All Online Businesses Need an SEO Specialist

Internet Marketing careers are in high demand. There are many businesses that are not online yet and need your help. If you are reading this you probably already know how powerful the Internet is, and you are looking for a career in Internet Marketing. Lucky for you there are many options for anybody looking to tackle the Internet head on.

One popular topic in the Internet Marketers world is search engine optimization or SEO for short. SEO involves using strategies and techniques to increase the amount of visitors you get to your website because your page ranks higher than the competition.

Over the years the job of an SEO Specialist has become more complex. Most business owners simply do not have time to learn SEO and use it effectively, so your services will allow them to focus on what they do best. To be a good SEO Specialist you must:

  • Always be learning because the search engines are forever changing.
  • Be a great communicator because you will be collaborating with webmasters, copywriters, and graphic designers.
  • Pay attention to detail.
  • Love solving problems to get the desired search engine results for your client.
  • Be a creative thinker because thinking outside of the box will keep you ahead of your competition.

A good SEO Specialist is a very valuable asset for any online business. Here at IMTCVA we teach the best and most current SEO practices to get websites ranked higher in search engines. Start your career as a SEO Specialist now!


Consumer Online Activities


There are many different reasons consumers go online. Listed below are the top 6 activities consumers perform online:

  • 92% Email
  • 92% Search
  • 81% Check the Weather
  • 76% Read News
  • 71% Watch Videos
  • 71% Purchase Products

You are reading this because you are thinking about starting a career in Internet Marketing or you already have a business and you are trying to increase your web presence. As an Internet Marketer it is your job to capitalize on the current trends. A lot of tasks we used to do offline have been replaced by online activities. For example the Netflix streaming volume exceeded rentals in 2012. Consumers are still watching movies but the Internet has made it easier, you don't even have to leave your couch to purchase the latest movie. While Netflix is making profits, Blockbuster went bankrupt. Instead of going against the trends, stay ahead of the curve and visit to start your profitable Internet Marketing career.

Writing Website Content – Do You Know Who Your Readers Are?

I read a lot of website content and I'm amazed by the words and topics that the website author uses to attract traffic. Often, it has little to do with who is really coming to the site, but rather what the website author assumes people want and need. Just because you are knowledgeable about a certain topic and are effective at writing about it doesn't mean that it's sitting well with your visitors.

Second-guessing your visitor is a common mistake with newbies to Internet marketing. Here are some warning signs that your content may be lacking:

  • a high ‘bounce' rate – check your website stats and see how long people are staying on the site
  • no one sharing your posts
  • no one commenting on your posts
  • using keyword phrases that are ‘insider' jargon
  • using keyword phrases with very low monthly search numbers 

 How do you know who is actually visiting the site? Why are they really there?

Checking your website stats for “keyword traffic sources” will give you critical information on what people were searching for that led them to your site. It may be phrases that you didn't think anyone was searching for. You can also use a polling application on the site to ask people “Who are you?” and “What are you interested in learning?”  The visitors to your website may be there looking for information that is lacking in your content, and when they see it's not there, they leave.

  • Are you selling “make money in real estate” info for consumers, but agents are coming there instead?
  • Are you writing about “retail jewelry trends” for crafters, but consumer jewelry buyers are visiting instead?
  • Are you writing posts about speakers (public speakers) and getting people looking for stereo speakers instead? (true story)

Before you waste any more time writing, find out who is really coming to your website. Then offer them exactly what they were looking for.





Internet Careers for Retirees



Most people look forward to retirement once they reach the golden years. With the struggling economy, some retirees may be forced to supplement their retirement incomes.

Going back to work has become increasingly popular for retirees and working from home is a great option. The many benefits of working from home include having a flexible schedule, ability to eliminate long commutes, and you still get to enjoy your family. Working from home is growing at an unstoppable rate, and no matter your age with the right guidance and help you can do it too.

A lot of the activities you currently enjoy can be profitable.
Do you enjoy writing?
Do you enjoy arts and crafts?
Do you enjoy travel?
Do you enjoy teaching?

Each one of those topics can be made profitable on the Internet.

Here at the IMTC we teach our students how to use their unique knowledge to start a career in Internet Marketing.

How to Diversify Your Online Business



Many people dream of working from home and making money on the internet, Who can blame them?  There is a lot of money to be made on the internet and you are reading this because you want to learn how.

