3 Ways Google Trends Can Benefit your Small Business

Are you a business owner and ever want to know…

The popular search terms in your industry?

Current trends?

What your customers are talking about?

How your competition is doing?

Well, with Google Trends you can answer all of those questions plus more. Google Trends is a free tool that displays search query information, it analyzes Google web searches for a selected term. Instead of showing the number of people that have searched for a particular term, Google Trends will display a graph that shows how popular a search term has been over a time period.

Google has the largest catalog of keywords so using this tool for a small business is important and can be very useful.

Here are 3 ways that business owners can use Google Trends:

1. Effective keyword research, Google Trends allows you to see the most popular keywords and it also makes suggestions for related keywords. This information can be used to create SEO friendly content for your business.

2. Get inspiration for new content ideas for blogs, articles, or social media networks. You can search current terms and see what people are talking about in relation to your business and industry. You can also spot trends and see the locations in the world with the most interest. You can attract more traffic to your business website by staying up to date with any changes in your industry.

3. Spy on your competition by analyzing what keywords and terms they use that has been successful or ones that you should stay away from. As a business owner Google Trends should be used to support your marketing campaigns. Google Trends can help you reveal great options when trying to create unique and up to date content for your business.


Engaging SMS Marketing for your Business

Mobile interaction may be the answer to increasing brand recognition, customer loyalty, and profits for your business. There are over 5 billion active mobile devices worldwide and that number will continue to grow. Consumers always have their mobile phone within arms reach. Most text messages are read within three minutes.

This is a great opportunity for business owners and marketers because mobile marketing gives you the ability to connect directly with the consumer. The world has gone mobile, there are more mobile phones than computers. Why wait to implement a mobile strategy into your marketing plan?

Mobile communication is very personal, the consumer has to give you permission to send them advertising messages. Depending on your business you can use different incentives like coupons, contests, freebies, and or promoting through other mediums to build a mobile list of consumers interested in your products or services. As a business owner or marketer once you get permission you have to know the correct steps to follow to capitalize and influence the consumer to take action. There are important strategies that need to be implemented to build a great mobile marketing relationship with consumers.

Engage the consumer

As a business owner or marketer it is only natural to think “how am I going to get more sells?” Although, sells should remain a goal, your focus should lean toward building a relationship and helping the consumer with whatever problem your product or service solves. Engaging the consumer with relevant messages will get the consumer to take action. Jumping right into an aggressive sales pitch will be a guaranteed way to lose consumer interest. You should ask the consumer for their opinion, have a contest, showcase new product releases, special event details, and upcoming sale details are all ways to actively engage your mobile list.

Have a clear call to action

This is where mobile marketing can get a little challenging. Each advertising or marketing text has to clearly state what you want the consumer to do and whats in it for them, in a 140 characters or less. Make sure your message is clear and concise. Yes, the world is mobile which means we are always on the go and most consumers lose interest when they have to take too many steps or if the message is hard to understand.

Create a way to increase profit

Use the 80/20 rule, 80% engaging content and 20% sales. Know when it is best to contact your consumer based on your unique business. The mobile world has changed the consumers' attitude toward advertisements, to be effective you have to create urgency and you have to advertise at the right time to produce real time results.

If you are a lunch diner advertising a discounted new menu item, contacting your customer during dinner hours the day before with the promotion will be a difficult sale. As a marketer you have to research your target market and understand their habits. For a lunch diner, the working adult would most likely be the target market. You have to contact the consumer when you can make an impression and motivate action. To be effective, I would recommend contacting the consumer mid morning right when they are sitting at their desk, stomach growling, and thinking about lunch.

Build brand loyalty

Another great benefit for mobile marketing is that the consumer will remember your brand when they are ready to purchase. By sending friendly, useful, and relevant information and not just trying to force sales you build a relationship with the consumer. Consumers are always looking for reasons to stay loyal to brands and your marketing messages can set you apart from the competition when it is time to take action.

Mobile marketing is a great way to engage with your target market, make a positive impression with consumers, and establish a long lasting relationship. Although, mobile messages is just one aspect of mobile marketing, it can be used by business owners and marketers in almost any industry to increase profits.

Have questions about how mobile marketing can help your business contact us today!

Explore a Career as a Copywriter

Web copy can persuade an individual to take action or make decisions. If you have a way with words and want to start a career in Internet Marketing we can help at IMTC. You can make a lucrative income by applying the art of copywriting to either your own business or for someone else's.

Good web copy is very important when you are growing a business online. You have a very limited and small time frame to grab the consumers attention and persuade them to take action online. We teach all the top copywriting techniques at IMTC that will help you understand and write effective web copy.

You don't have to be an excellent writer, but with practice and implementing the correct techniques you can become an effective copywriter. Our distance learning program provides students with easy to understand lessons that will help perfect your copywriting skills. A great copywriter must research the market and the target audience so you can place yourself in the consumers shoes and write the words that will encourage action.

Jump start your Internet Marketing career today, visit us at IMTCVA.org.

No Sales Pitch Allowed!



Content marketing is a technique used to create and distribute relevant and valuable content that is used to attract and turn consumers into a profit. You want to attract consumers that are interested in purchasing your products or services and content marketing can help with that.
Using content to market your business is very popular and effective for either large or small businesses. There is a lot of value by having an integrated content marketing plan for your business.  At IMTC our instructors always teach our students the power of content marketing. Content marketing is effective because it takes the sales pitch out of the sale. Content marketing will allow you to deliver info that will educate your target market. Times have changed and consumers are bombarded with sales pitches so they automatically have their guard up, but with content marketing the process becomes a win-win situation. You can establish and build rapport with your target market without being a pushy car salesman.
The classes offered at IMTC will give you the knowledge needed to create quality content that will keep your target audience coming back for return visits. You will also be prepared to deliver content that works best with your unique business and target market. The most popular content marketing methods are blogging, video tutorials, email newsletters, telesiminars, and e-books. Our instructors will teach you how to make a profit from each of those methods.

