26 Things Your E-Commerce Shopping Cart Should Do

Calculate Shipping and Tax

This is one of the reasons why you have a shopping cart. It's a basic function, but some do it better than others. Make sure you have several options on how to calculate basic shipping charges. Don't forget, some customers will want fast shipping like Fed Ex. Can the cart handle this?

Soft & Hard Goods

This is extremely important for anyone who wants to sell informational products. A hard good is a physical product that has to be shipped to the customer. A soft good is a downloadable product or software type of product. You want the shopping cart to be able to handle both types of products in the same transaction so the customer doesn't have to go through the ordering process twice if ordering one of your widgets and a downloadable E-book at the same time.

Also, when the cart is delivering a downloadable product it should generate a webpage for the download that disappears automatically after a short time so that customer can’t give the link to all his/her friends.

Customizable “Continue Shopping” Pages

Where you send your customers after they add a particular item to their shopping cart can mean a big difference in the amount of money they spend with you. Sophisticated shopping carts allow you to customize the “Return to Shopping” button so it takes the customer to a related product of your choice. This one feature can dramatically influence whether the customer simply checks out because it’s too difficult to find related items, or purchases something else because you made it easy.

Offer Management

Most lower-end shopping carts don’t have the capability to offer discounts for multiple purchases, or to offer “one free when you buy three” or similar special offers. Having this capability can really increase the average amount that someone spends when they shop with you.

Receipt and Confirmation Emails

The shopping cart should be able to send an email confirmation and thank you automatically to the customer and also generate a receipt for you to put in the package if you are shipping a product.

Multiple Order and Dropship Email Capability

The shopping cart should be able to email suppliers who ship directly to your customer (dropship). The email sent to the supplier would not have the customer's credit card info.

Web-Based Admin Page

If your shopping cart has a web-based managers' administration page, then you can work on your shopping cart, i.e., add products, change prices, etc., anywhere in the world. You are not stuck at your home base to make these changes.


This is the PGP stuff I talked about in a previous post. Just make sure you have it.

Back End-Output to Your Accounting Software

This is a very handy feature that allows you to export the sales data directly from your shopping cart to popular accounting packages like Quickbooks, Quicken, and Peachtree.

Associate / Affiliate Program Compatible

An associate program means that someone else (your associate/affiliate) can put a link to your products on their website.

When someone clicks on the link and visits your website, associate program software tracks the person to your website. If they buy something, you pay your associate a commission for sending them. This basic premise made Amazon.com a billion-dollar company.

Now millions of small businesses are taking advantage of the same concept. It’s like having an army of commissioned salespeople working for you AND you don’t pay anyone a nickel unless they sell something.

This one point caused me enormous nightmares. If you plan on having other people sell your products by means of an associate program, try to get a compatible or integrated system right from the start. Otherwise, it could be difficult or impossible to add one later. A really good system will have an associate program built in so everything is compatible.

Upsell Modules

Good shopping cart systems will have the capability of suggesting related products to the shopper based on what they have already bought. This is what I call the “Do you want fries with that?” method of selling?


Around Thanksgiving, I conducted a teleseminar called “How to Make Money Speaking at Fundraisers.” 60 people signed up at $30.00 each. $1800.00 — Not too bad for a holiday seminar unless you compare it to the final figures:

When people clicked on “checkout” so they could pay for their seminar, the cart offered them several deals. This is called “upselling” and is normally only offered in the most sophisticated AND expensive shopping carts.

One of the deals offered them 11 other MP3's of previous TeleSeminars for $97.00 which was a big savings over buying them one-by-one.

LISTEN TO THIS — 21 people went for the upsell of $97.00 which gave me an extra $2037.00 for the promotion for a total of $3837.00 for my one hour on the phone. This more than doubled the revenue from just one promotion.

I’m sure you can see this is real power and something you absolutely want in the shopping cart system that helps you run your business! — and you can have it at your fingertips at a fraction of the cost of custom programmed systems.

Database Handling

Customer data coming into a shopping system should never have to be retyped and it should be able to be manipulated to increase sales. High-end systems will have this built-in.


Before I had a modern shopping system, we would have to print out the orders and have them typed into ACT database program by an administrative person (complete with all the mistakes, typos, and hourly fees I might add).

If I wanted to email these customers, I would have to be a genius to export the data from ACT in comma-delimited format and then also be a genius to import the data into an email program so that I could send out the email a half-hour later – if I was lucky.

Now, at the touch of a few keys, I can instantly email everyone that buys a particular product and even put their name in it (this is called mail merge) with no administrative help whatsoever. This is a massive cost savings and errors have been reduced by 90%.

Broadcast Capability

Most shopping carts require you to export your data to another unrelated system where you have to massage the data in order to send emails back to the customer. You just about have to be a database expert to do the manipulations. Good shopping carts have integrated mailing capabilities that can allow customers to be sorted and broadcast to immediately. You should be able to email to all customers, or only to ones that bought certain items. You should also be able to broadcast an email to your affiliates right from the system.

Sales tip: Don’t make every contact with a customer a sales pitch. They will most likely ask to be removed from your mailings. Alternate a helpful tip based on what they bought, and a product offering. Just to be on the safe side so they don’t alienate customers. Some people do two separate helpful hints to each product offering.

Email List Management

If you are starting an electronic newsletter/magazine, a good shopping cart system can manage all the subscribers for you automatically. It will automate the process and give you a form for your website that lets people subscribe and unsubscribe themselves which is a tremendous time and money saver.

Mail Merge Capability

Emails that are personalized normally get a much higher response than generic emails. Most of the time you must do sophisticated export and formatting manipulations on your database and send the results to a separate and expensive mail merge program. Good shopping cart systems integrate the database with an included mail merge program so that reaching your customers in a personalized fashion means only pushing a few buttons.

Coupons and Discounts

People love sales. Only the finest most high-end shopping carts are able to do percentage and fixed amount discounts when selling your products. These coupons and discounts can mean a tremendous boost in sales. Having this option can mean a big difference in gross and net income.

You should be able to make custom coupons for any group. This customization gets you even more sales.

Multiple Website Capability

Most shopping carts are only good for one website. You are required to buy a completely separate system for each website you want to develop. This can be ENORMOUSLY EXPENSIVE, time-consuming, and frustrating. Shopping cart systems that can handle products from multiple websites save tons of money and development time.

A side benefit is that completely different product lines can be sold with the customers from one website never even knowing about the products sold on the other website unless you want them to.

Also, you will have an organizational nightmare if you have multiple shopping carts and databases of people spread out all over. Trust me, I've been there.

Note: This is a perfect example of what is taught in our school about making your hobbies and family interests legitimately tax deductible. You can make products about your hobbies or recommend affiliate products.

Integrated Autoresponders

Sequential autoresponders are one of the most powerful sales tools on the Internet today. They send follow-up emails to customers and prospects to keep your sales messages going out automatically. This service is virtually never seen integrated with a shopping cart system. You usually have to contract out with a separate company and somehow get the shopping cart and autoresponder company to work together. Only the most advanced carts would have this function integrated.

Even when integrated into very high-end shopping systems you have the problem of an autoresponder sequence being delivered to sell a product that the customer has already purchased. This makes you look foolish and irritates the customer. The most advanced systems would have autoresponders available for each product and a special feature called “unsubscribe on purchase.” This automatically takes the customer off the autoresponder when they purchase the item. It can also then put them into a different autoresponder to continue to try to sell some other product.

Autoresponders can be used to train the customer in the use of your product and/or suggest other products that would likely be of interest. The best part is that after they are set up, the entire process goes on autopilot totally unattended which saves you time and money. A recent survey on ZDNet found that 98 percent of customers would repurchase from a company if they were asked.

Autoresponders make sure they get asked when you are too busy to do it yourself.

Another big benefit of autoresponders is that they tend to decrease returns, especially on big-ticket products. Buyer’s remorse can really increase your return rate. A simple automated series of follow-up emails will let the customer know you aren’t going to disappear now that you have their money. It can also reassure them they made a wise decision in purchasing your product.

Ad Tracking

Again this is one of the most powerful cost-saving and money-making tools available to people selling products and services on the Internet. Again it is rarely found as part of an integrated system. You usually have to contract for this service separately, or buy additional software. Integrated ad tracking allows you to tell which of your online links, or banners is paying off.

Old-style non-integrated systems only tell how many people clicked on the link or ad. The most advanced integrated systems not only tell how many people clicked, but also tell how many of those people bought. This keeps you from making tremendous mistakes.

You might think an ad is great because it got many click-throughs, so you keep buying the ad over and over. You might also think that another ad is not worth it because it only has half as many click-throughs, so you cancel it. Integrated ad tracking could tell you that the ad that is getting all the click-throughs is producing only a tiny number of sales and the ad that got less click-throughs is producing a very high percentage of sales. Without this information, you would keep the bad ad and cancel the good one. . . which is not a great way to make money.

Conversion Rate

This term is the number of website visitors as compared to the number of buyers. To figure it out, simply divide the total number of visitors to your site by the total number of people who bought something. So if 100 people visited your site (or sales page) and 5 people bought, you would have a conversion rate of 100/5 or 5 percent.

If you can use your shopping system to raise that figure of people that buy to only 10 people out of 100 then you have DOUBLED YOUR SALES and CONVERSION RATE TO 10 percent without even increasing your traffic. The technology did all the work. Simple shopping carts do not have the capability to do this for you, but good shopping systems do.

Ad Rotation / Split Testing

This is a tremendous feature found only in the most expensive high-end custom-programmed systems. It will really make you a ton of money and keep you from losing a ton of money which you will do if you continue to run ads that aren’t selling for you. This feature allows you to have several advertising pages running at once. The shopping system alternates the ads automatically for you. When you combine this feature with the ad tracking and conversion ratio features you will get instant feedback on which ad is making you the most money.

