Online Courses are Now Open!

You have been reading posts from all of our staff at IMTC, we have been talking up our history, where we are headed, what we can teach you, etc.  The time is now here for you to see for yourself!

Our online courses are now open and ready for your registration.  We have admissions counselors that will be happy to answer any of your questions and concerns.  We have a wonderful staff of Internet marketing experts whom have all studied under Tom Antion.  Tom is considered one of the top Internet marketers in the country.  What more can you ask for?!

We are ready to help you achieve your goals and improve your future, call 757-431-1366 with your questions.

Increase in Online College Courses

You may have noticed there’s an increase in online college courses now and wondered why that is. While there are as many individual explanations as there are students, it all comes down to two things, time and convenience.

Many people have to earn a living while they’re getting their education and their advanced schooling. Others who are interested in making a career change may still have to maintain a regular job while they’re doing their studies. With online college courses, the studies can be done in the evenings and weekends, making it very convenient to study.

To meet the needs of students who need this level of convenience, the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia is starting out as a distance learning facility. This means you can study on weekends, you can study in the evenings, you can study in the daytime, you can study at 4:00 in the morning if you like, and make progress in gaining a very marketable skill.

Every business has a website now and many of them outsource maintenance of their websites to very expensive companies. Companies often end up not having that great of a web presence because it’s so expensive to keep up. The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia is against that. We teach you very low-cost high-return techniques that work in the real world for real businesses.

If you’re thinking about taking an online college course, consider IMTCVA. You will complete your studies much faster than with traditional schools because we offer a certificate course, rather than a degree. You’ll get very extensive training that will allow you to learn a marketable skill and become an Internet marketer very quickly, in as little as six months.

Many programming and computer jobs are being outsourced to overseas and to third-world countries that have very cheap labor. According to the Department of Labor statistics, marketing jobs are not being outsourced. You need the mentality of a marketer, not a programmer. Our school is perfect for that. If you’d like to check it out and see if an online marketing career would be right for you, visit and look on the home page for our career brochure.

Career Guide that Explores One of the Most Prominent Business Entities in the World

I know you are looking for a career guide. Though we don’t have a comprehensive career guide at our site, we have a career guide that specifically explores one of the most prominent business entities in the world and that is Internet marketing. That career guide is available for you to either download or view online at, the official website for our school, the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia.

Internet marketing is a field that is surrounding you. Every business has an Internet site. Many people make full time livings selling on the Internet from their home or office. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, we teach you everything you need to know to start your new career in Internet marketing. You will learn about shopping carts, search engine optimization, blogging and social media. These are the things you need to know in order to either work for yourself out of your home, or to get a job with another company working on their websites, email marketing and ecommerce. With these skills you can also become a consultant for small businesses. Many small business owners desperately need help with their websites and are hiring people like you to manage them.

At our school you can have a legitimate career in as little as six months, the minimum time required by the State of Virginia to complete our training. In just six months to a year, you can have your own part time business. You can have a new career that is highly salable because marketing jobs are not being outsourced like programming and computer jobs, according to the Department of Labor Statistics. Internet marketing is really a field that you might want to check out.

Come over to our site to download the  career guide. It’s located on the right side of the home page. You will also see some great success stories of people just like you who are making full time livings on the Internet. Visit us at and if you like, talk to one of our admissions counselors. There is no pressure, cost, or obligation.

IMTCVA Is One of Best Online Schools You Could Ever Attend

I know you are looking for the best online schools. I am a person who stands behind what I do. I know folks hate it when they see the big ivory towers and they hear, “We stand behind our product.” Who are the “we”? You don’t know who the “we” are.

I am Tom Antion, founder of the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia. I am a person who is identified as one of the top Internet marketers in the country. It took me three years to get the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia licensed by the State of Virginia and bonded to set us apart from all the Internet scams out there.

I have been teaching Internet marketing for 13 straight years and have made a full time living on the Internet since it started in 1994. This is one of the best online schools you could ever attend. One of the things that make us the best is our curriculum. We update our curriculum weekly at the most, and sometimes daily. A lot of the Internet marketing training out there is old stuff. Following their material could get your website banned and it could keep it low in the rankings because they don’t update it regularly.

We stay right on the cutting edge of what is working on the Internet. We don’t go into the bleeding edge because that can cost you too much money and it uses a lot of untested techniques. Another thing that makes us one of the best online schools is that we test things out before we teach them to you. Then, you can use them for your own legitimate home business. You can also use our methods to work for a company on their websites, email marketing or ecommerce. Additionally you can be a consultant to small businesses. Small business owners woefully need help with their websites. These types of jobs are not being outsourced to cheap labor countries. Marketing jobs are staying right in the top tier countries of the world.

