Have You Been Laid Off? Train For A New Career.


Getting laid off from your job may be a blessing in disguise! Think of the possibilities. Learn how you can discover the hottest and most in demand jobs available today. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months and be on your way to a great job. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia

IMTCVA.org – Infographic Highlights the Little-known Struggles of College Students

Today, Online-Education.net, a portal for students seeking online college degrees, released an infographic displaying some of the struggles that college students face. Surprisingly, the academic challenge isn’t what forces many young people to drop out of school. More than half the college dropouts surveyed by Public Agenda, a public opinion and public engagement organization, stated that they had to leave school in order to work and make money. This statistic comes as no surprise as tuition and living expenses continue to rise.

“Earning a college education is a goal for many Americans, whether young or old,” said Anne Larsson, Online-Education.net spokesperson. “While a degree might seem easy to achieve, the reality is that many students are finding it more and more difficult to juggle their studies with work, as well as budget for school and family.”

The infographic also reveals what students believe would really help them earn a college degree, noting that 81 percent of college dropouts indicate that more financial aid would make it easier to complete their degree program of choice. Still, despite a declining economy, 97 percent of young American parents who dropped out of college say they will encourage their children to pursue higher education, recognizing that it opens the door to more opportunities.

“Students are always going to be faced with other life obligations, whether it is a job, family, extracurricular activities, or simply bills to pay,” Larsson said. “But this shouldn’t discourage or distract them from achieving their educational goals.”

An online education could help these students access higher learning by giving them the freedom to study at home, on their schedule.

Learn more: IMTCVA.org

Internet Marketing Training Center – Career Options For High School Seniors

My kid is turning 18 in about three months. He starts his senior year in high school next Tuesday. He still wonders about what he wants to do with his life, as most teens do. But he does know one thing: it has to involve computers.

Internet marketing is taking the world by storm. Nearly all of the businesses in this country are using the internet to promote their products and services or could be talked into it. Think about just how many Facebook pages alone are out there for every restaurant, bar, dry cleaners, supermarket, chiropractor, lawyer and dentist. Then think about all of the Youtube channels, blogs, QR codes, local search entries and mobile marketing. It's all held together with websites, social media, search engine optimization, shopping cart systems and email management.

Where do businesses find all of these people to run everything? Internet marketing careers are in high demand. It's fun and exciting because the internet is always changing — it's not your parent's old career choices. If you love computers and love social media, you may already have a ton of experience and know-how to be an Internet marketer. All you need is the training that wraps it all together.

Find out how easy it is to be a part of the future…. and make big money too!

Internet Jobs – Online College Courses in Virginia


Taking online college courses at home is a great idea no matter what state you live in. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months that will open up bright new careers for you. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia

Internet Marketing Degrees – Distance Education Tips

Distance learning has special challenges. You will probably never see or meet the teacher. You won't have classmates. You don't have a campus full of people studying the same thing.But you can succeed! Plan on it! Follow the simple tips below, and you'll do better in your learning. They may seem pretty basic, but they'll help keep you focused and on track.

1. Set Goals

• Goal #1: “I will succeed in this course.”
• At the beginning of a new course, look through the materials. Break the lessons/assignments into manageable chunks. You might not have time to do a full lesson in one night, so plan for how much you can do, then stick to it until you're done.

2. Establish a Regular Study/Learning Schedule

• Keep a calendar or journal with your study goals and important dates clearly marked-and look at it every day (a calendar can't help you if it's closed!)
• Determine what time is best for you to study. Is it after dinner on Wednesdays when your partner is at bowling? Is it Saturday mornings when the kids are at soccer?
• Take breaks-walk around and stretch. Drink some water or have a light snack. If you're studying nutrition or health topics, you know how important this is!
• If possible, have a dedicated study place with all the supplies you might need (computer, paper, pens, calculator, etc.)
• Pace yourself. Don't over extend yourself. There's a reason it takes several years to graduate from traditional university. You're in this to learn, not just to get a certificate, so make sure you're learning, not just racing through the materials.

