Become a Social Media Consultant

Making money online is far easier with a good education like the one you’ll get at the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia. You can sell your own products, books and services no matter what they are if you implement the proper marketing strategies. But there is an even more lucrative way to make money with this knowledge: you can be a social media consultant for others. A social media consultant role is to understand the true value of social media and to develop a marketing strategy for their client.

When you understand and successfully implement the strategies you learn at IMTC, there are many other business owners who want to know how you did it, and they will pay you to help them. Marketing online is completely different when compared to traditional retail marketing. Once you develop an understanding for social media and how to use it to grow a business, your expertise can help a struggling business become successful online.

I recommend picking one social networking platform to learn and master at a time and once you are comfortable with all the little tricks and successful marketing strategies, move on to the next. This step by step approach will help you understand how each social media platform is different and what marketing strategies you should use for each particular client and their business goals. As a social media consultant you will definitely stay busy, because the social networking platforms are constantly changing and adding new features for users. In the last month, Facebook released at least 3 major changes and announcements that effect how businesses use their Facebook Page. As a social media consultant you should be ahead of the curve. You stay current by understanding any new changes, determining how it will effect your clients business, and then developing a plan to attack.

There’s no shortage of businesses that need consultations for their online marketing. Just about every business, local or national, is looking to get more traffic to their website and more sales from the visitors that make it there. Having your own social media consulting business could be the most profitable career you’ve ever dreamed of. Start to imagine the future you want for yourself and check out the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia today, we would love to help you reach your career goals.

Internet Marketing Careers: Product Creation Manager

Most of the income generated from the Internet revolves around the sale of products: ebooks, Kindle books, MP3 recordings, podcasting subscriptions, DVD's and software downloads.

While businesses are very busy looking for new customers and plans of action, someone needs to be responsible for developing new physical and digital products to sell. The person that comes up with new ideas, tests out the new ideas and creates the products in many different formats is called a product creation manager.

Many products are created for giveaways to attract and collect more sales leads. Whatever the reason, the way a business promotes and sells its products online takes a dedicated knowledge of publishing tools and ecommerce solutions. Not only does someone have to be able to create products in many formats, but also needs the skills to deliver the product via email, downloads and shopping carts.

This area of expertise is growing daily as new ways to deliver the product experience online grows. Far too many businesses still have a traditional marketing mindset that keeps them from growing like they should. The product creation manager is needed to keep up critical research in ecommerce and digital product delivery systems.

If you are the type of person looking for a career in a fast-paced and quickly growing field that never gets boring, creating products for online purchases could be for you. IMTC has all of the tools and courses to become a high-paid product creation manager. Get our free school brochure and see other people just like yourself that have made a living working online.



Internet Marketing as a Career: Webinar Consultations

Businesses have heard of webinars and how great they are for building leads and selling products, but few know the inside knowledge of how to utilize them properly. You could make a great living helping small businesses develop webinars as a consultant.

Here are just some of the topics that businesses need help with:

  • create powerpoint slides
  • creating the content outlines
  • operating the webinar software
  • creating the sales letter to direct people to buy after the webinar
  • how to record the webinar so the audience can have access to a replay
  • how to use an e-commerce system to process the orders (shopping cart)
  • how to create a registration page for the audience to sign up for the webinar
  • how to write powerful sales closes
  • and a lot more.

Webinars can be very complicated and demands that a consultant stand by a business as it creates the entire process from beginning to end. Only a smoothly running system can generate the results that businesses are looking for. Did you know that IMTC teaches everything you need to be a webinar consultant?

How Internet Marketing Will Change…

Yes, the Internet is a fairly new thing. It did not turn out to be ‘just a fad' like many predicted. But changes on the Internet happen fast, especially in how the information is delivered. How then, can you enter a career field where things change so fast one can hardly keep up?

While technology goes through a thousand phases a minute it seems, the idea of ‘marketing' – how one influences others to see value and make purchases – is based on age old theories. Presenting benefits through branding, writing to capture customer emotions and offering your services to help others become better, varies little compared to how those messages are delivered. Internet marketing is just that: marketing that efficiently marries the needs of the people with businesses who can provide the solutions.

Internet marketing covers so much more than just the Internet. It has to keep up on the cutting edge of changing technology as its core duty. With mobile apps coming into the forefront of advertising (and only who-knows-what just around the corner), Internet marketers have the task of learning how to efficiently present their message in a very fertile environment. For those who love to learn, that world is as good as it gets.

Ad copy, still a dynamic and important part of the Internet, has survived 200+ years of changing technology. From the printing press to the iPhone, how you reach the psyche of a brand new generation of buyers has changed little at its core, but has grown beyond anyone's wildest dreams. So much about the Internet still rings of traditional methods. If anything, the web has become a more personal space, making real connections via an all electronic world. The challenge to take that further will drive a new frontier of young people truly making a difference in a rewarding atmosphere of constant change. Could you be one of those people?  

Implementing a “Points” System for your Database

Many businesses and marketers have a hard time connecting with their database of prospects and customers. Low email open rates and low attendance to teleclasses and webinars have online business people scratching their heads as to how to increase involvement with their list.

A ‘points' system could be the answer you're looking for. Whether it's simply opening up an email and clicking on a link, or being re-directed to a page during a live webinar, a points system can reward customer behavior with an ever-growing bounty of points that the customer can redeem for free services.

Maybe 1000 points could be redeemed for a photoshopped website banner or an ebook cover. Maybe 5000 points could be redeemed for a video editing job or 30 minute consultation. The only way the customer can collect points is for a specific action taken via a webpage or social media  conversion.

Using a program such as ContestBurner, posting a tweet or Facebook comment, uploading a video to Youtube or publishing an article about your business can reward the visitor with points that they can redeem for services. Everything the visitor does to earn the points can help promote your business. To have access to the information, the visitor would have to open an email or attend a live webinar, both increasing your brand awareness to your list.

What other ideas can you think of that would increase participation in your online activities?

Making Money With Webinars

Over the last few years, making money with webinar training has skyrocketed for business people all over the Internet. And for good reason: it's relatively easy to do if you have 1) something to teach  2) something to sell and 3) a database of interested prospects to advertise to.

No matter what kind of business you're in, you can be looked upon as the ‘go-to' expert in your field and hold a webinar workshop for people to learn new skills, the latest techniques, the hottest trends or anything that can make their life and career easier. Webinars are so popular because an audience can learn visually, with the aid of slideshows and professional presentations, very similar to a live presentation on stage or at a boardroom. You can show your audience charts and graphs, play music, show animations, chat with them live and even show them things on the Internet such as webpages, files and stores.

The most effective way to make money on a webinar is to pitch a product or service at the end of a high-content presentation where your audience learned a ton of new information. Then, popular services such as consultations, training systems, audio / video files and software can be offered to help implement the lessons that they just learned into their businesses of life.

How do you get a large audience to attend? Social media invites, Facebook and Google ads, newsletter announcements, banner ads and joint promotions are just a few of the ways to fill your webinar with information-hungry people. Webinar software and services such as GoToWebinar are fairly easy to learn, but it does take practice to make a slick presentation. Other things that are critical to webinar success are: creating good slides, pitching the right way at the right time, attracting quality attendees and juggling chatting, visiting websites and staying on script all while live on the line.

Where can you learn all of these techniques in one convenient place?

Beware! Affiliate Program Fraud Tips

Affiliate Fraud Tip: If you have your own associate program you may want to consider paying your affiliates using the online payment program

It's not suggested to use this service for collecting money for your main product line (unless it’s a secondary payment option or if you are selling on ebay it’s okay), but it does give you some protection if you have affiliates who may counterfeit your checks and try to wipe out your main checking account.

Some merchants who run affiliate programs keep a separate checking account with just enough money in it to pay affiliates so that if someone does counterfeit your checks, they can’t get away with too much money.

Counterfeiting checks is not common in the USA, but if you have affiliates in many countries foreign to yours, you must watch closely for potential fraud.

Affiliate Fraud Tip # 2: Scenario: You get an oddball order for a large amount of money. The email address is from a free service like Yahoo! The credit card is accepted. You see on your order form that an affiliate from a foreign country sent you the order. – Most likely it’s a fraudulent order.

Here’s what probably happened: Either two criminal buddies paired up, or one person did the entire scam and pretended to be both the affiliate and the customer. They steal a credit card, which at the time is good because the theft is still undetected.

One member of the criminal duo buys your stuff through the affiliate link of his bad boy partner. They hope you will send a legitimate affiliate check to the affiliate who will cash the check and/or counterfeit it like the fraud tip above.

Eventually the credit card will be reported as stolen and the credit card company will charge back the sale to the customer’s credit card. You’ll never be able to recover the money from the fake affiliate and your entire checking account could be compromised, plus you’re out the cost of the product.

Here’s the fix: Don’t ship the product. Don’t send the affiliate check and call the fraud division of the credit card company immediately. Also remove the bad affiliate from your database. At all costs try to avoid getting associate software from one company and a shopping cart from another company.

And heaven forbid you try to install associate program software yourself unless you are extremely technically savvy. If you have a shopping cart from your web host and an associate program from another vendor, each company may try to blame the other when things don't work and you'll be left holding the bag. It can then take a long time to get things going and it might never fully work right.

DON’T GET CAUGHT UP IN THIS MESS! If you use a fully integrated system (like the one at: you won't have any trouble. If you do have any issues arise, you have only one company to call and they can’t pass the buck to anyone else.

Just because it’s simple to sign up as an affiliate doesn’t mean it’s no work. You’ve got to do a good job getting traffic to your site and endorsing links, or you won’t make much money in commissions.




