Certified Internet Marketing Training Center

Why the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia?

Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia | Internet Marketing Course and Training Program

Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia

These days there are many individuals looking to earn a living on the Internet by simply working at home on their computers. If your one of these people more than likely you've done exhaustive research on the Internet in search of a genuine Internet marketing program to enroll in to help you get on the right track with Internet marketing. If you landed on this page and you're reading this article I have good news for you!

The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia is by far the most unique and best Internet marketing training facility in the world! Let me explain.

First, IMTCVA is the ONLY “CERTIFIED” Internet marketing training center in the entire United States, recognized by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia.

Second, the schools program was founded and created by Tom Antion, one of the most respected, top public speakers and Internet marketers in the world. Tom has dedicated his life to Internet marketing and training since the birth of the Internet back in the 90's.

Third, the staff at the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia is obsessed with staying abreast of all the latest Internet marketing techniques and resources of information in this constantly evolving business. You can be sure you'll learn the best “old school” techniques that still work, as well as the latest techniques that have proven results.

Lastly, each student can work at his or her own pace. Whether they're an online or campus student, the course can be completed in as little as 6 months, with an Internet marketing certificate upon completion. All students have the ability to interact with trainers and other students by phone, face to face, email, blog, wikis, discussion forums, text messaging, teleclasses and more, giving all students the best training experience around.

To learn more about this unique opportunity and how to enroll, please visit the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginiahttp://imtcva.org , and remember to download your FREE career brochure!

Working for a Company with an Online Business

I can't tell you how convenient it is to work with a company that is not only in the office but most of my work is on a computer.  I am a mother of 3 children in which I home school too.  Your probably thinking I am crazy to work a full-time job and home school my 3 children.  Well, lucky for me just like everything else in this world my children do most of their work on a computer.  Technology has changed this world we live in today even from what we were used to 5 years ago.

I am able to keep all of my files on a password protected flash drive which I back up daily and I can use in any computer.  Internet Marketing Training Center also uses programs and software that all employees can log into at any computer in any part of the world.  So I am able to access all of my work from my flash drive and log into our different data bases.  When my children are sick, a day I need to stay home with them, or I have appointments to go to for the day that doesn't stop me from getting my work done.

My point to all of this is that having an online business in our world today is considered to be “Normal”  If you do not have a website and profiting from it then you need to have the proper training to have a successful website and more.  That will give you the convenience to work from anywhere and take care of your personal needs as well. 

Another point is that you may be working for a company that does not have a website or they do but it's not that great.  With receiving the proper training you could make yourself more valuable to the company.  You could quit and start your own.  There are tons of possibilities you would have from the training that IMTCVA.ORG provides.

Get started today so that you can have more time for your family and work from anywhere in the World… Including on a beach in Bahamas;)  If you have a device to get online then you can work from where ever you choose.

Internet Marketing Training Center – Home Based Careers

The economy is recovering, but slowly. Many companies are looking for permanent solutions to cutting costs just to stay afloat and survive any other troubles in the future. Outsourcing is one solution that many are turning to, but the choices are limited. If companies could choose between outsourcing overseas or working with someone in their own backyard, what do you think they would prefer?  

Outsourcing labor is a great choice for today's businesses. It saves them a ton of money on equipment, electric bills, vacations and benefits. Expansion during the economic recovery time is easier when a company can add workers one at a time without a major outlay of cash to get set up.  That's where a career that can be performed at home is most valuable — to them and yourself.

Internet marketing is a growing career that's in demand more and more. As companies weigh the best possible return on their investments, web based advertising and mobile advertising rises to the top of the list. And internet marketing is one of the easiest jobs that you can perform at home.  Almost everyone has a computer and an internet connection. That's all you need to manage a company's website, social networking profiles, video marketing, blogs, articles, pay-per-click ads and much more.

Where can you learn everything you need to know about a career in internet marketing and working from home? At the Internet Marketing Training Center. Get a free career guide that will explain it all. Become the new, in-demand worker for the 21st century!

