Internet Marketing: The Business Owner’s Secret Weapon

If you own your own business or if you plan to launch a new business, Internet marketing is a tool you can’t ignore. While some of you may be thinking of entering the field of Internet marketing as your primary career, entrepreneurs can also benefit from learning how to market their products online. Whether a company sells cars, manufactures computers or provides image consulting services, Internet marketing can help target customers and generate sales.

Take a look at these successful business owners who applied the Internet marketing principles and methods they learned from Tom Antion to their own unique business:

Craig Duswalt teaches people how to market themselves using the out-of-the-box techniques he learned while touring with Air Supply and Guns ‘N Roses.

Denise Wakeman, an expert in blogging, writes about blogging and teaches others to blog.

Gloria Starr has achieved worldwide recognition as an image consultant, traveling the globe and training foreign princesses and the daughters of American presidents.

Janet Hall wrote an e-book and created a professional organizer system to help people simplify their lives.

Jeff Herring specializes in article marketing and teaches Internet marketers, authors, speakers and self-employed professionals to write and market their articles.

Joan Stewart teaches people about publicity and co-authored a book, How to be a Kick-Butt Publicity Hound, with Tom.

Ilya Pozin, a 27-year old entrepreneur, owns a web design company that is recognized as one of the top 500 fastest growing companies by INC, ranking #161 with 1,732% growth rate between 2006 and 2009.

Read their success stories at

Make your Dreams come True: Working On-Line

Being a single/stay at home parent in the world today is very difficult with lay off’s and downsizing.  By finding something that your good at and love to do, you can sell on-line nationwide.  Even if it’s a service that you are selling you can always get Advertisers and Affiliates.  There are more options/benefits by working online.

Look forward to overcome the insecurity; You can work from home, work at your own pace, build your own site, do research, and optimize. You will everything you need to know from start to finish.  Stop thinking that you’re out of options and you don’t know what to do next.  We have what everyone is looking for that will make all your worries go away!

Copywriting and Writing For The Web

Writing for websites, online articles and sales copy is far different than writing for magazines and newspapers.The web is a place where people surf fast for information and make decisions quicker than when they leisurely read print. Web copy is a visual medium, consisting of various colors and font sizes. The nature of computer screens and how our eyes adjust to them have dictated how we write words for websites. Over the course of the short life of the Internet, marketers, designers and writers have experimented with how to make web copy more “readable.” And what they have come up with is a science unto itself.

Along with readability, what we are also doing with web writing is trying to get readers to “click” out on links. The best web copy is usually trying to compel readers to visit another website or get them to buy something. Marketers have experimented with this as well. Web copy should be written to persuade your reader to take action through a psychological process. All of these things can be learned effectively and practiced to perfection.

Who do you trust to teach you this knowledge? The Internet Marketing Training Center has the expert staff that have been writing copy for years. Now they are bringing that knowledge to you. This is the kind of high level training that businesses are looking for or that you can use yourself to write for your own web business.

Work from Home: Leave that Dead End Job and Make Money Sitting On Your Butt

There was a time when you were excited about your new job. Your hopes were high. You had a little extra money in your pocket. No, you wouldn’t be doing the type work you always dreamed of, but it was a job and it meant that you were going places — that you had a future with a decent company.

Time is slipping away and now you realize there is very little chance that you will ever be promoted to a higher paid position with the company. It’s hard to face, but yes, you are in a dead end job. Maybe it’s time for a change. But what will you do?

If you find yourself in that position, think back to projects you have worked on over the years and jot down the ones that you have enjoyed the most. Include both work- related and personal projects. Then, ask what was it about those projects that you liked. Also list the new skills that you want to learn.

For instance, you have always liked using computers and surfing the Internet. You designed a website for your best friend and you even taught your sister how to blog. Several of your friends have asked you to show them how to build their online store.

These are projects you liked to do. Now think about the skills that you want to learn. Do you want to learn how to create videos to post on YouTube? Do you want to learn how to optimize your website so search engines will give you high rankings? Do you want to learn copywriting so you can write e-mail promotions? Do you want to develop products to sell on your website? At the Internet Marketing Training Center (IMTC), you can be trained in these Internet marketing skills online from the comfort of your home on your own time.

Sound fun and exciting? Maybe it is time to expand your skills so you can leave that dead end job and make money sitting on your butt at home in front of your computer. Learn more about the Internet Marketing Training Center and how it can help shape your future at

Still Moving Forward at the Internet Marketing Training Center

     I talked with stay home mothers the other day who's tried other ways of building a website and failed with a lot of money lost.  Not because of themselves not doing the work requested but who they chose to do business with. 

     Don't be fooled with the other companies out there that say they will make a website for you or you make it with a couple of clicks.  That MAY get you a website BUT nothing else.  It will not build your search engine to generate more traffic into your site or make/increase your sales.  There is a lot more work to building a successful website.  It may look pretty but what is “pretty” going to do for you? 

     IMTC will do more for you than teaching you how to build a website.  The IMTC will teach you how to do it at very low costs, increase traffic into your site (which will increasse sales), build a customer database, use exit strategies, start affiliate and join affiliate traffic, and more.  Please go to the IMTC website for more information and making money staying home with the children.

