Internet Marketing Training Center – Career Options For High School Seniors

My kid is turning 18 in about three months. He starts his senior year in high school next Tuesday. He still wonders about what he wants to do with his life, as most teens do. But he does know one thing: it has to involve computers.

Internet marketing is taking the world by storm. Nearly all of the businesses in this country are using the internet to promote their products and services or could be talked into it. Think about just how many Facebook pages alone are out there for every restaurant, bar, dry cleaners, supermarket, chiropractor, lawyer and dentist. Then think about all of the Youtube channels, blogs, QR codes, local search entries and mobile marketing. It's all held together with websites, social media, search engine optimization, shopping cart systems and email management.

Where do businesses find all of these people to run everything? Internet marketing careers are in high demand. It's fun and exciting because the internet is always changing — it's not your parent's old career choices. If you love computers and love social media, you may already have a ton of experience and know-how to be an Internet marketer. All you need is the training that wraps it all together.

Find out how easy it is to be a part of the future…. and make big money too!

Learning Internet Marketing – How Can Distance Education Give You Freedom?

After a divorce in 2003, I really wanted (and needed) a change of career. I was stonewalled after 20 years in the same industry and not only was it slowly downsizing from the financial fervor it once had, I was just plain burned out on it. It was exciting to think of what a new career would mean to my income, and better yet, my motivation. I did face a couple of problems, however: I was a single parent, I was on a serious budget and I was working a full time job to pay the bills. After looking around for a solution, distance education came to the rescue.

I had not been to a traditional college for almost 20 years previously, so I hadn't heard of distance education. I dove in head-first to see what it was all about and at every turn I knew it would be right for me. I could study at my own pace, even in the middle of the night. I could study right in the privacy of my own home, on my own computer with my kid in my lap. They even had payment plans that suited my budget. I learned about the growing new career of Internet Marketing and realized that not only could I study from home, but I could work from home as well.

This made the transition from moving from my old job to a new career less confusing and frightening. I used the choice of distance education for the stepping stone towards total freedom. I could take control over my life and guide it to where I wanted it to go next, conveniently and without breaking the bank. Things sure have change since I went to school. Between the Internet and distance e-learning, anyone can make the changes they need to succeed — even during difficult circumstances.

Get the information that could change your life!

Distance Education Is The Answer To Those On A Budget

Not everyone lives in a big city. Not everyone can leave their hometown to live in the big city and go to school. For those who have worked and saved to go to the school of their choice, or were lucky enough to get expensive loans, college will open up fantastic opportunities for you. But what about the rest of us? Distance education or e-learning, gives everyone the same opportunity to learn a needed skill regardless of their ability to attend a major school.

Distance learning can be done from the privacy of your own home, at a pace that suits you. You could be a single parent, have a full-time job, taking care of elderly parents yourself or just need more freedom than attending a traditional college in person can give you. Do you live in a rural area? Does the idea of having to move from home or find housing on campus in a strange town bother you? Distance education is the answer to making your dreams of getting a quality education come true.

Most distance education programs are known for their affordability and payments plans. For schools offering e-learning programs, it is a convenient way to get additional revenue from students that ordinarily would not be able to attend at all. Everyone benefits from this easy-to-use situation, creating the freedom for anyone to attend the school of their choice and learn a new career. How could learning from home and keeping payments within your budget change the way you see your future?

Distance Learning: What Does It Take to Succeed Distance Education?

You gave it a lot of thought and did a lot of research, but you finally took the plunge and signed up for a distance education course. This is a very exciting time for you because you have high expectations that your studies will lead to a lucrative new career. Now it is time to focus on what it will take for you to succeed and how to approach distance education.

Below are some pointers to help you adapt to online learning and reach your goals:

* Commit to learning the lessons. Make every effort to understand the material covered in each lesson as it is presented. Definitely avoid waiting until the last minute to look at the lesson because you will have to rush through the material, which will make it difficult to absorb and learn.

* Manage your time. We all have family and other obligations to balance with our day-to day activities. Make sure you set specific times to devote to your studies with as few interruptions as possible. When you are a new student, you may find tha,t at first, family members don’t take your desire to learn as seriously as you do. Be persistent and protect your study time. You may be pleasantly surprised when your family eventually takes on more responsibilities to free you of your tasks so you can concentrate on the courses.

