Online employment is available for a number of different positions spanning a wide gauntlet of industries. It can be easy to create contacts and connections when it comes to Internet jobs, but it is equally important to understand the terminology used by individuals involved in the online employment industry. By using the correct jargon, one is able to maintain professionalism and decorum in one of the most progressively expanding job markets available today.
Electronic business is often referred to as eBusiness or e-Business. It is defined as the electronic information and communication technologies utilized by a business or entity in order to support the activities and communications of the said business. When working in an online occupational field, individuals are performing e-Business ventures.
Internet service provider
Internet service providers are commonly referred to with the acronym ISP. They may also be referred to as Internet Access Providers, or IAP. These are companies that offer their clients access to the Internet.
Search engine optimization
Search engine optimization, shortened to the acronym SEO, is the process through which individuals and entities are able to improve the amount of traffic that reaches their websites. In many cases, this occurs as a result of potential clients searching for key phrases on a search engine. SEO is a heavily used marketing strategy.
Electronic resume
Many individuals looking for Internet jobs and companies looking to fill such positions will require an electronic resume, or an e-resume. This is a resume that has been sent to the potential employer electronically, and can occur via email, Internet job boards or through communications on the employer's website.
There are many names for today's Internet freelancer. Also referred to as consultants or independent contractors, freelancers are able to work for themselves on a variety of temporary projects.
Telecommunication refers to the assisted transmission of information and signals over any type of distance. It is utilized for the purpose of communication. While in earlier times telecommunications may have involved smoke signals or drums, today it refers to the use of electronic communication devices. Examples of modern telecommunications equipment include telephones, computers and Fax machines.
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