Crowdfunding and Tuitions

Here's a great idea that could give you the education for a great career and possibly help pay your entire tution back.

Crowdfunding. Check out sites like and  and look at all of the great products, retail operations, books/music/film, high tech gadget ideas and general business start-ups that people are successfully funding with donations that they do not have to pay back. From simple authors who are seeking publishing funds of $1200 to software application ideas $5000 to bookstores $20,000, there is an opportunity to create a ‘campaign' and ask for funding from friends, family, followers and total strangers on the web.

If you have an idea for a product that you've always wanted to make, but couldn't get the money for, crowdfunding is the way to go. The funds you raise could help offset tuition payments to a school like this as well. There are elements of crowdfunding that either make it successful or not, that have everything to do with Internet marketing. Since crowdfunding takes place on the web, you have to understand how it operates: writing creative content, making an online video, driving people to the campaign with email and social networking – all of the things that we teach at IMTC.

If you take our courses you'll have immediately usable skills to help create a successful campaign for yourself to create that dream start-up business or even something as simple as designing a new game. But Internet marketing skills play a huge part in the success of a crowdfunding project. Think of this: after you master these skills, not only can you fund your own dreams, but help others do the same who have no idea how to do it. You could make your tuition to IMTC back five fold being a ‘crowdfunding' consultant. And that's even before landing a great job as an Internet Marketer or starting a more advanced home business for yourself.

Where else could you take what you learn online and start making money right away? Check out crowdfunding and then check out IMTC! 

BlogTalkRadio is a Great Promotional Tool For Business

Try Your Hand At Internet Radio

I have been hosting a show at   It has been a great tool so far in promoting business and helping drive traffic to my websites. This service is growing by leaps and bounds as a new kind of interactive social network where you can produce your own show, be a guest on other shows and build a huge friends and fan base. (these are called “listeners”)

The site is very easy to use and you can build a branded profile similar to a Facebook fan page with HTML codes, clickable links to webpages and automatic Twitter updates. But the thing I like most is the great Google positioning it has been getting for users.

Your shows can be about any subject under the sun. You can book as many shows as you want and they all stay archived on your channel to be listened to by fans at anytime. You don't have to be a member to hear the shows, you can click out on a Google search result straight to the episode and listen in on the player that BlogTalkRadio provides.

Obviously, some hosts have many more fans than others. By being a guest on a popular show, you can build a following very quickly and lead those listeners to join your fan base. The episodes can be in 15, 30, 60 or 90 minute lengths and you control your show with a realistic looking dashboard with a countdown timer, intro music that you provide and a list a callers in queue that you can connect live as the show progresses.

If your looking for a new type of venue to express your ideas, share with the world your products and services or just want to one-up your celebrity status, this is the service for you. The service is free for a basic membership and upgrades are available for things such as editing your shows and increasing your callers on stand-by list. Check this great marketing tool out for yourself.

Driving Traffic to a Company Website – Options That You Control

At IMTC, we teach a number of traffic driving techniques that you need to implement, whether you're working for yourself or a company. These are the daily tasks and techniques needed by any entity online, large or small, to get qualified visitors to your website: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Blogging, article marketing and SEO. Companies and businesses that aren't using these powerful (and often free) services are not doing all they can to promote their products and are at risk of losing their market share to their competitors.

These are options that you control: regular and dedicated Internet Marketing strategies that really work. But you have to have the proper training in these services to get the most out of them, or they can be a huge waste of time and money. In all of the above examples, writing and engagement are key factors. How you mine for prospects and how your visitors interact with your website and social media is important to your success. Are you asking for visitor input or are you just shoving marketing down their throats? Are you putting solid information on your webpage that they can use right now, or are you leading them around in circles? People will invest very little time on a website that's confusing or doesn't address the issue of why they ended up there in the first place.

With simple tweaks of your traffic driving techniques, you can get more visitors that are more interested, more often. These opportunities for website traffic cannot be ignored if you take your online success seriously. It's about conversions: signing up to newsletter, making a purchase, taking away important information, learning something. This what IMTC is all about.  Helping you help others.

Easy Traffic and Critical Exposure for Your Website: The Facebook Comments Plug-in

Lately, I have seen a ton of sales letters, squeeze pages and websites that are utilizing the Facebook Comments Plug-in. Simply put, it is a way for Facebook users to leave a comment on a webpage that will also show up on their user profiles. In essence, people visiting a webpage can add their two-cents and not only will it show up on their Facebook Wall, it gets sent out to all of their friends via the mini news-feed. Now all of their friends can click on the link as well, driving a wall of fresh Facebook traffic to the website. They can elect to leave a comment as well, creating an exponentially large amount of exposure.

This is the critical exposure needed to compete with the huge amount of competition for your topic. Or if you are having a time-sensitive event, this can help push it along in short order. The Comments Plug-in also has other factors involved such as: looking like there is a ‘buzz' going around for the website, getting feedback from your visitors, and using the amount of back links from all of those Facebook Walls as an SEO strategy. This plug-in is free to use and easy to implement. After filling out the variables in how the plug-in will look, your webmaster simply copy and pastes the provided code into the website wherever you want it to show up.

How can you encourage Facebook users to leave a comment? Ask for their advice for starters. People like to leave their opinions and feel as if their input matters. Since you can track who leaves a comment, or how many ‘likes' a comment may get, you can offer a prize for people leaving a ‘really good' comment. Facebook doesn't allow contests to take place directly on the Facebook site, so this third-party app is perfect for holding a sweepstakes. Social media is the future of the web, especially in conversation mode. A direct-to-dialogue approach will work wonders for your web business. At the Internet Marketing Training Center, we will show you how it's done.

A Career in Video Marketing – Proper Training Needed

Being trained in video editing is not enough. Period.

There is a huge demand for online video marketing in every field of business: corporate, retail, manufacturing and service industries. They all are using video to promote their products in social networking, website, mobile marketing and Youtube. Think of the possibilities that the right training could give you. At most technical schools, video editing has been a popular study providing graduates with a great career. But things are changing. The demand by businesses that need video to become a viral tool of promotion is growing everyday, and leaving most video editors in the cold.

Businesses are looking outside of their talent for the services they need. That's not going to get you the raises and promotions you're looking for. If your a video editor looking for more saleable marketing skills, our school has the training that can provide an entirely new career path for you. Think about how in demand you could be producing AND marketing online video for your clients. The marketing of video is where the real power of the medium presents itself. One simple two minute video, nicely created, could be seen by literally millions of people all over the world in short order.

Online video is everywhere. You see it on nearly every website you go on to. It's a huge part of online business marketing and you need the skills to stay above the pack. If you are a video editor, you are so close to having everything you need to take control of your future. At IMTC, we have the up-to-date training that you need to succeed in this arena. Download our career brochure right from the website and others who have used Internet Marketing to accelerate their lives into full gear. Is this you?

Internet Marketing Careers – Social Networking Builds Real Customers

LAS VEGAS (FOX5) – Lou Ragg of MGM Resorts International says the Internet, including Facebook and Twitter, is the first place consumers go when deciding where they want to spend their money on the Las Vegas strip.

“Just a few years ago is when social media really started taking off for the company and the consumer, very powerful.” The company has a large team working for it's internet department specifically for that reason.

“We currently have a team of 15 individuals that work on everything from search marketing to domestic display, international marketing, social media.” says Ragg who is the company's vice president of Internet marketing. These jobs were unheard of just a few years ago but now a necessity to drive business.

“You go back five years ago and it was very important to have a AAA Five-Diamond award, and today it's, ‘What's my rating on trip advisor?'” Competing for donation dollars might be tougher than filling hotel rooms and Opportunity Village has to compete for attention online with a much smaller budget.

Jon Mackin is the charity's digital marketing coordinator, staff of one.  “A very good portion of my day is keeping up with Facebook and Twitter,” Mackin says. Social media is the new age word of mouth for one of the valley's biggest charities. Not only does Mackin use it to help raise money, but it's used to save the charity big dollars as well. “We have so many different lines of business so many different things going on at all times we'd be spending thousands and thousands of dollars if it weren't for social media.”

If this is a job you think you can do because you've sent out a few thousand tweets, that may not be enough to be a part of Ragg's team. You have to be able to monetize the traffic that you control and be adept at using analytics to  see what's working and what is not.

Learn the skills you'll need to make a real career from social media.

IMTCVA – Join Us On Our New Facebook Fan Page

The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia has created a new fan page over at Facebook. “LIKE” it to get a free 116 page e-book:

“Multi-Million Dollar Mouse – Learn to Start Your Own Internet Business and Use the Money to Pay for College”

Join Us On Facebook!

Do you know a young person that could take the training that Tom Antion knows and use it to start their own business or work for a professional company? It's all here at IMTC, the only dedicated Internet Marketing learning facility in the country. Take the free ebook you received when you liked this page and pass it to as many young people as possible. Help others succeed with the career of their dreams!

Tell as many friends as possible about this page! We are going to be posting high content, proven genius tips that you can use immediately to help your business thrive on the Internet. We will deliver for you, so that a young person you know may develop a dream career for themselves.


 Help them succeed in life…

Internet Marketing Promotions – Facebook Product Marketing

Facebook is a great way to promote specials and promotions for small businesses on the web. Using the power of the friends that you have spent time collecting and nurturing, businesses can get a interactive kick from comments, testimonials and post sharing with the ease that Facebook provides. In conjunction with Twitter and Youtube, businesses can plan out a promotional strategy that could put their offerings in front of the eyes of thousands of people.

A couple of weeks before any type of special promotion, the business will want to create small video productions that can be uploaded and shared on social media sites. Videos that are no longer than 2 – 3 minutes in length showing customers giving testimonials, using the products, having fun at past events… anything that creates fun and excitement. No matter what kind of business you have, there are ways to create an informative or commercial aspect to the video production.

These videos can be uploaded to Youtube and Facebook on the day before the big promotion and shared with your friends on their home news feeds. Contact your friends and followers a couple of days beforehand to solicit their comments on your wall in exchange for a special coupon or giveaway just for them. Every video you upload to Facebook or Youtube notifies all of your friends and subscribers to invite them to watch. Each of your friends that makes a comment on your Facebook Wall stating how much they like your business creates a notification to all of their friends. You have now started a domino effect that could put the promo video before the eyes of hundreds of thousands of people.

Your account administrator can leave “thank you” comments in response that will create a sense of interactivity and a personal touch. This kind of buzz is a powerful branding tool that keeps your logos and products on the top of your friends minds, and makes them feel as if you care and are taking the time to connect with them.

Get more info on social networking marketing.