Internet Marketing Careers: Product Creation Manager

Most of the income generated from the Internet revolves around the sale of products: ebooks, Kindle books, MP3 recordings, podcasting subscriptions, DVD's and software downloads.

While businesses are very busy looking for new customers and plans of action, someone needs to be responsible for developing new physical and digital products to sell. The person that comes up with new ideas, tests out the new ideas and creates the products in many different formats is called a product creation manager.

Many products are created for giveaways to attract and collect more sales leads. Whatever the reason, the way a business promotes and sells its products online takes a dedicated knowledge of publishing tools and ecommerce solutions. Not only does someone have to be able to create products in many formats, but also needs the skills to deliver the product via email, downloads and shopping carts.

This area of expertise is growing daily as new ways to deliver the product experience online grows. Far too many businesses still have a traditional marketing mindset that keeps them from growing like they should. The product creation manager is needed to keep up critical research in ecommerce and digital product delivery systems.

If you are the type of person looking for a career in a fast-paced and quickly growing field that never gets boring, creating products for online purchases could be for you. IMTC has all of the tools and courses to become a high-paid product creation manager. Get our free school brochure and see other people just like yourself that have made a living working online.



Take The Leap To Secure Your Future


Your Future Ahead


Do you dream of building an online business but have no idea where to begin?

The Internet can be one big sea of confusion if you are new. I understand your challenge and that is why I started the Internet Marketing School of Virginia. It is my passion to help anybody that wants to improve their current lifestyle. You do not have to be the next Mark Zuckerburg to establish yourself online. There are a lot of opportunities for entrepreneurs to get started online without a huge financial investment.

If you have made up your mind and are serious about your future you should set up a strategy to reach your goals. Internet marketing is  the key to having a website seen by thousands . . . if not millions of people. Internet Marketing is what makes getting found on the Internet possible at all. Social Networking, Search Engine Optimization, Blogs….. Learn exactly what it all means and how best to use it for yourself or your company. Redefine the Internet Landscape so that your mountaintop is clearly visible to all.

The program at IMTCVA allows you to take advantage of your future .The skills taught in these courses focus on practical, real world and immediately applicable techniques to bring in money on the Internet. A lot of hard work goes into being a successful Internet marketer. Here are a few tips that will help you on your journey:

1. Stay true to your personality and traits that make you unique. There is a lot of competition and in order to survive you have to be aware of what makes you different and original.

2. Stay focused on your goals. Many people will think you are crazy for pursuing a career online. Don’t worry about the negativity because it will only throw you off the path to success. I recommend associating yourself with like minded people that encourage and support you.

3. Patience is a virtue. You are investing your time into learning the steps that will pay off in the long run. It takes time to build and establish yourself in the Internet marketing community.

4. Don’t try to recreate every step in the process. Learn from your mentors. Once you learn the basics then you will be in a position to determine when to follow and when to innovative.

Visit for more information on your future as an Internet marketer.

Careers In Internet Marketing: Writing Press Releases

Online press releases are the driving force behind big traffic surges and multiple search results for small businesses on the web. Press releases are subscribed to by thousands of news organizations and professional bloggers looking for fast-breaking and relevant topics in their industry.

Press releases give an important glimpse into the inside workings of hundreds of different industries, sharing news nearly instantly of promotions, new product launches, recently published books, changes in policies and more. The press release gives organizations a chance to help spread important information to their readers and gives you, the owner of the release, exposure to a vast network of publicity.

Online press releases have to be written with the Internet and search engines in mind. In that regard, keywords and search friendly text has to be implemented. An online press release is different than a traditional print release in that they can have clickable links to website resources, videos and images. All these elements have to be optimized for search engines if the press release has any chance of being found.

Someone with the knowledge of SEO, keywords, hyperlinks, image optimization and online video is needed for the successful press release. Here at IMTC, we know what it takes to have the best chance at online success. Our courses cover every aspect of online training with a special knowledge of how search engines find web pages, sites and especially press releases. A company that's serious about their online marketing will look for those people who can do the best job and reward them for it.

