Tuition can be a hard thing to come up with when you're just starting out. If you have gone the route of student loans or scholarships, good for you. With a distance education school such as the Internet Marketing Training Center, you can take advantage of our own in-house financing for as low as $200 a month. And with the knowledge you'll get starting with our first semester lessons, you can create a home based business for yourself helping clients with:
WordPress websites – design, managing content, managing domain names and hosting.
Social media – creating and managing Facebook business pages, Twitter accounts, Youtube video uploading and Google Plus postings.
Ecommerce – shopping cart management, product uploading, newsletter creation and auto-responder creation.
Yes. These are just a few of the classes in the first semester of IMTC. There are businesses everywhere, local and national, that need help now with all or part of the above services. You can charge a monthly subscription fee to help manage a client's web services and use the money to pay your monthly tuition. Where else could you do that? Most companies will not hire you before you graduate. This is an opportunity to start a business for yourself before fully finishing your IMTC program. And as you learn more high level concepts: copywriting, sales letters, product creation, affiliate marketing, video marketing and analytics, just to name a few, you can start raising your fees as you go along.
This is a fantastic solution for students of any age to start their own businesses and pay for their tuition as they go through the program. Let 2012 be the year where you set yourself free from the 9 – 5 daily grind.