Career Options

There are thousands of career options available to you. The Internet is providing fun and exciting careers that you can learn from home! Learn how you can discover the hottest and most in demand jobs available today. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months and be on your way to a great job. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia

Making Money For School Tuition

Tuition can be a hard thing to come up with when you're just starting out. If you have gone the route of student loans or scholarships, good for you. With a distance education school such as the Internet Marketing Training Center, you can take advantage of our own in-house financing for as low as $200 a month. And with the knowledge you'll get starting with our first semester lessons, you can create a home based business for yourself helping clients with:

WordPress websites – design, managing content, managing domain names and hosting.

Social media – creating and managing Facebook business pages, Twitter accounts, Youtube video uploading and Google Plus postings.

Ecommerce – shopping cart management, product uploading, newsletter creation and auto-responder creation.

Yes. These are just a few of the classes in the first semester of IMTC. There are businesses everywhere, local and national, that need help now with all or part of the above services. You can charge a monthly subscription fee to help manage a client's web services and use the money to pay your monthly tuition. Where else could you do that? Most companies will not hire you before you graduate. This is an opportunity to start a business for yourself before fully finishing your IMTC program.  And as you learn more high level concepts: copywriting, sales letters, product creation, affiliate marketing, video marketing and analytics, just to name a few, you can start raising your fees as you go along.

This is a fantastic solution for students of any age to start their own businesses and pay for their tuition as they go through the program. Let 2012 be the year where you set yourself free from the 9 – 5 daily grind.

Quick Video Marketing Tips For Your Web Business

Video marketing is a powerful way to drive prospects to your web properties. Youtube, Facebook and Twitter are favorites among those who like to shoot and share videos to help spread the word. Some problems are fairly common, however: there's no time for shooting, some people are wary of being on camera and often it's difficult to think of what things to talk about.

Here are some ideas that can help:

* Use  to create quick and easy ‘slideshow' videos with music and animation. You can use your own text and music selections to make an informative video.

* Get testimonials from your customers. Not only is this a powerful way to sell yourself to others, it keeps you from thinking of what to say and keeps you off camera.

* Man on the Street Interviews. Go out in public and ask random people how they feel about particular topics related to your business. Be sure to get permission from anyone you film that it's OK to post their video online.

* Take any webinars you have hosted or seminars you may have presented at and use any recorded footage for short videos. Simply edit them down into small, informative chunks and upload to Youtube.

* Makes videos of yourself in ‘informal' situations such as parties, at the mall, at the beach and seminars. It's OK to have a bunch of videos that are ‘candid'. They all don't have to be major productions with lights and make-up. Use these to give quick tips to your viewers about the things you see everyday.

Making excuses will keep you from using video as a money-making tool. Take a look at Youtube and see all of the various ways people use video to get their messages across. They are rarely big productions that take a lot of time and effort. Most are very basic, simple and candid, yet still deliver exciting and informative messages to your audience. Remember: just have fun!

IMTC has a number of great classes on Video Marketing. Get a free brochure that explains it all. 

Unusual Career Options

Looking for a career unlike anything you may have done before? Learn how you can discover the hottest and most in demand jobs available today. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months and be on your way to a great job. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia

How To Write a Strong Online Guarantee

If you are going to bother having a guarantee at all I suggest using strong language to really make it do its work in increasing sales. Don't be wishy washy about it.

The longer the guarantee the better when it comes to reducing the risk to the customer and increasing sales, but your credit card company may have its own restrictions on the length of your guarantee. Many have a six month limit.

Here are a bunch of terms you can use that will put teeth in your guarantee and make people feel comfortable in ordering. Feel free to mix and match:

· Ironclad guarantee

· Unconditional guarantee

· Unconditional money-back guarantee

· Satisfaction guaranteed

· Lifetime guarantee

· 30 day no-risk guarantee

· Try it free for X days and if you're not happy send it back for a complete refund.

· . . . we will promptly refund every nickel you paid

· I'll personally refund your money

· I guarantee that everything you see if truthfully described.

· We stand behind our products with a full money-back guarantee if you aren't satisfied for any reason.

· If this product isn't every bit as wonderful as we say it is, simply return it to us for a full refund.

· No questions asked money-back guarantee

You can put variations of the above phrases into paragraphs like the ones below:

“Everyone says I'm crazy for giving such and awesome guarantee. If you don't think this is the greatest blue widget you've ever seen, return it within 60 days and I'll personally refund every nickel you paid.”

“We believe so much in our red gizmo that we're going to let you try it out for 90 days in your home RISK FREE. If you don't like it send it back and we'll even pay the shipping and give you a no questions asked refund.”

“Our green whatchamacallits are delivered with no risk to you. Everything you see on this page is truthfully described. Use them for six months. If you don't think they are worth three times what you paid, send them back for a full refund.”

Here are some guarantee guidelines:

· State the time period the guarantee is good for and make it as long as possible relative to your offer.

· Use strong language

· Make sure the prospective customer understands that they have no risk.

· Let them know that there will be no hassles if they return the product.

· Tell them the reason why you are offering such a great guarantee.

Start cutting out guarantees from all the print advertisements you get and copy all the ones you see on the web. You'll be able to pick out all kinds of great guarantee language by doing this that you can use in your ad copy.

IMTC shows you the magic of writing good sales copy!



Video Marketing Tips: Share and Share Some More

Here are some other clever ways to get additional views of your videos: Share them on your social networking profiles – Every social networking site now makes it easy for you to share videos with your friends. Facebook lets you upload videos directly from your computer to your Wall for everyone to see. You can tag your friends by typing their names in the ‘tag your friends' feature, so they will get a notification to watch the video. You can also just copy and paste the URL to your Youtube video right into the status update of your Wall and it will play on the Wall.

Copy and pasting a video URL in a Twitter tweet will make it play on the new sidebar area of your profile. People can watch the video right on Twitter without leaving to go to Youtube, but it still counts as a view. No matter what social network is your favorite: MySpace, Orkut, Flickr, Bebo, Squidoo or Ning, they all have the ability to share videos with your friends.

Blogging – No matter what blogging platform you use: Blogger, WordPress, TypePad or a self hosted blog on your website, there a number of ways to share your videos on your blogs. Putting them in the posts instead of writing text all of the time livens up your blog and gives it a different dynamic over text alone. You can simply use the embed code that every Youtube video provides and paste it into the HTML tab of your post, then hit ‘publish.' That's

To find the embed code, click the ‘share' button just underneath of any video and then click on 'embed.' Copy and paste the code into your blog posts, sidebar widgets on WordPress and on any web page. (Use the Facebook and Twitter icons above the code to recommend the video to your friends too!)

Sharing videos is only one way to get a ton of views. What else do you need to know?

Massive and Passive: Affiliate Income Tips

Affiliate Tools and Tips

To effectively market your affiliate product, use the affiliate link in a number of creative ways to get the most action:

Email: include the link in email promotions targeted to your prospects, customers or database. After specific promotions are over, include the link in your email signature.

Newsletters: send newsletters to your database or someone else's with a story about how the product helped you and others, why it is valuable, etc… and include the affiliate link at the end of the story.

Blogging: you can write blog posts about the value of the product, what a great gift idea it is, how it helped you in any way, and include the affiliate link at the bottom of the post. Some blogs will accept guest posts that you can write and submit to. Include the link in these as well.

Website: create specific ad space areas on your website where you can promote the product and the affiliate link. It can be in the sidebar area on your WordPress site, or in a resources area of your main website.

Ebooks: create inexpensive ebooks and give them away in exchange for email addresses (opt-ins). The book will be informative to the readers, but can include the clickable affiliate link
inside of the ebook.

Social media: a great place to advertise an affiliate link is to share it with others on social sites. Make Youtube videos with the link in the description, post a story about the product on your Facebook account with the link included and tweet the link with bits of advice to your Twitter followers. Encourage your friends to ‘share' the link, especially if there is a second-tier
commission. They could earn extra money sharing your link.

Ads: Google, Bing, Yahoo and Facebook all have pay-per-click ad programs where you can advertise affiliate products. This can be a huge potential money-maker if the ad is targeted
to the right people. Buying banner ads on other websites can be a high-profit, low-cost alternative to pay-per-click.

Don't forget traditional, offline forms of spreading the word: handing out business cards, meet-ups, seminars, brochures and even home parties, depending on what kind of affiliate product it is.

IMTCVA will teach you the finer points of making passive income.


The Basics of Merchant Accounts: Collecting Money on the Web

Merchant Accounts

To make money at this Internet game you have to have some way to take credit cards. You must have a way to capture a sale immediately when you create the impulse to buy in your customer.

You don't even want your prospect to have to get up from their computer. Anything that distracts them could translate into a lost sale.

One of the most important ways to grab the sale NOW is to have your own Visa/MasterCard/AMEX merchant account tied to your shopping system. It used to be really tough to get a merchant account, especially if you work out of your home.

Now, you can't turn on your computer without 200 ads hitting you in the face from companies wanting to give you merchant account status. . . .Well “give” is not exactly the right word. . . . It's going to cost you.

You can visit to find the one we recommend.

You'll run into all kinds of deals where people will want to lease you card swiping equipment . . .unless you do a ton of live sales at trade shows or flea markets, you will never see a actual credit card when doing business online. All the sales are either via Internet or telephone.

Sometimes a fax will come in. You simply don't need a card machine. You can even take an order over your cell phone while on a plane before it takes off!

Get firm numbers on upfront fees, monthly fees, credit card percentages, and per transaction costs. While you're at it, find out exactly what a transaction is? Does calling for an “authorization only” constitute a transaction? Does doing a return equal a transaction? All these fees add up, but you’ll consider them chump change when you start doing lots of business.

Learn how collecting money on the web can make you a valuable asset to online companies.