Sales Letter Headlines: Stir Your Reader’s Curiosity

The headline of a piece of sales copy or advertising is the most important part of the entire ad. That's because it's the first point of contact and the single element that ‘pulls' the reader in further. You can't sell to someone if they don't read the ad. The headline needs to be well thought out and stir the emotions of the reader so they will dive in head first. What are some important elements to look for?




Does it create a sense of wanting to change? OFTEN A BRIDESMAID, NEVER A BRIDE

Does it ‘personalize' and identify with someone else? IMAGINE SOMEONE LIKE ME…HOLDING AN AUDIENCE SPELLBOUND FOR 30 MINUTES

These are emotional ‘triggers' that stir curiosity in the reader and will make them want to read further. It's important to try and put a point across without sounding to salesy. You want them to focus more on the information: What's in it for them? What benefits will they get? Rather than making it look like something's for sale.

Writing ads will never go away. There are even more places on the Internet to compel people to buy: squeeze pages, videos, articles, banner ads, etc… and each one has a certain element that makes it stand out to your visitor. IMTC teaches the techniques of good web copy and profit pulling content. It's something that will make you more valuable in the workplace. Be your own attention-grabbing headline and lure employers to you!


WordPress Plugins
What kinds of WordPress plugins work best? Learning the latest blog techniques can help you find a job. The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia is an Internet marketing school designed to teach you everything you would need to know about selling your products online. No only can you sell your products and services, you can also get hired by companies looking for the same thing. Check out  for more information.

Is Being a Virtual Assistant Right For You?

More and more businesses are building a larger Internet presence than ever before. There seems to be never ending roster of things to do online, that companies and individuals need to be a part of to keep up with their competition: social media, blogging, content creation, content syndication, videos, email campaign and ecommerce – these are just a few of the daily tasks required for a business to run effectively online. With so many things to keep track of and implement, how can one find enough good help?

People are turning to any resource they can that promises solutions: outsourcing,,, interns, in-house employees and virtual assistants. Out of this large pool of labor, the virtual assistant stands far above the rest in terms of SEO knowledge and expertise. With most outsourcing help, even the inexpensive help on elance, you'll save money, but your final results won't be as good as it could be.

Just writing stuff and posting it to the web will not get you the kind of traffic you would expect. Things like keyword optimization and proper conversion are important to an online task. Outsourcing can be very unreliable for optimized web work. They are great for other things: transcription, call center management, scheduling and administrative tasks. But the right virtual assistant can manage very complex campaigns for a number of large businesses where dollars count and tasks are measured for success.

Have you thought of being a virtual assistant? It's growing career that's very high in demand. More and more jobs will filter from in-house employees to ones that work from home (telecommuting) as the years progress. At IMTC we teach all of the necessary skill sets that companies are looking for. An IMTC trained VA will be able to conduct the highest level of Internet tasks with the best results possible. Is this the job for you? Take a tour and find out…

Web Content: A Balance of Important Factors

Writing for the web can be a daunting task. Think about how much content is really out there:

* Website content

* Blogging

* Video and Podcast Scripts

* Articles

* Tweeting, Facebook Updates ans SMS Messaging

* Squeeze Pages, Opt-in Scripts and Sales Letters

* Email

That's enough to give anyone a heart attack. Or at least writer's block.

Yes, if you're not a ‘born' writer, it can seem like a lot of work. But you don't have to be a born writer to effectively get your point across to your visitors in all the above elements. It is a lot of work, but most time is spent ‘wondering' what to write, eating up real time you could be typing. Procrastination and doubt are time-killers, and you website can't wait. Getting your writing accomplished can be helped by a template: a quick checklist of factors that you can follow for the most effective content creation. In short order, here are a few to consider:

* Keywords – having a handy list of the keywords that apply to your business not only keeps your content search engine friendly, it gives you ideas for topics.

* Benefits – what are the immediate and long-term benefits of your product or service to your audience? Now explain that to generate good content (lose weight, make more money, save on their taxes, etc…).

* Fun – what enjoyable things will your audience be able to do with your product or service (spend more time with kids, catch bigger fish, look more attractive, etc…).

* Find your voice – write like you talk. Don't make everything sound like a Harvard dissertation. Be yourself so people trust you and get to know the real you. Writing in your own voice gets rid of the ‘fear' of not knowing what to write: it keeps you from over thinking it so you can get to the point and get the content down on paper (or web).

At IMTC, we have easy to follow steps for content creation to get you on and keep you on the right track. Check us out…



Driving Website Traffic With Youtube Videos

Youtube videos are the popular traffic driving device to populate your websites with excited visitors. Videos work wonders in terms of branding yourself and your business because they're dynamic, visually appealing and fun. They can create a blast of interest in your products and services, possibly even going viral, if you utilize the elements of humor, adventure and exciting graphics.

Youtube videos are viewed around the world 24/7, even when you're busy doing something else. If you produce them properly and have a lot of them, they can brand your products and educate people with your message. Getting viewers to your website is fairly easy: be sure to put a watermark (or “lower third”) at the bottom of your video with your website address on it. This can act as an advertisement even if people post your video to their own websites. Some videos can go ‘viral' rather quickly without you even being aware of it: shared on blogs,, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and in email attachments. make sure your website is visible in case this happens.

Put a clickable link to your website in the video description area. From Youtube, a viewer can click out to your website while watching it, driving real traffic to your site. make it easy for them by putting the link in the first line of your description box. Also, add your website addresses to your channel's “about me” section as well.

You can even have videos promoting a particular website for a limited time. You can use videos to ‘funnel' visitors to special promotion for a couple of weeks, and then change the clickable web address in the description to another site later. You can edit your video's title, tags and description any time with out losing views on Youtube. Videos can promote certain websites only for certain periods of time, such as holidays and events, then send viewers to a home page or blog after that.

IMTC makes video marketing easy. It's easy because we've experimented with all of the various techniques to see which ones work best, so you don't have to. You can use video marketing to sell your own products or help a business brand their services just like television commercials. Think about how valuable you would be in the workforce armed with this kind of specialized knowledge.

Tag Clouds: Add Fun and Function to Your Blog with Tag Clouds

The Internet has brought many new terms and practices to the business world. One of these is tag clouds. If you are a frequent Internet surfer, you may have used tag clouds. Tag clouds are trendy navigation tools that make it easy for site visitors to jump to the most popular links on your site. They also add some visual fun to the web page or blog, often appearing as a group of words stacked on top of each other, with some words much larger and bolder. The visual prominence of the words is determined by the popularity of the word.

What is a tag cloud? Basically, tags are related hyperlinks that allow the user to drill down into your site. The more frequently used tags are often represented in larger bolder fonts and stronger colors. Typical tag clouds have between 30 and 150 tags.

Types of tag clouds:

There are three primary types of tag cloud applications, characterized by their meaning rather than their appearance. The tags can appear in alphabetical order, in random order, sorted by weight, or in clustered according to the meaning of a word, phrase, sentence or text.

* A tag cloud for each item:  With this type, there is a tag cloud for each item. The size represents the number of times that tag has been applied to a single item.

* Global tag clouds:  This type, which is more commonly used, involves multiple tag clouds combining the frequencies of all items and users. The size represents the number of items to which a tag has been applied, indicating each tag's popularity.

* In the third type, tags are used to categorize content items. The larger tags represent the quantity of content items in that category.

If you would like to create tag clouds, WordPress has many plug-ins. For a list and description of available plugins, search the WordPress Plugin Directory at Be sure to check out the WP Colorful Tag Cloud plugin. WP Colorful Tag Cloud allows you to display an attractive tag cloud using a variety of customizable colors. Colors depend on tags weights and sizes.

Here's how to install the WP Colorful Tag Cloud plugin.

1. Unzip and upload wp-colorful-tag-cloud directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory

2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins' menu in WordPress.

3. Customize your settings using the menu item under Settings, Colorful tag Cloud.

4. Remember to save your settings.

Learn to create professional looking blogs for yourself or a business! 


The Secret to Making Money Online – A Good Work Ethic

Hard work is always rewarded. Lately however, it seems that people are trying to find the Magic Bullet: some product or system that makes money without doing any work. There are online ads that proclaim fast riches for just sitting around on your butt. Images of cruise ships and bikini clad women surrounding this lucky young man who is making money while on vacation. Are scenes like this really true? Or are shady companies just trying to get you to sign up for something that doesn't work? Well, yes and no.

You can make money while you're on vacation. That's just the nature of the Internet. While you have to man a cash register to make money with a physical store (and be open at a set time during business hours), you can make money on the Internet at all hours of the day and night, seven days a week. You can set up your products to be processed, fulfilled and delivered on automatic, so that you don't have to actually be there live to make the sale. That all sounds pretty wonderful, right? The missing link however, the one that ads don't tell you about, is the amount of education, work and dedication it takes to get all of this started. Just like any other business, if you want to be successful, it takes a good work ethic.

A good work ethic means doing whatever it takes to know the ropes. It means not taking fruitless shortcuts and only processing work and ideas half-way. Taking your Internet business seriously is the only way to make money. I know of no get-rich-quick scenarios that have actually worked. 99% of people who sign up for ‘make money at home' schemes fail miserably. The difference between someone who is successful and the others is how they view the business: real work equals real money. The Internet is not a place to take miraculous leaps of faith.

A real business takes a real education. Would you open up a clothing store at the mall without some retail management training? How would you keep track of inventory and balance your books without going out of business? As fast as the Internet changes, you need to stay on top of the workings of the web more than ever. With the ease of putting up websites and the promises of quick riches, the Internet is flooded with people trying to make money. It's not like the mall. That means that there is more competition and more obstacles to being noticed than ever before. The good news is that a majority of these Internet businesses don't really know what they're doing. Most websites don't make money. Just because they're online doesn't mean they're successful. “Build it and they will come” doesn't work on the Internet. There is so much more to it than that.

There are proven ways to make money with an online business – ones that have been tried and tested over and over again. The big players know how it works. They take it seriously. IMTC has the proven system of education that not only sets you apart from the others, but focuses on dedicated work ethics that will help you succeed in ANY business, not just online. Look around at all of the ads and sign up for whatever you want to. But when you decide to take making real money online seriously, we'll be here for you.

Online College Courses in Virginia

Taking online college courses at home is a great idea no matter what state you live in.  At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months that will open up bright new careers for you. Visit the site to download your free career guide.
Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia .

Content Marketing: Pinterest And Infographics

Pinterest broke unique visit records last month with their fun and interactive image sharing site. Pinterest lets you “pin” photos and videos that you discover on the web to your virtual “board” so the rest of the world can see them. Other users can comment and share the images that you post and you can do the same for them. When you click on the image or video itself, it takes you directly to the website where the user found it. This is a great way to drive traffic to a website in a fun and unpresumptuous way.

Some photos seem to be more popular than others for sharing. On Pinterest, pictures of food and jewelry are the hottest shares, and people click on the photos to get the recipe or craft ideas. For the most part, these foodie blogs and Etsy stores are getting their fair share of business using Pinterest. While most marketers are still trying to figure out how to get traffic from Pinterest with information products, the idea of the “infographic” has caught on.

An infographic is a fun, clever and informative image with all sorts of facts and figures about a particular topic. It's far more engaging than just another written article, not because it has any more content than an article, but simply because it's different and easily shareable. With content marketing and syndication, easily shareable content is more important than the details. If it's not shareable, the ‘syndication' part is stifled, leaving the content lonely on your website unread.

I've included a snapshot of an infographic here on this post. Obviously it's a lot larger than this, but you get the idea. You can create these in photoshop for your own business and post them on your blog and website, then share them on popular sites like Pinterest.