Many successful internet marketers encourage having multiple streams of income. Some of the most popular ways to create multiple streams of income are:

  • Mentoring or consulting
  • Selling products through affiliate links
  • Create a unique product
  • Build a membership site
  • Educational telesiminars
  • eBooks

Here at IMTC we stress the importance of creating multiple streams of income and creating products that you can get paid for over and over again. You want to always have money coming in even when you are not actively “working.”  Working from home can give you flexibility with your lifestyle, let's say you decide to take a break and go on a vacation.  While you are relaxing you can always have money  coming in from different products or services. Diversifying your business will produce positive results because you will connect to each customer how ever they prefer.

If you are ready to take your career or business to the next level and discover the most up to date tips, visit the site


Careers in Internet Marketing – Posting Guest Blogs

Posting on guest blogs is a great way to get new traffic to your website from people you have never heard of your business before. If your website is only getting a certain amount of visitors, the exposure of a guest post can help drive more customers to your site.

A lot goes into looking for the proper blogs to post to. An internet marketing manager needs to be able to search for the right blogs to contact: ones that have the right targeted consumers that would be interested in your product or service. After identifying the correct market, the manager has to be able to locate the best contact information and get in touch with the blog owner. Without the proper skills, getting a response to your inquiry can be difficult.


If you get an affirmative response, the manager will then have to put together the proper content that brands the business, educates the readers and properly leads the prospect to the website. This takes expertise in content marketing, copywriting, image management and basic HTML skills such as making an anchor text link.

What are blog owners looking for from guest posts? Good educational content, content that is complimentary to what their readers are already used to and content that is not too long or too short. By spreading around the content for your business or the business you're working for, you can see drastic and immediate results in the amount of qualified traffic to your website and start making more money.

Do you have what it takes for being a content marketing manager?


Why you should learn Video Marketing



Adding a content filled video to your business website will increase the rank of your website in search engines, which means more visitors.

Video marketing has grown in importance over the last few years and it is not slowing down. It is estimated that by 2016 2/3 of the worlds mobile traffic will be from videos (Cisco).
Video will help your website stand out from the crowd, establish you as a leader and expert in your unique niche.

Businesses are paying top dollar for specialized knowledge in online video. With the ability to create, shoot, and edit videos you will be on your way to a profitable career.

Here at IMTC we stay ahead of he curve and have many lessons from beginner to advance for shooting great professional videos that will get you noticed.

Learn Internet Marketing From The Comfort of Your Own Home


Can you really earn an educational certificate from the comfort of your own home? At IMTC, we make it easy for people ready to make a change in their life to learn (and earn) from home. Through our distance education software, it's easy to learn a new skill, participate in lessons and have them automatically graded all while online.

New mom? Taking care of elderly parents? Or maybe you don't live anywhere near a college. You are the perfect candidate for distance education. We offer the opportunity to learn at your own pace, without having to attend classes at a set hour when you may not be able to make it.

These are the issues that affect many new students, but one we have overcome at IMTC. Find out how you can even make money before you have graduated with out free career brochure available at



Internet Marketing Careers: Mobile Messaging

Text messaging is all the rage. Businesses both larger and small, from Walmart to your local Mexican restaurant are using text messages to alert their customers to coupons and specials.

Companies love texting because unlike email, almost everyone opens their text messages when delivered to their mobile device. In addition, they can be sent out just before lunch (to offer discounts and coupons) and before major shopping events such as holidays. That increases the conversion for the text message higher than emails or even television ads, for a fraction of the cost.

Why would a business need to hire someone to help them with texting? Managing the text subscriptions, designing the QR codes and writing the best copy in a limited amount of characters takes some expertise.  Some text messages just send out notifications, while other may contain a clickable link to a website or special offer. This takes knowledge of websites and landing pages, plus ecommerce systems and databases.

IMTC helps students get ready for the future of advertising with up-to-date training in every aspect of electronic marketing for small businesses. Don't let expensive companies or inefficient outsourcing take your business from you. This is a specialty career that is growing by leaps and bounds. This is your time…



Why Get an Online Education?

Find out why an online education is best for you. Learn how you can discover the hottest and most in demand jobs available today. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months and be on your way to a great job. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia