to companies to give away as premiums.

They give them away to their clients as a goodwill item. In addition, if you are selling them at seminars or trade shows, they are so cheap it is an impulse buy rather than a decision buy. Therefore, if it is five bucks and it has good information, somebody can afford it and will take it immediately. (Watch out that these little sales don’t hurt you from selling your big packages of products. You’d be better off throwing them in as bonuses if you sell more expensive packages.)

A friend of this school's founder, Bob Bloch, has a book. It is more than a pamphlet, but it is not a killer, full-blown, big textbook. He has sold thousands in one shot. He sold the rights to someone and didn’t even have to print or ship them. They handled everything. He just created something and sold the rights. They printed up 100,000 or 200,000 of them and gave him a big chunk of money. He didn’t have to lift a finger after creating it the first time. So, you can make a lot of money with these things in many different ways.

Successful Internet Marketing strategies come in many forms…


Internet Marketing Online Certification Fast


Getting an education as fast as possible can be a big benefit. Learn how you can discover the hottest and most in demand jobs available today. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months and be on your way to a great job. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for

List Building 101 – Buying Email Subscribers

Buying Subscribers


WARNING: You have to be really careful with this one.

You will see ads all the time like this, “WE'LL SEND YOU EMAIL MESSAGE TO 2,000,000 OPT IN SUBSCRIBERS FOR ONLY $29.95” or “BUY 28,000,000 FRESH EMAIL ADDRESSES ON CD FOR $49.95”

Don't you dare try this!

You will get hate email and kicked off your ISP.

There are some legitimate ways to buy subscribers. This process of buying subscribers that signed up for your ezine at someone else’s website is called “co-registration.” The companies that do this will send you subscribers and you'll pay them anywhere from .10 to .35 for each subscriber.

There are various companies you can try and some may be able to send you up to several thousand subscribers per week. You have to test this idea carefully for yourself to see if the subscribers you get are worth something.

Just be careful and don't spend too much on this until you are sure that the subscribers you get eventually buy something. Also watch the subscribers very carefully at first to make sure you aren’t getting spam complaints. Some less than reputable companies aren’t too picky about how they get the subscribers they send to you. Your best subscribers will be people that signed up on their own at your website.

Your email list is where the money is. Learn to build it the right way…

Online Courses In Writing For the Web


Writing copy for websites is a lucrative and in demand skill. Learn how you can discover the hottest and most in demand jobs available today. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months and be on your way to a great job. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for

Tips For Easier Article Writing and Marketing

Write what you know

Articles help build your expertise, your brand and your credibility. They are a part of your business and can help drive valuable traffic to your websites to sell your products and services. Take parts of your books or even transcribe your MP3s, CDs and teleclasses to create content.

You're going to hear a lot about the value we put on article writing. Here are a couple tips. If you hate to write, but love to talk, you can get voice recognition software. Here are two programs that will take a load off your fingers:

https://www.nuance.com/dragon/dragon-for-pc.html    Dragon Systems Naturally Speaking

The next tip is to simply carry around a mini tape recorder or mp3 recorder, and then get a college student to transcribe/ghost write for you. Try the English or Journalism department of your local University or Community College.

Here’s an ebook on using Ghost Writers:


The site mentioned above https://www.ezinearticles.com can also act as an article trade site. You just put your articles there and other people take them. Or, you can go there to find articles for your newsletter or website and all people ask is a link to their website or a link to their E-zine in return.

You could buy content from professional and freelance writers. It’s not expensive if you put it out for bid and it keeps your content fresh. No one wants to read content they’ve seen at 50 other places and Google won’t like you too much either if you use rehashed articles on your site.

You can find ghost writers and outsourced help to have your articles written for you at:




Using Graphics for Keywords

Using Graphics for Keywords

Another place you could put keywords, which many people and web designers don’t know about, is in the “alternative description” of graphics. This is also called the “alt description” for short. Sometimes you see little descriptions come up when you run your mouse over a graphic.

It might say “JPEG 2000 bytes.” You can use that area to enter keywords, which is perfectly acceptable to the search engine. You can take every graphic on your page and instead of it having a worthless “JPEG” label, or something that does not mean much to most people, you can use keywords.

This is a place where you can increase the number of keywords on your page without putting them in the visible text area. If you do this, don’t put your keyword a hundred times in a row. That is spamming and you will be kicked out of many search engines when they catch you.

You can hide keywords in the alternative description of your graphics.

[NOTE: If you try to get work from the Government, the alt description of graphics must fall within their guidelines for usability for sight-impaired persons.
A site impaired person has software that will read these alt descriptions to tell them what the picture or graphic is, since they can’t see it. It’s not a bad idea to combine keywords with accurate descriptions so that any sight-impaired person can use your site.]

Naming Graphics with Keywords
Search engines are getting so sophisticated now that you want to take advantage of any little boost you can get to beat the system. You can also name your graphics with keywords.

Instead of making the file name of a photo “joe.gif” you could name it “presentation-skills.gif” Anything you can do to boost yourself without spamming is a good idea.

The secrets of better search results revealed…


List Management – Email is Driving Me Nuts

You may already be swamped with email and this sounds like it's going to generate lots more. Electronic marketing will certainly generate more emails that you will turn into sales. But you don't really want to be driven crazy over this. So here's how you fix it.