* Start with a clean slate and a clear mind. A cluttered space makes for a cluttered mind. Make sure you set up a learning environment for yourself wherever you can find the peace and quiet to concentrate. It may be at a kitchen table, it may be at your office, it may even be in the neighborhood coffee shop or local library.

* Arrange the supplies and equipment you need before you begin. Work in a well-lit space and place everything you will need nearby. This may be your laptop, a recorder, pencil and paper or a printer, as well as a comfortable chair and surface to work on. Some students like to play music as they study so you may want to load your favorite tunes on a CD or MP3 player before you begin to study. The objective is to set the stage for learning.

You have already invested your hopes and money in preparing for a new career. Invest your time and efforts, as well, to ensure you reach your objectives for a better future.

Distance Education – Recession Proof Businesses

Yes. It's been a tough last few years on the economy and in the job market. Many conventional careers took a major hit as companies try and find a bottom line that they can use to survive. Middle management, an important resource over the last two decades, became a cost -heavy burden on most businesses and many people lost their jobs. Businesses have turned to more cost-effective ways to advertise and broaden their global reach. For most, the Internet provided the key marketing and advertising strategies they were looking for to stay afloat.

Of course, resources ran low when the demand for skilled Internet workers ran high. There was a shortage of people that knew the fast-paced and ever-changing Internet world.

Jobs in Internet marketing are recession proof. Why? Because during tough times the Internet offered the solutions for many cost-cutting measures. Employees could work from home, saving a ton of money for companies on things such as office space, utilities and equipment. The return on investment for advertising on the web is greater than that of conventional PR: television and print media.

Internet marketing is an integral part of almost every company, large or small, and it's here to stay. The job market for skilled Internet marketers, bloggers, video media and writing for the web is constantly growing. How can you tap in to this rewarding and expanding market?

Blogging For a Career – Add Fun and Function to Your Blog with Tag Clouds

The Internet has brought many new terms and practices to the business world. One of these is tag clouds. If you are a frequent Internet surfer, you may have used tag clouds. Tag clouds are trendy navigation tools that make it easy for site visitors to jump to the most popular links on your site. They also add some visual fun to the web page or blog, often appearing as a group of words stacked on top of each other, with some words much larger and bolder. The visual prominence of the words is determined by the popularity of the word.

What is a tag cloud? Basically, tags are related hyperlinks that allow the user to drill down into your site. The more frequently used tags are often represented in larger bolder fonts and stronger colors. Typical tag clouds have between 30 and 150 tags.

Types of tag clouds:  There are three primary types of tag cloud applications, characterized by their meaning rather than their appearance. The tags can appear in alphabetical order, in random order, sorted by weight, or in clustered according to the meaning of a word, phrase, sentence or text.

* A tag cloud for each item:  With this type, there is a tag cloud for each item. The size represents the number of times that tag has been applied to a single item.

* Global tag clouds:  This type, which is more commonly used, involves multiple tag clouds combining the frequencies of all items and users. The size represents the number of items to which a tag has been applied, indicating each tag's popularity.

* In the third type, tags are used to categorize content items. The larger tags represent the quantity of content items in that category.

If you would like to create tag clouds, WordPress has many plug-ins. For a list and description of available plugins, search the WordPress Plugin Directory at Be sure to check out the WP Colorful Tag Cloud plugin. WP Colorful Tag Cloud allows you to display an attractive tag cloud using a variety of customizable colors. (Like the one you see on the right!) Colors depend on tags weights and sizes.

Here's how to install the WP Colorful Tag Cloud plugin.

1. Unzip and upload wp-colorful-tag-cloud directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory

2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins' menu in WordPress.

3. Customize your settings using the menu item under Settings, Colorful tag Cloud.

4. Remember to save your settings.

Get the info you need to start a career as a blogger today!

Internet Marketing Education – Online Vocational Schools

The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia is an Internet marketing school designed to teach you everything you would need to know about selling your products online. Not only can you sell your products and services, you can also get hired by companies looking for the same thing. Check out  for more information.

Internet Marketing Training – Laid Off From Work – Now What?

This is a tough economy. Many people have been laid off…. but there is an answer. Learn how you can discover the hottest and most in demand jobs available today. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months and be on your way to a great job. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia