The big money from what you write comes in immediately. Yes, some money will come in from people who don't respond to your offer right away, but the number of people who do that is virtually insignificant compared to the ones who respond immediately. It's your job to get them to act now! If you let them put your email aside with the best intentions of returning to it later the chances are they won't. They probably won't even remember where they put it and it's most likely they won't even remember having read your offer.
You must create urgency in their minds so that they pull out their wallet and buy it now. What are they buying?……well they're buying whatever you are pushing. You may just want them to pick up the phone and call. Or you may want them to buy something at your website. Whatever you want them to do you must get them to do it now!
Quantities are limited : “Our company seminars sell out fast and the space is limited.” This tells the people that they better register now if they want get in.
You can do the same thing with consulting or just about anything that truly has a limited quantity– You can use phrases like this:
“Only three days left on my calendar.”
“This product is discontinued and there are only 20 left.”
“I can only handle three more clients this year.”
Discounts and Penalties: Here's an example of how you can use discounts to encourage people to sign up for your event sooner than later:
“Register by 3/14 for the early bird price of only $295. 3/15 to 3/27 $350.00, and at the door $395.00” i.e., you get penalized for waiting.
Deadlines: A variation of the discount and penalty deal above is the deadline.
“This offer only good until 3/14.”
“We will not accept any registrations after 3/14.”
Bonus: You are rewarding the person for quick action:
“Respond by 3/14 and get two free backrubs.”
Multiple Bonuses: “Respond by 3/14 and get three free bonuses” (list the bonuses)
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