IMTCVA – Online Education For High School Seniors

If you're a high school student looking for information on what to do after graduation, you're at the right place. Like most of your friends, the Internet plays an important part in your everyday life. It's where you get your news, how you study and how you stay in touch with your friends. But have you ever thought of taking all of those things and making a career out of it? At the Internet Marketing Training Center, we can teach you the skills that employers are looking for when it comes to selling their products and services online. Things you already are familiar with: blogging, social media, web design, ecommerce, MP3 products and more.
Businesses are looking for bright, young and energetic peopleto manage their ecommerce systems and stay on top of emerging trends. And they pay good money for it. Internet marketing is an exciting career for the young people of today. You're already spending time on the web, why not make a great living doing it?

Visit: to download a free career guide that can show you plenty of exciting ways that young people are making money on the Internet.

Distance Education – Study At Home

Getting an education online gives you the freedom to study at your own pace. Learn how you can discover the hottest and most in demand jobs available today. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months and be on your way to a great job. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia .

Online Marketing: Helping Aging Parents

Are you looking for information about helping your aging parents? You have come to the right place. You may be in a position where your parents are just beginning to need more assistance or maybe you are already a full time care taker for your parents.

How can you and I give our aging parents the care they need and earn money at the same time? A career in Internet marketing may very well be the answer. Unless you are in a position to quit working entirely, you need a job where you can work from home and Internet marketing can give you that flexibility. Not only can you work from home, you can also work for a company if you decide to. In addition, you can learn everything you need to know to enter this exciting field online in the comfort of your home any time, day or night. All you need is a computer and access to the Internet.

At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, we teach all the skills you need to become an Internet marketer and legitimately make money from the Internet. You will learn how to make websites, do email marketing, blogging and social networking. In as little as six months, you can earn your certificate in Internet marketing. Many of our students use their new skills to earn money even before they complete the course.

I invite you to visit our website at where you can download a career guide that will show you all the things I am talking about. There are also success stories of people we have helped who are now making a full time living online. Check us out to see if Internet marketing is right for you. Trust me; your grandchildren will be impressed.

Maybe it’s time to strike out on your own and start a business

Woman using Internet on laptopIf you are like me, you a woman who has reached that place in your life where autonomy is very important. Maybe you have spent years acquiring professional skills that got you nowhere on the corporate ladder. Maybe you have bent under the weight of the glass ceiling and you have had it up to here with managers who take credit for your hard work. You feel it deep within your core — it’s time to strike out on your own and start a business.

I am going to tell you about a career that is growing by leaps and bounds, a career that you can do at home or in an office, a career that is high-tech and a career that is lots of fun. The career I am describing is Internet marketing. It simply means using the Internet to sell your products and services. In other words, using your computer to make money.

At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, that is exactly what we teach you to do. We teach real world techniques that allow you to sell on the Internet. These include  making low-cost high-return websites, social media, blogging, e-mail marketing and e-commerce.

As an Internet marketer, you can start your own home based business, work in an office or be a consultant to small businesses managing their websites. In a little as six months, you can complete our course, have a whole new career and acquire the autonomy you want. Many students earn money even before they earn their certificate. If you are seriously looking for a career that can give you independence, where you can at last be totally self-sufficient, Internet marketing is definitely worth a second look.

Online Training – Mid-life Career Changes

A mid-life career change can be a scary thing if you're not sure what to expect. I've been there myself. After 25 years in the gift-ware industry, I retired to look for a new career. I turned to something completely different, yet unique and valuable for the times we live in: Internet Marketing.

When I first graduated college and started my first career, there was no Internet. This is a new and viable career that is growing by leaps and bounds everyday, yet still in its infancy, to assure that it will see enormous growth without overcrowding. This is the perfect time for a career such as this.

If you love blogging, social networking, ecommerce, online videos and search engines, there is money to be made in every one of these fields. And you are never too old to learn a trade like this. Unlike some new careers, mid-life people have to watch that a new job doesn't entail much physical activity. High stress careers such as law or medicine and high activity jobs such as the Postal service, would be out of the question for folk over 45. Marketing and the Internet are perfect choices for mature individuals who have an entire lifetime of knowledge to contribute.

Check us out to see if this is the career for you!

Internet Marketing: Adapt Your Products to Capture Smart Phone Users

Young woman looking at cell phone

Adapt your products to target cell phone users

For years we’ve were encouraged to think outside the box. Then we were encouraged to think outside the bun. After reading predictions from the Yankee Group, a high-tech research firm,  I would like to challenge Internet marketers to think outside their desktops and laptops to their mobile devices.

Look at this Yankee Group prediction, as quoted from a Newsweek article by Daniel Lyons:
“Over the next decade the technologies will become so cheap that virtually every phone sold will be what we, today, would call a smart phone. Most important, every one of those smart phones will be constantly connected to the Internet. The proliferation of low-cost handhelds will enable people in developing economies to see the rest of the world–and join it. Sanjay Jha, the co-CEO of Motorola says, ‘I can’t imagine anything since the invention of the spinning jenny that will so profoundly change the lives of people in the deepest rural parts of the emerging market.”

In addition, the Yankee Group forecasted “that during the next four years, Internet advertising revenue will grow 9.2 percent annually and will reach $33.7 billion in 2012. Growth hopes lie with mobile Internet access.”

More smart phones, a rise in advertising revenue…
Judging from these forecasts, it seems very likely that we will be buying and selling more products over mobile devices such as iPads, iPhones and Droids. Yes, the screens are much smaller than our PCs and Macs. How will you Internet marketers adapt your products and marketing strategies to capture the smart phone users? It is not too soon too to create products specifically for the smart phone users.

Laid Off? Looking For A New Career?

This is a tough economy and everyone knows it. I'm sure you know someone who has lost their job, or it can even be you who has. We know how tough it can be to get back on your feet again, but sometimes being forced to change careers can be a Godsend. You could have a chance at a completely different career: one that is in high demand and not being outsourced overseas. One that is growing everyday and exciting to work at.

Internet marketing is one of the fastest growing career fields on the job market today.Companies large and small need skilled people just like you to help run their ecommerce and websites. Every business has a website these days just to keep up on the competition. What they don't have, is enough people with the special training to keep their operations running smoothly.

This may be the career for you. If you have lost your job, what do you have to lose? You can create your own home-based business or get a high paying  job with a company that needs you now… or both! Check out all we have to offer and see whether Internet marketing is right for you!

Working in Pajamas

It is not everyday that I like to stay in pajamas all day but isn't it nice to have the oppurtunity to do so?  Especially on cloudy, rainy days that you just don't want to even look outside.  Or on days that 1 of the kids are sick and you must find a sitter, take them to work, or miss a day of work and the money.  I'd rather stay at home in my pajamas and take care of the little one while working and making money still.

With the knowledge that you would get from the Internet Marketing Training Center, YOU could be the one working in pajamas.  It won't matter those days your child is sick and you have to stay home.  I didn't enjoy bringing my kids to work either, especially when they were sick.  NOT FUN!

I bring out the pillows and blankets, tuck my little girl in, give her a drink in a sippy cup, and then sit next to her with my computer out, pajamas on, blanket over me, and leaning on a pillow.  That is the life when you can make a fortune sitting on your couch with your children. 

The Internet Marketing Training Center will teach you how to have your own successful website and be able to market it properly that brings in more traffic and increases your revenue.  If you don't want to do your own website, NO BIG DEAL!  Other businesses can hire you as a “contractor” and you can work on their websites from home as well.  Isn't technology great if you know how to use it?  With that being said, you only need BASIC computer skills to be a student at the Internet Marketing Training Center (in which you can do the online classes for your convenience).

Stop wasting time and start classes today at the IMTC!

Web Design: Google Penalties and How to Avoid Them

While studying Tom Antion’s book, Click, The Ultimate Guide to Electronic Marketing for Speakers, and his three-prong approach to Internet marketing, I came across a section on Google penalties and how to avoid them. The book describes five common penalties, the causes and what you can do to make sure your website isn’t penalized. Whether you are having a web designer create a new website for you or you have an existing website, arming yourself with this knowledge can prevent a lot of grief in the long run. It’s definitely a case of what you don’t know can hurt you.

The book cautions against the practices listed below:

  • Linking to sites that are banned or penalized.
  • Having dozens and dozens of new links coming to the exact same page over again with the same anchor text.
  • Adding links to your site too fast.
  • Running more than one site off a single IP address, and heavily cross linking those sites.
  • Stuffing keywords into your website
  • Piling up excessive reciprocal links, directory submissions, backlinks from unrelated or low-quality sites.
  • Using too many links from sites that do not match your theme or industry niche.
  • Using stagnant linking strategies, obvious over-optimization and just general neglect.
  • Buying your way into the search results with paid links or link farm.
  • Being heavy on AdSense but light in content.
  • Using over optimization, poor or irrelevant link schemes and poor content.

To learn more about these common practices and the how to avoid the penalties Google imposes for using them, see If you would like to know more about designing your website using acceptable webmaster principles, visit

Increase in Online College Courses

You may have noticed there’s an increase in online college courses now and wondered why that is. While there are as many individual explanations as there are students, it all comes down to two things, time and convenience.

Many people have to earn a living while they’re getting their education and their advanced schooling. Others who are interested in making a career change may still have to maintain a regular job while they’re doing their studies. With online college courses, the studies can be done in the evenings and weekends, making it very convenient to study.

To meet the needs of students who need this level of convenience, the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia is starting out as a distance learning facility. This means you can study on weekends, you can study in the evenings, you can study in the daytime, you can study at 4:00 in the morning if you like, and make progress in gaining a very marketable skill.

Every business has a website now and many of them outsource maintenance of their websites to very expensive companies. Companies often end up not having that great of a web presence because it’s so expensive to keep up. The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia is against that. We teach you very low-cost high-return techniques that work in the real world for real businesses.

If you’re thinking about taking an online college course, consider IMTCVA. You will complete your studies much faster than with traditional schools because we offer a certificate course, rather than a degree. You’ll get very extensive training that will allow you to learn a marketable skill and become an Internet marketer very quickly, in as little as six months.

Many programming and computer jobs are being outsourced to overseas and to third-world countries that have very cheap labor. According to the Department of Labor statistics, marketing jobs are not being outsourced. You need the mentality of a marketer, not a programmer. Our school is perfect for that. If you’d like to check it out and see if an online marketing career would be right for you, visit and look on the home page for our career brochure.