I read a lot of website content and I'm amazed by the words and topics that the website author uses to attract traffic. Often, it has little to do with who is really coming to the site, but rather what the website author assumes people want and need. Just because you are knowledgeable about a certain topic and are effective at writing about it doesn't mean that it's sitting well with your visitors.
Second-guessing your visitor is a common mistake with newbies to Internet marketing. Here are some warning signs that your content may be lacking:
- a high ‘bounce' rate – check your website stats and see how long people are staying on the site
- no one sharing your posts
- no one commenting on your posts
- using keyword phrases that are ‘insider' jargon
- using keyword phrases with very low monthly search numbers
How do you know who is actually visiting the site? Why are they really there?
Checking your website stats for “keyword traffic sources” will give you critical information on what people were searching for that led them to your site. It may be phrases that you didn't think anyone was searching for. You can also use a polling application on the site to ask people “Who are you?” and “What are you interested in learning?” The visitors to your website may be there looking for information that is lacking in your content, and when they see it's not there, they leave.
- Are you selling “make money in real estate” info for consumers, but agents are coming there instead?
- Are you writing about “retail jewelry trends” for crafters, but consumer jewelry buyers are visiting instead?
- Are you writing posts about speakers (public speakers) and getting people looking for stereo speakers instead? (true story)
Before you waste any more time writing, find out who is really coming to your website. Then offer them exactly what they were looking for.