It isn't a job for just anyone, but maybe it's the career for you…

Wake ’em Up “about me” Pages

About Me pages on your website (or better known as Bio pages) shouldn't be as effective as a sleeping pill.

This is the perfect place to tell the world about who you are and what your company does. Website visitors will get a good idea from these pages about whether they will want to do business with you. It's this page that typically makes the decision over any other page on the site including the Home page (which often people think is the most important).

That being said, how does your About me page hold up? Is it full of facts, figures and hype that no one cares about? Does it include words that help connect yourself to your visitor or are you just talking about you?

The easiest way to connect with your prospect without being a professional writer is to tell a simple story. The stories you have are unique to you. They tell a tale of how you started in your business in a personal way. Stories also have a way to connect with your visitor – they may have had a similar situation happen to them. This builds sympathy and trust between the two of you that's important in making a sale. The more of a connection you make with your reader, the more powerful your website becomes for them. Your About Me page is often the low-key content place where you can make that happen.

Also remember to talk in first person to keep from disconnecting from your visitor, talk in your own voice and share the funny / sad moments that you know your visitor can relate to.

How can other your other website pages benefit from a personal connection? 

The More You Know, The Safer You’ll Be

I was talking to friend last night that was concerned about getting laid off from work. He's a hard worker and very talented, but he works for the government and possible automatic downsizing and budget cuts are looming for his business. Just in case he lost his job, he decided to look at all of the things he felt capable of doing for outside clients.

He literally pulled out a piece of paper and made a crude flow chart of his talents and what kind of private sector businesses would be interested in hiring him. When he outlined all of the things he could do for others, he realized then that maybe working for himself was a more profitable endeavor than typical employment. While working for a company and only doing a few everyday tasks, he had forgotten just how much he was capable of and how much he was really worth.

IMTC understands this concept. The web is a constantly changing place and we keep up with every aspect of Internet marketing. We believe that working for yourself is a more rewarding practice, and we have the knowledge and tools for success. Everything that a business could possibly need is provided in the vast library of courses and lessons at IMTC. If you jotted down everything you could learn here and how much those services are worth to the online business world, it would be a real eye-opener. Just like what happened to my friend. Maybe you have forgotten just how talented you are and how much you're worth.

Remind yourself with our complimentary career brochure…


Internet Marketing as a Career: Webinar Consultations

Businesses have heard of webinars and how great they are for building leads and selling products, but few know the inside knowledge of how to utilize them properly. You could make a great living helping small businesses develop webinars as a consultant.

Here are just some of the topics that businesses need help with:

  • create powerpoint slides
  • creating the content outlines
  • operating the webinar software
  • creating the sales letter to direct people to buy after the webinar
  • how to record the webinar so the audience can have access to a replay
  • how to use an e-commerce system to process the orders (shopping cart)
  • how to create a registration page for the audience to sign up for the webinar
  • how to write powerful sales closes
  • and a lot more.

Webinars can be very complicated and demands that a consultant stand by a business as it creates the entire process from beginning to end. Only a smoothly running system can generate the results that businesses are looking for. Did you know that IMTC teaches everything you need to be a webinar consultant?

New Career Options For Seniors and Retired Persons

Recently retired? How are you going to supplement your income? Learn how you can discover the best part-time employment opportunities available today. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months and be on your way to a supplimental income. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia.

How Internet Marketing Will Change…

Yes, the Internet is a fairly new thing. It did not turn out to be ‘just a fad' like many predicted. But changes on the Internet happen fast, especially in how the information is delivered. How then, can you enter a career field where things change so fast one can hardly keep up?