Order Form Sell Through / Shopping Cart Abandonment

This feature helps you overcome the biggest problem Internet marketers face – people quitting the sale just as they get to the order form page. They either get cold feet, are afraid to put their credit card on the Internet, or who knows what else might be stopping them from completing the sale.

A good shopping cart lets you put customized text right on the order form page that recaps all the good reasons the customer should complete the sale. Of course, this sell-through information is customized depending on what the customer ordered. This is an awesome feature to have and it will get more people to complete the sale which means more money in your pocket. Here's an example that has saved lots of sales:

This order form sell-thru has saved many sales and is responsible for tens of thousands of dollars that might have been lost if it wasn't in the shopping cart just as the person was checking out.

Recurring Billing

This is another awesome feature you must have to make big money and to get residual income (income that comes in automatically every month). This feature allows you to offer packages that are billed to your customer every month. You could do a “Video of the Month” promotion, or a monthly coaching package, or just about anything you can think of that you sell on a regular basis. It doesn’t have to be month to month. It could be a larger billing every 90 days or whatever you want to set it at.

This feature is also tremendous for offering finance options on all your products.

Here's another real life example:

I have a course on how to make a WordPress Website that includes a consultation with my tech guys. We sold about 700 of them. The online course costs $97.00 if you paid all at once, or three payments of $39.00 if you financed it which totals $117.00. 180 people took the finance option which brought in an extra $21,060.00

I don't know about you, but I'd rather have that extra $21,060.00 over three months than nothing from those people who couldn't afford to put $97.00 on their credit card.

Sales Reports

A good shopping cart system will give you sales reports in a number of different ways so you can choose the one that gives you the information you want. You should be able to switch between reports instantly, and have many to choose from. Some common reports are:

Sales by Date – This, of course, tells you how much you sold on a certain day.

Sales by Item – This tells you how much of a particular product you sold and you should be able to put in a date range, i.e. You sold 22 widgets for $418.00 in the five-day period from November 20 – 25.

Sales by Client – This report is a listing of your clients and how much money they spent. This is handy for identifying big spenders and rewarding them or giving them special thanks and/or incentives.

Sales by Card Type – This report breaks out the amounts of money that comes in from different credit cards. This is handy for reconciling your credit card fees each month.

Sales by Ad Campaign – This report tells you exactly how one of your promotions performed.

Sales by Affiliate – This report tells you how well your affiliates are selling for you.

If the shopping cart you are considering doesn’t have these kinds of reports, I’d be very reluctant to use it. You will never know how well you are doing, or if your promotions are working or not.

Earn by Telling a Friend

A good shopping cart system will give you a chance to make money by referring it. That's basic affiliate marketing. You can make a substantial income recommending your cart to others who are starting to sell online. In many cases, you can refer a few people and in effect get your cart for free, or even make money because your commissions are greater than what you pay for the cart.

Help with Off-Line Shopping

Make sure the shopping cart gives the customer an option to print out the order form so the customer can email it to you. You should also post your phone number for customers who want to call in an order. Do whatever it takes to make it easy for them to order.

It will be extremely difficult to get everything on the above list in an inexpensive shopping cart. Go through the list anyway when you are considering a shopping cart system. Pick the cart that has as many features as possible that are important to you. If it only has say five out of six, that's pretty good and you can usually pay a custom programmer to add the sixth feature.

Checklist for Evaluating a Shopping Cart System

(Remember… most pieces of software are simply shopping carts and not complete and integrated sales systems)

Instructions to use this checklist

Whenever considering any shopping cart or shopping cart system ask the questions in the list below. Most have either yes or no answers. If you start getting answers like, “Well if you wanted it to do that, we could custom program it for you,” or “Yes it will do that if you buy another module from a third party vendor,” or “I think we could get it to do that, but we’ve never had anyone ask before,” then you may be on pretty shaky ground by going with the system or shopping cart in question.

  • Will it calculate shipping & tax?
  • Does it handle specialized shipping like FedEx and UPS?
  • Will it deliver soft & hard goods in the same transaction?
  • Does it offer customizable “Return to Shopping” pages without needing custom programming?
  • Does it allow you to make special offers?
  • Does it deliver receipt and confirmation emails?
  • Does it allow multiple order and dropship emails?
  • Does it have a Web-Based administration page?
  • Does it use encryption technology?
  • Does it deliver easy output to your accounting software?
  • Does it have its own associate program or is it easily compatible with other major brands of associate software?
  • Does it have integrated upsell modules?
  • Does it have an integrated sales and prospect database?
  • Does it have broadcast email capability?
  • Does it have mail merge capability?
  • Will it deliver your ezine/enewsletter and automate the subscription process?
  • Can it handle coupons and other discounts?
  • Can it work for multiple websites with no extra fees?
  • Does it have unlimited and fully integrated autoresponders?
  • Does it have Ad Tracking tied into actual sales?
  • Will it rotate ads for you and tell you which one makes the most money?
  • Can the order form page be customized?
  • Will it do automatic recurring billing?
  • Does it give you a variety of sales reports?
  • Does it have a “Tell a Friend” module?
  • Does it have a printable off line order form?

