The Secret to Making Money Online – A Good Work Ethic

Hard work is always rewarded. Lately however, it seems that people are trying to find the Magic Bullet: some product or system that makes money without doing any work. There are online ads that proclaim fast riches for just sitting around on your butt. Images of cruise ships and bikini clad women surrounding this lucky young man who is making money while on vacation. Are scenes like this really true? Or are shady companies just trying to get you to sign up for something that doesn't work? Well, yes and no.

You can make money while you're on vacation. That's just the nature of the Internet. While you have to man a cash register to make money with a physical store (and be open at a set time during business hours), you can make money on the Internet at all hours of the day and night, seven days a week. You can set up your products to be processed, fulfilled and delivered on automatic, so that you don't have to actually be there live to make the sale. That all sounds pretty wonderful, right? The missing link however, the one that ads don't tell you about, is the amount of education, work and dedication it takes to get all of this started. Just like any other business, if you want to be successful, it takes a good work ethic.

A good work ethic means doing whatever it takes to know the ropes. It means not taking fruitless shortcuts and only processing work and ideas half-way. Taking your Internet business seriously is the only way to make money. I know of no get-rich-quick scenarios that have actually worked. 99% of people who sign up for ‘make money at home' schemes fail miserably. The difference between someone who is successful and the others is how they view the business: real work equals real money. The Internet is not a place to take miraculous leaps of faith.

A real business takes a real education. Would you open up a clothing store at the mall without some retail management training? How would you keep track of inventory and balance your books without going out of business? As fast as the Internet changes, you need to stay on top of the workings of the web more than ever. With the ease of putting up websites and the promises of quick riches, the Internet is flooded with people trying to make money. It's not like the mall. That means that there is more competition and more obstacles to being noticed than ever before. The good news is that a majority of these Internet businesses don't really know what they're doing. Most websites don't make money. Just because they're online doesn't mean they're successful. “Build it and they will come” doesn't work on the Internet. There is so much more to it than that.

There are proven ways to make money with an online business – ones that have been tried and tested over and over again. The big players know how it works. They take it seriously. IMTC has the proven system of education that not only sets you apart from the others, but focuses on dedicated work ethics that will help you succeed in ANY business, not just online. Look around at all of the ads and sign up for whatever you want to. But when you decide to take making real money online seriously, we'll be here for you.

Online College Courses in Virginia

Taking online college courses at home is a great idea no matter what state you live in.  At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months that will open up bright new careers for you. Visit the site to download your free career guide.
Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia .

Using the Power of Social Networking to Make Money

I know you hear that all of the time. Use Facebook, Twitter and Youtube to make money. Most of the claims are just fancy scams that are trying to sell you something. But in this post, I want to give you some real tips on how people are using the reach of the vast social networks to start partnerships and help promote each other's products and services. 4 years ago, I was contacted by a young woman via Twitter who was interested in getting together for a number of projects. She found me through a keyword search of Twitter pertaining to “Relationship Advice” and wrote me a private message. After talking back and forth for a while, we started conducting paid teleclasses together, which in turn led to a radio show that we hosted together for over 2 years. We also collaborated on a book.

When you have a radio show for that long, it's important to have a steady roster of interesting guests so your listeners come back again and again. But where did we find them? My partner Gabriella would simply post on her Facebook account that we were in need of guests, and people would pass the post around (share) to their friends. As how the six pixels of separation go, we booked some pretty heavy players. They would advertise on their websites that they would be a guest, and in turn, we got tons of new listeners. Some shows had upwards of 1400 listeners a week. Because of the high listenership, when we would recommend that our audience go buy a certain author's book, that author would report back to us of huge sales that week. And of course, we promoted ourselves as well.

All this activity was due to social networking. We had no connections to the industry, had no experience up front on how to make money. We simply used Facebook, Twitter and BlogTalkRadio to build this model business, all for free. We never, ever paid a dime to make our money. I've since moved on to become the head instructor of IMTC. I'm glad to announce that my partner Gabriella is still doing the show every week and is nearing her 4th anniversary show. She has become a very successful author and very well-known in her field. Finding people to work out business partnerships with has become easier than ever due to the access of social networking. Sending a simple email could start a whole new career for yourself, and networking with the big players could be, as we say, only just a click away.

Your Own Home Business: The Tools For Success

When people decide to start their own home business, there's a lot more that goes into running it than most realize. You're bombarded with ads just about every hour touting how you can be successful online, from home. But they neglect to explain the details about what knowledge is needed, what software you'll need and how much time is involved. These companies don't want to scare you away with the finer points, they just want to sell you something that makes it look easy.