If you would like to check us out, do yourself a favor. Go over to our website at where you can get a career guide to see all the types of things we do. You can also read the success stories of other people just like you who are making a full time income in the Internet marketing field.

100% Online College Courses

I know you are looking for 100% online college courses, then you’ve come to the right place. At our school, the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you don’t have to attend anything in person. We offer 100% online college courses.

We understand that you want to study when it is convenient for you. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you have total autonomy to work on your own at your pace. You can  work in the evenings, on the weekends, at 4:00 in the morning if you want to. You don’t have to fight traffic or worry about getting to class on time. You can work from your home, from the library, the neighborhood coffee shop — from anywhere you choose. You don’t have to come to Virginia to attend our 100% online college classes. We’ve taught students in 15 countries around the world. As long as you can speak English and have access to the Internet, you can take courses at our school.

You might be wondering what we teach at the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia. There’s a career guide at our website,, that tells you a little bit about the types of things that we do. Basically we teach people real world techniques that allow them to sell on the Internet. In addition to working for themselves, our students can work for other companies on their websites, marketing, e-mail marketing and e-commerce, or they can be a consultant to small businesses in these areas.

The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia is very versatile and it’s 100% online. Our instructors have a minimum of two years real life Internet marketing experience and are actively involved in Internet marketing businesses. You can trust that we are legitimate. We are licensed and certified as a vocational school by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia.

Visit us at to get the career guide. It can help you determine if Internet marketing is right for you.

Successful Internet Marketing – Facebook Fan Page Secrets


Everyone is familiar with Facebook and it's business pages.We are going “like crazy” for a few years now to benefit from freebies, information and networking opportunities. Making a Facebook fan or business page is not that hard. But getting people to “like” the page can be a challenge. And then what do you do with your fans once you have them?

Creating a custom page with places to get things for free just by signing up really helps. You can make custom tabs for your business page with the FBML applications, where you can publish an opt-in box, sell items or put sales letters, videos and more that reward visitors for liking the page or just simply networking.

Once you have a number of fans,interact with them regularly by sharing valuable resources with them, asking them for their advice and including them in creative contests or giveaways. Here is a small checklist of “Do's” to take advantage of your page:

  • Visit the profile of each new fan and welcome them personally.
  • Offer an additional freebie to an ebook, mp3 or newsletter in that personal welcome message.
  • Make sure your fans get first dibs on deals, specials and pre-launch sales.
  • Feature their testimonials, suggestions and input squarely on your page.
  • Encourage them to advertise their products and services on your page.
  • Always address them in a personal fashion, not just a “copy and paste” mentality.

These simple secrets to interacting with your business page fans will make your page stand out from the rest, make your fans feel special and important and keep them coming back again and again. Learn why keeping fans coming back will make your business money…

Blogging: How to Get the Most from Your Blog

Is your blog consistently reaching your target readers? If not, it could be because you are not fully acquainted with your blogging software. Invest the time to learn the features of the software, even it means hiring a professional blog coach or buying a book on the subject.

Here are some additional tips:

  • Post about two to three times a week y to develop a following.
  • Include keywords in the headlines so the search engines can find you.
  • Familiarize yourself with your niche market so you can provide valuable tips and information.
  • Write content that makes people think, respond and react. Take some risks to reach their emotions so they will want to come back to read your next entry and tell their friends about your blog.
  • Post brief articles. Long postings can bore your readers.
  • Add a subscription form so visitors can sign up for your blog.

To discover where you can learn more about blogging, visit

Tough Economic Times

We have all been affected or know someone that has had financial difficulties the past year.  Whether it is corporate down sizing, closing of a business, or company cut backs, it has been tough for everyone.

If you had an online business you could supplement or even replace your missing income from your current job.  At IMTC we will train you how to start and run a successful online business.  The future is yours!

Domain Name: How to Find the Right One For your Business?

1.)  Identify first what your business provides.
2.) Who does this business serve?
3.) What is your mission statement? Does it mention your business name, your services, your goals?
4.) Identify the words that describe your business

Then you are going to want to do your keyword search with the words you came up with.  You need to choose the words that have a lot of hits. The important point in making your online business presence a success and in using keywords is that these ‘keywords' are words that should be in the title of your domain name if at all possible, in your mission statement, in the copy of your website, in your description.  By doing that The Search Engines will not have to search as hard and you could be one the first page.  I hope you will find a perfect Domain Name for your business.