What Can You Do With a Certification In Internet Marketing, Anyway?

OK, seriously, what could I possibly do with a certification in Internet Marketing? My dear friend, I think the real answer lies in what you'd like to do. Are you a go-getter? Do you push the limits with creative ideas? Are you one that doesn't conform to traditional way of doing business?

As you continue to evaluate who you are and what you'd like to do, you start to see that the Internet is a mere tool to express who you are, what you do, and what you give to others; it spreads YOUR message. To be honest, you can do just about anything on the Internet, if you have the skills and knowledge.

To give you a quick glimpse of some of your options, though, I'm going to share with you two excellent reasons you should want to increase your skills and training to be able to create a life and business you love.

  1. Get educated on what's working now. You'll get access to information that is timeless in concept, but changes with new and improved advanced technology.
  2. Gives you more opportunities. Certifications and degrees make you stand out above the rest. It shows the world (employer, customers, clients) that you took it serious enough to educate yourself with information.

Overall, you can be whoever you'd like to be on the Internet. Successful, lucrative, giving, well-known—the possibilities are limitless. However, you must put into place a strategy in order to get there. Certification can help you reach those goals.

Social Media Platforms: Which Ones Should I Be Using?

Choose the BEST platform to increase your brand.

Where is your target audience?

Social media Best platforms“22% of Americans use social networking sites several times per day.”*123% of Facebook’s users check their account five or more times EVERY DAY!”*2 The statistics are mind-blowing, but whether we like it or not, social media has become a way of life! For the smart business owners, the same is true.

Many business owners use platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn to fuel their vehicle towards financial success. It's exciting to see them engaging, but the question remains, are they fueling their cars (businesses) with the proper fuel (social media platform) to get to where they need to go (generating sales)? The information below will give you insight, statistics and demographics to each social media platform. Use this information to help determine if you are efficiently answering the question, am I using the best platform to capture my audience? Even more, you should be asking why am I using these platforms? It's a question that only you can answer. Remember, at the end of the reporting period, it's not about “vanity metrics,” but the real money that's being generated. Your goal is to engage with your followers, build trust, get them over to your website where you can collect their emails. Choose wisely and carefully (especially if you do not have assistance with these platforms) on which will be best for you.

Quick Tips:

  • Vanity metrics—can be easily manipulated and often do not correlate to numbers that really matter: active users, engagement and revenues and profits!

  • Never put all of your energy into just one platform. You want to test at least two different ones to see which performs best and then focus on that one.

  • If you're the only person responsible for your social sites, make sure you secure your brand name across all platforms. Reserve them until the time is right and you have more people to assist in executing a solid tactical plan.


  • 1.01 billion users (as of March 2014)
  • 75% of engagement on a post happens within the first 5 hours


  • 1 billion + users
  • Reaches more adults aged 18-34 than any single cable network.
  • Rated by millennials as the top place to watch content, ahead of digital and TV properties like Facebook and ESPN.

  • Used to generate traffic.


  • Described as “most important among US teens.”
  • 83% of U.S. teens in wealthy households.


  • Leaning more towards male users.
  • 22% of men use.
  • 15% women.


  • 40 million active users.

  • 80% are women users.

  • 23% use at least once per day.


  • Ranked more popular than Twitter among adults.
  • Core demographic is aged 30 – 49 (they are in the prime of their career-rising years).
  • Skewed towards well-educated users.


  • 30 million users.

  • 70% are females.

  • More than six out of 10 Snapchat users are in the 18-to-24 age group, compared to 28% of Instagram users.


  • 6.7 + million people blog via blogging sites

  • Companies with a blog have 97% more inbound links than others

  • B2B marketers use to generate more leads

*1&2 Baer, Jay. (2014) 11 Shocking New Social Media Statistics in America. Retrieved from http://www.convinceandconvert.com/social-media-research/11-shocking-new-social-media-statistics-in-america/

Other resources for you to check out:

The Internet Marketing Education You’ve Been Looking For



The online business market is a booming industry. Many individuals are looking to make a living on the Internet by working from home. The individuals interested in the Internet lifestyle range from baby boomers, college grads, single moms and even people with current full time careers. Although, they all have different reasons for pursuing an online career one thing they do have in common is the need for flexibility.

If you are one of the people interested in the Internet lifestyle you have probably done some research on the different Internet marketing programs available. I commend you! It is super important to get started on the right track because without a clear learning path you may waste a lot of time trying to learn the ropes. Besides just learning the process you should also be aware that there are lot of scams floating around on the Internet.

Don't get discouraged because through your search you landed on this page and you’re reading this article I have good news for you!

The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia is by far the most unique and best Internet marketing training facility in the world! Let me explain.

First, IMTCVA is the ONLY “CERTIFIED” Internet marketing training center in the entire United States, recognized by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia.

Second, the schools program was founded and created by Tom Antion, one of the most respected, top public speakers and Internet marketers in the world. Tom has dedicated his life to Internet marketing and training since the birth of the Internet back in the 90′s.

Third, the staff at the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia is obsessed with staying abreast of all the latest Internet marketing techniques and resources of information in this constantly evolving business. You can be sure you’ll learn the best “old school” techniques that still work, as well as the latest techniques that have proven results.

Lastly, each student can work at his or her own pace. Whether they’re an online or campus student, the course can be completed in as little as 6 months, with an Internet marketing certificate upon completion. All students have the ability to interact with trainers and other students by phone, face to face, email, blog, wikis, discussion forums, text messaging, teleclasses and more, giving all students the best training experience around.

To learn more about this unique opportunity and how to enroll, please visit the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia – http://imtcva.org , and remember to download your FREE career brochure!

Boomers Reinvent Your Career with Internet Marketing



Are you a boomer looking for ways to supplement your retirement income? Or, maybe you are finally ready to follow your hearts passion. You should consider Internet Marketing as a second career. Baby boomers are blazing a trail in the business world, and there are many opportunities out there.
To get started, I recommend taking a topic, niche, or industry your are familiar with.

What industry did you retire from? Do you think there are areas for you to help other people in that niche grow? It is all about sharing your knowledge to help other people.
The key to starting a second career online is finding a niche that you are an expert in. You want to make this journey fun.

What topics does your heart gravitate toward or have a passion for?  What are your hobbies?

Here at The Internet Marketing School of Virginia, we want to help baby boomers like yourself reinvent their career options. There is a lot to learn but, it is not impossible. The Internet is connecting people; it is a whole new world that we want you to experience.
To get your second career started correctly it is very important for you to feel comfortable using the Internet.

The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia offers the training that will help you along the way. We give you a structured, but flexible program that will allow you to learn at your own pace. You will also have access to the school directors to answer your questions and help guide you through the courses.

Starting a successful second career does not have to be a mystery. Once you develop the basics you will have the insight to know what direction to follow for success.

To learn more about The Internet Marketing School visit us by clicking here!


Try a Career in Social Video Marketing

If you have been keeping up with the latest Internet trends you may have noticed that video marketing is huge. There are many different options available for creating and distributing videos on social media.
A video marketing strategy can spice up a businesses’ social media presence.

If creating video for small businesses and entrepreneurs interested you, you can use the Internet to grow. The classes at IMTCVA will walk you throughout the How- to's and latest techniques so you can reach your goals.

Combining Internet marketing with a creative video approach can become a win – win situation. You will help entrepreneurs produce compelling and entertaining videos for their target market.
A lot of business owners would gladly pay to get video ideas and help for their business.
A successful video marketing strategy can help build consumer awareness and increase engagement. Video marketing can be used in many different industries.

You can offer to:

– Take the consumer behind the scenes of the businesses’ daily operations. Consumers love feeling connected to their favorite brands.
– Highlight an upcoming event. Answering the 5 W’s in a quick and entertaining video will help build excitement for the event. Consumers will often remember the event if there is a video associated with it.
– How to video for a product or service that the business offers
– Answer any FAQ’s
– Throw a contest and ask for consumers to post a video to win

These are just a few ideas you can offer to business owners for their video marketing strategy. It is important that you stay creative and use your imagination. Facebook, Intsagram. Vine, Google+ Hangouts, and YouTube are all platforms that allow you to share video.

Take a look at IMTCVA.org so you can start your education toward Internet marketing today!

Is College Really Worth It?

Many disillusioned college graduates are asking the question these days: Is college really worth it?

With one of the latest studies claiming that more than 73% of college grads are forced to accept job positions well below their educational level and salary expectations, it's becoming increasingly clear that college can no longer be legitimately  touted as a guaranteed path to success.

The first thing I’d like to state is that I’m not against traditional education. I was valedictorian of my high school and got a good solid B average in college. What I am against is an unwarranted and relentless frenzy of misguided voices telling you how important it is to get a college education. Then they railroad you or your kids into crippling debt with little chance of it paying off with increased job prospects and salary increases.

Let’s take a more realistic look at what you can expect when going the traditional route towards higher education.

Benefits of Traditional Education

Well, there’s no question you'll learn how to drink and socialize . . . no doubt about that. You’ll also earn an appreciation for beer economics, concert ticket scalping and class scheduling based on start times of noon or later and at most two sessions a week.

Night class at a typical 4 year college

Night class at a typical 4 year college

According to an article in “The Economic Collapse” “Most college courses are so easy they could be passed by the family dog…..A college education can be a wonderful thing, but right now we have got a system that is deeply, deeply broken.” Take a look at their article “20 Completely Ridiculous College Courses”

Ridiculous College Courses 

Now that may sound a little outrageous, and admittedly there are many schools that give high quality and required training for certain professions. The point I’m trying to make is that in this tough economy do you really want to pay a fortune and blow 4 to 10 years or more to come out with tons of debt you can’t get out of and few job prospects?

Advance Degrees are Not Exempt

I remember seeing a cartoon once that was set in an employment office. The caption read, “We have tons of BA’s, MBA’s, Ph.D.’s and JD’s. What we need is a good body and fender man.” This sentiment of having a skill that an employer actually wants, or a marketable service allowing you to start your own business couldn’t be more true today.

You better approach your advanced degree with an even bigger “degree” of skepticism. Class action suits are being filed all over the country by students who are claiming their institution purposely and fraudulently overhyped their job prospects when they graduate as well as inflated the success rates of past graduates.

You tell me if you think it’s ok if a law school boasts that “the overwhelming majority of its students — 90-95 percent — secure employment within nine months of graduation.” Seems OK to say such a thing doesn’t it?

According to a suit filed against New York Law School (NYLS), “The reality of the situation is that these seemingly robust numbers include any type of employment, including jobs that have absolutely nothing to do with the legal industry, do not require a JD degree or are temporary or part-time in nature.”

Now what do you think? Would you be willing to plunk down the $50,000.00 a year tuition if the above claim against the school was true?

Well NYLS dodged a bullet and got off with a dismissal and a little finger wagging from their brethren judges, http://abovethelaw.com/2012/12/breaking-dismissal-of-class-action-suit-against-new-york-law-school-is-affirmed/ but it’s pretty clear to me and some of the other judges involved in the case that this entire situation looks a little shaky.

Do you think all the other bloated colleges with rising tuitions and Tenured professors who couldn’t care less if you get a job or not, but need to get paid are above fudging the job prospect figures just a little? I certainly don’t and I’ve seen plenty of MBA’s working at Starbucks.

Student Debt Crisis

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics the cost of a college education is increasing by two to three times the overall rate of inflation. College costs are rising even faster than the cost of medical care.

Estimates for college loan debt per student run all across the board. A 2012 study by The Institute for College Access & Success showed the average debt for undergrad school was $29,400.00. Another average for the top ten most expensive schools went as high as $49,400.00. BusinessWeek reported that “Median debt loads for graduate school borrowers increased to $57,600 in 2012”,….with law school grads hitting a whopping $140,616.00

Even considering the fact you have to die or leave the country to get out of paying off your student loans, defaults are high everywhere especially in the “for profit” sector where I’m located. I think there are several reasons for this. 1. High pressure sales tactics are used to enroll students that shouldn’t be enrolled in the first place, and 2. Poor quality training is common in the “for profit” sector so  the student doesn’t really have marketable skills when they graduate.

I don’t think it is fair to claim that a higher percentage of defaults are to blame on the fact that the colleges are “for profit”. I think the playing field is balanced when you consider for the past 50 years parents and children have been brainwashed into thinking a college education is the end all/ be all for your career prospects. With this ingrained attitude people begrudgingly pay off their student loans from traditional institutions and blame themselves or the job market when they find themselves stocking shelves at Walmart.

