Internet Marketing Training – Getting Paid Working From Home

Working from home is perfect for people who have full time obligagtions. Learn how you can discover the hottest and most in demand jobs available today. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months and be on your way to a great job. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia

Distance Education – The Solution to Tough Economic Times

With the economy slowly building back to pre-recession levels, the cost of tuitionfor higher education still loom heavy in the minds of students and parents alike. For most new graduates, the idea of having to pay off large student loans weighs on their minds. Still, most high school graduates believe that a college education is worth it. A host of solutions have presented themselves over the last few years making it easier for students to access higher learning that for some, may not have had the opportunity at all to attend. The biggest change has been distance education and its ability to match students with the courses they need easily and from the comfort of their homes.

As an instructor at IMTC, I myself took distance education courses when there was no real chance for me to go back to school. I was a single dad and just working odd hours to get by. The opportunity to go to school again (which I felt I needed) would have been hard to imagine if it hadn't been for distance education. For many specialized vocations, there may also be limited choices for learning near your area. Cost aside, some students find that they can't receive the education they need because there is no available campus in their area.

Tough economic times also dictate that students take whatever work they can find, interfering  with school hours at a traditional school. The ability to take classes online at your own pace, gives you the freedom to work the hours that your employer sticks you with. If you believe that distance education would be right for you, including cost, value and freedom, visit to see what we have to offer. You can download a career brochure to discover what kinds of jobs are available in Internet marketing.

Creating Your Own Product

Creating and Marketing Your Own Digital Product

Creating Your Own Digital Products

Creating Your Own Digital Products

These days a great number of individual are getting involved in Internet marketing and creating their own products. Though Internet marketing offers the opportunity for virtually anyone to involve themselves in this explosive market, only a few individuals who are independent minded and self motivated is probably to most suited for this business. Having the ability to overcome the learning curve, as well as gaining the fundamental skills required, does discourage many people from pursing an Internet marketing career.

The Importance of Copywriting

One of the most important aspects of creating and promoting your own product involves copywriting skills. When marketing online it takes an appealing manner to promote products to make your visitors believe, want, and sense the value of what your presenting. So a good copywriter should possess a bit of flair, creativity, and comprehensive knowledge of the particular subject at hand. It's also critical to present yourself in a natural manner which can also appeal to the reader.

The significance of good writing skills isn't articulated enough as an important factor when it comes to Internet marketing. Many fail to realize that marketing is based on conveying words to promote a product or service in an entrancing manner.

Types of Digital Products

When creating a product based on your own particular knowledge, especially regarding a popular subject, can be extremely lucrative, yet produced economically. For example, an eBook can be create at low cost and constructed alluringly with little effort with just a modest amount of time engaged in the content.

Other ideas of digital products can be audio or video. Audio products are fairly easy to create by simply recording your voice and speaking about your subject matter. Although audio is a simple method of product creation, it may not be suitable for all product ideas. For instance, if your teaching how to play an instrument it's obvious you will need visuals, and that's where digital video comes in to play. In fact, you can incorporate all digital aspects into one by creating an eBook, audio and video files for your product. So before determining which digital product to create, make certain you identify the purpose of your material.

Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia

Web Design Trends

Taking a Look at Web Design Trends

Web Design Trends

Web Design Trends

One way to keep up with Web Design trends is to peek in and analyze what the larger companies are doing. By doing so you can learn what's the latest styles, and elements that are being implemented within new websites. Below we will discuss a few things I've noticed about the latest trends many are applying to their web design.

Color Uniqueness

One of the biggest things I've notice as far as appearance is the color scheme of newer websites. Many are taking more risk from the normal, black, blue, white, and are incorporating more vibrant colors such as red, yellow and green. By doing so gives the website an attractive, eye catching, and more unique look which helps the site stand out. I've also notice that many are using on average three color tones throughout the site.

More CSS and No Flash

At one time, many web designers were using lots of Flash to enhance a website's appearance. But these days, Flash is long gone and not usable anymore, as all browsers now block Flash. You see more “web friendly” designs applying CSS3 and HTML5.

Creating More Dimension

While creating a website with dimension and adding a cool experience for your visitors, it's not always a good choice for some websites. If your an Internet Marketer this may be a bit of “overkill” in your case. However, creating 3D effects and dimension for your website can be lots of fun, plus attract visitors like flies on flypaper. The particular technique I'm talking about is called Parallax Scrolling.

