You've done all of the hard work: the writing, proofreading, and cover design that accompanies your new book. But now what? Not only do you have to get people to buy your book, but you have to get them to find it. This is where Internet marketing comes in. As an author, you need to learn how to market you and your book. An education in Internet marketing will not only teach you how to do that but also how to sell your own book on your own website. On top of that, you can take your new education and certificate from the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia and get a great job with any business that needs to market online. That's the great thing about learning how to use the Internet to make money; it gives you the option of working for your self or for another business.
Category Archives: entrepreneurship
Branding Your Blog, Your Business
One thing small businesses often overlook is branding. It's important that people be able to recognize your products of services. That way your work can advertise for you.
Since many people are using blogs as a fast and cheap way to set up a website, it may become clear that if there is no distinct brand, there is no real business behind this person. The graphics are weak and there is no coherent theme throughout the site. Even if they have a header that's been done for them, there is still nothing to unify their website to any of their products. It could be a quick-scam business, especially if the website is weak or still in development.
Branding Your Business
There is a reason the Nike swoosh is on all of their shoes and their apparel lines. The reason is brand recognition. That means people can identify that shoe or that shirt with just a quick glance and understand what the company stands for. Nike has come to mean quality. Nike has come to mean status. This was important when Nike was JUST a shoe and then expanded into their workout gear, t-shirts, hats, etc. The brand recognition meant that the shirts were expected to be the same quality as the shoes. It would follow that if Nike makes great athletic shoes, they are BOUND to make great athletic performance-wear.
It doesn't have to be expensive to brand yourself, your products or your services. Get a professional logo done (I'm going to go out on a limb and say avoid cheap, by cheap I mean avoid going to There is a reason it's cheap. Do your homework, find out what other work this person or business has done. Only when you are sure they can do quality work that isn't going to cost you your first-born child, THEN you can hire them.)
Ask for the originals as well as formats you already know how to use. Slap the logo on all your products and on your site! (Well, don't “slap” it all over, but definitely make sure it's visible and easily identified to you.)
Having Your Brand Designed
What do you want your brand to “inspire”? What sort of feeling do you want someone to get from your brand/logo? Do you want to be seen as professional (clean, simple), fun (energetic, less measured), technical (very clean, very measured and possible complex)?
Do you have colors you are partial too? Colors that inspire a certain feeling? You will want o try to carry these over into as much as you can. “Men In Black” ? Figure there will probably be a strong presence of black and something that ties well with it. Like a silver or gray tone. Something that lets the black speak volumes.
Learn your colors and utilize them in the website. Hopefully, you are using a theme that allows you easily manipulate a lot of the elements of the theme yourself. Try to stick to a smaller number of colors. Research brands that you like. How many colors do they use? How do the logos and colors speak to you? Have you decided what you want YOUR brand to say to people?
The point is, that there is a reason businesses use a brand. It establishes a presence, it identifies the product or service. You want to have a brand for those very same reasons. You want to look just as professional as any long standing company. It might be the difference between someone feeling comfortable enough to try to do business with you.
Internet Marketing Careers – Managing Email
I primarily use this technique when sifting through the volumes of emails I receive. It makes it much easier to find and deal with my most important messages.
I use Microsoft Outlook as my main email program, but the same technique works for many other programs whether they are email programs or not.
The simple technique is to click at the top of the column that you want to sort on.
For instance, if I wanted my newest emails to show up at the top of my email inbox, I would click on the top of the date column. Oops what happened? Well if the emails were already sorted with the newest at the top and the oldest at the bottom, and I clicked the top of the column, then the order would reverse. The oldest email would now be at the top and the newest at the bottom. Click on the top of the column again and you reverse the order again. Now the newest are at the top where they belong and the oldest are at the bottom. I find this the most convenient because I don't have to scroll down to see new emails arrive.
FLAGGED EMAILS: This is the most common way that I use the sort function. I get such a high volume of emails I usually go over them very quickly eliminating the obvious spam. Then I go over the ones that are left and try to notice if any need immediate attention. If they do and it's a quick answer, I go ahead and answer them immediately. If it's going to take a more in depth answer, I right click on the email and click on “flag for follow-up.” The rest of the emails I usually drag individually to respective folders that I have already set up. Anytime I want to address the topic of those emails I can simply go to one of those folders and find emails related to that topic.
Now back to the flagged emails. This is where the sort function comes in. By the time I get through 50 or 100 emails I usually have a bunch of flagged emails separated by miscellaneous stuff that I didn't know what to do with, but wanted to save in case I need to refer to them. I simply click on the sort at the top of the “flag” column. This brings all the flags to the top and I can quickly go through and answer all of them. If I can't get them all done, I can easily find them again the next time I sort on the flagged column.