The Argument for Skills Based Schools

It all boils down to money doesn’t it? In many cases a person could opt for a 4 year college, rack up significant family and personal debt, be exposed to useless classes that pretty much fritter away their time and get out with no better job prospects than the auto body mechanic mentioned in the cartoon above. AND if he does get employed doing anything, he sends a large chunk of his paycheck to pay off loans for years and years. . . . All in the name of the social experience of college. OR,

This person could take a practical approach by going to a skills based school in a profession that virtually guarantees employment. In this case debt is minimal or non-existent, additional housing and living costs are cut by 75% (by 100% if it’s a distance learning school), income is generated within six months to a year and the job prospects are known to be legitimately high.


Which situation would you rather be in? Let’s think about this in the context of the social experience and personality rounding you get at college which is frequently one of the benefits listed for attending. Let’s use Starbucks as an example. What will people think of you if you are 16 years old and working at Starbucks? . . . No one will really think twice about this will they? They’ll think, “Hey, that’s great!. You’re working and getting good tips. That’s awesome!” You’re young. You’ve got spending money. You feel great and on your way up with the entire world ahead of you.

Now let’s flip this. You’ve graduated college (or even worse grad school) and you’re working at Starbucks…Don’t get me wrong, any work is honorable, but how will people think of you now, or more importantly how will you think about yourself?

You’ll most likely be tight on cash because you’re paying off your student loans. You won’t have a cool and reliable car. You’ll be tight on time because between working shifts you’ll be trying to squeeze in interviews (if you haven’t given up yet). You’ll be embarrassed when applying at a big company with your MBA to tell them that you’re slinging coffee for a living, staying in your parent’s home and generally life will probably not be a bowl of cherries. The only good thing is that you can reminisce about all the fun you had in college and the wild drinking parties you had and how great it was to sleep in every day.

The Stepchild Gets the Spoils

CNBC did an article on Vocational Schools http://www.cnbc.com/id/40680866 “Call them vocational schools, trade schools or technical schools—it doesn’t much matter. Once considered the poor stepsister to traditional four-year, liberal arts institutions of higher education and a refuge for second-tier students, they’re now at the forefront of preparing students for a 21st century workforce.”

If you recall, Cinderella the “poor stepsister” is the one who got the spoils. She was not the most flashy or the most fun in the beginning, but she got the Prince and the keys to the kingdom.

Take a hard look at what a skills based school can do for you. With little or no debt upon graduation and good solid job prospects (not to mention prospects of opening your own business), you will be able to  afford the things you want, feel great about yourself and have no trouble giving a nice tip to your MBA buddy at Starbucks.

If any of this resonates with you or one of  your children 15 years of age or older call me. I'm the founder, Tom Antion, and I'll be glad to discuss a great future for you or your child.  Call my office at 757-431-1366. The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia http://www.IMTCVA.org is the only licensed and dedicated Distance Learning Internet marketing school in the country. (Licensed by State Council on Higher Education of Virginia SCHEV)

Write to Inspire



Write to Inspire

Good web copy should persuade an individual to take action or make decisions. If you have a slick way with words and a creative flair, a future in writing web copy may be a realistic goal.

If you are looking for ways to make a career out of writing consider using your words to help small businesses reach their target audience. People buy from brands they they know like and trust. The truth is, many business owners are hesitant when writing for their business.

They don't know what to say, how to say it and they become uncomfortable with the whole process.

Imagine helping a struggling business owner re-write their web copy so that they feel confident in their website or sales letter. You can make a lucrative income by applying the art of copywriting to help a brand resonate with their target audience.

Good web copy is very important in online business. Marketers have a small window and a limited time frame to grab the consumers attention. In face to face interaction movement, voice inflection and facial expressions all work together to keep listening ears attentive. But online all you can rely on is your words and if they are boring and uninspiring the visitor will leave the site.

Writing web copy does not require perfect grammar skills. Copy is all about getting into the minds of the consumer so they will click, buy, share and love whatever product or service your are offering.

Humans react to stories because they make us feel an emotion. Stories give brands life and good web copy involves crafting a story around your brand and goals.

With some practice and research you can learn how to write from the heart of the target audience. Copywriting is considered an art because once you get the basic techniques down you will start to see your words pull emotional strings.

To discover how to reach your full writing potential check out IMTCVA. orgOur distance learning program provides students with easy to understand lessons that will help perfect your copywriting skills. A great copywriter must research the market and the target audience so you can place yourself in the consumers shoes and write the words that will encourage action. Jump start your Internet Marketing career today, visit us at IMTCVA.org.