Visit us at IMTC to discover how you can jump start your business with content marketing.


Benefits of Building Websites with WordPress


Here at IMTC we strongly recommend using WordPress websites. WordPress is a popular tool for building websites because it is not extremely complicated and it allows the user to completley customize the functionality by adding “plugins.” A plugin will allow you to change or add a functionality to your WordPress website.  We teach you everything you will need to set up your own WordPress website, it may seem overwhelming but with basic computer knowledge and a open mind you can master the basics.
Our user friendly WordPress Website Creation lessons will walk you through the steps to install and set up WordPress website. Our lessons include a combination of videos, articles, and screenshots to cater to every learning style. The diligent instructors have even complied a reference guide of frequently used, and mandatory plugins that will be very useful to you as you walk through the WordPress Creation lessons.
5 Reasons IMTC Loves WordPress
Ease of Use
WordPress is so simple to update on a regular basis. You can add new pages and blog posts  quickly and effectively. Skip trying to learn Dreamweaver or any other complicated HTML editing software.
Fully Customizable
With the many different theme, widget, and plugin options you can make a unique website that shows your personality and reflects your business accurately to consumers. Adding your social networking links, a calendar, or an opt in form to your website are a few popular options that are available and easy to use.
Built in Blog
Make your website more interesting by blogging. Blogging will establish you as an expert in your field and you will be able to interact with your consumers. RSS, comments, and email subscriptions are all possible with a WordPress website.
Search Engines like WordPress
SEO becomes a breeze because you will have full control over the meta tag keywords, descriptions, and titles. The simple interface also makes it easy for search engines to read and index your website. If done correctly you can get more visitors to your website.
Multiple Users
You can set up multiple users to manage the site.
If you are a business owner we believe that you should understand how WordPress works so you can edit and update your own website without having to rely on a web designer for the simple tasks. After mastering the WordPress Website Creation lessons you will have the skills and knowledge to be self sufficient in running your own business website or you can be a WordPress consultant and help other businesses set up their own WordPress websites.

The options are open to you and here at IMTC we make sure you are well prepared and qualified. Check us out and start your career in Internet Marketing.

Distance Education Night Classes


Learning at night could free your life up for important things. Learn how you can discover the hottest and most in demand jobs available today. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months and be on your way to a great job. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia.

Help With Copy Headlines: Headline Creator Pro

I've been involved in advertising and copywriting for more years than I care to remember! And this bit of software has impressed me more than anything else that I have seen before!

This tool can give you the help you need with writing ad copy, and especially with the most important part (the part that pro copywriters spend 80% of their time on) – the headline!

Today, money is “created” by the words you say, how effectively you say them and how quickly you get them in front of your readers.

Hard Truth #1: If your sales letter doesn't hit all the right, hot buttons your reader is off to the next great thing.

There's a lot of pressure in knowing that the very first 10-20 words on your sales letter are the most important for you… and possibly your family. It's like having to earn a Perfect 10.0 in the Olympics to win Gold yet you've never done better than 3.7 all season long. Will you Win the Gold and stand atop the podium of success or stare at your competition, stuck on the bench with nothing to show for your efforts?

Hard Truth #2: Your sales copy's ultimate success or ultimate failure hinges on how persuasive your headline is.

You scramble desperately for the answers but they just won't appear. You spend every exhausting night and day dusting off every book you have in your possession just to try to find one small glimmer of hope. The most exciting headline you come across is just slightly more exciting than watching grass grow.

Hard Truth #3: If you aren't a skilled master copywriter you won't find the answers in your head, which means you must find help from someone or something.

Your next “Great Idea” is to hop online and find a copywriter Quick. You check out the latest prices. BOOM! — Like a punch right between the eyes they charge more per hour — OUCH! — than you make in a week. I don't know about you, but I don't want to mortgage my house in hopes of getting winning headlines.

Engaging Facebook Posts: Fill in The Blank

A fun and interesting way to get your Facebook fans to pipe in with comments is to ask them a question in the form of a fill-in-the-blank.

Getting comments is important for two reasons besides creating engagement: Facebook's feature called EdgeRank determines whether your posts will show to all of your fans (the more shares and comments you have, the higher your post visibility will be) and discovering what is important to your fans (called data mining, it's a way to make future products based on the opinions of your fans).

Here's an example of a highly engaging post we did for a client:

I love writing books and have some new ones in the works. What books have you been working on or recently finished? “The name of my new book is called ________.”       

The fans loved this exchange and were excited to share their book titles with everyone on Facebook. They even went so far as to share a link where people could buy the book on Amazon or their website. We actually encouraged this to add an extra feature of value to the post. Needless to say, it was ‘liked' and ‘shared' more than we expected and raised the client's Facebook popularity immensely.

What can you ask your Facebook fans that will get them excted to leave comments? What could you learn about your fans that would help you make new products and services? Use Facebook and other social networking for what it does best – connecting with and caring about your fans!



The Best WordPress Plugins

What kinds of WordPress plugins work best? Learning the latest blog techniques can help you find a job. The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia is an Internet marketing school designed to teach you everything you would need to know about selling your products online. No only can you sell your products and services, you can also get hired by companies looking for the same thing. Check out http://www.imtcva.org for more information.