You can sort on any of the column, but I hardly ever do. Sorting on the “Subject” column sorts the subject line of the email in alphabetical order. I guess that could be useful, but I can't think of how or why. You can sort on the “From” column and again, I virtually never bother. Occasionally I sort on the “Attachment” column if I know I'm looking for an email that has one.
I think you'll find that the method I use above by using flags and sorting will really speed you up when it comes to handling your emails.
Online Marketing – Why Build a Database?
Creating a database of potential fans is an easy way to have ready made customers for each and every book, CD, teleseminar or live event. Using an opt-in form software such as KickStartCart will give you the ability to collect names and emails in trade for something free from you such as a downloadable excerpt of your book, an MP3 of one of your teleclasses or a special report.
Each name you collect will be stored for marketing to later as the years go on. Sending your list a newsletter keeps your brand fresh in your prospects mind and gives them critical info about your business, qualifications and expertise. As your database grows, you can market all of your future products to the list. Your database is the number one key to sales. These are targeted people who already know you and are familiar with your work. A higher percentage of these people will buy from you than just random visitors to your website. That's why it is so important that when random visitors come to your website, you capture their information with a freebie.
Freebies should be digital products that are easily accessible and free for you to give away. E-books, MP3's and membership site content may have cost you your time when you were creating them, but are just files and electrons now. They have no cost of goods sold and no packing and shipping expenses. A speech from your seminar last year has now been turned into another product as an MP3 recording, ready to pass to the masses of website visitors you now have. As a part of your ever growing database, you have control over how you market and when you market your future products. Your database truly is gold….
Online Education Opportunities – Careers In Internet Marketing
Internet marketing is a fast growing and constantly changing business. More and more companies are creating an online presence to keep up with market demand and their customers expectation's. Of course, this creates a huge gap in supply and demand. How can businesses find enough qualified people to keep things running smoothly?
At IMTC we teach the necessary skills to compete in today's market, and the specialized Internet marketing education that employers are looking for. this career choice is moving fast, and you don't want to be left behind. Now is the perfect time to take advantage of this exciting career. If you don't want to work for someone, that's ok.
This is a unique educational opportunity that you can use to start your own online business. The choice is yours. Come over to and download our career guide to see what Internet marketing is all about.
Internet Marketing: Adapt Your Products to Capture Smart Phone Users
For years we’ve were encouraged to think outside the box. Then we were encouraged to think outside the bun. After reading predictions from the Yankee Group, a high-tech research firm, I would like to challenge Internet marketers to think outside their desktops and laptops to their mobile devices.
Look at this Yankee Group prediction, as quoted from a Newsweek article by Daniel Lyons:
“Over the next decade the technologies will become so cheap that virtually every phone sold will be what we, today, would call a smart phone. Most important, every one of those smart phones will be constantly connected to the Internet. The proliferation of low-cost handhelds will enable people in developing economies to see the rest of the world–and join it. Sanjay Jha, the co-CEO of Motorola says, ‘I can’t imagine anything since the invention of the spinning jenny that will so profoundly change the lives of people in the deepest rural parts of the emerging market.”
In addition, the Yankee Group forecasted “that during the next four years, Internet advertising revenue will grow 9.2 percent annually and will reach $33.7 billion in 2012. Growth hopes lie with mobile Internet access.”
More smart phones, a rise in advertising revenue…
Judging from these forecasts, it seems very likely that we will be buying and selling more products over mobile devices such as iPads, iPhones and Droids. Yes, the screens are much smaller than our PCs and Macs. How will you Internet marketers adapt your products and marketing strategies to capture the smart phone users? It is not too soon too to create products specifically for the smart phone users.
Making Products For The Web – Self Publishing Your Book
No matter what kind of business you have, or whether you haven't started a business before, writing a how-to book based on something you know can make a good income for you or your family. How-to books are easy to write and very much in demand. And contrary to popular belief, you don't have to be signed to a major publishing firm to print and sell books. Self publishing is a the rage. For a very small investment you can have a service such as CreateSpace (owned by Amazon) print your book for you. You can order as little as 1 copy to as many as 10,000. Even if you don't have a website of your own, CreateSpace can advertise your book for you, process the order and even ship the book to your customer… you don't have to do a think. They will send you a check when you sell a book.
This can be great for extra money for you and your family. Or it can elevate you to an expert in your field if you work in a professional atmosphere. A book is a tremendous boost to your life and career. Here at the IMTC, we can show you everything you need to know to market your how-to book for success, or teach you to show others how to do it.