While technology goes through a thousand phases a minute it seems, the idea of ‘marketing' – how one influences others to see value and make purchases – is based on age old theories. Presenting benefits through branding, writing to capture customer emotions and offering your services to help others become better, varies little compared to how those messages are delivered. Internet marketing is just that: marketing that efficiently marries the needs of the people with businesses who can provide the solutions.

Internet marketing covers so much more than just the Internet. It has to keep up on the cutting edge of changing technology as its core duty. With mobile apps coming into the forefront of advertising (and only who-knows-what just around the corner), Internet marketers have the task of learning how to efficiently present their message in a very fertile environment. For those who love to learn, that world is as good as it gets.

Ad copy, still a dynamic and important part of the Internet, has survived 200+ years of changing technology. From the printing press to the iPhone, how you reach the psyche of a brand new generation of buyers has changed little at its core, but has grown beyond anyone's wildest dreams. So much about the Internet still rings of traditional methods. If anything, the web has become a more personal space, making real connections via an all electronic world. The challenge to take that further will drive a new frontier of young people truly making a difference in a rewarding atmosphere of constant change. Could you be one of those people?  

Internet Marketing Jobs: Online Video Marketing

Online video is a great way to spread your message to the world. Businesses large and small are investing large sums to create, edit and distribute videos all over the web: through their websites, blogs, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, email and even turning them into DVD products or membership site content. Sometimes it's just the main way to communicate to their clients via email, sales letters or video brochures.

However a business uses online video, one thing is true: a person that understands search engines, keywords, script writing and even simple editing needs to help pull the entire thing together. That person could be you. There are many video editors out there, but few understand the concept of online marketing. How the search engine finds the video, how it's presented and how it's shared by others has everything to do with marketing beyond the usual technical aspects.

 The video titles, formats and web pages they are on have to be optimized fully for search engine performance. There needs to be a heavy social media sharing campaign if anyone beyond your website visitors are going to see it. It needs to be concise and to the point, meaning that when people see it, it makes money. It needs to be ‘repurposed', meaning that it can be used to make other products and make more money than the original video was intended. Video editors, actors, and cameramen – the people who bring the video to life -rarely understand these concepts.

This sounds like a job you could be proud of – a job that is growing every year. While the economy is killing many traditional careers, the Internet and how people are using it, is growing. Businesses are switching gears and investing in new marketing techniques that are less expensive but have a farther global reach, such as online video. Discover how others have taken the dream of  work from home and made it a reality.

Help With Copy Headlines: Headline Creator Pro

I've been involved in advertising and copywriting for more years than I care to remember! And this bit of software has impressed me more than anything else that I have seen before!

This tool can give you the help you need with writing ad copy, and especially with the most important part (the part that pro copywriters spend 80% of their time on) – the headline!

Today, money is “created” by the words you say, how effectively you say them and how quickly you get them in front of your readers.

Hard Truth #1:If your sales letter doesn't hit all the right, hot buttons your reader is off to the next great thing.

There's a lot of pressure in knowing that the very first 10-20 words on your sales letter are the most important for you… and possibly your family. It's like having to earn a Perfect 10.0 in the Olympics to win Gold yet you've never done better than 3.7 all season long. Will you Win the Gold and stand atop the podium of success or stare at your competition, stuck on the bench with nothing to show for your efforts?

Hard Truth #2:Your sales copy's ultimate success or ultimate failure hinges on how persuasive your headline is.

You scramble desperately for the answers but they just won't appear. You spend every exhausting night and day dusting off every book you have in your possession just to try to find one small glimmer of hope. The most exciting headline you come across is just slightly more exciting than watching grass grow.

Hard Truth #3:If you aren't a skilled master copywriter you won't find the answers in your head, which means you must find help from someone or something.

Your next “Great Idea” is to hop online and find a copywriter Quick. You check out the latest prices. BOOM! — Like a punch right between the eyes they charge more per hour — OUCH! — than you make in a week. I don't know about you, but I don't want to mortgage my house in hopes of getting winning headlines.