IMTCVA – The Future of Learning

This is the wave of the future.

Distance learning gives access to a quality education that some people otherwise couldn't get. It gives you the freedom to learn at your own pace, when it's convenient for you.

Perfect for single mothers or dads,those who have to work various hours of the day, those transitioning to from one career to another or people who don't have easy access to a college near their home, distance education creates the chance to change your life for the better.  A career in Internet Marketing opens up opportunities that you never thought possible.

Our school is waiting for you. It's time you made the choice to see a real difference in your life. Visit our website to download a career brochure and read the success stories of dozens of others who took a chance on their future and made it work for them.

Learn Internet Marketing – New Career Training At Home

Are you interested in a new career? One where you can get training at home? The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia is an Internet marketing school designed to teach you everything you would need to know about selling your products online. No only can you sell your products and services, you can also get hired by companies looking for the same thing. Check out   for more information

Distance Education – What’s Different About IMTC?

Colin, an instructor at IMTC talks about the school. The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia is an Internet marketing school designed to teach you everything you would need to know about selling your products online. No only can you sell your products and services, you can also get hired by companies looking for the same thing. Check out  for more information.

Internet Marketing Training – Linking Strategies


Article Submissions

If you are trying to build links, do not bother to put one article in hundreds of article directories as I've stated in the past. This is no longer effective as you will only get credit for one. You still should seek out other websites complimentary to yours that are NOT article directories and submit the same article to them. They appear to be treated differently and given more weight because they don't accept any old article on any topic from anyone.

If you are just looking for extra chances to get traffic AND if you have nothing better to do go ahead and submit your article to many article directories. If you're lucky, someone will be at one of those directories and actually read your article and click to your site.

Directory Submissions

If you are trying to build links, do not put your site in the hundreds of crappy article directories on the net. This used to work, but is no longer working. Just stick to well thought of directories like, yahoo (but I'd be reluctant to pay $299 to get in) and maybe “best of the web” and “”

Reciprocal Links and Link Trading

This was good for years, but is now considered a “link scheme” by Google and could get you penalized. I'm talking about trading links with other sites and linking your own sites back and forth between two sites. It's OK to link from one of your sites to another (but don't link back). Immediately delete the many emails you get offering link trades. These are people that don't know what they are doing and people that have purchased software to automatically find link trading partners. Don't participate or waste your time. The only time it makes sense is if their site is much better than yours and people at the top of the game with great sites now know better than to trade with you.

Don't throw a party

After you are out of the mythical “Google Sandbox” you may get an artificially high ranking in Google, then just as you are bragging to all your friends about it, you disappear off the face of the earth. This happens frequently and is nothing to worry about. You just got an artificially high boost because of fresh content and then you fell back to wherever you normally would be based on your search engine optimization and incoming links and competition. Now get to work and start your climb to the top.

Distance Education – Learning From Home is Easy

Getting an education online gives you the freedom to study at your own pace. Learn how you can discover the hottest and most in demand jobs available today. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months and be on your way to a great job. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia

Internet Marketing Promotions – Facebook Product Marketing

Facebook is a great way to promote specials and promotions for small businesses on the web. Using the power of the friends that you have spent time collecting and nurturing, businesses can get a interactive kick from comments, testimonials and post sharing with the ease that Facebook provides. In conjunction with Twitter and Youtube, businesses can plan out a promotional strategy that could put their offerings in front of the eyes of thousands of people.

A couple of weeks before any type of special promotion, the business will want to create small video productions that can be uploaded and shared on social media sites. Videos that are no longer than 2 – 3 minutes in length showing customers giving testimonials, using the products, having fun at past events… anything that creates fun and excitement. No matter what kind of business you have, there are ways to create an informative or commercial aspect to the video production.

These videos can be uploaded to Youtube and Facebook on the day before the big promotion and shared with your friends on their home news feeds. Contact your friends and followers a couple of days beforehand to solicit their comments on your wall in exchange for a special coupon or giveaway just for them. Every video you upload to Facebook or Youtube notifies all of your friends and subscribers to invite them to watch. Each of your friends that makes a comment on your Facebook Wall stating how much they like your business creates a notification to all of their friends. You have now started a domino effect that could put the promo video before the eyes of hundreds of thousands of people.

Your account administrator can leave “thank you” comments in response that will create a sense of interactivity and a personal touch. This kind of buzz is a powerful branding tool that keeps your logos and products on the top of your friends minds, and makes them feel as if you care and are taking the time to connect with them.

Get more info on social networking marketing.

IMTCVA – Job Options When Leaving The Military

Entering the private sector after military service can be confusing. Take a look at this exciting new career. Learn how you can discover the hottest and most in demand jobs available today. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months and be on your way to a great job. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia

Internet Marketing Careers – Understanding The Lingo

Online employment is available for a number of different positions spanning a wide gauntlet of industries. It can be easy to create contacts and connections when it comes to Internet jobs, but it is equally important to understand the terminology used by individuals involved in the online employment industry. By using the correct jargon, one is able to maintain professionalism and decorum in one of the most progressively expanding job markets available today.


Electronic business is often referred to as eBusiness or e-Business. It is defined as the electronic information and communication technologies utilized by a business or entity in order to support the activities and communications of the said business. When working in an online occupational field, individuals are performing e-Business ventures.

Internet service provider

Internet service providers are commonly referred to with the acronym ISP. They may also be referred to as Internet Access Providers, or IAP. These are companies that offer their clients access to the Internet.

Search engine optimization

Search engine optimization, shortened to the acronym SEO, is the process through which individuals and entities are able to improve the amount of traffic that reaches their websites. In many cases, this occurs as a result of potential clients searching for key phrases on a search engine. SEO is a heavily used marketing strategy.

Electronic resume

Many individuals looking for Internet jobs and companies looking to fill such positions will require an electronic resume, or an e-resume. This is a resume that has been sent to the potential employer electronically, and can occur via email, Internet job boards or through communications on the employer's website.


There are many names for today's Internet freelancer. Also referred to as consultants or independent contractors, freelancers are able to work for themselves on a variety of temporary projects.


Telecommunication refers to the assisted transmission of information and signals over any type of distance. It is utilized for the purpose of communication. While in earlier times telecommunications may have involved smoke signals or drums, today it refers to the use of electronic communication devices. Examples of modern telecommunications equipment include telephones, computers and Fax machines.

Get the information you need to make a new career choice!

Internet Marketing Careers – Video Marketing

Video is the hottest thing going on the web. Almost every company, large and small, is using some form on Internet video to sell and promote their products. Not only do they have great videos on their websites, but are also using the powerful free hosting sites such as Youtube to garner traffic to their business.

Not everyone knows how to properly marketing video on the web.For a video to be found in a search engine, the correct keywords need to be placed in the video at strategic locations. This is just a small part of the training you'll get at IMTC. Businesses need people with these skills to help them with their web promotions.  

If you love online video in any form, this could be a great career for you! Think about how fun and interesting that would be.

Getting the best training is easy at the Internet Marketing Training Center. It's as simple as downloading your free career guide.