The effects can actually stimulate ones visuals sense, enticing them to explorer your website even deeper due the patterns and movements of how everything flows throughout the website.

High Resolution Photographs

Another method dominating the scene that many designers are implementing are high resolution photographs to give websites a unique and expressive look. By doing this, websites can grab visitors attention instantly. But, you must be careful not to overpower the actual textual content.

Mobile Friendly Web Design

Due to the fact that more individuals own smart phones nowadays than an actual computer, it's important to have mobile friendly websites. Mobile Internet surfing is at an all time high and growing, so it's wise for any website owner to compliment this mobile trend by making mobile friendly web designs.

Visit the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia

Link Building

What is Link Building

link building

Link Building

Link Building is the process of building incoming links to your website from external web pages on the internet. In other words your looking to point to your website, by way of links, from other existing website on the internet. The reason for doing so is simple, search engines in a sense tallies up these links as substantial “votes” for your website. The more “votes” your website receives from external sites, the higher you website moves up in search positioning. This is by far the most critical part in your SEO strategies when trying to reach the first page of the search engines.

Link Building Using Anchor Text

Getting a back link is just part of the equation of getting good“link juice” from external sources. The most powerful back link you can obtain is called an “anchor text”, not just your website address. An anchor text is actually targeting keywords pertaining to your websites content. For example, if you have a website about dog products and your promoting blue dog collars as one of your items for sale, you would use “blue dog collars” as your anchor text. But be aware that you should use alternative anchor text so that your links seem natural. For example, you may want to use “dog collars”, or maybe, “dog collars in blue” to change your anchor text pattern. To take it a step further you may also want to use “click here”, or “visit site” which is very common and natural to the search engines although they're not keyword driven.

Where to Get Back Links For Link Building

There are literally millions of web pages on the Internet you can get link juice from. Here we will talk about a few good sources to help you get started.

  1. Web 2.0 Sites – there are many web 2.0 sites on the internet that can benefit your business online when it comes to back links. The most popular ones are always a good source because they are ranked high in the search engines, have good page rank, and are visited by the search engines many times daily. Just to name a few you have WordPress, Blogger, Hubpages, and Squidoo amongst a list too long to mention. Websites like these receive lots of search engine “love”, which can help your site to receive not only good back links, but traffic as well.
  2. Article Directories – very popular and widely used by readers and authors alike. These sites enable you to create articles regarding your product or services, and in turn you can add links pointing to your website. Ezine Articles, Article Dashboard and Article City are among many.
  3. Social Networks – many social networks allow you to leave links such as Twitter and Facebook. Such popular websites can also draw attention of other users who may also link to your website.
  4. Social Bookmarking – using bookmarking services for links is another good avenue to help build back links to your website. Although they're found to be, not as strong as they once were, it's still good practice and can help your website with traffic as well. Digg, Reddit and Delicious and just three among many.
  5. Press Releases – not only are press releases great for back links, they are also excellent for generating traffic to your website. There a many press release website on the Internet and many of them are free to submit your content. To name a few you have, PRWeb, and PRLog.

Creating back links is an ongoing chore if you want to position yourself in the search engines. You should write good content, create keyword rich anchor text, and only submit to websites that are relevant to your websites content.

Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia

Internet Marketing Careers – Writing Press Releases for Companies

Press releases are a fast and effective way to tell the world about a company's products and services. The idea of issuing a press release goes back many years – traditionally newspapers were the vehicle of choice for businesses releasing information about promotions, new hires, new locations, grand openings, employee advancement and new products. Trade magazines as well were a great place to issue important company news, and they still are. But the Internet has become the outlet of choice along with those others due to its popularity, ease of use and quickness to market.

That brings up another important technique of marketing that is relatively new: writing good copy for the web.  Online press releases are by their very nature, a different kind of promotional tool. They are dynamic, immediate and consist of many types of media and links. Unlike traditional press releases, they have images, clickable links to websites and resources, videos and widgets. This gives the reader an opportunity to be directed to a website or watch an interactive video presentation right from the press release.  

Marketers who know how to write effective copy for the web, know how to create anchor text for that copy and embed video files into the press release are already ahead of the game. These are the things that you will learn at the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia. There are free press release services for the web, and paid services that have a multitude of features that as an Internet marketer, you have to know about. It's trickier than it looks, but easy when you have the training. As a student of IMTC, you will have the skills to create effective press releases fast and easy, plus the mastery of many other important online techniques that employers are looking for.

Make yourself a valuable asset to the workforce with the proper training in Internet Marketing.

What are Keywords and Why Keyword Research

What are Keywords

Keywords & Keyword Research

Keywords & Keyword Research

Keywords are words and phrases that Internet users type into the search engines when they are looking for something in particular. As a part of successful Internet Marketing you should always perform a thorough keyword analysis before choosing any keywords to optimize your website. This is the first, and most crucial step when setting up any successful website.

Keyword Research and Choosing Your Domain

Before you begin building your website it is wise to choose a domain name that's keyword rich if possible. Having your target keywords in your domain name, or URL is the 1st step in affective SEO. Some search engines take into account domain names made up of keywords, so it's good practice to have your targeted keywords in place before choosing a domain name.

Building a Website After Keyword Research

Don't even think about building a website without first performing keyword research! Before you decide on building a website it's important to have your keywords chosen carefully. Knowing what keywords you should target is the foundation of creating your website in the first place. I've noticed many novice Internet Marketers with websites related to their personal interest wondering why they're not getting any traffic, or showing up in the search engines. Yea, they may have attractive looking web pages, plenty of articles and content, but when you take a closer look, none of the pages are optimized for any particular keyword. Doing keyword research prior to building your website can save you lots of time and stress.

Keyword Optimized Pages

Having lots of written content on your website is one thing, but having keyword optimized content is what really counts. Keyword optimized content is what tells the search engine spiders what your pages are all about. The search engine spiders can only tell what the content is about by focusing on the words spread out around your pages. So, in order to help with your search engine rankings you must first do keyword research, and use these related keywords throughout you web pages. Be sure to sprinkle these keywords around your pages naturally, and not stuff them every chance you get. This can result to poor readable content, negative rankings, and looked at as spam.

Keyword Density

Although some may say that keyword density is a thing of the past, it's still good practice when creating your content. It's just one of many factors which helps pages to rank high in the search engines. As stated above you don't want your website to be looked at as spam, so keyword density is an important factor that helps the search engines to determine the relevance of your content. Having the right level of keyword density can result in higher search engine positioning. To achieve this you must balance your keywords correctly meaning, if you use too little keywords your page will not benefit. On the other hand, if you use too many keywords your page can become flagged as spamming. There are many numbers floating around on the internet regarding the proper keyword density. Some say 1-7%, while others say anything above 2% is looked at as spam. From my personal experience I generally stay between 1.5-3.5% which gives me the results I'm looking for.

Cool Animation for the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia

Check out this cool video for IMTCVa. The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia is dedicated to teaching you how to market online. Get certified in Internet marketing at IMTCVa; the only school in the world dedicated specifically to Internet marketing.

Internet Marketing Careers – Social Networking Builds Real Customers

LAS VEGAS (FOX5) – Lou Ragg of MGM Resorts International says the Internet, including Facebook and Twitter, is the first place consumers go when deciding where they want to spend their money on the Las Vegas strip.

“Just a few years ago is when social media really started taking off for the company and the consumer, very powerful.” The company has a large team working for it's internet department specifically for that reason.

“We currently have a team of 15 individuals that work on everything from search marketing to domestic display, international marketing, social media.” says Ragg who is the company's vice president of Internet marketing. These jobs were unheard of just a few years ago but now a necessity to drive business.

“You go back five years ago and it was very important to have a AAA Five-Diamond award, and today it's, ‘What's my rating on trip advisor?'” Competing for donation dollars might be tougher than filling hotel rooms and Opportunity Village has to compete for attention online with a much smaller budget.

Jon Mackin is the charity's digital marketing coordinator, staff of one.  “A very good portion of my day is keeping up with Facebook and Twitter,” Mackin says. Social media is the new age word of mouth for one of the valley's biggest charities. Not only does Mackin use it to help raise money, but it's used to save the charity big dollars as well. “We have so many different lines of business so many different things going on at all times we'd be spending thousands and thousands of dollars if it weren't for social media.”

If this is a job you think you can do because you've sent out a few thousand tweets, that may not be enough to be a part of Ragg's team. You have to be able to monetize the traffic that you control and be adept at using analytics to  see what's working and what is not.

Learn the skills you'll need to make a real career from social media.

IMTCVA – Join Us On Our New Facebook Fan Page

The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia has created a new fan page over at Facebook. “LIKE” it to get a free 116 page e-book:

“Multi-Million Dollar Mouse – Learn to Start Your Own Internet Business and Use the Money to Pay for College”

Join Us On Facebook!

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