Like Research? Content Marketing May Be in Your Future

Content marketing is the theme for 2013. There has been a shift in the way consumers purchase products and interact with brands or businesses. The popularity of social networking took the marketing world by storm. Social networking is the reason why the marketing industry has changed.

If you are pursing a career in Internet marketing, content marketing is a great focus. If you like to research you can help small business owners fill up their editorial calendar.

Content marketing has become a popular marketing technique because there is a lot of competition online and the consumer has the ability to easily access data that can quickly influence their buying decision. Business owners have to find ways to stand out in the crowd. Content marketing shows the consumer that a business is there to help them by releasing material that they need or content they can relate too.

If you want to be a content marketing specialist you have to understand the target market your trying to sell to. For example imagine one of your clients is a local flower company. As a content marketing specialist you can come up with a content marketing strategy. You have to research what their ideal customers enjoy so that you can form a connection and gain trust. Some content ideas would be, a blog post about different flowers and what makes them special or popular, ideas on incorporating the content into upcoming holidays, or video on how to prepare the flowers once the customer brings them home. The list goes on but that is the type of information you can offer your clients.

The popular forms of content are:

  • Blogs
  • Articles
  • Videos
  • Podcasts
  • Articles

It seems like every Internet marketer is rushing to take advantage of Content Marketing but don’t get discouraged. You can become an expert at advising small businesses on what topics their target audience is interested in, with the training at IMTCVA you will learn keywords and how to find target markets.





Follow Your Heart to Reach Your Dreams


Are you considering a career in Internet Marketing? I am so happy that you have decided to dedicate the time and self discipline needed to be successful in this business. I can't and won't sugarcoat it, it won't be easy, but like anything that requires full commitment, it will be worth it.

Many of your friends and families may question your lifestyle choice.
“Why don't you get a regular job?”
“Why would you want to sit on the computer all day?”
“Is that a scam?”

The list goes on and on, they don't understand and that is Ok. Some people are perfectly happy in their comfort zone and have different goals for life. On the other hand you are a Dream Chaser, you feel driven to reach your fullest potential and want more than the typical 9 to 5. Dream Chasers live for the challenge of wanting more out of life.

Aside from the outsiders questioning you, you may be doubting yourself internally and have feelings of being scared, uncomfortable or just unsure about your decision to be a Dream Chaser. Stay positive and keep pushing past the negative thoughts because deep down you know you will never truly be happy pursuing the 9 to 5 or letting life pass you by.

Achieving anything worth bragging about requires long and short term goal setting. This is where your personal definition of success will play a major role in reaching your goal. It will define what or who you are striving to be and why. Make sure your reasons are true to your heart and passions because when times get tough those goals need to stay as the main focus and that will keep you going toward your long term goal. Motivation is the key so make sure you set short term goals also so you can recognize your progress along the way. Many successful people agree dream chasing is much more than reaching the end result and along the way you will grow, learn, and be a better you because you chased your dreams.

So go out there and get started, be a Dream Chaser and follow your heart! Visit IMTCVA.com to get started in Internet Marketing today.

Are You Confusing Customers With Your Website?

Establishing an online presence is very important when you are working toward having a successful online business. An effective website can help your business attract the right consumer and convert them from a casual browser to a buying customer.

Websites are supposed to be easy to naviagte and understand. In this fast paced world you have a very small window of oppurtunity to keep the consumer interested in your products or services. If your website is not user friendly the consumer will not hesitate to move on to your competitors website. As a business owner your focus should be centered around building an online community of “fans,” these are the customers that trust you, like you, and are loyal to your products or services. These customers are your number one source for word of mouth advertising. You start building these important consumer relationships by having a website that showcases your products or services professionally and accurately.

To be successful your website must implement the following 5 steps:

1. Be well designed

2. Use keywords and speak in the language of your target audience

3. Establish you as an expert and build creditbility in your chosen field

4. Collecting an email list of consumers interested in your products or services

5. Have a way to generate revenue

The instructors at IMTC teach the most current strategies to get your buiness website up and running. Your consumer does not want to think, so don't force them to by using tricky navigation, poor design, or difficult to understand copy. Make visiting your website an exciting experience and not a confusing journey. As a business owner, if you make a concious effort to always keep the consumer in mind and think how your target market thinks you will cover each of the 5 steps easily and your online business will be on the way to success.