YouTube Continues to Add New Features

Video sharing giant YouTube continues to offer up more features for it's users. Now, you can hover your mouse over the play bar to reveal a thumbnail of what's going on in that video at that time.


This nice new feature isn't going to help businesses with their video rankings, but it does create an even more enjoyable experience for YouTube viewers. YouTube rolls out new features all the time. Use video marketing techniques to get more customers. It really does work.

YouTube Adds More to Its Search Results with Ratings Results

Looks like YouTube is at it again, always changing their features. Looks like they are now displaying the percentage of ‘Likes' a video has. They are using a color system of Red, Yellow, and Green to indicate whether the ‘Likes' fall into mostly positive, mix of positive and negative, and mostly negative. It seems like a lot of accounts don't have this feature yet; but lucky me, I do. What's nice about this is the fact that I can now look at the results and skip all of those stupid rick-rolls or still image videos that most people hate clicking on. You can even search by rating now instead of just relevance or date.Screen shot below if anybody's interested. Also, if anybody's looking for a new niche, feel free to tackle the one I was looking up to get these results. It's open to everybody. 

The interesting thing to me is that some videos in the results don't have any ratings percentage listed. When I looked at those videos I noticed they had likes/dislikes but there weren't that many. It seems IMO that your video needs to have at least a total of 50 votes – regardless of if they're positive or negative – in order to have the percent shown. I've already started searching by rating and I don't even go near the videos that don't have any percent rating. Looks like YouTube Marketers just got a new feature to figure out.

Good luck everybody!

Vimeo Changes Interface to Compete with YouTube

In the world of video marketing, YouTube is king. However, there are many other video sharing sites that still get a lot of traffic. One of them being Vimeo. Vimeo has just changed its layout in order to make it easier for users to find other content on the site. With the new redesign, it's easier for users to follow subjects, keywords, and other users. Vimeo is known for its high quality videos and simple embedded player. Vimeo found that most bloggers had accounts on both YouTube and Vimeo, yet they would always embed videos on their blogs with Vimeo's player because there are no ads displayed over the video. With these new features, Vimeo is hoping people will be attracted to the site and use it as another marketing tool as well as for their viewing pleasure.

Video Marketing is one of the fastest growing aspects of online marketing. See what else is HERE. 

Email – Are you still in the 90s?

Managing email is incredibly important for any business. When it comes to online businesses, you may have multiple email addresses for many uses. And, when it comes to email applications, you have many free and paid versions. But, not all applications are created equal. There are a few features that any email application should be able to provide you.

1) Access – Being able to access all of your email addresses in one place can speed up production exponentially. If you have an email application that can sync all of your email addresses into one easy to reach place, you will find the speed and ease of use make it difficult to ever go back to the ‘good old days' of checking a million email accounts.

2) Storage – Being able to store past emails that may or may not contain attachments is paramount to successful email management. If you have a mailbox that constantly gets full, requiring you to delete emails and shuffle around those you want to keep, it may be time to find another option.

3) Ease of use – Email applications that provide simple interfaces with easily accessible features will save you a lot of time and hassle with large and small tasks alike.

Changing email applications can seem daunting, but it's actually simpler than you think. You may just need to force yourself to change. But if you have any gripes about your current email, it's a necessary evil. If you still need incentive to change your email, take it from web guru Tom Antion:

If the big guys are doing it, so should you!

More secrets the big Internet marketing gurus are excited about. HERE!

YouTube Homepage Features

YouTube’s homepage is laid out in order make it easy to find all of your subscribed channel’s videos. It also helps integrate social sites with your activity on YouTube.

When you first go to the home page, once logged in, you will see many different options.

Starting in the upper left, you will see the ‘Add channels’ button.

Clicking this will bring you to the ‘Add Channels’ page.

This page provides you with a list of categories on the left hand side, as well as suggestions to channels you may be interested in subscribing to. Looking closer to the left hand side, you can see the different categories to choose from.

Below the “Add channels” button is your profile information, with links to ‘My channel’, ‘Videos’, ‘ Likes’, ‘History’, and ‘Watch Later’.

‘My channel’ will bring you to your own YouTube channel. This is where only your videos will be shown. The goal is to get people to subscribe to your channel.