My recommendation and what I have been using for 19 years is http://www.KickStartCart.com This is my private label of 1shoppingcart and we give unlimited one-on-one tutoring to help you make the most money using the powerful features of this cart.

Visit http://www.KickStartCart.com to get a 30-day FREE trial or call or text to set a no-obligation appointment to discuss your needs 301-346-7403.

Shopping Cart Systems

How to Pick an E-Commerce Shopping Cart that Makes You Money


Picking a shopping cart system is a very serious decision that you will likely have to live with for some time. It is simply too important a decision to make without knowing the right questions to ask.

So many systems are frustrating to install and once installed are incomprehensible and extremely difficult to use which means lost sales for you. If your customer is sitting in front of their computer with an open wallet, you better not make it hard for them to buy or they will be gone in a flash.

You really want to automate every part of the system so it’s less work for you and extremely easy for your customer. Today’s smart shopping system technology can make this happen at a price that any small business can afford.

In addition, smart shopping systems will dramatically increase sales because they manage the entire shopping process including upselling the customer, making special offers, handling special sales and discounts and completely managing your extremely valuable database of prospects and actual customers.

There are thousands of simple shopping carts on the market either for free or for a low price. Basically, they just take the order like the cashier at a grocery store. They do nothing to help you sell in the first place.

Custom Carts

You will have webmasters all the time trying to sell you a custom shopping cart that can run anywhere from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. They tell you that what you want to do with your site will require lots of expensive programming and custom adaptations. Well, there are very few small business people (and I’ve coached hundreds) that need anything so sophisticated that it would cost thousands of dollars. Keep your wallet in your pocket when you get around these people.

You may already have a ton of money invested in your shopping system and you may not have the sales you think you should. It might be time to consider scrapping the old system in favor of a new less expensive system that has sales tools built-in. Sticking with an antiquated system just because you have lots of money invested makes no sense and it will continue to hurt your sales in the future
. . . what’s that saying about pound foolish and penny-wise?

What is a shopping cart?

A “shopping cart” is actually a piece of software. The metaphor is,
. . . you guessed it, . . . shopping. You push your cart through the “cyberstore.” When you see something you want to buy, you put it in your cart by clicking on it. Then when you are ready to leave, you “check out” of the store. This is where the shopping cart totals up your purchases and adds the tax and shipping for you.

At any time along the way, you can take an item out of your cart. It's just like at a real store when you see a toaster in the men's clothing section. . . . Someone decided they didn't want it and just left it wherever they happened to be in the store. Well, in cyberspace you don't have to feel bad about throwing something out of your cart. At this point, you’re only moving electrons around.

You then fill in your name, address, phone, and shipping info along with your credit card and expiration date. Most carts still give you a chance to make changes, or back out of the deal altogether. Once you hit the final submit button, all the mechanisms kick into gear to send that money hurtling toward your checking account . . . minus the credit card company percentage, of course.

Real-Time Credit Card Processing

The credit card processing is not actually done by the shopping cart. Many people don’t realize this. You still have to have a credit card merchant account to process credit cards. If you don’t have the real-time processing capability, your shopping cart will simply email you notice of the sale. You log in to your cart to get the credit card number for manual processing later.

If you settled for this antiquated method, you would lose all credibility with your potential buyer and pretty much look amateurish and stupid.

When you do have “real-time credit card processing” capability (which you must if you want to totally automate your system) the customer puts their credit card in your shopping cart and a few seconds later gets a notification that the sale went through. Sometime later that day the money is deposited in your bank account.

The credit card number is encrypted as it flies through cyberspace so no bad boys and girls can intercept it along the way. This is a process called PGP, or Pretty Good Privacy. Hahaha, That term always cracks me up. I think I'd rather have Darn Good Privacy, or Invincible Privacy, but PGP is all we have at our level and it has shown to be Darn Good Enough.

After the transaction is complete, in sometimes as little as five seconds, you either get an email regarding shipping the product, or the customer gets a link to download the product directly. And that's all there is to it. I've simplified it considerably, but believe me, you don't want to know all the details. You just want it to work!

AGAIN I WANT TO EMPHASIZE — Your shopping cart system is separate from your merchant account and from your real-time processing mechanism. The shopping cart must connect to the credit card system, but it is a separate system.

What about PayPal?

Many new small business owners want to save money in upfront fees and I generally applaud that attitude. In the case of them only using PayPal as their merchant processor, I have to draw the line. Only using PayPal connected to your shopping cart has a stigma attached to it and makes you and your store look less credible. I usually tease that it makes you look like a reject from eBay. Many potential customers think to themselves, “If this company is so great, why do they only have PayPal?”

I suggest you get a regular merchant account AND use PayPal. We have seen as much as a 15% increase in overall sales by having a choice of how to pay. Having a regular merchant account removes the stigma of only having PayPal, but people do like to spend their PayPal money.

What Should I Do?

