Are You Ready for Change? Grow Your Business NOW

The past few months, we’ve experienced a great influx of new students at our school.  We’ve been offering an amazing opportunity that when students sign up for $1000, and upon successful completion of the school, we give them their money back! If you’d like to learn more about it, click HERE.  It’s an exciting time to see so many people sign up from all different industries! Whether it’s at the very beginning stages of their business to an already established one making money,  they are eager to take their business to the next level.

Of course, we are happy to assist them with their goals; however, as you know whenever changes happen, what we’ve learned over the past 10 years of running the school, you must be willing to adapt and go with the flow. And that’s just what we did!  We brought on instructors to help us push forward. We are sharing this story because of a valuable lesson we want you to know. You’ve probably heard it before, but we want to reiterate: When times change, you have to change with the times!

If you’ve studied the fluctuations in technology over the past decade, you’ll see how things have drastically changed! What we’ve observed, is that the world is leaning more and more on the Internet for advice, recipes, workout routines, to find their next topic for their presentation, name for their baby, inspiration for their outfits, and much more! Do you see where we are going with this?  If you had a business, blog or content with just the right answers, people would be coming to YOU (if you set yourself up properly) for these questions to be answered! As we continue to watch the fluctuations with technology, the changes the world undergoes, with more and more apps for your mobile devices popping up, it leads us to believe that this Internet thing is around to stay and won’t be drifting away anytime soon! So, as it continues to gain momentum, how will you respond? Will you jump in, learn more, and get your business going?  Or, will you wait years down the road only to ask yourself, “Why didn’t I do that way back then?”

Hopefully, you won’t find yourself on the wrong side of the Internet spectrum, asking yourself, “Why didn't I start my business back then?”

If you’d like to learn more on how you can join our school and build your business in the next few years, click HERE for more details! See you soon.

No Sales Pitch Allowed!



Content marketing is a technique used to create and distribute relevant and valuable content that is used to attract and turn consumers into a profit. You want to attract consumers that are interested in purchasing your products or services and content marketing can help with that.
Using content to market your business is very popular and effective for either large or small businesses. There is a lot of value by having an integrated content marketing plan for your business.  At IMTC our instructors always teach our students the power of content marketing. Content marketing is effective because it takes the sales pitch out of the sale. Content marketing will allow you to deliver info that will educate your target market. Times have changed and consumers are bombarded with sales pitches so they automatically have their guard up, but with content marketing the process becomes a win-win situation. You can establish and build rapport with your target market without being a pushy car salesman.
The classes offered at IMTC will give you the knowledge needed to create quality content that will keep your target audience coming back for return visits. You will also be prepared to deliver content that works best with your unique business and target market. The most popular content marketing methods are blogging, video tutorials, email newsletters, telesiminars, and e-books. Our instructors will teach you how to make a profit from each of those methods.

Visit us at IMTC to discover how you can jump start your business with content marketing.


Consumer Online Activities


There are many different reasons consumers go online. Listed below are the top 6 activities consumers perform online:

  • 92% Email
  • 92% Search
  • 81% Check the Weather
  • 76% Read News
  • 71% Watch Videos
  • 71% Purchase Products

You are reading this because you are thinking about starting a career in Internet Marketing or you already have a business and you are trying to increase your web presence. As an Internet Marketer it is your job to capitalize on the current trends. A lot of tasks we used to do offline have been replaced by online activities. For example the Netflix streaming volume exceeded rentals in 2012. Consumers are still watching movies but the Internet has made it easier, you don't even have to leave your couch to purchase the latest movie. While Netflix is making profits, Blockbuster went bankrupt. Instead of going against the trends, stay ahead of the curve and visit to start your profitable Internet Marketing career.

Distance Education Night Classes

Learning at night could free your life up for important things. Learn how you can discover the hottest and most in demand jobs available today. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months and be on your way to a great job. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia.

Keeping Up With Changes On The Internet

Are you up to date with current changes in Internet marketing? The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia is an Internet marketing school designed to teach you everything you would need to know about selling your products online. No only can you sell your products and services, you can also get hired by companies looking for the same thing. Check out  for more information.

Is Distance Education the Solution?

distance education

There are more and more people who are taking advantage of a higher education these days than ever before, even if they have been limited in their ability to attend a college in the past. The reason is distance education. For many, who either live in rural areas or don't have access to transportation, attending a college was nearly impossible. This held back the opportunities for an advancement at work or learning a new career. Other reasons include being a stay-at-home mom, caring for an elderly parent, living on a limited budget or just not having a vocational school anywhere nearby.

Distance education is the solution to many of these problems. Often, an online alternative is even cheaper than going on campus. This frees you up to get your education whenever it's convenient for you: nights, mornings, in between jobs and at your own pace. The instructors are accessible via phone and email, most quizzes are graded automatically with special software and you can even make friends with other students in the school with a ‘Facebook' style profile and posting system. Virtual networking groups and live chat classrooms are popular as well.

IMTC utilizes all of these conveniences for each of our students. No matter where you are in the world, you have instant access to our learning portal and staff. This affords you a quality education whether your can attend any other physical college or not. We're here for you right now. A high-demand education in the New Media of Internet Marketing is available to you with just a simple phone call:  757.687.5190

Check out our former students that make a great living with online businesses!

Guide To Choosing A Career

The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia is an Internet marketing school designed to teach you everything you would need to know about selling your products online. No only can you sell your products and services, you can also get hired by companies looking for the same thing. Check out for more information.

Internet Marketing Career And Employment Options

There are more career and employment opportunities than ever before. Learn how you can discover the hottest and most in demand jobs available today. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months and be on your way to a great job. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia