A Career in Video Marketing – Proper Training Needed

Being trained in video editing is not enough. Period.

There is a huge demand for online video marketing in every field of business: corporate, retail, manufacturing and service industries. They all are using video to promote their products in social networking, website, mobile marketing and Youtube. Think of the possibilities that the right training could give you. At most technical schools, video editing has been a popular study providing graduates with a great career. But things are changing. The demand by businesses that need video to become a viral tool of promotion is growing everyday, and leaving most video editors in the cold.

Businesses are looking outside of their talent for the services they need. That's not going to get you the raises and promotions you're looking for. If your a video editor looking for more saleable marketing skills, our school has the training that can provide an entirely new career path for you. Think about how in demand you could be producing AND marketing online video for your clients. The marketing of video is where the real power of the medium presents itself. One simple two minute video, nicely created, could be seen by literally millions of people all over the world in short order.

Online video is everywhere. You see it on nearly every website you go on to. It's a huge part of online business marketing and you need the skills to stay above the pack. If you are a video editor, you are so close to having everything you need to take control of your future. At IMTC, we have the up-to-date training that you need to succeed in this arena. Download our career brochure right from the website and others who have used Internet Marketing to accelerate their lives into full gear. Is this you?

Internet Marketing Training – Getting Paid Working From Home


Working from home is perfect for people who have full time obligagtions. Learn how you can discover the hottest and most in demand jobs available today. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months and be on your way to a great job. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia

Cool Animation for the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia


Check out this cool video for IMTCVa. The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia is dedicated to teaching you how to market online. Get certified in Internet marketing at IMTCVa; the only school in the world dedicated specifically to Internet marketing.

Internet Marketing Careers – Social Networking Builds Real Customers

LAS VEGAS (FOX5) – Lou Ragg of MGM Resorts International says the Internet, including Facebook and Twitter, is the first place consumers go when deciding where they want to spend their money on the Las Vegas strip.

“Just a few years ago is when social media really started taking off for the company and the consumer, very powerful.” The company has a large team working for it's internet department specifically for that reason.

“We currently have a team of 15 individuals that work on everything from search marketing to domestic display, international marketing, social media.” says Ragg who is the company's vice president of Internet marketing. These jobs were unheard of just a few years ago but now a necessity to drive business.

“You go back five years ago and it was very important to have a AAA Five-Diamond award, and today it's, ‘What's my rating on trip advisor?'” Competing for donation dollars might be tougher than filling hotel rooms and Opportunity Village has to compete for attention online with a much smaller budget.

Jon Mackin is the charity's digital marketing coordinator, staff of one.  “A very good portion of my day is keeping up with Facebook and Twitter,” Mackin says. Social media is the new age word of mouth for one of the valley's biggest charities. Not only does Mackin use it to help raise money, but it's used to save the charity big dollars as well. “We have so many different lines of business so many different things going on at all times we'd be spending thousands and thousands of dollars if it weren't for social media.”

If this is a job you think you can do because you've sent out a few thousand tweets, that may not be enough to be a part of Ragg's team. You have to be able to monetize the traffic that you control and be adept at using analytics to  see what's working and what is not.

Learn the skills you'll need to make a real career from social media.

Learn Internet Marketing – New Career Training At Home



Are you interested in a new career? One where you can get training at home? The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia is an Internet marketing school designed to teach you everything you would need to know about selling your products online. No only can you sell your products and services, you can also get hired by companies looking for the same thing. Check out   http://www.imtcva.org   for more information

Distance Education – What’s Different About IMTC?



Colin, an instructor at IMTC talks about the school. The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia is an Internet marketing school designed to teach you everything you would need to know about selling your products online. No only can you sell your products and services, you can also get hired by companies looking for the same thing. Check out  http://www.imtcva.org  for more information.

IMTCVA – Job Options When Leaving The Military


Entering the private sector after military service can be confusing. Take a look at this exciting new career. Learn how you can discover the hottest and most in demand jobs available today. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months and be on your way to a great job. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia

IMTCVA.org – Infographic Highlights the Little-known Struggles of College Students

Today, Online-Education.net, a portal for students seeking online college degrees, released an infographic displaying some of the struggles that college students face. Surprisingly, the academic challenge isn’t what forces many young people to drop out of school. More than half the college dropouts surveyed by Public Agenda, a public opinion and public engagement organization, stated that they had to leave school in order to work and make money. This statistic comes as no surprise as tuition and living expenses continue to rise.

“Earning a college education is a goal for many Americans, whether young or old,” said Anne Larsson, Online-Education.net spokesperson. “While a degree might seem easy to achieve, the reality is that many students are finding it more and more difficult to juggle their studies with work, as well as budget for school and family.”

The infographic also reveals what students believe would really help them earn a college degree, noting that 81 percent of college dropouts indicate that more financial aid would make it easier to complete their degree program of choice. Still, despite a declining economy, 97 percent of young American parents who dropped out of college say they will encourage their children to pursue higher education, recognizing that it opens the door to more opportunities.

“Students are always going to be faced with other life obligations, whether it is a job, family, extracurricular activities, or simply bills to pay,” Larsson said. “But this shouldn’t discourage or distract them from achieving their educational goals.”

An online education could help these students access higher learning by giving them the freedom to study at home, on their schedule.

Learn more: IMTCVA.org

Internet Marketing Training Center – Career Options For High School Seniors

My kid is turning 18 in about three months. He starts his senior year in high school next Tuesday. He still wonders about what he wants to do with his life, as most teens do. But he does know one thing: it has to involve computers.

Internet marketing is taking the world by storm. Nearly all of the businesses in this country are using the internet to promote their products and services or could be talked into it. Think about just how many Facebook pages alone are out there for every restaurant, bar, dry cleaners, supermarket, chiropractor, lawyer and dentist. Then think about all of the Youtube channels, blogs, QR codes, local search entries and mobile marketing. It's all held together with websites, social media, search engine optimization, shopping cart systems and email management.

Where do businesses find all of these people to run everything? Internet marketing careers are in high demand. It's fun and exciting because the internet is always changing — it's not your parent's old career choices. If you love computers and love social media, you may already have a ton of experience and know-how to be an Internet marketer. All you need is the training that wraps it all together.

Find out how easy it is to be a part of the future…. and make big money too!

Learning Internet Marketing – How Can Distance Education Give You Freedom?

After a divorce in 2003, I really wanted (and needed) a change of career. I was stonewalled after 20 years in the same industry and not only was it slowly downsizing from the financial fervor it once had, I was just plain burned out on it. It was exciting to think of what a new career would mean to my income, and better yet, my motivation. I did face a couple of problems, however: I was a single parent, I was on a serious budget and I was working a full time job to pay the bills. After looking around for a solution, distance education came to the rescue.

I had not been to a traditional college for almost 20 years previously, so I hadn't heard of distance education. I dove in head-first to see what it was all about and at every turn I knew it would be right for me. I could study at my own pace, even in the middle of the night. I could study right in the privacy of my own home, on my own computer with my kid in my lap. They even had payment plans that suited my budget. I learned about the growing new career of Internet Marketing and realized that not only could I study from home, but I could work from home as well.

This made the transition from moving from my old job to a new career less confusing and frightening. I used the choice of distance education for the stepping stone towards total freedom. I could take control over my life and guide it to where I wanted it to go next, conveniently and without breaking the bank. Things sure have change since I went to school. Between the Internet and distance e-learning, anyone can make the changes they need to succeed — even during difficult circumstances.

Get the information that could change your life!