One of the reasons you may be having trouble with too much email is that you are probably not using the email filters that are most likely already installed on your computer. If you have a Windows computer you already have Outlook Express installed and if you are using a version of Office you probably have the complete Outlook program.

We won't go into the “how to” details of setting up these filters because your help section of your program will do that. Search for “rules” or “organize” and read through the instructions. We just want to tell you what you can do to make your email program work for you so you don't end up in the psychiatric ward of Cyberville hospital.

Let's take junk email first.

Did you know you can set your program to recognize certain words or combinations of words so that when it sees them in an email, it automatically deletes the email before you even see it? This will save you from deleting literally thousands of pieces of email in the course of a year. Outlook starts you out with a bunch of words and symbols that it recognizes as spam or junk email. It also has an adult word file you can activate to eliminate pornography.

Now let's use the rules and organization features to put incoming email in specific folders automatically. Let's say you have an important client named John Lion. You make a folder for John and set up a rule that whenever an email comes in from John, the program automatically sends it to John's folder and the sound of a lion roars at the same time alerting you that John just sent you something.

Of course, you'll want to get to John's email immediately and see what he needs. Now let's make another rule for Jerry Jokester. Jerry sends you volumes of jokes, quips and quotes. You like Jerry so you don't want to offend him by asking to be removed from his list. It's just as simple to make Jerry a folder and make a rule so that when the program sees his name in the “from” line it sends his email directly into his folder in case he ever asks you about one of his emails. You could check the folder once in a while to see if Jerry sent you a real message OR you could use some advanced rules to separate the jokes that he sends out to everyone from personal emails he might send directly to you.

The Career of the future….


Marketing With Autoresponders – How To Pick The Right System

How to pick an autoresponder

  • They must be automatic. The person sending an email to the autoresponder should not have to type anything specific into the subject or body of the email for it to work. Many people would misspell whatever they were supposed to type and the autoresponder would not work.
  • You should be allowed an unlimited number of requests for your autoresponder.
  • You should be able to make an unlimited number of changes to your return message and you should be able to do this yourself any time day or night.
  • You should be able to capture the email address of the person requesting your autoresponder.
[NOTE: This doesn't mean you have the right to put their name on your E-newsletter list.]
Sequential Autoresponders
Inexpensive autoresponders are available that also send follow up messages at intervals you specify. As an example, a top Internet marketer did a FREE 7 Day Mini Course on Electronic Marketing.

In this case the person would visit http://www.GreatSpeaking.com where they could sign up for either a minicourse on public speaking or Internet Marketing or both.

1200 people signed up for this in about five days and they spent about $7,000.00 the first week after determining the creator of the course knew what he was talking about when it comes to E-marketing.

For the delivery of the course, they used http://www.KickStartCart.com because it is totally integrated with their shopping system and the autoresponders can be tied to a specific purchase which is an extremely powerful sales and customer service technique.
The way it works is that when someone buys a product they automatically subscribe themselves to follow up emails.

The emails can be used to give additional tips on how to use what they bought, or to sell them more products. The customer can unsubscribe themselves anytime if they don’t feel your emails are of value.

Companies that have Sequential Autoresponders

Reach a World-Wide Audience with Podcasting

Reach a World-Wide Audience with Podcasting

If you are thinking about adding new tools to your marketing strategy, consider podcasting. Here’s why:

It’s fast. You can record audio from practically anywhere and then publish it to share with subscribers with just a few clicks of the mouse.

It’s cheap. You don’t need any expensive equipment to get started. If you have a microphone and an Internet connection, you can start podcasting.

It’s convenient. People who sign-up to automatically receive your new podcast episodes can listen to the podcasts on any computer or portable media player. Because of the method of delivery, subscribers to a podcast don’t have to listen to the episode when it was broadcasted live. Instead, they can listen to the new episode whenever it is convenient. In addition, subscribing is free.

It has unlimited reach. Podcasting makes it possible to reach everyone who wants to hear what you have to say. It gives you the power to distribute your message to a worldwide audience.

You can make money directly. Besides the notoriety and customer loyalty you can get from Podcasting, if you get enough listenership, you can sell ads and or get sponsorships for your Podcast.

What will you talk about in your podcast?

Now that you know why podcasting is good for your business, you may be wondering what topics to feature in your podcasts. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1. Do a demo on how to use one of your products.

2. Announce upcoming classes or new services.

3. Invite customers to call in testimonials and include them in your podcast.

4. Interview an expert on a topic related to your business or industry.

5. Present some tips from your e-zine.

Here’s how to produce your first podcast.

1. Create your audio or video content. The content can be anything you like, including audio books, music, radio type shows, interviews and demonstrations.

2. Record your content. IMTC recommends Sony SoundForge on the PC and GarageBand on the Mac.

3. Save your recording. Save the completed recording at maximum quality in the native high quality format of your application. Then, if you need to edit it or reuse it, you'll have the original high-quality version.

4. Convert the file to MP3 format. Once you have your content, convert it to a MP3 format. If you use anything other than MP3, some users may not be able to use your podcast. (Keep in mind that you can vary the quality of an MP3 file. The higher the quality, the higher the file size)

As with any business presentation, include a specific call to action in your podcasts. The call to action may be to register for a seminar, webinar, download a report, request more product information, order a product or visit your website.

How can mastering the art of podcasting help your business?