Online Education – Making It Easy to Change Careers Mid-Stream

Most people who are in dead end jobs feel stuck. They would love to make a career change, but don't feel they have the time to learn a new skill. The hours they work now can interfere with being able to go back to school, even for night classes. But what if you could learn at your own pace? And from the comfort of your own home?

Online education, also known as distance education, is perfect for people who have little time to squeeze a traditional education into their schedule. Most people who are in the middle of their careers have children as well. This adds even more stress to one's ability to find time for learning. How about learning when and where you can? When you have that small amount of time to further your education, you'll use your time wisely and take your education more seriously.

Distance education is perfect for those who need the skills now to make a change. At the Internet Marketing Training Center, we can teach you the skills for a new career: a career that's high in demand by employers, non-profits, or you can use the skills to create your own part time or full time business: one that brings in a lot of extra money. At IMTC, we will give you ideas about how to use your Internet Marketing education to get the job of your dreams or start a business.

Why wait? It's time to get out of that dead end job and take your life and career as far as it can go. Call us at 757.687.5190 or download our free career guide at  and see what your future can hold.

Distance Education – Career Change Options For Realtors

Are you a realtor who wants to make a career change or even earn extra money? Learn how you can discover the hottest and most in demand jobs available today. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months and be on your way to a great job. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia

3 Great List Building Tips For Increased Targeted Visitors

3 Great List Building Tips

3 List Building Tips

3 List Building Tips

The key factor in online marketing is building up your list and should be the number one priority for any marketing campaign. Simply by building up a list of subscribers helps you to create a solid platform for now and into the future. Lets talk about 3 list building techniques that's simple to setup and and proven to bring results.

Tip #1: Offer Something For Free

This may sound easy, that's because it really is. You would want to offer something that has value to your visitors, in exchange for their email and name. The free gift can actually be anything that is downloadable as long as you have the rights to distribute it. One of the most effective ways for list building and driving traffic to your free offering is by creating a “squeeze page”. Joining in JV Giveaways is another excellent way to get your free offering out to hundreds or maybe thousands of possible prospects at no cost. You should also join several forums in your niche and make a profile signature in which you'd be able to link back to the squeeze page you created. By doing so, every time you make a contribution to a specific forum by posting a thread or comment your signature will be added, normally below your post.

Tip #2: Go Viral by Distributing eBooks

You can find an abundant amount of free content across the Internet that you can utilize for your list building campaign. Another good way to find content for your campaign is by using Private Label Rights. After you've gathered enough content you can now reuse the material to create your very own unique eBooks. Within your eBooks you can insert links that point back to your sales letter or squeeze page and take advantage of the viral behavior of eBooks that's in rotation and downloaded every day throughout the Internet. In order to create an eBook you simply need to create a word doc and then save it as a pdf file. You can upload your eBooks to eBooks directories, as well as article directories on the Internet, which will be distributed through these websites to drive major free traffic to your sales letter or squeeze pages.

Tip #3: Making Use of Pop Overs & Exit Pops

By using pop overs and exit pops enables you to acquire the specifics of potential prospects who attempts to leave your website without opting in for your particular offer. Exit pops may be more preferable because they are only activated whenever someone attempts to leave the website. Many find this far less pushy and annoying. Pop overs and exit pops are scripts that enables a new window to open whenever someone that has been searching your website for a specific time frame or when they decide to leave the website all together. By using these pop scripts you should see a substantial improvement in your conversions. By using WordPress as your website platform, you should be able to find several plugins with these pop features.

To get more information visit the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia , and don’t forget to download your FREE career brochure!

Start Your Own Internet Business – The Skills To Own Your Future

You hear thousands of commercials and get inundated daily with email ads about starting your own online business. Yes. There is a lot of money available to make online. It is the new frontier of business and advertising, especially geared towards people just starting out in their own business or work from home venture. The reason is the affordability. Compared to opening your own physical retail store, the investment of which is far out of the reach of average people, the Internet provides a low-cost alternative to any traditional business venture.

That's not where most Internet businesses fail, however. The problem is with people buying into work at home programs without the proper training in running an online business.  Regardless of what some work at home program touts, it takes a degree of skill to effectively sell products and services to others online. If you have purchased work at home programs before and have been disappointed with the results, there were probably fundamental skills missing that would have helped you succeed.

These are the skills that the Internet Marketing Training Center teaches:

* Using videos to brand your business

* Using social networking to inexpensively reach millions of your potential customers

* Writing effective web copy to motivate viewers to buy

* Using an e-commerce system to seamlessly deliver your products

* Interactive marketing using autoresponders, blogs, forums and newsletters

Very few, if any, work at home programs teach you fundamental marketing skills. That's why so many people fail. If you are really serious about starting (and succeeding) in an online business or just want to get a job working for someone else, IMTC has the skills you need. Come check out our site and see what we mean.

Tracking Website Statistics

Keeping Track of Website Statistics

Tracking Website Statistics

Tracking Website Statistics

Just like any business, one of the most important aspects of success is following the statistics. Even though there are various kinds on online businesses on the internet, the facts and figures are never one size fits all.

Obviously there are many statistics to follow; the ones that apply to your business niche and those that apply to the type of business as a whole. The truth is you need to be able to combine this data to configure an effective strategy for the success of your business.

By having a website, you must pay very close attention and keep track of the number of visitors and page views that your receiving. You may also want to create some form of an email campaign which can help you determine how your targeted visitors are responding to your emails and marketing messages.

Whenever conducting a new marketing campaign you would want to keep a watchful eye on your online statistics. Be sure to analyze the page views each page is receiving, how many times a link you created was clicked, as well as the Click Through Rate (CTR) and the percentage of conversion for each link.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) should also be analyzed regularly for effectiveness. Be sure to keep track of your keywords that attract and drive search engine traffic, and the results they produce.

By tracking all of your statistics will give you insight of what's working and what's not.

To get more information visit the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia , and don’t forget to download your FREE career brochure!

Facebook and Youtube Workshop in Virginia Beach: Success!

Thanks to everyone who attended the Facebook and Youtube FREE workshop in Virginia Beach last Saturday, Nov. 5th, 2011.

We had a great turnout and Colin gave some great information that attendees could take home and implement immediately in their business.

If you are interested in attending one of these live workshops, we will be having them every month or so on various topics of interest.

To be put on the mailing list for workshop notification, call Colin at 757.687.5190 and he'll make sure you're aware of all upcoming events!

Internet Marketing Education – Why Choose Distance Education

There are many options you can take when it comes to post secondary education. When deciding which route you want to take, consider the benefits to distance education. You don't have to pay for transportation costs, housing expenses, or education materials. One of the best distance education institutions is the Internet Marketing Training Center.

At IMTC, you learn at your pace, when you want to. Get certified in Internet marketing in as little as six months.

Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia Course

3 Great Reasons to Join IMTC

Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia Lessons

Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia Lessons

Are you overwhelmed when it comes to learning Internet marketing? Are you unsure what marketing program or course you should pursue? Maybe you have already spent hundreds or perhaps thousands of dollars on Internet marketing products realizing they were just a waste of time and money. Well, if you answered yes to any of the above, I'm going to give you three great reasons to join the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia.

IMTC's Pledge to Your Education

Unlike other proclaimed Internet marketing schools, IMTC, the Internet Marketing Training Center, is a registered and licensed school recognized by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia. IMTC is absolutely dedicated in administering all the necessary skills to educate all students through online courses, phone interaction, email, discussion boards/forums, audio, video, as well as student to student networking platform.

Comprehensive Training at IMTC

Not only can you study at your own convenience, IMTC is packed with everything you need to succeed in your Internet marketing career. Every section of the course provides in-depth details on each specific topic, covering proven strategies and implementations for effective online results. From keyword research, web design, all the way to driving traffic and making sales, is just a fraction of what the course covers.

A Look Inside the Students Training Course

Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia Lessons Quiz

Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia Lessons Quiz

In case your wondering whats inside, be prepared for a well-organized, and sequential training platform. The course is split up into three semesters. In each semester there are over a dozen lessons covering virtually all elements of successful Internet marketing. Each individual lesson is loaded with up to date, step-by-step methods, and the proper implementation for its particular department. The lessons are straight forward, laid out clearly so every student can comprehend. Each lesson is followed up by a comprehensive quiz to test the knowledge you've just acquired.

The lessons are arranged in a systematic structure that bridges each lesson together, making it a naturally fluent step-by-step training course.

To get more information about the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, visit , and don't forget to download your FREE career brochure!

A Huge Thanksgiving Special from IMTCVA

Yes, Black Friday is happening early!

We have a special offer to every new student that is thinking of joining our Accelerated Learning Program. An offer so special in fact, that we can't even mention the full details here. The Internet Marketing Training Center is the only school of its kind to teach you the skills for a flexible and fantastic career.

Believe this… this offer could save you a ton of money over our regular tuition rates. It's simple to find out the details: Just call Colin Martin at 757.687.5190 and he'll explain it to you. Can it get any easier to start your new training right now? This special offer ends on November 30, 2011, but you don't want to wait until then. We have a limited amount of these opportunities available and we know they will go fast!

The world of Internet marketing and digital marketing is looking for skilled people who know how to make money online. I know this is you. There has never been a better time to learn the critical skills that employers all over the country are looking for. Internet Marketing jobs are in high demend. Put yourself in this valuable and powerful position by talking to Colin today: 757.687.5190

Make your dreams come true and make that call!

A Career in Video Marketing – Proper Training Needed

Being trained in video editing is not enough. Period.

There is a huge demand for online video marketing in every field of business: corporate, retail, manufacturing and service industries. They all are using video to promote their products in social networking, website, mobile marketing and Youtube. Think of the possibilities that the right training could give you. At most technical schools, video editing has been a popular study providing graduates with a great career. But things are changing. The demand by businesses that need video to become a viral tool of promotion is growing everyday, and leaving most video editors in the cold.

Businesses are looking outside of their talent for the services they need. That's not going to get you the raises and promotions you're looking for. If your a video editor looking for more saleable marketing skills, our school has the training that can provide an entirely new career path for you. Think about how in demand you could be producing AND marketing online video for your clients. The marketing of video is where the real power of the medium presents itself. One simple two minute video, nicely created, could be seen by literally millions of people all over the world in short order.

Online video is everywhere. You see it on nearly every website you go on to. It's a huge part of online business marketing and you need the skills to stay above the pack. If you are a video editor, you are so close to having everything you need to take control of your future. At IMTC, we have the up-to-date training that you need to succeed in this arena. Download our career brochure right from the website and others who have used Internet Marketing to accelerate their lives into full gear. Is this you?