This isn't realistic. That's why people fail at making money online. They fall for the get rich quick / no experience necessary model and it rarely works if ever. Making money online is just like any business endeavor: it takes time, investment, patience and knowledge. It has its risks just like any other business. I know you wouldn't open up a clothing store in the mall without learning how to sell, studying retail management and investing in a consultant to help you. Yet, there are no ads flooding your inbox promising that you can have your own clothing store in “days” and making money by next week. Most people would never believe that. How is the Internet any different? Sure, building a website and getting traffic to it may be somewhat easier than filling a store with the latest fashions, but the ‘knowing how to sell' is very similar.

IMTC is one of the few educational entities on the web that tells it like it is. You'll get no ‘get rich quick' promises here, just the real knowledge and facts that arms you with the tools for success. We teach every aspect of running an online business: shopping carts, email campaigns, video promotions, website design, writing effective copy, customer service, product creation and delivery and more. You'll be a professional online business owner, not just another victim of scams. It's like a ‘virtual marketing degree' that is 100% online. You need not attend classes to get the education you seek, and it won't cost you the farm. IMTC is an investment in yourself and your future. From here, you can take your online business as far as you want it to go.

Online Video Marketing Campaigns For Business

Many businesses are turning to online video to promote their products and services. A great example is the Stihl Corp. and their Timbersports Series. They started this series for outdoor promotions, especially for television. This series was a popular draw for the company for the last few years, but with the advent of online video and Youtube, the size of the audience tripled. Youtube has the ability to reach farther than traditional television programming, especially considering the costs. For all of this exposure to take place, an online video manager needs to take control and produce the campaign for the company.

Tasks for this include: proper uploading of video files, optimizing the keywords in the title and descriptions for search engines, building a subscriber list to the Youtube channel, sharing and promoting the videos to other sites such as Facebook and Twitter and more. Whether in-house or hired from a firm, Stihl needed someone with the skills to help with their video campaign. Online promotions can differ greatly from traditional media and it takes a special understanding of how search engines find the appropriate sources of information.

This is where IMTC comes in. As more and more businesses turn towards online video and the Internet to promote their products, people who have the skills to tackle these unique opportunities will become more in demand. How would working in this kind of industry enrich your life? It's not the same old career. You may already be working with video and the Internet and love it. For companies such as Stihl, it's serious business. The job market for skilled Internet marketers is going everyday. Find out how you can get on this exploding career field!

Certified Internet Marketing Training Center

Why the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia?

Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia | Internet Marketing Course and Training Program

Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia

These days there are many individuals looking to earn a living on the Internet by simply working at home on their computers. If your one of these people more than likely you've done exhaustive research on the Internet in search of a genuine Internet marketing program to enroll in to help you get on the right track with Internet marketing. If you landed on this page and you're reading this article I have good news for you!

The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia is by far the most unique and best Internet marketing training facility in the world! Let me explain.

First, IMTCVA is the ONLY “CERTIFIED” Internet marketing training center in the entire United States, recognized by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia.

Second, the schools program was founded and created by Tom Antion, one of the most respected, top public speakers and Internet marketers in the world. Tom has dedicated his life to Internet marketing and training since the birth of the Internet back in the 90's.

Third, the staff at the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia is obsessed with staying abreast of all the latest Internet marketing techniques and resources of information in this constantly evolving business. You can be sure you'll learn the best “old school” techniques that still work, as well as the latest techniques that have proven results.

Lastly, each student can work at his or her own pace. Whether they're an online or campus student, the course can be completed in as little as 6 months, with an Internet marketing certificate upon completion. All students have the ability to interact with trainers and other students by phone, face to face, email, blog, wikis, discussion forums, text messaging, teleclasses and more, giving all students the best training experience around.

To learn more about this unique opportunity and how to enroll, please visit the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia , and remember to download your FREE career brochure!

Internet Marketing is the Tool of Business Success

Internet Marketing. Most people know about a few aspects of it. They see ads on Facebook and Google, they receive email promotions and download coupons. Beyond simply searching for information, if you have made any type of purchase online, then it was more than likely promoted via Internet Marketing. Millions of businesses, large and small, invest in online marketing everyday. The Internet can reach a worldwide audience for a fraction of the cost of traditional marketing. And unlike traditional marketing, the Internet can do so much more.

Company websites have the ability to educate and interact with their audience. They are more inclusive and interactive than any other type of media. One of the most important aspects of Internet Marketing goes beyond the sales process: customer service. In traditional marketing, ads run in newspapers and on television are the main vehicles for sales or promotion. Customer service is a separate area that follows the sales, usually with phone numbers to reach the company offices. On a website, the customer service experience can be instantaneous. There are live chat sessions, autoresponder messages and direct email addresses to department heads. A customer can leave comments on a blog, watch videos that explain the product better and receive newsletters with coupons good for future orders. This interactive customer experience is one of the main reasons why the Internet is growing rapidly as a place to do business. As people feel more secure with doing business online and as it becomes a part of their everyday lives, purchases will explode as the next few years go by. And companies will invest more and more money and time into using online resources to grow their sales.

As an expert in Internet Marketing, you have never been more in-demand than you will be over the next few years. This is the perfect opportunity to get in on the ground floor of an exploding market and career. While most careers try and figure out how they will fit in or adapt to the changing economy, there is no question where the Internet is taking us. And with new applications and tools being developed almost as fast as you can keep up, the demand for experts will grow quickly and dramatically. IMTC has the skills to put you at the top of the market. Find out how easy it is to take complete control of your future.

Become a Virtual Assistant – Your Own Stay at Home Business

We are all looking for a career that we can do from home.For reasons such as taking care of elderly parents, watching your small children, living in a rural area without many jobs and even just to avoid the traffic jams, more and more people are looking for jobs they can perform from home. There are many ads out there for ‘work at home' opportunities that end up being simply junk or even worse, a scam. But one career stands out as the best work at home opportunity: Virtual Assistance.

What is a virtual assistant?A virtual assistant can be considered just like an actual, physical assistant that provides services to an employer. The only difference between the two is the fact that a virtual assistant does all of their work online, in a virtual environment. Since the work is completed in an online environment, a virtual assistant will find themselves doing tasks such as updating social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and more. Or they may update blog posts, do SEO work on their employer's website, upload and optimize videos, and any other type of marketing tasks needed to get done. Some virtual assistants have graphic design skills that are also valuable to an employer that has a business online.

Virtual assistants are attractive to employers because the employer doesn't need to provide any equipment for the assistant, they don't need to provide benefits, and they don't need a physical space to put the virtual assistant. People that actually are virtual assistants like the position because there's no commuting, they can work with multiple clients, and they don't need to be in the same state or even country as their employer. Right now and in the future, the demand for virtual assistants with Internet marketing skills will continue to grow.

The pay is good as well. Most assistants can keep raising their fees depending the level of their expertise. But where can you learn everything that you would need to be in demand? Here at the Internet Marketing Training Center we teach every skill set that is required to have your own home-based virtual assistant business. You'll even receive a certificate in Internet Marketing that you can proudly display to potential clients. Find out if a career in virtual assistance is right for you!

Adwords – Learn how to save money

Google AdWords, you might be familiar with the term and you even might have messed around with it…..or maybe it was just too daunting to even try anything else with it. AdWords can be not only confusing, but also cause you to lose money! But don't let that scare you, let that be a motivator to learn how to do it the right way and not lose any money in the process. The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia has all the information you need to set up your AdWords account, start an ad campaign, and create ads that will get people to click. The Pay Per Click class at IMTC breaks down what each step is and walks you through the process of using Google AdWords. The Pay Per Click class also helps you outline a budget for your advertising and provides you lessons on Facebook ads and using AdWords for local search as well.

Don't miss out on getting the training you need. Visit IMTC to get more information on how you can start learning Pay Per Click. Not only will you get the information you need on Pay Per Click, you get certified in Internet marketing. With this certificate, you will have the knowledge to market your own products and services plus you can take the certificate and get a job with other businesses that need the exact same thing that you now know.

Start a new career at the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia.

2012 Challenges for Business – An Ever Growing Presence on the Web

2012 will be a lot like 2011 in terms of business practices. Retail, manufacturing and service oriented companies will be scaling down expenses and offering various new services that can be accessed in alternative ways. Doing business as usual is over. Many companies will be turning to the web to increase revenues and cut costs in advertising. The Internet gives businesses a cost effective way to reach their target market over traditional marketing channels. The ever-present issue with the web is finding enough skilled employees that not only know how to work with the new technology, but are able to keep up with emerging trends that may be the ‘next big thing' and how to leverage those technologies with their business.

Failed attempts to keep on top of the ever changing Internet landscape have left companies high-and-dry in terms of using these new techniques to make sales and build profits. Outsourcing these marketing techniques have left businesses weak and behind the times, or at best, not taking full advantage of the technology available to them. The solution is an educated workforce. One that understands how the technology works on a basic level and how to affect the buying public's decision making process. Social media, interactive video and user-friendly apps and website experiences are just the tip of the iceberg. Acquiring the skill set to manage this kind of marketing is only a click away.  

What talents do you possess? How can use the gap between supply and demand to carve out a new career for yourself? At the Internet Marketing Training Center, we are searching everyday for the most up-to-date skills that employers don't even know they need and arming our students with the know-how that makes them valuable… ahead of their time.

But time will catch up. When businesses raise their voices to make the plea for competent workers, IMTC grads will be there to answer the call.