3. Talk About It

• Tell people what you're doing. You're more likely to stick to a course if your co-worker knows you're doing it. If you are studying high-tech or internet development, the person might just know a programmer he can hook you up with for tutoring.
• Ask a friend to check up on you.
• Ask someone to proof your work before you submit it.

4. Join a Study Group-This Doesn't Have to be Stuffy!

• Join a club. Aspiring financial planners could join a local investing club.
• If you're studying a language like Spanish or Japanese, ask the owners of a local restaurant if they know anyone who might like to do language exchange with you.
• Get a mentor. If you're taking a course related to health or medicine, ask a nurse or pharmacist if you can take them for coffee once a month.
• Search the Internet for bulletin boards or chat rooms related to your topic.

5. Know Your Learning Style and Use It

• Look for real-world situations and examples of what you're learning about. If you're studying about civil engineering, pay attention to bridges.
• You'll be much more interested if you're involved, not just reading about a topic.
• Put things into practice as early as possible.
• If you're studying accounting, practice by balancing your checkbook.

6. Celebrate Successes

• Reward yourself with whatever works for you, along the way. Remember, you chose to do this. Be proud of your accomplishments!

7. Ask Questions

• If you don't understand something, ASK. It's been said a zillion times: the only dumb question is the one you don't ask.

It's not about memorizing – it's about learning material that will help you in your hobbies, career, and life. Memorization isn't a bad thing, but make sure you're memorizing because you are really interested in the information, and figure out a way to use the memorized information several times within a few days of learning it. It'll stick if it has real-world meaning.

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Internet Marketing – Jobs Outlook: Careers Headed For The Trash Pile

So where did all the good jobs go? “The combination of technological advancement and off-shoring has shrunk many jobs,” says Holzer.

Technology has certainly put postal service mail sorters on the chopping block. After losing almost 57,000 jobs between 2004 and 2009, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) expects a further 30% decline in this occupation by 2018.

According to jobs researcher and author of 2011 Career Plan, Laurence Shatkin, Ph.D., this occupation has seen some erosion from increased communication via phone, e-mail and cloud computing. Yet the chief reason for the decline, Shatkin says, is that mail sorting has become mostly automated, and robots are replacing people.

Machines are also taking over one of the largest job categories: office and administrative support workers. About 300,000 administrative jobs disappeared in the five years before 2009, and the BLS projects continued contraction throughout the next decade. File clerk positions, for example, are expected to decline 23%.

“Word processing, voicemail and the Internet make it easier for skilled professionals to do clerical work themselves,” says Holzer. “Employers are under pressure. If they can do this work more efficiently, they will.”

Advanced technology has wiped out many other jobs that will soon conjure only nostalgia. It seems that Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman has become a reality. With the rise of television and Internet marketing, door-to-door sales jobs contracted by 40% in the last five years for which data is available, and telemarketer positions declined by 25%.

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MTCVA – Outlook For Digital Marketing Jobs: 2012

The State of Marketing Budgets

Budgets for other types of marketing and advertising, including print and radio, are on the decline as marketers reallocate those dollars to online efforts. In the Marketing Budgets 2010: Effectiveness, Measurement and Allocation report from Econsultancy and ExactTarget, they reported that “digital marketing will account for 24% of overall marketing spend this year, and 28% of firms are shifting at least some of their overall marketing budgets from traditional to digital channels.” Other key findings from this report include:

  • 64% plan to increase budgets for search engine optimization.
  • 51% plan to increase budgets for paid search marketing.
  • 70% are planning to increase their budgets for off-site social media such as Facebook and Twitter, despite admitting to being “poor” at measuring social media return on investment (ROI).
  • 46% of companies say they are planning to increase their overall marketing budget.
  • 42% say they are planning to keep this budget the same as it was in 2009.
  • 40% of company respondents stated that the biggest barrier to digital marketing investment is restricted budget for all types of marketing.
  • 61% of companies claim to have a good understanding of digital marketing return on investment, with 22% saying their grasp of this is “very good” and 39% saying it is “good.”


How could an Internet Marketing education change your life?

Internet Marketing Training – Distance Education Is Environmentally Friendly!

You've heard of the new “green careers” that are growing in popularity every day, but have you heard of “green learning?” Distance education is known for paperless and convenient learning. E-learning programs are 100% online, testing is done automatically and content is accessible on the school website. No books need to be mailed, very little energy wasted on classrooms – green learning!

Consider these “Green” benefits of online training:

A student participating in online courses doesn’t need a dorm room, a library, a cafeteria or seven different classrooms in order to learn. There is no huge sprawling campus burning hundreds of lights, using mega watts of electricity and dumping gallons of water down the drain. In addition, no wildlife is displaced to make way for new buildings and campuses.

A distance learner doesn’t have to depend on vehicles to participate in classes. No car, no bus, no commuting, thereby eliminating exhaust and fuel consumption. Instructors and students generally communicate through email, so no trees are sacrificed to make paper for lessons and handouts. In addition, the learners don’t have to print their assignments so they are not adding ink cartridges to the landfill.

Distance education pays off for the individual in many ways. Helping the planet while educating yourself is a bonus. That is just one more reason to take online courses. It’s convenient, it’s accessible 24-7, and it’s the new green.

Learn more about our complete studies program!

Learning Internet Marketing – How Can Distance Education Give You Freedom?

After a divorce in 2003, I really wanted (and needed) a change of career. I was stonewalled after 20 years in the same industry and not only was it slowly downsizing from the financial fervor it once had, I was just plain burned out on it. It was exciting to think of what a new career would mean to my income, and better yet, my motivation. I did face a couple of problems, however: I was a single parent, I was on a serious budget and I was working a full time job to pay the bills. After looking around for a solution, distance education came to the rescue.

I had not been to a traditional college for almost 20 years previously, so I hadn't heard of distance education. I dove in head-first to see what it was all about and at every turn I knew it would be right for me. I could study at my own pace, even in the middle of the night. I could study right in the privacy of my own home, on my own computer with my kid in my lap. They even had payment plans that suited my budget. I learned about the growing new career of Internet Marketing and realized that not only could I study from home, but I could work from home as well.

This made the transition from moving from my old job to a new career less confusing and frightening. I used the choice of distance education for the stepping stone towards total freedom. I could take control over my life and guide it to where I wanted it to go next, conveniently and without breaking the bank. Things sure have change since I went to school. Between the Internet and distance e-learning, anyone can make the changes they need to succeed — even during difficult circumstances.

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Distance Education Is The Answer To Those On A Budget

Not everyone lives in a big city. Not everyone can leave their hometown to live in the big city and go to school. For those who have worked and saved to go to the school of their choice, or were lucky enough to get expensive loans, college will open up fantastic opportunities for you. But what about the rest of us? Distance education or e-learning, gives everyone the same opportunity to learn a needed skill regardless of their ability to attend a major school.

Distance learning can be done from the privacy of your own home, at a pace that suits you. You could be a single parent, have a full-time job, taking care of elderly parents yourself or just need more freedom than attending a traditional college in person can give you. Do you live in a rural area? Does the idea of having to move from home or find housing on campus in a strange town bother you? Distance education is the answer to making your dreams of getting a quality education come true.

Most distance education programs are known for their affordability and payments plans. For schools offering e-learning programs, it is a convenient way to get additional revenue from students that ordinarily would not be able to attend at all. Everyone benefits from this easy-to-use situation, creating the freedom for anyone to attend the school of their choice and learn a new career. How could learning from home and keeping payments within your budget change the way you see your future?