Why You Should Be More Active On Your Youtube Account

A number of perks become available to those Youtube users that have had a channel in good standing for some time and regularly upload videos to their channel. One perk is an extended time limit for videos. When you first sign up for Youtube, the video length for uploads is limited to 15 minutes. After some time goes by with an account in good-standing, you can begin to upload videos that can be as long as 2 – 3 hours or more. This is very helpful in using Youtube to share recorded webinars with your registrants. You can't just ‘ask' Youtube for extended video length either. They will basically surprise you with a notification that states “Congratulations! You can now upload videos longer than 15 minutes in length.” The only thing we've found to expidite this is to be as active as possible on your account and upload videos regularly.

Another perk that is a lot of fun is the ability to upload a custom image for a video thumbnail. With new users, you're only offered a choice of three random thumbnails to choose from for your videos. But active and longer standing accounts will now see a ‘browse' button for uploading the image of your choice while in the ‘edit video' mode. Again, length of time and regular uploading will help hurry these perks along for users.




What is Social Bookmarking and How Can it Help Your Business?

Social bookmarking is the practice of saving bookmarks to a public Web site and “tagging” them with keywords. Bookmarking, on the other hand, is the practice of saving the address of a Web site you wish to visit in the future on your computer. To create a collection of social bookmarks, you register with a social bookmarking site, which lets you store bookmarks, add tags of your choice, and designate individual bookmarks as public or private. Visitors to social bookmarking sites can search for resources by keyword, person, or popularity and see the public bookmarks, tags, and classifications that registered users have created and saved.

The most popular social bookmarking sites are Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon and Delicious. They are all free to join and can create powerful backlinks to your own sites as well as sharing your resources with millions of other people.

Activities like social bookmarking give users the opportunity to express differing perspectives on information and resources through informal organizational structures. This process allows like-minded individuals to find one another and create new communities of users that continue to influence the ongoing evolution of folksonomies and common tags for resources.

If you are looking for information about sailing, for example, you might find that other users saw a connection between sailing and boat repair, taking you in new andvaluable directions.

These kinds of tools also encourage users to keep coming back because the collections of resources are constantly changing. This fresh and constantly updated content is good for search engine results as well.

People search for information every second – information that involves what you are writing or teaching about. Social bookmarking gives you yet another connection to potential customers and media through increased search results and networking opportunities.


Marketing on Discussion Forums

Discussion forums are a great place to get to network with like-minded people and express your expert opinions and answer questions for others. Many forums are heavily populated with users that log in a couple of times a week, and have a large subscribership. Most forums are broken down into a main topic and many sub-topics, attracting a narrow interest focus of highly qualified visitors. It's for this reason that forums can be used as a great marketing tool.

As a member of a forum, it's bad etiquette to simply try and sell from the forum discussions. In fact, leaving a URL to an outside website address in the post body itself can get you into trouble. But most forum mediators let members create a ‘signature file' that is appended to the end of each conversation and response, that can help drive traffic to websites and information. These sites can be blogs, websites or affiliate products that each member has a chance to promote. Here is a snapshot of a signature file in a member's post:



For a member like this, who has posted over 2000 times on this forum alone, think about the millions of people who have read these posts and possibly clicked on the links in his signature file at the bottom (clickable links in blue). And these clicks aren't random — they are from people who are familar with this member's expertise and trust what he has to say. How can you use forum marketing to your advantage?



Careers in Internet Marketing: Be Your Own Consultant

Making money online is far easier with a good education like the one you'll get at the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia. You can sell your own products, books and services no matter what they are if you implement the proper marketing strategies. But there is an even more lucrative way to make money with this knowledge: being a consultant for others.

When you understand and successfully implement the strategies you learn at IMTC, there's a thousand other business owners who want to know how you did it, and they'll pay well for you to help them. Internet marketing can be a mysterious – it's a bit different than what most people are used to in terms of retail store marketing. Someone like you with specialized knowledge can become quickly sought after for your expertise.

There's no shortage of businesses that need consultations for their online marketing. just about every business, local or national, is looking to get more traffic to their website and more sales from the visitors that make it there. They need printable coupons, Facebook pages,  Youtube videos, newsletters, search engine friendly text, ecommerce system help and much more. Having your own consulting business could be the most profitable career you've ever dreamed of.

Careers For Stay At Home Moms


Don't think you have a choice between staying at home and putting your kids in daycare? Watch the video to see how you can discover the hottest and most in demand training available today. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months and be on your way to a great job. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia.

Email Marketing: Online Videos

Sending email is still an effective way marketers sell their products and services on the web.  But with ever decreasing open rates and inbox clutter and competition, making that email message convert is more important than ever. There are ways to stand apart from the crowd, and online video in email can make for an interesting and dynamic presentation.

In most email programs such as Gmail and Yahoo, a link to a Youtube video in the body of the message will make the video playable right in the recipient's inbox. I tested this not too long ago: I sent an email to myself from 1shoppingcart and mailchimp, with a URL to a Youtube video in the body,  to my personal Gmail account and I could play the video in the email. I didn't have to click out to Youtube to watch it. Even if your recipient has to click out to Youtube, it's a safe way to watch a video that doesn't get caught in spam filters like an attachment.

Videos are far more entertaining and informative than just text alone. You can product how-to's, show off software applications with a screen-capture video or just pass on great information with a ‘talking-head' style video presentation. It easier for people to grasp information presented via video than having them read plain text. For those marketers who are trying to increase their Youtube channel views, sending out an email can do the trick. Think about how many views you can get very quickly if 500 people open an email and watch a video.

More video and email techniques are only a click away…


Websites That Google Loves (and ones they don’t)

Google loves websites that look like an authority on a certain subject. Search engines strive to give their customers (the searcher) an exact match of the best and most relevant information. If a website has too many keywords that are unrelated, Google won't put that website anywhere near the top of the results.

What most website owners fail to understand is that the more narrow and selective the keywords are in a specific niche, the better. Often, website owners try and stuff as many various keyword phrases in their site as possible thinking that more is better – that they will attract a larger number of results and hits. But the opposite is really what happens.

Too many keywords that are unrelated to each other makes you look like a ‘jack-of-all-trades' to a search engine. They know that the site may not be an authority on anything at all, and may be just a bunch of half-hearted information on smaller topics. That's not the kind of website that Google wants to deliver to their customer. And they'll avoid a website like that every time.

If you are an expert on various, unrelated topics, you may consider having two or more websites that focus on specific keyword phrases and not try and cram all the topics onto one site. As obvious as this sounds, this is one of the most common problems keeping a website from coming up high in search results. Look at some websites next time you're surfing around and see if you can notice multiple topics. It could be a hard assignment because they rarely come up for anyone to find.

How can you make a website for yourself that Google loves?

Distance Education Night Classes


Learning at night could free your life up for important things. Learn how you can discover the hottest and most in demand jobs available today. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months and be on your way to a great job. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia.

Sending Email Attachments: When is Big too Big?

Lately I've been getting emails from people with
enormous attachments. This is poor form for a couple reasons.

1. If the attachment makes it through, you may have caused the
person receiving the email to exceed their allotted email space
which would make their other emails undeliverable. They won't be
very happy with you if you cause that to happen.

2. Many servers are set to delete or “send to junk” large
attachments because it looks like a hacker attack on their
system. In this case your email never gets through.

3. Definitely don't send a broadcast email or set up an
autoresponder with an attachment. You'll get tons of complaints
and a bad delivery rate. Just send an email with a link in it to
where people can download the file if they want to.

Large files are much more common because of video and graphics.
So what should you do?

A. Check the size of your file before you attach it to an email.
If it's anything bigger than a megabyte or two, don't send it via
email unless the person receiving it gives you the go ahead.

Generally you can “right click” on a file and click on
“properties” to see the file size.

B. Learn to reduce the file size of your graphics for screen,
ebook or website use. There are several sites available. Just Google “reduce image size”.

C. Use a file transfer service. Find it at
https://wetransfer.com Upload your file to that
service and tell it the email address you want the file delivered
to. The recipient will get an email telling them they have a file
to download. This is a much more accepted procedure and will make
you look like you know what you're doing.

Use the above tips to make sure you don't look foolish or cause
trouble for people when you send emails.

Implementing a “Points” System for your Database

Many businesses and marketers have a hard time connecting with their database of prospects and customers. Low email open rates and low attendance to teleclasses and webinars have online business people scratching their heads as to how to increase involvement with their list.

A ‘points' system could be the answer you're looking for. Whether it's simply opening up an email and clicking on a link, or being re-directed to a page during a live webinar, a points system can reward customer behavior with an ever-growing bounty of points that the customer can redeem for free services.

Maybe 1000 points could be redeemed for a photoshopped website banner or an ebook cover. Maybe 5000 points could be redeemed for a video editing job or 30 minute consultation. The only way the customer can collect points is for a specific action taken via a webpage or social media  conversion.

Using a program such as ContestBurner, posting a tweet or Facebook comment, uploading a video to Youtube or publishing an article about your business can reward the visitor with points that they can redeem for services. Everything the visitor does to earn the points can help promote your business. To have access to the information, the visitor would have to open an email or attend a live webinar, both increasing your brand awareness to your list.

What other ideas can you think of that would increase participation in your online activities?