I've personally been using and recommending KickStartCart for over 20 years. I've found it to be the most powerful, user-friendly and affordable complete shopping cart system that also takes care of all your email marketing and autoresponder needs.

Once you decide on the cart, we also give unlimited FREE one-on-one tutoring. Many other carts charge you for that and their carts in many cases require you to hire an IT person to operate them. We want you to have great success with KickStartCart to help you take advantage of all the features that help you sell more online automatically. That attitude is why we've been in business so long with zero complaints. Click here to start your trial or leave a voicemail for Tom and he'll call you back to discuss as fast as humanly possible 301-346-7403.

Thanksgiving for Digital Marketers

15 Reasons Digital Marketers Should Be Giving Thanks

They are Not affected by workplace mandates
There is no risk in losing your job or being forced to quit when you have your own online business.

They are immune from supply chain issues
Digital marketers sell electrons which don't have to sit on a ship or be delivered by truck to you or your customers.

They don't have to wear a mask all day.
Unless you choose to work from a coffee shop, you don't have to maskup while working.

Their income is not dependent on any local or national economy.
Digital products are sold and delivered instantly around the world.

They have a much smaller exposure to other sick people.
You are around far fewer people which limits the bad air molecules you are forced to breathe.

Their kids can be home-schooled without the need for one parent to quit a job.
With all the craziness going on in schools nowadays, working from home makes homeschooling a much less family devastating choice.

No packing, shipping, and dependence on independent shipping services and/or the post office.
It's a MASSIVE hassle to handle physical products.

They save a fortune on gas and insurance.
You can get breaks on your insurance for low mileage driven and putting $50-$100 bucks in your gas tank a couple times a week.

They don't have to put up with idiot, incompetent bosses.
So many people rise to their highest level of incompetence and get off on telling you what to do.

They can make their hobbies legitimately tax-deductible and they have time to enjoy them.
You can make products, or sell affiliate products based around your hobby and turn it into part of your business.

They can spend way more time with their family.
One of the biggest complaints of worker bees is that they never get to see their families.

They can be surrounded with their pets.
Not many places let you take your pets with you to work. Plus, it's a shame to leave a loving pet alone all day while you slave away from an unappreciative company.

They save a fortune on fancy work clothes and cleaning bills.
You might like clothes, but who wants to get blood on them when co-workers stab you in the back? LOL

They can work remotely while on a trip or vacation.
There are many people making great money online that don't even have a home or apartment. Get a wifi signal and you can take care of business.

And best of all . . .

They don't waste half their life sitting in traffic making someone else rich.

Click Here to become a digital marketer in 6 months or less while in school, or working the dreaded JOB.

“New Collar” Workers: 6 Months to a Hot, In-Demand Career

The “New Collar” worker is the common sense wave of the future.

I know for many decades parents have obsessed on doing whatever it takes to get their children a college education. The questions are, “Is that the best route for most young adults?”, or “Is it a colossal waste of money and a disservice to your child?”

Changing Times

Many parents even before the birth of their little bundle of joy have started college funds. Many didn't and then panicked when their child was in high school so they started looking at refinancing their homes to come up with the money. Grandparents frequently got involved wanting to help out.

According to an article by educator Chase Mielke, “How Our National Obsession with College Is Destroying Education”, Mielke says, “We are so fixated on just getting kids to college, we don't often ask why and for what purpose.”

Mielke couldn't be more right. Times change. You can count by the tens of thousands young adults racking up massive debt for themselves and their parents. Some overcome their disillusionment and actually graduate. Then, if they're lucky, they can work at Starbucks.

Sure, there are dubious statistics that say that a college degree will mean more income in a person's lifetime. Why do I say “dubious”? Just Google the various lawsuits waged against law schools for falsifying their post-graduation employment stats. 90 plus percent employment of graduates sounds pretty good, doesn't it? Not if you have $300,000.00 in debt while working at a job that doesn't even require a bachelor's degree.

Easy Loan Money is Easy to Squander

I just heard an entire segment on a TV Business network this weekend. It talked about how easy-to-get student loans provided tons of money to students so regular colleges and universities could inflate their already outrageous tuition and fees while forcing useless classes on the students. . . . Don't even get me started on the fact that teachers are giving extra credit for protesting rather than attending class. I guess these kids could get jobs as professional dissidents. I'll check Monster.com to see how many openings there are for that.

Times have surely changed and it didn't happen recently. Somehow Mielke's fixation comment is evidence that bloated higher education systems that raise tuition and lower standards have blinded conscientious parents, educators and students. They've been putting out the self-promotional message for years that their way is the only way. They say, “Go to college no matter what”. I wouldn't be surprised if booze and pizza companies were behind this propaganda too.

The irony here according to IBM CEO Ginni Rometty is that, “Employers can't find the skilled workers they need even though job openings are at near record highs.” Why is that? I recall a cartoon I saw years ago in New Yorker Magazine. It was a Ph.D person at an employment office. The counselor said, “We have tons of BA's, MBA's and Ph.D.’s. What we need is a good body and fender man (sic person).”