‘Videos’ will take you to a list of the videos that you have uploaded. No other videos will be shown. This can help you see all of your videos quickly.

‘Likes’ will show you a list of the videos that you ‘Liked’.

‘History’ will show you a list of the videos that you have recently watched.

‘Watch Later’ lets you see videos you wanted to watch, but wanted to watch later. You manually create a list of videos to be put into the ‘Watch Later’ section.

Below the links will be a place for you to upgrade your accounts with social networking sites as well as read comments that other YouTube users have sent you.

The next section on the left hand sidebar is for your subscriptions. As a YouTube user, you can subscribe to other YouTube channels that are interesting or entertaining to you. This makes it easy to follow these channels, thereby making it easy to view any new videos those channels upload.

The ‘Subscriptions’ link is highlighted by default when you first log into YouTube. A list of the most recent uploaded videos from your subscriptions will be seen in the feed area of the YouTube page.

The ‘Social’ link, located below the ‘Subscriptions’ link let’s you see videos from that were shared with you via social networking sites.

Below the ‘Social’ link will be individual channel links for you to click on. Clicking these will bring you to a page that show those channels’ most recent uploads. You will also have the option of looking at more of your subscribed channels or to see all of them.

Below the subscription section is the ‘From YouTube’ section.

Clicking on the ‘From YouTube’ link will show you suggested videos that you may be interested in. The ‘From YouTube’ section is broken down into smaller categories such as: ‘Trending’, ‘Popular’, ‘Music’, ‘Entertainment’, and more. Clicking on each individual category will provide you with more suggestions related to that category. After looking over the smaller categories, it appears that when you click on the ‘From YouTube’ link, videos that show up in the feed section are for the most part the top or second video from each smaller category.

Below the ‘From YouTube’ section is the ‘Suggested Channels’ section.

This area shows channels that you may be interested in subscribing to. Clicking on the ‘Suggested channels’ link will show in the feed the most popular videos from the smaller sub-categories listed below it.

If you hover your mouse over any of the individual channel names, an X will appear, allowing you to remove this channel suggestion.

The right hand sidebar contains Recommended videos. These videos are based on previous videos that you have watched.

Recommended videos also have the option for you to remove them from the list by simply clicking the X.

Below the recommended videos are Spotlight videos as well as Featured videos. These are chosen by YouTube and can’t be edited or removed.

Being familiar with YouTube's homepage layout will let you quickly and easily get to sections that you want to access. Learn how to use every tool you can to succeed with a business or start a new career.

YouTube Keyword Suggestion Tool

YouTube Keyword Suggestion Tool

YouTube now provides you with a keyword suggestion tool all of their own. The Keyword Suggestion Tool searches only within YouTube so your results are different than Google’s.

Other than choosing a language and country that keywords are tailored to, YouTube’s keyword suggestion tool consists of three different ways to generate keywords: Descriptive words or phrases, YouTube video id or url, or by Demographics.

The first and default option, ‘Descriptive words or phrases’ lets you enter in a term and it will show related information.

Type in a keyword term or phrase and click the ‘Get keyword ideas’ button. Do not select ‘Don’t show ideas for new keywords’ unless you only want to see how many people are searching for only that one specific term.

Depending on what keyword term or phrase you used, your results may differ from the above example. Here you will see other related terms as well as the monthly search volume and an option to add that term to your Adwords account. There may be terms that have ‘Not Enough Data’ in the monthly search volume as well. This means that there may be searches for these terms but not enough to formulate a number.

That does not mean you should ignore these lower value keywords. This means, it may be easier for you to make videos tailored to these words. Looking at the results should provide you with ideas on tags you can use in your videos as well as ideas and topics for upcoming videos that you create. The more lower valued keywords you can place on the first page (or number 1) spot on YouTube’s search results pages, the more you look like an expert in that field. This builds a relationship with the viewer, thereby increasing the odds that they’ll subscribe to your channel or buy your product.

YouTube video id or url

You can search for keywords that are related to any video on YouTube. Just copy the URL of a YouTube video and paste it into the correct field. Click ‘Get keyword ideas’ and look at your results.

This is very handy when you want to look at your competition’s tags. You can copy these tags and paste them in your videos to better optimize for SEO.

The third option is to search by demographics.

You can search by gender, min age/max age, by country, and by interests.

Searching by interest lets you choose categories or subcategories. Add these to the ‘Selected interests’ window and then click ‘Get keyword ideas’. These keyword ideas can then be used to create targeted videos on those subjects.

A good practice would be to use numerous different keyword tools when researching topics for your videos. Never rely on just one keyword tool.

Learn every skill needed to be self sufficient here.

ePublishing – Tips on selling your Kindle book on Amazon

ePublishing – creating and publishing your books online – is a great way to get massive exposure, build credibility, and make money online. But, just because the option is available doesn't mean you can go about it any which way you desire. I take that back, you can go about it any which way you desire but you might not gain any of the benefits mentioned before unless you follow some steps. In this post, we will cover tips on selling your Kindle book on Amazon.

1. Keyword rich title – You may have the greatest title in the world, but if it doesn't contain any keywords you are already hurting yourself and book sales. You may need to change your title. Also, a lot of people keep their original title (regardless of whether or not it contains keywords) and then include a subtitle that is keyword rich. This way, people know exactly what they are going to get. This technique works for fiction and non-fiction books.

2. Author Profile – Your author profile is a page for you to add information on yourself as an author. The author profile is different from an Amazon profile; it contains places to add your blog, insert videos, connect to Twitter, and promote all of your books in one nice, neat area.

3. Tags – On every one of your books, you have an option of providing tags that are relevant to the content in your book. Make sure you enter in as many tags as you can (there's a limit). Also, be sure one of your tags is your author name, this will help show your other works as related books. *Other people and reviewers can add extra tags to your books. Ask your readers to help you out.

4. External websites – Use the power of your own website or blog to promote your book, make videos about your book and post them on every video sharing site you can find, make status updates in Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and any other social networking site, and find forums and other blogs related to your content – post and respond to them.

Doing just these 4 steps will get you going in the right direction, there's many more as well. Get the skills you need to sell and promote your Kindle book on Amazon here.

Adwords – Learn how to save money

Google AdWords, you might be familiar with the term and you even might have messed around with it…..or maybe it was just too daunting to even try anything else with it. AdWords can be not only confusing, but also cause you to lose money! But don't let that scare you, let that be a motivator to learn how to do it the right way and not lose any money in the process. The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia has all the information you need to set up your AdWords account, start an ad campaign, and create ads that will get people to click. The Pay Per Click class at IMTC breaks down what each step is and walks you through the process of using Google AdWords. The Pay Per Click class also helps you outline a budget for your advertising and provides you lessons on Facebook ads and using AdWords for local search as well.

Don't miss out on getting the training you need. Visit IMTC to get more information on how you can start learning Pay Per Click. Not only will you get the information you need on Pay Per Click, you get certified in Internet marketing. With this certificate, you will have the knowledge to market your own products and services plus you can take the certificate and get a job with other businesses that need the exact same thing that you now know.

Start a new career at the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia.

Happy Holidays from the Internet Marketing Training Center

The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia would like to send you our message of holiday cheer. No matter what or how you celebrate, be sure to relax and enjoy the season.

And since 2012 is right around the corner, it might be time for a career change. Even a change that could mean you are in charge of your future.

Authors – Use Video in your Amazon Profile

Are you an author? Do you have your book on Amazon? Simply uploading your book to Amazon is not enough, you need to market it and, more importantly, yourself. Luckily, Amazon makes it easy to do both. Amazon has a separate section for authors to create a profile, here, at Amazon's Author Central.  Author Central lets you provide information about you, your books, your blog, and so on. Anybody that finds your book on Amazon can access your profile and get more information about you. One nice feature of Amazon's Author Central is the option to upload a video to your profile. Uploading a video let's you say a lot more in a lot less. It can provide a face and personality to your potential customers and is a great way to promote any of your books, or even an upcoming one. It doesn't seem too many authors are using this feature yet, which could be a good thing. Amazon is always looking for people that use it's avenues to the fullest, so they may help you out if you have a video on your profile.

There is, however, one thing I wish Amazon would fix. It would be nice if they provided the option to use a YouTube code for the video. As of right now, they only let you upload a file, no YouTube links. Hopefully, when more people upload videos, Amazon will open up this option.

If you do have a book, you need to market it. Get all the information and training you need to market your book online here.