Financial Perks Working from Home

We all have had the tough economy affect our lives in one way or another.  Maybe you should consider a new career in Internet Marketing.  You can work from home.  Did you ever think about how working from home can SAVE you MONEY?!  Think about a few things….

1.  Save money on the ever increasing price of gas.  Commuting back and forth costs money.  I just filled up my tank..$70…ouch!.

2.  Save money on eating out.  If you eat out at lunch, that gets expensive.  Not to mention trips for coffee, snacks, etc.  You can eat at home and you will probably eat healthier too!

3.  Save money on clothes.  From home, you can work in your pajamas!  No need to run out and buy “office attire”.

4.  Save money on child care.  The current cost of keeping a child in day care is crazy!  Work from home and you can eliminate that cost entirely.  And you will have more one on one time with your children.  You can even eat lunch together!

What other profession can save you money and has potential to help you earn more money than ever?  That's right….Internet Marketing.  The best place to learn the skills you need to be successful on the Internet is IMTC.  Check us out!

IMTC – Distance Education Night Classes

Hi. I'm Colin, an instructor at the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia. As many of you already know, fitting the time to learn a new trade into your busy schedule can be difficult. Many of us have full time jobs, children and other obligations, that make it hard to attend a traditional college. That's where distance education comes in. Learning online gives you the freedom to study when you want, where you want, even at night.

Distance education is perfect for those of us who have no time during the day to learn a new skill, but really desire to improve our lives with a new career. Don't let the ability to learn at night, on your own time, slip away. At IMTC we know how busy you are and that's why we have tailor-made classes for busy individuals just like you. Internet Marketing is a fast growing career that is changing everyday. Visit: IMTCVA.org to find out if a career on the Internet is right for you. I'll see you over there.

Internet Marketing Training Center – Careers For Stay At Home Moms

If you're looking for information on career choices for stay at home moms, you've come to the right place. This tough economy is forcing us to make difficult decisions about our careers and our families. Some us have to choose between leaving our children at expensive day care or joining the workforce to help pay the bills. But there is another choice: one offered by the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia.


Have you heard of Internet Marketing?It's specialized training in blogging, ecommerce, social networking, website maintenance, writing for the web and more. Businesses large and small need competent marketers to help manage their website operations. It's easy to learn and you can work from home and make a good living doing it.

In as little as six months, you could be on your way to a new career where you don't have to make the hard choices of where to put your children. They could stay home with you while you help build wealth for a company or yourself. Visit: IMTCVA.org and download our free career guide that will explain just how easy it is to work from home.

Online Marketing: Helping Aging Parents

Are you looking for information about helping your aging parents? You have come to the right place. You may be in a position where your parents are just beginning to need more assistance or maybe you are already a full time care taker for your parents.

How can you and I give our aging parents the care they need and earn money at the same time? A career in Internet marketing may very well be the answer. Unless you are in a position to quit working entirely, you need a job where you can work from home and Internet marketing can give you that flexibility. Not only can you work from home, you can also work for a company if you decide to. In addition, you can learn everything you need to know to enter this exciting field online in the comfort of your home any time, day or night. All you need is a computer and access to the Internet.

At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, we teach all the skills you need to become an Internet marketer and legitimately make money from the Internet. You will learn how to make websites, do email marketing, blogging and social networking. In as little as six months, you can earn your certificate in Internet marketing. Many of our students use their new skills to earn money even before they complete the course.

I invite you to visit our website at IMTCVA.org where you can download a career guide that will show you all the things I am talking about. There are also success stories of people we have helped who are now making a full time living online. Check us out to see if Internet marketing is right for you. Trust me; your grandchildren will be impressed.

Working in Pajamas

It is not everyday that I like to stay in pajamas all day but isn't it nice to have the oppurtunity to do so?  Especially on cloudy, rainy days that you just don't want to even look outside.  Or on days that 1 of the kids are sick and you must find a sitter, take them to work, or miss a day of work and the money.  I'd rather stay at home in my pajamas and take care of the little one while working and making money still.

With the knowledge that you would get from the Internet Marketing Training Center, YOU could be the one working in pajamas.  It won't matter those days your child is sick and you have to stay home.  I didn't enjoy bringing my kids to work either, especially when they were sick.  NOT FUN!

I bring out the pillows and blankets, tuck my little girl in, give her a drink in a sippy cup, and then sit next to her with my computer out, pajamas on, blanket over me, and leaning on a pillow.  That is the life when you can make a fortune sitting on your couch with your children. 

The Internet Marketing Training Center will teach you how to have your own successful website and be able to market it properly that brings in more traffic and increases your revenue.  If you don't want to do your own website, NO BIG DEAL!  Other businesses can hire you as a “contractor” and you can work on their websites from home as well.  Isn't technology great if you know how to use it?  With that being said, you only need BASIC computer skills to be a student at the Internet Marketing Training Center (in which you can do the online classes for your convenience).

Stop wasting time and start classes today at the IMTC!

Work from Home:The Case for Working from Home

One of the great advantages of being an Internet marketer is that you can work from virtually any location around the world.  You may work for an employer in a towering office building or for yourself in the comfort of your own home. I came across a thought-provoking article about the reasons people give for wanting to work from home and decided to share it with our readers. If you are thinking about asking your employer to let you work remotely from home, this article by Sylvie Fortin offers insight into how to present your case.

Great versus Lousy Reasons to Work from Home

By: Sylvie Fortin

Did you know that many people have lousy reasons for wanting to work from home? Believe it or not, these same people are often the ones who fail as telecommuters. If you want to work from home, have you assessed whether your reasons are lousy or great? If not, take a few moments to see some of the most typical Lousy versus Great Reasons for Working from Home and then decide if you’re on the right track or not.

Lousy Reason #1: I want to stay home with my children.

Great Reason #1: I want to be able to be more reliable and work harder for my employer. I have children, so I am realistic enough to realize that working from home late at night, on weekends, and during holidays will make me a more efficient worker than if I had to miss work because of my children. By staying at home to work, I can make up for lost productivity by working off-shifts.

Lousy Reason #2: I don’t like to commute.

Great Reason #2: I would rather spend an extra 1-2 hours a day working, rather than waste time in traffic. During a typical commute to work, a lot of quality work time gets wasted sitting in traffic, when my time would be better spent doing extra work and meeting tight deadlines.

Lousy Reason #3: I want to make my own hours and work when I feel like it.

Great Reason #3: Standard office hours tend to restrict me. My skills are best utilized outside of the ordinary workday and I am most efficient and focused when I have the freedom to work longer hours than the standard office setting allows.

Lousy Reason #4: I hate working with other people.

Great Reason #4: My personal preference when working is to focus on the task at hand. I find the office setting to be too inefficient for me to truly work to my employer’s advantage.

When co-workers spend time chatting and socializing, it interferes with my ability to concentrate and work to my best ability. Although I enjoy socializing, I would prefer to choose my own social situations and leave my friendships outside of the work environment. This, to me, is the best situation for the employers whom I work with, as I am only billing for time spent physically working on tasks, rather than being paid for time spent around the office.

Lousy Reason #5: I want to make a lot of money.

Great Reason #5: I prefer to be compensated for the value of the work I do, rather than restricted to working an 8-hour day. In order for me to truly explore all my talents and expand my financial status, I recognize that I will need to work on many different projects and work with many different clients. This is my best possible opportunity to expand my skills and explore all the different career paths I would like to pursue.

Lousy Reason #6: I don’t want to work for a dumb boss.

Great Reason #6: In today’s tough economy, working for a single employer is not as secure as it once was believed. Providing my specialized skills to a number of clients at a time allows me to enjoy greater financial stability, because I am less concerned about losing any one particular job.