Today's record high “body and fender” work is now electronic, computer and Internet related. True body and fender work is considered “Blue Collar”. Professional work like accounting, finance, executive banking, etc. is considered “White Collar.” Rometty is credited with coining the term “New Collar” work and that's what this article is about.

Put on Your New Collar

New Collar jobs are ones that don't require a college degree. Health care, manufacturing, and service businesses of many types utilize pretty much zero of the curricula forced down the throats of hapless, indoctrinated families and students.

You'd be better off burning your money rather than wasting 4 years or more of your child's life and burying them with debt.

Add to that the craziness the electives you're paying for that will certainly impress when interviewing for a job. I'm sure “Zombies in Popular Media” (Columbia College), “The Strategy of Starcraft” (U.C. Berkeley), and “The Textual Appeal of Tupac Shakur” (University of Washington) will have companies bidding against each other for your grad's services. Oh, and don't forget “Underwater Basket weaving” (I'm not kidding) at Reed College.

Many people have been credited with the quote, “Common sense is not so common”, but Holy Wasted Tuition Batman! Stop and think about this. You just may be risking your child's future and your own financial future because you have been made to feel guilty into thinking college is a must.

CNBC said, “Vocational Schools
are the forefront of
preparing students for
the 21st century workforce.”

Now before you fly off the handle saying, “My kid is too smart to work with his hands as a laborer”, let me tell you a quick story. Then I promise I'll show you that “vocational” doesn't always mean bricklaying, welding and plumbing (which, I might add, are all very lucrative vocations).

I saw an interview with a high school graduate female that was in an apprenticeship to be an electrician. Her friends who were all going to college were pretty much making fun of her. This young lady had a great head on her shoulders. She told the interviewer that she's already making good money as an apprentice. She's learning like crazy. And she's gaining a skill that's in super high demand.

(Sidebar here: If you think I'm kidding about being in demand, I referred the electrician I use at my house to my new neighbor. He was told it would be 2 to 3 months before my guy could get to him. Every day across our fence he's been telling me he's checked about 10 other places and none can get to his job for a couple months…now that's being in demand!)

Back to our young lady. . . . She told the interviewer she was making her own way. She's going to finish the apprenticeship program with money in the bank and no debt in less than a year. She said her friends are all a financial burden to their parents and are taking a bunch of worthless classes and partying way too much.

Vocational” Does Not Mean “Backbreaking”

OK, so maybe you can't picture your little girl pulling wire all day, but just because it's called a “vocation” doesn't mean it's manual labor where you have to wear a hard hat.

Here are a few vocations that favor brains over brawn: (and they don't require a 4-year degree)

  • Advertising
  • Bookkeeping
  • Chef
  • Computer Programmer
  • Concierge
  • Cost Estimator
  • Data Entry
  • Dental Assistant
  • Desktop Publisher
  • Hairstylist
  • Electronic Repair
  • Flight Attendant
  • Food Service Manager
  • Interpreter
  • All types of sales
  • Nursing
  • Limo Driver
  • Loan Officer
  • Marketing
  • Medical Assistant
  • Police
  • Social Media
  • Tour Guide
  • Truck Driver
  • Vet Assistant
  • Website Design

This is obviously just a smattering of the thousands of different types of lucrative non-degree, non-backbreaking jobs available all over the country and abroad.

Many also lend themselves to starting a small business either part time of full time. For instance, your child could start a bookkeeping service and could freelance evenings and weekends as a limo driver. (I know from hiring tons of limos the tip alone is a good day's pay for many people.) You could even purchase a used limo for way less than tuition, fees, and lodging for one semester at most universities.

To be totally transparent here, I run a vocational Internet marketing school. But far beyond my self-interest in writing this article I see young people all around drowning in debt and coming to me so overqualified for the jobs I offer, I almost feel bad hiring them. It's a sad state of affairs when I'd rather hire a computer geek high school kid who rides his bike to work, than someone with a Master’s degree in some obscure topic who is desperate for any kind of work.

So, it may be time for some soul searching and maybe a good sit down talk with your young adult to see if it makes sense to ship them off for 4 years, incur a great amount of debt and cross your fingers they’ll get a job upon graduation. Or, it just might make more sense to get them an in-demand skill where they can go to work quickly, incur little or no debt and then decide later if they’d like to go for a degree.

We at the Internet Marketing Training Center would love to discuss with you how your youngster could have a lucrative and totally sought after skill that will allow him / her to get a job, start a legitimate online business, or both. Please call and we can lay out a plan to make this happen in about 6 months, with no lodging expense as we’re a distance learning school, . . . AND for way less than the cost of that limo.

Call me Tom Antion at my office at 757-431-1366, or mobile at 301-346-7403 and I’ll be happy to answer all your questions.

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4 Awesome Resources to Help You Market Your Online Business

imtc-blog-1There are many kinds of opportunities out there on the Web to advertise and market your business—you just need to know where to look. At Internet Marketing Training Center, we use several different ways to market our content to entrepreneurs, authors, personal development coaches–anyone who wants to start an online business and/or learn about Internet marketing to help them grow their brand. Here’s a list of some of the resources we use.

Meet Edgar

Meet Edgar is a social media automation app that allows you to schedule posts to be shared on social media (with support currently for Twitter; Facebook profiles and pages; and LinkedIn profiles and company pages). Edgar, allows you to store all of your updates online in a category-based library, where they remain even after they’ve been posted once. Edgar also allows you to save as many updates as you’d like.  


Audiense is a social marketing platform with rich, actionable insight and marketing tools to engage audiences based on what they say, who they are, and how they think. This allows marketers to understand their audiences in unparalleled depth, identify strategic market opportunities and engage audiences intelligently. It eliminates assumption and guesswork about your audiences, helping you to identify and target new markets, and to nurture and grow existing ones.


Canva makes design simple for everyone. It allows you to create designs for web or print: blog graphics, presentations, Facebook covers, flyers, posters, invitations and many other social media graphics.


DrumUp is a powerful content marketing, curation and social media management tool. Discover and curate trending content, and schedule posts on Twitter. Although you cannot market your business on there, you can find content to curate to bring an awareness to your brand and provide valuable content.

There are many more resources out there, but these are the ones we use consistently. Join us each month to get more.

Are You Ready for Change? Grow Your Business NOW

The past few months, we’ve experienced a great influx of new students at our school.  We’ve been offering an amazing opportunity that when students sign up for $1000, and upon successful completion of the school, we give them their money back! If you’d like to learn more about it, click HERE.  It’s an exciting time to see so many people sign up from all different industries! Whether it’s at the very beginning stages of their business to an already established one making money,  they are eager to take their business to the next level.

Of course, we are happy to assist them with their goals; however, as you know whenever changes happen, what we’ve learned over the past 10 years of running the school, you must be willing to adapt and go with the flow. And that’s just what we did!  We brought on instructors to help us push forward. We are sharing this story because of a valuable lesson we want you to know. You’ve probably heard it before, but we want to reiterate: When times change, you have to change with the times!

If you’ve studied the fluctuations in technology over the past decade, you’ll see how things have drastically changed! What we’ve observed, is that the world is leaning more and more on the Internet for advice, recipes, workout routines, to find their next topic for their presentation, name for their baby, inspiration for their outfits, and much more! Do you see where we are going with this?  If you had a business, blog or content with just the right answers, people would be coming to YOU (if you set yourself up properly) for these questions to be answered! As we continue to watch the fluctuations with technology, the changes the world undergoes, with more and more apps for your mobile devices popping up, it leads us to believe that this Internet thing is around to stay and won’t be drifting away anytime soon! So, as it continues to gain momentum, how will you respond? Will you jump in, learn more, and get your business going?  Or, will you wait years down the road only to ask yourself, “Why didn’t I do that way back then?”

Hopefully, you won’t find yourself on the wrong side of the Internet spectrum, asking yourself, “Why didn't I start my business back then?”

If you’d like to learn more on how you can join our school and build your business in the next few years, click HERE for more details! See you soon.

3 Things We Learned about Modern Day Business Owners

Every month, we check in on our students to make sure they are doing well in the coursework.  We give them a call after reviewing their progress on our backend. Of course, we somewhat have some insight as to how they’re doing (we can see how many courses they are completing) but really, it’s their chance to ask questions or give any feedback about the material.  During this month, though, we were quite excited to receive back-to-back comments from students who had similar experiences.

One student said he use2 products pinterestd some of the tips and tricks provided in the coursework to tweak his website, and a few days later he noticed that his overall ranking on his site improve in the search engines. (Pretty cool, huh?) Another student shared with us how grateful she was for the course because she was learning so much. She said that she was implementing one of the productivity we recommended, and landed a highly qualified intern to assist her business!

With each conversation we had with our students, we were able to take away some key points. Points that help you understand exactly what the modern day entrepreneur, Internet marketer, social media marketer, or business owner are looking for. Ok, here goes…

  1. They need credible information from people who have been there done that.  We are working with real life entrepreneurs or aspiring entrepreneurs that want to take their businesses to the next level.  They do not want (nor have the time) to fiddle with what “may or may not work” for their businesses.  That’s why we compiled content that caters to the real-world entrepreneur that wants maximum impact from the exact way the found made his multi-million dollar empire. From building their WordPress site to lead magnet ideas to sales and conversions, we give them what they need now!  
  2. They want to see results.  It’s often a difficult place for entrepreneurs (because we know that results often take time) but they want to see them and they want to see them now!  For that reason, we don’t play around at IMTCVA.  We ensure that our student’s lessons and coursework push them to learn AND build their companies along the way. It’s a process that happens simultaneous.
  3. They want updated information that changes with the industry times. Technology is always changing. The way things are being done online is changing too. What was done a decade ago may not be what’s most popular now. Heck, social media wasn’t even in the picture years ago; however, it’s one of the top ways Internet marketers and business owners are tapping into their target market to generate cash flow. Luckily, we know that and stay abreast of what’s coming out.  We are always deleting obsolete concepts, researching and adding the best content for our students.

Overall, we are elated that our students are doing well in the course and progressing towards graduation. Looking at some online graduation rates (the not so good ones) it’s an honor to have our students trucking through. I hope you gained some valuable insight from the information we provided.

Also, if you saw yourself in any of the three points we mentioned, we would love to hear from you!  We would love to help you take your business (or aspiring business) to the next level. Whatever you need, we’ve got it!  For information on how you can join the school please go to www.IMTCVA.org to inquire.

Why Would Anyone Want to Start an Online Business?

business couple on a laptop in an office environment watching a trainning video

Why would anyone want to start a business online?  Even if you did, what are some of the areas one would have to study to be successful?

Well, let's answer the first question.  The reason you'd want to start a business online:

  1. Do what you love.
  2. Be your own boss.
  3. Share your message or cause to millions of people across the world.
  4. Make money.

With everything I mentioned, how could this not be a good fit? You get to create your own hours, do what you love by sharing your message or cause to everyone, and create wealth for yourself and family. Who wouldn't want those experiences? You can take your dream and turn it into a dream business. The thing is, though, you must have a plan to get you there. You cannot expect all these amazing opportunities to come without arming yourself with knowledge. So, let me share with you some information, or ways, you can achieve these goals. Take a look at the 8 areas that will help you delve deeper into getting your business online.

Information you should know:

  1. Social media
  2. Email marketing
  3. Lead Generation
  4. Organic (SEO/SEM)
  5. Conversion Rate Optimization
  6. Analytic
  7. Content Marketing
  8. Pay per Click

Of course, there are other areas of knowledge you should have, but these are just a few to help you jump start your Internet Marketing education. To learn more about this unique opportunity and how to enroll, please visit the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia – http://imtcva.org , and remember to download your FREE career brochure!

A Beginner’s Guide to Internet Marketing

So, you want to start your career in Internet Marketing? Well, I'm going to give you a quick overview of how to get started. Here at IMTCVA, we call it the three prong attack. There are three areas that you should hone in on whenever you decide to move forward.

3 Prong Attack Elements:109120500

  1. Website
    • Make sure you have a website that's ready to convert (make sales). This consists of your shopping cart systems, content and all!
  2. Database
    • Focus on getting people on your email list.
  3. Products
    • Become a product machine. What is your signature offer? You should make it your duty to create quality-driven products for your target audience.

Each of these components will help you get started. Even more, as you focus on the three prong attack, make sure you realize these three crucial elements to help you along the way too.

  1. Dive in. Don't just get your feet wet, as the idiom goes, but immerse yourself in the internet marketing world, learning everything from A to Z.
  2. This contradicts the first point, but it's relevant. As you immerse yourself in the information, make sure you don't overwhelm yourself by trying to do everything at once. It takes a few years to actually be confident in knowing what you're doing. Therefore, don't get discouraged not truly grasping the concepts or feeling like the elements aren't coming together.
  3. Which leads me to the next crucial point—get some training. The saying, “You don't know what you don't know,” is evident here. What you don't know can truly hurt you. And in this case, financially. Knowing what to buy, or what not. There are scammers everywhere trying to take your hard earned money (take a look at the Top 20 Seminar Scams here). Why give them the advantage by not knowing what you're doing?

Overall, these are the top three suggestions and top three key elements to help you grow your business as a newbie in this industry. If you'd like to learn, be sure to check out our in depth training on Internet marketing at our school.


The Internet: the Tidal Wave of the Future

34876974If you were to ask me a decade ago, “Do you think the Internet is here to stay?” I would have given you the same answer I'm still sharing with people across the world—HECK YEAH! The Internet is only gaining momentum. What we could only imagine years ago, is here at our finger tips. Just think—Skype, Google Hangouts, Periscope—technological devices that were only seen in futuristic movies, have hit our world. If you haven't already gotten aboard, you're missing out. Statistically, let me share with you what's been happening.

”In 2011, it was estimated that about $35.6 billion was spent on self-paced eLearning across the globe. Today, e-Learning is a $56.2 billion industry, and it's going to double by 2015.”

If you didn't get excited about those statistics, or saw yourself fitting into the grand scheme of things, don't worry, our school helps you to filter those “far out dreams” into realistic opportunities. We've worked with authors, entrepreneurs, marketers, psychics, public speakers, energy healers, and more. So, when I tell you, you can make a living online—trust my word.

The main thing you have to focus on, though, if you decide to venture off into online marketing, is having a strong solid foundation and a clear direction of where you're going. As we shared in the title, the Internet is the tidal wave of the future, it can become a bit bumpy along the way. Therefore, you must equip yourself for the journey. One of the smartest steps anyone can take, become educated. There are loads of great opportunities that await, but at times, you can become so overwhelmed with the newest, shiniest objects that will deter your focus.

Where do you want to be? Wherever you see yourself, become educated and go for it!

