There are more and more people who are taking advantage of a higher education these days than ever before, even if they have been limited in their ability to attend a college in the past. The reason is distance education. For many, who either live in rural areas or don't have access to transportation, attending a college was nearly impossible. This held back the opportunities for an advancement at work or learning a new career. Other reasons include being a stay-at-home mom, caring for an elderly parent, living on a limited budget or just not having a vocational school anywhere nearby.
Distance education is the solution to many of these problems. Often, an online alternative is even cheaper than going on campus. This frees you up to get your education whenever it's convenient for you: nights, mornings, in between jobs and at your own pace. The instructors are accessible via phone and email, most quizzes are graded automatically with special software and you can even make friends with other students in the school with a ‘Facebook' style profile and posting system. Virtual networking groups and live chat classrooms are popular as well.
IMTC utilizes all of these conveniences for each of our students. No matter where you are in the world, you have instant access to our learning portal and staff. This affords you a quality education whether your can attend any other physical college or not. We're here for you right now. A high-demand education in the New Media of Internet Marketing is available to you with just a simple phone call: 757.687.5190
Check out our former students that make a great living with online businesses!