How to Write Professional Website Articles

Article marketing is a great tool for driving targeted traffic to websites, opt-in pages and sales letters. Using the different article distribution sites can be a bit tricky, though. There are a few things to look out for when submitting articles to sites such as

Tip # 1 – Make sure your articles are on your own site first as a page of your website. Also, make sure that the article page on your site has been indexed by the search engines first before submitting to the article sites. This will be covered in depth in a following lesson of this class.

To find out if a webpage has been indexed, copy and paste the URL of the page into the Google search box and hit “search.” If a clickable result appears, then the page has been indexed, if the result says: “Your search did not match any documents”, then it has not yet been indexed.

* We use the strategy of publishing to our websites first so that we get the credit in the search engines and not the big article sites. The site that publishes the article first gets the most credit.

Tip # 2 – That being said, make sure that your name is closely associated with the article on your webpage. ie: your name at the bottom of the article, your name at the top of the article or your name SOMEWHERE on the page that is easy to see. Article sites will reject articles that they can't easily find the authorship. If they can't find your name on your webpage and you try to submit the article to them, they will think you plagiarized it. This can hold up the approval of your article for weeks.

Tip # 3 – Keep articles between 400 – 500 words. Articles work best if they are not too long, and your reader is still engaged in the point. We suggest that if your article is 1000 words or more, break it up into two articles. This will give you more material anyway. Read the terms of service for the different article marketing sites to see the minimum text length.

Tip # 4 – Be sure to always use the Spell Checkers that the sites provide. We've seen far too many people submit without spell checking and the article site will reject it. Too much bad spelling and grammar, and you may not get valuable submission upgrades and could possibly have your account suspended. Don't believe that this sounds like too much trouble…it's good practice when submitting articles to other respectable websites that can provide you valuable backlinks, lead generation and credibility.

Write what you know

Articles help build your expertise, your brand and your credibility. They are a part of your business and can help drive valuable traffic to your websites to sell your products and services. Take parts of your books or even transcribe your MP3s, CDs and teleclasses to create content.

You're going to hear a lot about the value we put on article writing. Here are a couple tips. If you hate to write, but love to talk, you can get voice recognition software. Here are two programs that will take a load off your fingers:    Dragon Systems Naturally Speaking

The next tip is to simply carry around a mini tape recorder or mp3 recorder, and then get a college student to transcribe/ghost write for you. Try the English or Journalism department of your local University or Community College.

Here’s an ebook on using Ghost Writers:

You could buy content from professional and freelance writers. It’s not expensive if you put it out for bid and it keeps your content fresh. No one wants to read content they’ve seen at 50 other places and Google won’t like you too much either if you use rehashed articles on your site.

You can find ghost writers and outsourced help to have your articles written for you at:

Learn more about professional article marketing.

How to Convert Your Client List to Email

Converting Current Clients to Email

Many small business owners will say, “I have 4000 customer addresses, but only 2 email addresses. How can I do email marketing?

What they should use are “webcards” or “web postcards”. These are post cards that have a picture of your website on one side and some type of printing on the other side. The printing should be some type of incentive offer to get the clients email address.

• Sign up for our email newsletter and get 15 percent off your next order.

• Sign up for our new E-zine and get a free 15 minute consultation.

• Sign up for our new E Newsletter and get a free 20 page exclusive report “Getting Repeat Business.”

This is about the cheapest way to reach your entire database. Whatever you spend on the mailing is worth it because once you get that email address, your costs to reach that customer go nearly to zero from then on. You also remind your customer about your website where they can go for current information, so the mailing does double duty for you.

You probably won't get all of your customers to give you their email address, especially on the first try, but you should continue to try to get it every time you have a chance. Some direct mail studies show that two mailings to the same list within two weeks of each other significantly increase your response.

Don't miss the opportunity to convert your clients to a highly profitable email list!




List Building 101 – Buying Email Subscribers

Buying Subscribers


WARNING: You have to be really careful with this one.

You will see ads all the time like this, “WE'LL SEND YOU EMAIL MESSAGE TO 2,000,000 OPT IN SUBSCRIBERS FOR ONLY $29.95” or “BUY 28,000,000 FRESH EMAIL ADDRESSES ON CD FOR $49.95”

Don't you dare try this!

You will get hate email and kicked off your ISP.

There are some legitimate ways to buy subscribers. This process of buying subscribers that signed up for your ezine at someone else’s website is called “co-registration.” The companies that do this will send you subscribers and you'll pay them anywhere from .10 to .35 for each subscriber.

There are various companies you can try and some may be able to send you up to several thousand subscribers per week. You have to test this idea carefully for yourself to see if the subscribers you get are worth something.

Just be careful and don't spend too much on this until you are sure that the subscribers you get eventually buy something. Also watch the subscribers very carefully at first to make sure you aren’t getting spam complaints. Some less than reputable companies aren’t too picky about how they get the subscribers they send to you. Your best subscribers will be people that signed up on their own at your website.

Your email list is where the money is. Learn to build it the right way…