Print-on-Demand: Have you heard about
You know that book you have always wanted to write but never did because you would have to pay the printer to print hundreds more than you need and then store them forever in your garage? I have good news for you. Now with print-on-demand, you can have as few as one book printed at a nominal price. This means you can order just enough to sell at your book signing, for back-of-the-room sales, for selling from your website or for giving away to promote your business. Each book is printed when you or your client orders it and you only pay for the quantity ordered, whether it is one or 1,000.
We are using for print-on-demand. It’s a free online self-publishing tool that helps you prepare your book for printing. While compiling and formatting your book takes a lot of time, the actual process of uploading your book to createspace is very simple and consists of three basic steps:
- Enter information about your book into the createspace software.
- Upload a pdf file of the content.
- Upload a pdf file of the cover.
After you upload the pdf files, createspace prints a proof copy, which costs about $3.00 for a 100-page book, and mails it to you. When you have approved the proof copy, createspace will print as few or as many copies as you want. When the book is completed, createspace will even distribute it on for you. You only pay when a customer orders a copy and that money comes out of your commission.
You can also order copies to sell on your own website and through other retailers. It’s a win-win because you have no setup fees or and no inventory to store.
Check it out at
Do It Yourself…or Not?
“Do It Yourself” has become an industry to itself. We see books “For Dummies”, “How To”, and all sort of “Do It Yourself” articles, books, and videos. “DIY” (do it yourself) is a keystone of any entrepreneurship. And the big question always is, “is it cheaper/faster/better to do it yourself, or to pay someone else to do it?”
Society functions well BECAUSE we have separated and specialized function. This is how we evolve and grow. If people are allowed to concentrate on certain tasks, they will become more efficient, better, and cheaper. But there are a lot of things that you can do for yourself as a business person.
A good way to determine if something might be a DIY task is how time consuming a task will be once the learning curve have been reached. Will it take HOURS away from you when you could spend hours on another task that will make you more money? In that case, it might be more worthwhile to pay someone to do it. If it's going to take a week for someone to get out and do it—and it's something that is going to be repetitive—I can almost guarantee that it would be cheaper, faster, more efficient and less stressful to learn a little bit and do it yourself. Building a house? Go ahead and pay for that one. Repainting your bedroom? Save a little cash and knock it out yourself.
- Time Consumption (including education)
- Difficulty/specialization of knowledge
- Cost of a Professional's Services
We are increasingly opened up to a world that is more and more DIY friendly. Everyone with Internet access can have a blog (website) and market that website for almost nothing! Heck, with a smartphone and the WordPress app, you can control content on the blog from almost anywhere!
The point being, you can do almost anything thing these days with enough time and interest. The question becomes, how best to spend your resources (time and money).
Are you a good fit for being a DIYer? Come us out at Internet Marketing Training Center for more details on the an Internet Lifestyle!
Success in Business: Mastery of the Tools
Have you ever heard the old riddle, “How do you eat an elephant?”
The answer is, “One bite at a time!”
Success in Business: Mastery of the Tools
I mention this because one of the keys to success is having a mastery of specific skill sets or tools. Entering a new industry almost always dictates you learn to use and master new tools. The Internet Marketing Training Center is based on Tom Antion's mentorship program and will involve a mastery of a lot of those same tools used in his program, as well as learning new ones as the Internet expands and changes.
Time and again in the mentorship program we have stressed that you need to learn specific tasks. A lot of the people who fail, do so because they do not invest time in developing those skills. We have made guides and reference material available for almost all the tasks you will need to learn, but many people want to skip ahead, get it done, get it finished and they end up confused or lost and not at all understanding how things tie together.
If you plan to sell anything on the Internet, you better learn how to use that shopping cart (Kickstart Cart Training)! Go through the trainings step-by-step. Do a few PRETEND products. Practice! Not all of the pages on your website need to be available to the entire world! Keep some pages hidden and you can test out all sorts of things in the shopping cart and on the website. You'll MAKE mistakes yes. But that's how you learn! Mistakes and repetition. And you don't want to be making mistakes when it's down to the wire.
Please, don't be in such a rush that you don't learn the necessary skills to be able to run your own business. Go through the training materials. Ask for help if you need it. Remember, the first lessons aren't the advanced stuff. It's the base stuff that you NEED to know before you get started.
Final tip: Take some time to make sure you have your business setup (tested and running smoothly) before you get started with the marketing of your products. It does you no good if you have hundreds of people want to buy your book if you've setup the shopping cart wrong and are going to need help to fix it. Foundations first, painting and decorating later.