Blogging Tips – Be Yourself

Blogging is the hottest trend to hit the Internet in years. Nearly 65% of people who read or get information online use blogs to get the information. Why? Because blogs are fun, personal and always fresh. If you look at ESPN for example, they link to many reporter blog posts that talk candidly about the week's sports news. If you visit to read the latest tech news, it's usually in the form of a blog post. Blogging is filled with variety and interaction. Often, the comments readers leave are more informative and entertaining than the original post itself. This only adds more fun and excitement to the post, making blogging more popular than ever.

If you are a business owner or are helping someone with their blogging duties, it can be a chore to think of something to say everyday. Here is a hint to better blogging: Be yourself and be personal. Being candid creates a rapport with your reader and makes it easier to think of things to write about. Even if no real news has come out about your industry lately, there are still opinions and thoughts to put on paper, so to speak. Whether those thoughts and opinions are your own or someone else's, it's often not too difficult to stir up the pot a little and get a conversation going. Reading an ongoing dialogue between a number of ‘experts' is what brings your readers back to the blog over and over again. Repeat visitors is what the search engines love.

I see far too many blogs that are very ‘clinical' in nature: they are just spouting boring facts or re-hashing the news of the day. That's not what people want to read. There are millions of blogs to compete with – you can't be boring and expect results. The more personalized the post and the more candid your writing becomes, the more interactive and fun the blog becomes for your readers. Fun blogs make money.

Use your blog as a daily diary.That's what they were originally intended for anyway, but it seems that most bloggers have lost their way. Learn to ‘lighten' up your writing by being yourself… and watch the results roll in!

Do you have what it takes to be a professional blogger?

Getting on the First Page of Google – Is It Still a Reality?

You see ads and claims all of the time of services that can get your website in the first page search results of Google. Since there are only 10 results per search word or phrase that can occupy that space, that can be a tall promise. Taking in consideration of just how many websites there are on the web, can you really get a website on the first page of a search result?

Let's look at how it's done and what alternatives are available for better search engine placement:

Pay Per Click – you can ‘buy' your way to a first page listing with Google Sponsored Ads. Depending how much you're willing to spend per click, you can have your ad appear above anyone else's.

Other listings – Google has alternative search results for videos, images, books and blogs. Using specific keywords for this media, you can have elements of your webpage appear on the first page of these various results.

Niche keywords phrases – competing for general keywords such as “diamond jewelry, public speaking or life coaching' can be tough. Thorough research in other phrases people search for can land you on the first page of results. Try ‘long-tail' phrases such as “how to keep children of off drugs, corporate training for public speakers or handmade sapphire bracelets.” There is less competition for these phrases and you can still reach your target market.

Third party websites – some websites that have been around for a long time have a lot of clout with Google. You can get higher search positioning with articles, Youtube videos or being a guest blogger that will link to your website than you may get with your own website, especially if it's new.

As an Internet marketing professional, working with a business or even creating your own home based business, you'll need to answer the question: “How can I still get a first page listing with Google?” At IMTC, we teach you these various elements to better search engine placement whether you use just one or a combination of all of the above techniques. Being able to answer that question will make you more valuable in the workplace and steer you clear of scam services that promise the moon. Find out if a career in Internet Marketing is right for you.

A Career in Social Networking: Really? I Already Know About Social Networking

Yes. Almost everyone is familiar with Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. A majority of us are on these sites daily having fun and making friends. For business however, it's serious business. Companies large and small are spending time and money on social media marketing, even in the face of declining budgets for television, newspapers and other traditional media. Why? Because social networks are where the customers are. People log in to their Facebook accounts nearly everyday if not more. They are there when they are looking for friends, looking for information and even when they are looking for something to eat or someplace to go see a band. Marketing on social networks is dynamic: businesses can deliver specials, coupons and hours of operation. Fans can get instant updates as to what tonight's special dish is, what products are on sale and even what other customers are saying about the business.

Look around and take notice: just how many businesses are NOT using social media to reach out to their customers? Very few.  And who is running these campaigns and managing the day-to-day updates and operations that keep the message flowing smoothly? Internet Marketers. People who know more than just posting and sharing photos. You have to know what to say to your fans and when to say it. You have to know how to ‘push their buttons' so they act on your message. In most regards it's similar to traditional advertising, just more far-reaching and much more cost-effective.

Why is that important to you? Because this is a seriously in-demand career with a lot of benefit. Companies are realizing very quickly that there is a large gap between their growing demand and skilled employees that know how to do it right. The ball is in your court. In an era where many jobs are being outsourced or eliminated completely, Internet Marketing will continue to grow. At the Internet Marketing Training Center, we teach the skills that you need to make a career like this for yourself. Maybe you didn't realize that making a great living was possible with something fun like Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin? Well, now you do…

What Does a Career in Internet Marketing Look Like?

Compared to other careers such as computer programming, accounting or even plumbing, Internet Marketing is relatively new. Many people are unfamiliar with the extant of what it truly means. Yes, you may have heard of making money online or ‘get rich quick' schemes with television commercials featuring bikini-clad women on yachts. But that's not what Internet Marketing is all about.

Take away the word “Internet” and concentrate on just the word marketing. Now think of all of the websites you visit and all of the ads you see online promoting products and services. It's very similar to ads in newspapers and on television except they are more dynamic and interactive: flashing banners, enter your email for a chance to win, printable coupons and links directly to stores where you can make a purchase. All of these ad tactics are a part of marketing – just done on webpages instead of television. This is the world of Internet Marketing. And nearly every business on Earth is getting in on it, because it works.

For the coming year of 2012,businesses will increasing their spending on Internet Marketing because they are getting more bang for their buck than with traditional marketing. Yes, they will still market like they used to: television, radio, print, billboards, etc… But the Internet offers an opportunity to reach more people for less money. Using Youtube, Facebook, email and Google to reach their customers, you can see the power of the Internet and why businesses take it seriously. The big question that these businesses will face for 2012: where will they find enough skilled employees to fill the rising demand?

This is just a small example of why Internet Marketing is a serious career choice. One that not many people may be familiar with, but one that will play an important part in all of our lives. Do you think you have what it takes to be a part of this ever growing career?

Building a Better Website

Let's dive into a little “theory” today.

I'm not talking about websites that sell. There are whole courses on that. I'm talking about the basic concepts you need on a website so that people aren't going to think you're a fly-by-night crook.

“Let's See Some ID please…..”

I'm talking branding. When you do business with people, you don't want to do business from the shadows, or from behind a mask, so put your “business face” forward. If you aren't in the market for a logo, you should at the very least get a designed header on your website. This will be the main graphic at the top of each page as people navigate through your pages. Why? Well, first of all, it let's them know “who” you are or what you are selling—or talking about. And having a header across all your pages allows them to be grouped together and identified as being together. This is important if you use a shopping cart “service”.  A shopping cart that is “linked” to your pages but actually secured on a different site.  (, You can customize these pages so that they have a similar look at feel—you don't want anyone to bolt because the look of the site suddenly changed.  They might feel like they have left your site, or something fishy happened. We definitely don't want to scare off a sale.

“Can You Tell Me How to Get…….”

Navigation.  People will be literally LOST on your website without an easily identifiable navigation area.  Try not to re-invent the wheel here.  A basic text menu is great for getting people around.  Try to stick to one or two words.  If you are trying to get a “phrase” up in the navigation menu, you really need to rethink what you are trying to do with the page.  And make sure people can find the important stuff if it's not ALL up in the navigation bar.  It has become customary to find vital information down at the bottom of the site.  Typically, on each page.  Sometimes this is the main navigation bar with some additional navigation to disclaimer information, privacy policies, contact information, refund info, etc.  We as a culture have grown to expect a “disclaim” near the bottom of the page.  Think of any car ad.  Furniture sales.  Electronics. Special sales.  All of them have it.

Your main navigation should consist of “Home”, “Contact”, “Products / Catalog”, “About”.  This is really where you get to structure the site.  Freebies?  You want them at least near the navigation if not IN the navigation. (And it should stand apart…. you want people to notice this section.) Do you have articles?  Members only login?  These need to be accessible in the navigation portion of your site/page.

“Headlines and Subheads”

Make sure page is “skim” friendly.  If you are breaking any sort of information down, it should be structured so that people know exactly when they are hitting a new block of information. Headlines should be large blocks of information subheads should be larger than the body copy and distinctly informative, short, and to the point.  They really shouldn't break on another line.  You can use subheads to break a timeline or to change topics.

“Promotion and Standout Information”

Sidebars serve several functions.  One is to break the ledge of the legible copy.  If the copy were too wide, it would be difficult to focus on making reading difficult. It creates a logical break and some interest in the shape of the site.

It also provides a very strong area to callout information or promote and market your information and products, or someone ELSE'S information and products—ad space.  Typically, you won't be having revenue generating space until you have a decent amount of specific traffic, then you can start to solicit advertisers.  But don't let that stop YOU from using that space.  It is prime real estate.  You can use it to draw attention to specific information.  You can change the information PER PAGE if you want.  This sidebar—near the top—has been an important position for opt-in boxes and freebies.  A perfect way to capture interest and build your potential customer database.

“Keep It Simple, Keep It Clean”

These aren't difficult ideas to put in place.  They will keep your site looking clean and easy to get around.  Image goes a long way in business.  Think about the places you shop.  They are all organized (the mall has a directory), with products neatly and visibly on shelves.  Information is king, but people have to be able to find it.  Now…. to tackle my desk….

Don't know how to build a website? Check out the Internet Marketing Training Center to start a career on the Internet. Build websites, market and promote products all over the Internet.  Create your own products so that you can create your own income!

Adwords – Learn how to save money

Google AdWords, you might be familiar with the term and you even might have messed around with it…..or maybe it was just too daunting to even try anything else with it. AdWords can be not only confusing, but also cause you to lose money! But don't let that scare you, let that be a motivator to learn how to do it the right way and not lose any money in the process. The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia has all the information you need to set up your AdWords account, start an ad campaign, and create ads that will get people to click. The Pay Per Click class at IMTC breaks down what each step is and walks you through the process of using Google AdWords. The Pay Per Click class also helps you outline a budget for your advertising and provides you lessons on Facebook ads and using AdWords for local search as well.

Don't miss out on getting the training you need. Visit IMTC to get more information on how you can start learning Pay Per Click. Not only will you get the information you need on Pay Per Click, you get certified in Internet marketing. With this certificate, you will have the knowledge to market your own products and services plus you can take the certificate and get a job with other businesses that need the exact same thing that you now know.

Start a new career at the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia.

Happy Holidays from the Internet Marketing Training Center

The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia would like to send you our message of holiday cheer. No matter what or how you celebrate, be sure to relax and enjoy the season.

And since 2012 is right around the corner, it might be time for a career change. Even a change that could mean you are in charge of your future.

2012 Challenges for Business – An Ever Growing Presence on the Web

2012 will be a lot like 2011 in terms of business practices. Retail, manufacturing and service oriented companies will be scaling down expenses and offering various new services that can be accessed in alternative ways. Doing business as usual is over. Many companies will be turning to the web to increase revenues and cut costs in advertising. The Internet gives businesses a cost effective way to reach their target market over traditional marketing channels. The ever-present issue with the web is finding enough skilled employees that not only know how to work with the new technology, but are able to keep up with emerging trends that may be the ‘next big thing' and how to leverage those technologies with their business.

Failed attempts to keep on top of the ever changing Internet landscape have left companies high-and-dry in terms of using these new techniques to make sales and build profits. Outsourcing these marketing techniques have left businesses weak and behind the times, or at best, not taking full advantage of the technology available to them. The solution is an educated workforce. One that understands how the technology works on a basic level and how to affect the buying public's decision making process. Social media, interactive video and user-friendly apps and website experiences are just the tip of the iceberg. Acquiring the skill set to manage this kind of marketing is only a click away.  

What talents do you possess? How can use the gap between supply and demand to carve out a new career for yourself? At the Internet Marketing Training Center, we are searching everyday for the most up-to-date skills that employers don't even know they need and arming our students with the know-how that makes them valuable… ahead of their time.

But time will catch up. When businesses raise their voices to make the plea for competent workers, IMTC grads will be there to answer the call.

Our World Is Changing

The world is different today than it was yesterday.  Smartphones have a life expectancy of about 2 years.  They are designed to be disposable as the next better, faster, more amazing version comes out every year. Apple doesn't even allow you to replace the battery.  The smartphone is a supercomputer that is designed to be thrown away.  If not thrown away, then at the very least it's been designed to be retired from the initial owner after a year or two.  Computers are not much different.  The hardware may be designed to last a little longer, but software packages change pretty rapidly.  Internet Explorer already has version 9 out and Microsoft is trying to force people to retire IE 6. Cars aren't designed for a long lifespan.  A car loan is roughly 5 years.  It can almost be expected a car will be traded in after 7.  How long do people stick around in a job?

The point is, that the world changes and pretty quickly.  Smart phones, computers, tablets have made it even easier to be connected.  FaceTime, Skype, any of the handful of messenger/communication softwares capable of audio and video chat.  And with technology, business has changed as well.

Technology has Shrunken Our Borders

With the advent of instant communication, instant streaming, huge data channels on phones and in homes, we can get albums, movies, software packages at the drop of a pin.  We can speak with someone a world away as if they were standing right in front of us.  This changes our business practices.  We have to be “always on” which means we need a presence on the web.  We need to understand how to reach out (market) to potential clients.  We need to have an avenue of response, even while we are sleeping.  Taking orders, answering questions, troubleshooting problems all while we sleep and probably in a dozen different languages.  How do you learn all these things?  How do you create a web of connectivity, a hand of constant outreach to your customers?

Tsunami of Information

Almost everyone has Facebook, Google+, and Twitter in their pocket. We are constantly bombarded with text or SMS messages from friends, family, and loyalty programs.  You may not want to add to the din of voices screaming for attention, but if you don't, subscribe to at least one information stream, you may be completely alienating your customers and how they choose to get information. You need to learn the best way to touch base with them.  Everyone will choose their best method.  I have a preference for RSS, as far as information I want to gather and email for things I want to be informed of.  Your customers will pick their best method that they like, so it's important to offer them some choices.

We Are All Paparazi

The World is truly watching. Everyone wants their fifteen minutes of fame.  Everyone wants to be a celebrity.  Everyone thinks they are on reality TV. We Twitter, we post, we +1, we Share.  There are so many pictures of us floating around, you'd think you were a celebrity. Whether or not this is a result of technology or the very thing that lead to that technology is a tough question to answer. But it has become a valuable tool.  There are places where cell phones are more prevalent than toilets, running water, or even electricity.

The point is, you can't ignore being out there using all these advertising channels to get your message out, your products seen.

Visit the Internet Marketing Training Center to find out how you can learn all this and more!

Authors – Use Video in your Amazon Profile

Are you an author? Do you have your book on Amazon? Simply uploading your book to Amazon is not enough, you need to market it and, more importantly, yourself. Luckily, Amazon makes it easy to do both. Amazon has a separate section for authors to create a profile, here, at Amazon's Author Central.  Author Central lets you provide information about you, your books, your blog, and so on. Anybody that finds your book on Amazon can access your profile and get more information about you. One nice feature of Amazon's Author Central is the option to upload a video to your profile. Uploading a video let's you say a lot more in a lot less. It can provide a face and personality to your potential customers and is a great way to promote any of your books, or even an upcoming one. It doesn't seem too many authors are using this feature yet, which could be a good thing. Amazon is always looking for people that use it's avenues to the fullest, so they may help you out if you have a video on your profile.

There is, however, one thing I wish Amazon would fix. It would be nice if they provided the option to use a YouTube code for the video. As of right now, they only let you upload a file, no YouTube links. Hopefully, when more people upload videos, Amazon will open up this option.

If you do have a book, you need to market it. Get all the information and training you need to market your book online here.