One method to Add Audio to Your Blog.
This method uses Amazon S3
Amazon S3 is a dirt cheap place to store large files like audio and video.
Get a free player to put on your blog. The player connects to your amazon s3 account.
Connect the player to your Amazon account using your public key and secret key given to you by your amazon s3 account.
Copy the code for the player into your blog.
Amazon S3
We use Amazon S3 for our video storage needs. Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is used by many people to store files, any type of files they want; including web hosting, image/video hosting, and as back-up systems. This service offers a cheaper option to storing files compared to uploading them to your own server.
Here's the steps you need to take:
1. You open up a Free Amazon S3 account. You will need an Amazon account to use S3.
2. You set up your S3 account, including your Access Key
3. Download either Cloudberry Explorer or Firefox Organizer (or both programs) to organize your files.
4. Start uploading files. ATTENTION: Since we are using S3 for video storage, there is one more step we take. Depending on what you use Amazon S3 for, you may or may not need to do this step.
5. We use a program that takes our video file, uploads it to Amazon S3, adds a player to the video, and then gives us an embed code for us to use on our sites. We just embed the code onto a page and that's it, people can view our video.
There are a couple program options you can use if you want to do the same thing. Two of the most widely used programs are EZS3 and the other is Mike Stewart's S3 Media Player. EZS3 is a monthly, “in the cloud” service. They charge $20 a month. Mike Stewart's S3 Media Player is a downloadable application and costs a one time fee of $249.
We use Mike Stewart's S3 Media Player and are pleased with the results. It's very easy to use; three steps is all it takes to get the embed code. The nice thing about Amazon S3 is that the files you upload to the server are available to you anywhere in the world as long as you can connect to the internet.
This is a prime example of cloud computing*.
Another nice thing is that Amazon guarantees S3 to have a 99.9% uptime. Probably the nicest thing about Amazon S3 however, is the price. Amazon S3's pricing is based on a tiered system starting at .15 cents a Gigabyte(GB) per month for up to 50 Terabytes(TB) of storage.
If you have over 50 TB of storage, the price per GB gets lower. You can see the whole pricing structure here:
And the best part is you only pay for what you use, nothing more. Make sure you check out Amazon S3 and decide whether it'll work for you.
*Cloud Computing, or “in/on the cloud computing” is the term used to describe Internet-based computing. This is where software programs, services, and files are all available on servers on the Internet. As long as you have an Internet connection, you will be able to access and use these programs, services, and files anywhere in the world. Many experts believe Cloud Computing is the way of the future, thereby eliminating the need to install software on your machine and/or keep files on your hard drive.