Distance Education: Local Businesses Need SEO

Local search has taken the search engines by storm. A huge amount of small businesses including pizza shops, dentists, nightclubs, dry cleaners and car dealerships are now using local search to create a presence on the web. This has taken the place of the Yellow Pages and for good reason. Local search gives you all the tools you need to make a decision about where to purchase, how to get there and even links to the establishment's website.

Look at the power local search provides you, the customer:

  • Interactive maps and directions from your home.
  • Streetview – see the neighborhood your about to travel to.
  • Reviews of the business.
  • Links to menus, printable coupons and social networking.
  • Get the search results right on your phone.
  • And much more….

As small business grows it's reach on the web, they will need people who know how to submit and manage their listings. The information has to be updated and fresh for customers to find them. These search engine techniques are not just for large companies anymore. Not having a updated presence on the web can mean lost business. Where will they find the right people to help them manage these tasks?

The Internet Marketing Training Center will help teach the skills that today's savvy marketers will need to help small business stay ahead. This kind of technology will increase the demand for jobs in Internet marketing management. This is a whole new world opening up right in front of your eyes… are you ready to take it on?

Benefits- Working on the Internet from your Home

Once you have joined the Internet Marketing Training Center and completed the courses, you will then know all you need to know.  Then you can start thinking about….

  • Setting up your own hours to build a new source of income
  • Being you own boss
  • Taking orders from know one
  • Saving money by working from home
  • Staying at home with the kids during the day and working at night, that way your not missing any family time.
  • When you start selling on-line you don’t close at a certain time, you are open 24/7.  So while you are sleeping you are making money!
  • Feeling independent and knowing that you have a reliable source of income.
  • No more late payments, because you don’t have enough money to cover the bill, all bills will be paid on time!

 There are so many possibilities with working on-line; The Internet Marketing Training Center will help that happen.  See you soon!

Internet Marketing Job Forecast: High Growth… Low Offshoring Risk

One of the best parts of being a writer is learning as I look for information to include in articles and marketing pieces. This week, for instance, I learned that wage-and-salary employment in Internet marketing is expected to grow 38 percent by the year 2016, compared with only 11 percent growth projected for the entire economy. In addition, Internet marketing will add more than 489,000 jobs over the decade, placing it among the 10 industries with the largest job growth.

Not only are job growth projections high, those who choose jobs in Internet marketing do not have to be in fear that their jobs will be sent overseas, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. While programmers and computer support specialists are at risk of offshore outsourcing, other tasks, such as integrating and designing web based marketing systems (the skills we teach at the Internet Marketing Training Center) will be insulated from the effects of offshoring.

With so much gloom and doom in the unemployment figures these days, it’s nice to know that Internet marketing offers a brighter outlook. To see if  Internet marketing is in your future, visit

Internet Marketing Careers: Videos and Production

I'll bet by now there isn't anyone on Earth that hasn't seen a Youtube video.

People watch over 2 billion videos a day on Youtube and every minute over 24 hours of footage is uploaded. Not only is Youtube a fun place to just hang out and watch your favorite vids, it's a great place to learn stuff. If I want to learn to run a certain software program or even how to repair my car, I search Youtube for the answers. It's much easier to watch a video than to try and follow along in some document. The people who submit videos to Youtube come from all walks of life and varied age groups including 10 year old kids submitting skateboarding tricks to serious college students making independent films. But one group of video makers are growing faster than all of the rest…. companies.

From Target to Apple to BlendTec, companies large and small are using videos to market their products and services. Videos can create a brand name, answer customer service issues, advertise specials and just plain entertain the millions of people a day watching on Youtube. Video marketing has become one of the most cutting edge and powerful tools in a company's strategy to advertise themselves and they pay good money to make and market these videos. This opens up a huge opportunity for you to get in on the ground floor of a new career field.

If this interests you, you have the whole world in front of you. And a distance learning education school such as IMTC can be the ticket to your new career. We cover all of the practical nuts-and-bolts training for things like video marketing, social media, search engine optimization and tons more. Work for yourself or work for a big company… the choice is yours, but call us to find out just how easy it is to start!

Home-Based Business…best bet in tough economic times!

In these tough economic times a single income family has become nothing more than a historical landmark on the landscape of new the millennium.

In 2010 the modern family not only needs, but most require two incomes to make ends meet these days. That can be a tall order for a stay at home mom with one child on her hip and the other learning to walk. A home based business can often bridge the gap between sinking and staying afloat for most moms and even dads looking to add to their current income. Home-based businesses are now synonymous with Internet marketing. With as little 10 to 20 hours a week many have found the answer to add extra dollars to their bank account that balances the household budget.

But before you start fantasizing about the product you will sell and the millions you will make, training is the first investment that should come to mind. The one thing that I have learned working for the Internet Marketing Training Center is that the best concept and or product falls short of your expectations if you can’t compete on the internet.

To be competitive on the Internet and get your product in front of the people who will buy it, you must first learn the basics and even the advanced tips, tricks and methods to sell to your customers. SEO, social media, Google rankings, blogging, e-commerce and digital product development are just a few of the topics you will need to be familiar with before you can expect to be successful. So consider a home-based business if you are looking to balance the household budget, or if you thinking bigger why not become an Internet millionaire?