I do recognize, however, that each of my clients are my bosses. I simply choose to work for many bosses, rather than just one.

Although I have my own business and can choose my clients, I recognize the importance of treating each of my clients with the utmost professionalism and courtesy. This is critical to my success as an independent contractor. Once you have taken a look at your reasons for becoming a telecommuter, you can better determine whether you’re in it for the right reasons. Some people just aren’t made for working from home. There’s no shame in that reality, but it’s best to find that out before you cause yourself all kinds of anguish and heartache. Good luck in whatever you choose to do from wherever you choose to do it!

This article is excerpted from “You Can Work in Your PJs”, a real world guide to telecommuting.

To learn about a legitimate work-from-home business, visit http://imtcva.org/about/.

Working from home with Computer Vision Syndrome

No more excuses for why you can't get on the computer because of the following:

Headaches during or after working on the computer, Burning Eyes, Distance Vision is blurry when looking up from the computer, Dry, Tired, or Sore Eyes, Squinting helps when looking at the computer, Neck, Shoulder, or Back Pain, Double Vision, Letters on the screen run together, Driving/night vision is worse after computer use, “Halos” appear around objects on the screen, Need to interrupt work frequently to rest eyes.

I have researched some great tips that you can use to reduce or get rid of any of these symptoms.  Really awesome advice that I have started using daily.  At first, I thought my headaches were from my kids (LOL, they can do that too) but then I realized the headaches were starting shortly after turning on the computer EVERYDAY.  When I started my research I then realized other symptoms I had that are related to CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome).

Here are the suggestions and advice I have found:

Suggestions That Can Help Reduce Some of the Effects of CVSS

      Glare screen filters may be helpful for some people, but they will not solve your computer vision problems because they only affect glare from the computer screen, not the problems caused by the constant refocusing the eyes must do when working on a computer. An anti-reflective coating (AR Coat) on the lenses of glasses will reduce the glare coming at you and from behind you that causes eyestrain.

      Proper lighting can reduce eyestrain and glare. Glare is created by glare on walls and other surfaces, reflections from the computer screen, bright light coming in from outside, and bright light inside. To decrease light and reflections from external light, close drapes or blinds. When using computers, lighting should be about half of that used in most offices. Using fewer light bulbs or florescent bulbs or use lower intensity bulbs can reduce glare caused by overhead lighting.

      Take a 10-15 minute break every hour to reduce eyestrain. Look away from the computer screen every 10-15 minutes and focus for 5-10 seconds on a distant object outside or down the hallway or get up and take a short walk. Everyone tends to stare at the computer and blink less, about 5 times less than normal, according to studies. Staring and decreased blinking dry the eyes out. Taking frequent breaks allows normal blinking and better wetting of the eyes. Office buildings tend to be dry environments that also reduce tearing. If you are experiencing significant dryness, ask your eye doctor about artificial tears or eye drops that you can use during the day. By modifying your work area, you can reduce eyestrain and other effects of CVS. If you need to look back and forth between the printed or written page and the computer, eyestrain can occur. Place written pages on a copy stand next to the monitor. Properly light the copy stand. Adjust your workstation and chair to the correct height. Purchase ergonomic furniture to assure proper screen locations and posture. Poor ergonomic setup is a cause of head, neck, shoulder, and back pain.

      Place your monitor directly in front of you, not off to one side. It should be about 20 to 26 inches away from you. Make sure your monitor is just right for you, not too high and not too low. You may need to raise or lower your chair. If you reposition your chair, keep in mind that your arms should be parallel to the floor when you type, and your feet should be flat on the floor or on a footstool. Finally, maintain good posture at your desk: keep your back straight and your shoulders back. Adjust the contrast between the background and the characters on the screen by adjusting the brightness on your computer screen.

Please note that I am not a Doctor and I am only giving you researched information based on symptoms I experience working on the computer for hours daily.