Are you Ready to Work From Home?

I heard today that Tom is ready to launch the school.  I have been doing any preparations that I can.  We have a Knowledge Base going up on our website that I have been working on that is going to work out perfectly.  I also started using the Live Chat that we will have available on the site.

I know the school will be exactly what millions are looking for and need in their everyday life.  Being a mother of 3 young girls is something that I can relate to with other parents.  Having the Internet Marketing Training will allow parents to work at home and make money on their computer.  I can also relate to a young adult being 27 years old and laying on the beach all day with a computer making money or sleeping in while money is going in my bank account.

The Internet Marketing Training Center is going to be the answer to millions of parents, teenagers, retirees, college students, children, and others in the world.

Inside News: At IMTC

I’m looking forward to the school opening; it is what everyone is looking for. While we’re waiting for everything to come together which it is, very nicely. We have Marc (Video Editor) updating The Lessons w/ video and adding them to the site.   Nick (Graphic Designer) is adding text to our school sites he is also working on the cover for the catalog, brochure, and the business cards. 


Our writer Judy is making a different version of The Million Dollar Mouse; also she is doing guest speaker interviews with people that Tom has helped become famous with his knowledge of Internet Marketing.  Colin (Social Media/Professor) is working on making the Camtasia video’s for the Internet Marketing Training Center’s Curriculum.  That's all I have for today come back for more updates.  Thank you for visiting, your comments are important to us, we look forward to hearing from you.


– Corinne, Here from Inside the Internet Marketing Training Center

Internet Marketing Training Center: A New Start for Many

Several years ago when I was giving career presentations to high school and college students, I came across Tom Antion’s public speaking products on Anxious to improve my speaking techniques, I ordered one of the products and begin to learn Tom’s techniques. When I saw his online ad for a writer last winter, I immediately knew I wanted the opportunity to work with him and learn from him.

During the job interview, we discussed the Internet Marketing Training Center he was planning to open soon. I wanted to know why he decided to open an Internet marketing school and how he knew the time was right. Though I don’t remember his exact words, I do remember how impressed I was with his insight and how thoroughly he had researched the market. He knew instinctively that opening the school was a wise decision.

Now that opening day is fast approaching, I am anticipating the life-changing influences it will put into play for the students who enroll, study and practice what they learn. Young people just beginning their careers, as well as people searching for a new start, will be able to sit at their computers in the comfort of their homes and learn how to create wealth for themselves and their families through Internet marketing. It is very exciting. Many lives will be enhanced by learning Tom Antion’s proven Internet marketing methods.

My Pride and Joy

Over a year I have put sweat and blood into the Internet Marketing Training Center and finally we are about to open.  I am so excited and still putting everything into it that I can in hopes that the opening of the school will be any day now.  The physical campus looks amazing and all of the work put into the online courses has been coming together by the staff.  If it weren't for the Founder/Owner-Thomas Antion of the Company none of this would have been possible and I am proud to be apart of his team.  I am thankful to all of the employees and contractors with their help in making this happen.

I will keep EVERYONE up to date,

Stephanie Catchot-GM

Internet Marketing Training Center: Businesses Are Looking For You

Businesses large and small need a presence on the web. They have been doing business for years in the conventional manner and now they have to enter into a new way of marketing just to keep up. Almost every large company now has a number of social media outlets:

  • A Facebook page
  • A Youtube Channel
  • A Blog (or a number of them)
  • A Twitter Account

These media sites help them keep their brand fresh in their customer's minds as they surf the web from their homes or phones. Companies know  that is where their customers and prospects are spending their time. With social media a business can promote events, offer deals and coupons, advertise one day sales and even keep in touch with their customers needs, concerns and increase their visibility. Yes, businesses need social media but who can they trust to run their sites for them?

With the proper training and education, you can create a demand for yourself that businesses are looking for right now. Opportunities abound like never before. Internet marketing and social media jobs are on the rise. You can easily turn something you enjoy doing into a lucrative career without boundaries… just in time to meet the needs of thousands of companies that need your help and expertise.

You can be the person that they trust. Find out how easy it is to find your new direction in life… right at your fingertips.

We are waiting to help you.

Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia