Video Marketing and Hosting Sites

Video Marketing and Hosting Sites

Video marketing is one of the fastest growing and powerful ways to spread information around the Internet. Online video has become easier to use over the years with better quality players and more vivid video formats. With the ever growing advancements in software and technology, you can get a consumer level camera and inexpensive video editing software to create informative productions to use on websites, advertising and marketing of your business.

Web based video productions are usually short and informative. They can be produced to drive traffic to your website or business and to welcome visitors to your website home page. They can be made to offer customer service ideas, training for product use and even to advertise specials, discounts and promotions.

Due to the limited attention span of Internet users and to limit the file size of videos for quick webpage loading, video productions are best kept to 2 – 5 minutes. It doesn’t sound like much time, but it really is when you are advertising. The key to efficient video marketing is to produce many small shorts based on keywords that a searcher will be looking for.

In the past few years there have been a large number of free hosting sites where you can upload your videos for sharing. Sites such as Youtube, VideoGoogle, VideoYahoo, Revver, Vimeo and DailyMotion let video makers of any size or professionalism to create an account, called a channel, where you can upload and share an unlimited number of videos that are easily searchable on search engines. In your account you can build a subscriber list, brand your channel with logos and information about your business, make friends and promote your videos by sharing them via email with other users.

You can use a mass video uploading and distribution tool like the one at to upload a video to multiple hosting sites simultaneously. The advantage above just saving time is that you can have a presence on multiple sites to get more views: 50 videos x 100 views each x 20 hosting sites = 100,000 views total.

And videos work for you 24/7. You shoot the video once, upload the video once and people all over the world can view it for years to come, each one with a clickable link to your website in the video description.

Blogging For Businesses

A business blog can, and should complement your website, ezine and brand. When you create a conversation with your prospects (visitors, readers), you are establishing your credibility. You build your network and increase the awareness of your products and services in a casual way. A blog is an essential tool in the professional's marketing toolbox. Combined with a website, an ezine, database management and ecommerce system, you will have everything you need to develop and run your business globally and online.

A blog has features that are not usually available on a traditional or static website.

• Easy to update, no tech skills or knowledge of HTML required

• Allows visitors to comment and interact with you

• Builds a community of targeted readers

• Search engine friendly since they are typically updated frequently

• Easy to add pictures, audio and document files for your readers to download

• Easy to add your logo and link from your existing website

We don't recommend free blogging platforms that are hosted on their own servers such as Free blog software like Blogger does not have many of the features you need in order to interact with your readers, and there is NO tech support. There is very little control over the design elements and you run a chance of getting your blog shut down for no reason.

If you are technically savvy, you may be able to customize a free blog, but most blogging services provide a default template which is not professional looking and has ads for other blogs.

More and more businesses are using the power of blogging to stay in touch with their customers. You can offer downloadable or printable coupons, advertise specials, inform your visitors about your location or hours of operation, and even use comments as a customer service tool. Every business can use blogging to brand themselves: restaurants, plumbers, dry cleaners, marketers, and anyone who has a service to sell.

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Membership Sites Are Still Hot!

When does 20 = 24,000?

If you had only 100 members paying you $20.00 a month, you would earn $24,000.00 in a “year”. 100 members by Internet standards is pretty pitiful performance. 1000 members would mean $240,000.00 a “year”.

On a bad “month” my membership site brings in at least $15,000.00 and a good “month” would be over $100,000.00. Can you see the potential here? If you want to create a site that will give you a monthly income from membership fees, you can purchase a turnkey solution that you can customize yourself.

People are making small fortunes with a small amount of weekly work with these sites.

A great program to use for creating membership sites is Membergate. You can check out an example of a site that uses Membergate at  You won’t be able to log in completely unless you are registered, but you will see the basic interface.

A relatively new and much less expensive membership software that is receiving a lot of attention is Wishlist Member. It is a plugin for a WordPress blog that turns the blog into a membership site.

There are many types of membership sites for every kind of business or topic. There are membership sites just for retailers, dentists, realtors, doctors and thousands more. Membership sites can contain specialized training that is found nowhere else, or it can be found in other places, but the value of the membership site is that it's all in one place so people don't have to spend time looking for the information.


Marketing Strategies Involving Your Prospect’s Phone

Telephone and Text

There are two types of marketing that involve the recipient’s telephone.

1. Is voice broadcasting and the other

2. is text messaging.

For voice broadcasting you can use a service called

Be careful not to use this too often because it can get some complaints that it is too intrusive. Overall though, it can be very effective and people can opt out of the broadcasts easily. You also want to consider only using this service on a customer list of yours, so the people you are broadcasting to already have somewhat of a relationship with you.

There are two major ways you can use this.

A. You can record a message that is broadcast to all the phone numbers on your distribution list and

B. You can advertise a phone number to call for recorded information.

It’s simply amazing what these systems will do.

They have a wonderful video and features list for

A. at and


Text Messaging

One thing is for sure. People look at their text messages and they normally do it within minutes of receiving them and mostly immediately when they receive it. They might wait a week or more to check their email, they may never check it or they may check it sometime whenever they feel like it, but not text. They check it NOW.

On one hand this is an EXTREMELY powerful form of marketing but on the other hand it still can be considered intrusive so you have to be careful how you handle it. The first thing is you don’t want to be buying lists of phone numbers and spamming text messages to them. That’s a great way to ruin your reputation.

The best way to do this is to give your customers or prospects a big enticement to allow you to text them, such as giving away give discounts on many of your products and services once a week. You should tell people signing up exactly how many texts they can expect. Some text messaging services require that you do this and you must guarantee that’s all the messages you will send.

You can send as many as you want as long as the receiver has agreed to it. Since text broadcasting is not free at the present time, you should be judicial in how many text messages you send and make sure you are getting a return on your investment.

Plus, for most professional people too many promotional texts would get aggravating. You can actually sell text messages. You could sell your daily inspiration message or your daily weight watching reminder or whatever short message you have.

Here’s some tips on text message marketing:

• Add a text message field to your ezine sign up form

• Add text message subscribe instructions to your printed material.

• Send a broadcast to your email subscribers encouraging them to sign up.

• Give instructions to sign up for your messages on all your social networks, websites and blogs.

• Don’t text too often

• Make sure you don’t text anywhere near sleeping hours (this may be difficult if you do business worldwide)

• Limit your messages to about 150 characters.



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Essential Blogging Basics

When your blog is brand new, it may seem as if no one is reading it. Keep on posting and keep on asking readers questions. You have to go out on the edge and stir things up a bit sometimes, but do it authentically. Also, you must educate your readers and tell them how to comment. Many people are new to blogging. Tell them to click on the comment link and share their opinions. The more you persist with this, the more likely you will get people to comment and participate in the conversation. Commenting also helps your findability on search engines. When readers comment, that adds new content to the page on which your blog post is created. New content alerts the search engines to index your blog on a regular basis.

Most blogging software can be set up to notify you when someone has posted a comment. Be sure to respond by sending them a personal email thanking them. You can also respond to them in the blog comment section, just make sure they are notified that you have done so. Your list of recent posts and recent comments should reflect an active blog with information that's relevant to your targeted group of readers. If it doesn’t, take it up a notch by writing more frequently, focusing on your blog’s purpose, and directly encouraging readers to leave comments.

Link to useful websites, products and services

Linking is the currency of the Web. Besides being common courtesy to link to your sources of information, you can also link to your own posts, websites, and your products and services. Weave them into your posts so they contribute to the context of your writing, however; too much blatant marketing of your own products and services doesn’t make for good reading, and can turn readers off. Think of a blog posting as a conversation at a cocktail party: you wouldn’t monopolize the conversation just talking about yourself and expect people will stand around for a long time listening. Every time you post, review your article for names, books, and places.

All of these can be linked to a site on the Web. Even ideas and concepts can be linked to a page in Wikipedia. Failing to link to outside sources is bad etiquette in the Blogosphere. And, don't forget to add links to your products and services in the sidebar of your blog. Make sure people know how they can get more information about you and what you offer.

A career as a professional blogger is only a click away…