Your Own Business : Organized and Efficient!

Many people think that having your own business is a dream come true.  They often forget that businesses work because of specialization.  Each team member has a specific function.  Accounting, marketing, production, engineering, IT, sales…. when you become an entrepreneur you will most likely assume those roles until things get rolling and the money is coming in.

That said, since you will be wearing so many hats, you will need to be as organized and efficient as possible.  With a little planning it shouldn't be all that difficult.

Plan for Failure

I don't mean that you should plan to fail, but this IS one of the best learning tools out there!  Something didn't work?  Try something else.  No, what I mean to say is, plan for your TOOLS to fail.  For instance, that wonderfully LARGE harddrive in your computer?  How OLD is it?  How much STUFF do you have on there?  How much stuff do you have on there that you would HATE to lose?  How much stuff on there would completely DESTROY your business if it disappeared?  Welcome to the world of the “backup” plan. I'm not going to get into what sort of backup software or hardware to use, but you do need a backup plan in place.  You can back up as much or as little as you need to.  Currently, on my Macbook Pro, I've got an external 500GB harddrive that is running Time Machine.  Every hour is runs to make sure all the information on the backup is current.  I have seen some dual drive systems use a RAID system so there is some additional security. It would be terrible to have your backup and your main drive both fail, but that's almost getting a little carried away.

Organize for Efficency

Everything needs a place. So be proactive. Plan to have a digital place for all your files. Organize them in a manner which makes sense.  As web designer, I have a folder for clients.  Inside that folder each client has their own name.  In each client folder are more folder.  One for supplied information, one for working files, one for accounting.  I know where I can find any information I have about a client in these folders.  The structure makes sense for me.  More importantly, if I every hire employees I have a system in place that will be easy to understand.

I also have tools in an easy to find place.  Things that I use regularly  are easily accessible.  For tools that I use rarely, or procedures that I use rarely, I have created “How To” documents that explain the idea, so that if I forget how I did something, I know where to easily find out where to go—my how to library—so I don't have to go searching or wrack my brain to try to recreate something.  Believe me, it seems like a simple silly little thing, but the first time you have to use it you will pat yourself on the back.  AND, it makes training (new employees) a breeze as well.

Right Tool For the Job

Another important aspect of business is to have the right tool for the job.  You don't need a tank when a bicycle will do. Free is great, but it's not always the right tool for the job. Don't be afraid to research a little bit.  Do you need to edit graphics?  Photoshop is the first thing that pops into most people's minds, but Photoshop is NOT cheap.  There are some cheap alternatives, there is even some free alternatives out there—GIMPSHOP, Online Image Editors like—so don't believe that you need “the best, most powerful tool” if you only have one task that you need to accomplish. You don't need a chainsaw to remove a splinter.

All in all, the important concept to remember is planning.  Planning—right—will allow you to setup to succeed and avoid unnecessary failures.  If you are interested in planning to market on the Internet, or create your own digital products to sell on the Internet, you should check out the Internet Marketing Training Center. It's an online school that will help you plan for your future on the Internet.  Pop over and check them out.

Working for a Company with an Online Business

I can't tell you how convenient it is to work with a company that is not only in the office but most of my work is on a computer.  I am a mother of 3 children in which I home school too.  Your probably thinking I am crazy to work a full-time job and home school my 3 children.  Well, lucky for me just like everything else in this world my children do most of their work on a computer.  Technology has changed this world we live in today even from what we were used to 5 years ago.

I am able to keep all of my files on a password protected flash drive which I back up daily and I can use in any computer.  Internet Marketing Training Center also uses programs and software that all employees can log into at any computer in any part of the world.  So I am able to access all of my work from my flash drive and log into our different data bases.  When my children are sick, a day I need to stay home with them, or I have appointments to go to for the day that doesn't stop me from getting my work done.

My point to all of this is that having an online business in our world today is considered to be “Normal”  If you do not have a website and profiting from it then you need to have the proper training to have a successful website and more.  That will give you the convenience to work from anywhere and take care of your personal needs as well. 

Another point is that you may be working for a company that does not have a website or they do but it's not that great.  With receiving the proper training you could make yourself more valuable to the company.  You could quit and start your own.  There are tons of possibilities you would have from the training that IMTCVA.ORG provides.

Get started today so that you can have more time for your family and work from anywhere in the World… Including on a beach in Bahamas;)  If you have a device to get online then you can work from where ever you choose.

Webinars and Teleseminars

Webinars and teleseminars are great resources to get information out to an audience or email list. They can be used to teach new information or to promote a new product, or both. Some people are hesitant to put on a webinar or teleseminar because they think it's too difficult. That's not the case. With a small learning curve, teleseminars and webinars are both easy to implement with little planning. Webinars seem to be a newer, hotter thing with marketers and business people right now. Probably because their audiences appreciate being able to see the screen and images that the presenter is talking about. With certain webinar software, it's possible to show images, provide live audio, answer questions, chat, take a poll, and a whole lot more. Also, some webinar software will record your webinar into a format that can be replayed over and over again. This is very helpful for guests that want to get the information presented but couldn't attend the live event.

Some people believe that they don't have anything to talk about in a webinar, which is why they don't do one. If that's the case, all you need to do is find an expert in the field you wish to have a webinar, and interview them. That can be the whole webinar. This works out great for the expert because they are getting publicity and it also works out great for you because all you have to do is come up with a set of questions. At the end of the webinar, be sure to promote a product or service that you are selling, as this will be the perfect time to get your audience to buy. There's many other nuances to having webinars and teleseminars that you need to know. To find this information and much more, you may wish to get a proper education in Internet marketing. The Internet Marketing Training Center is the best place to learn how to run your own webinar, but that's not all. IMTC teaches you everything you need to know about Internet marketing. IMTC provides it's graduates with a certificate in Internet marketing. This will give you the power to promote your products and services online OR to work with any business that wants to market online.

Start your new career now!

Online Education – Making It Easy to Change Careers Mid-Stream

Most people who are in dead end jobs feel stuck. They would love to make a career change, but don't feel they have the time to learn a new skill. The hours they work now can interfere with being able to go back to school, even for night classes. But what if you could learn at your own pace? And from the comfort of your own home?

Online education, also known as distance education, is perfect for people who have little time to squeeze a traditional education into their schedule. Most people who are in the middle of their careers have children as well. This adds even more stress to one's ability to find time for learning. How about learning when and where you can? When you have that small amount of time to further your education, you'll use your time wisely and take your education more seriously.

Distance education is perfect for those who need the skills now to make a change. At the Internet Marketing Training Center, we can teach you the skills for a new career: a career that's high in demand by employers, non-profits, or you can use the skills to create your own part time or full time business: one that brings in a lot of extra money. At IMTC, we will give you ideas about how to use your Internet Marketing education to get the job of your dreams or start a business.

Why wait? It's time to get out of that dead end job and take your life and career as far as it can go. Call us at 757.687.5190 or download our free career guide at  and see what your future can hold.

Money for Nothing?

“Any thing worth doing, is worth doing for money.”

So often I think we forget or look past that idea.  But we all have hobbies that we pour insane amounts of money into.  Through these hours pursuing these activities or pursuits, we develop a fair amount of knowledge on the subject.  So why not take something you love doing, and seeing if you can make some money off of it?

People pay for knowledge, in one form or another. If you have knowledge that you are giving away, someone will pay you put their endorsement—or more truthfully, their advertisement—in front of your captive audience.

You can sell your knowledge in the form of digital—and physical—products.

You can recommend other products that you may use or favor and get a commission for each sale.

There are lots of components to running any sort of hobby site like this and you will need some good instruction to make it work.  That's exactly what the Internet Marketing Training Center is for. It will help you with the knowledge necessary to start making money on the Internet.  Build a website? Yes.  Shopping Carts? Yes.  Digital Products? Yes.  Affiliate Programs? Yes again. Everything you need to know to carve out a little niche for yourself and your hobby on the Internet you will learn in the IMTC programs.

The goal of the IMTC courses is to make you an expert with the tools you will need to take your idea from a spark to fun way to make some extra money—or to build yourself a money making empire! It's easy to make some money on the Internet, but it requires lots of work and knowledge to build a money making machine! The knowledge part is easy.  The Internet Marketing Training Center is perfect for your needs. It's the “work” part you will have to provide.  But the point of making money off of your hobbies and interests is that it doesn't quite FEEL like work if you love it, right?

Writing about games or comic books, sharing secrets of your tennis game, or even just household cleaning tips, chances are people are out there looking in your field of interest for information.  Why not give it to them? Why not make a little bit of MONEY giving it to them.  Heck, if you want to, why not try to make a LOT of money doing what you love?

Head over to the Internet Marketing Training Center for more information on what the courses cover, check out some of the success stories to see how learning valuable skills helped transform their lives.

Video Marketing – Make a video without any equipment

Video marketing is one of the newest and most powerful methods to market your services and products online. However, one of the biggest problems with video marketing is the video part. More specifically, creating the video is the hardest part. And it's not hard to see why, with cameras, lights, microphones, and editing equipment required to make a decent looking video. There are some other options to getting at least some sort of decent video on YouTube that can market for you. All you need is a YouTube account and that's easy to get. If you have a gmail account then you already have one. Sign in to YouTube and in the upper right corner, click your username and select ‘My Videos'. This will take you to your ‘My Videos & Playlists' page. Near the top of this page are a couple links such as ‘My Channel', ‘Video Editor', ‘Create Video', etc. Click the ‘Create Videos' link:

This will take you to the Create Videos page. Here, you will find a list of sites that provide features such as video editing and video creation. GoAnimate is one such service. This is a pay service but they let you try it out for free. This will let let you create at least one free video, and if you like the service you can always pay for more. What's nice about this service is it will let you enter in any script you want and then put it to an animation they already have created. When you're finished, they let you upload it to your own YouTube channel. Once the video is on your channel, you can send it to friends via facebook or twitter, embed it on your site, and submit it to social bookmarking sites. Go try it out.

With a video like this, it would help if you knew how to market online in order to take advantage of this powerful medium. A great place to learn how to market online is at the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia. At IMTC you will learn how to market your products and services online and how to use your new video to the most of its potential. In as little as 6 months you can get certified in Internet marketing and start making money online. The best part is, you choose the speed at which you take the classes. It's all at your own pace.

Here's an example of a video I made in under 10 minutes:

Start your new career in Internet marketing now.

Distance Education – Career Change Options For Realtors

Are you a realtor who wants to make a career change or even earn extra money? Learn how you can discover the hottest and most in demand jobs available today. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months and be on your way to a great job. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia

3 Great List Building Tips For Increased Targeted Visitors

3 Great List Building Tips

3 List Building Tips

3 List Building Tips

The key factor in online marketing is building up your list and should be the number one priority for any marketing campaign. Simply by building up a list of subscribers helps you to create a solid platform for now and into the future. Lets talk about 3 list building techniques that's simple to setup and and proven to bring results.

Tip #1: Offer Something For Free

This may sound easy, that's because it really is. You would want to offer something that has value to your visitors, in exchange for their email and name. The free gift can actually be anything that is downloadable as long as you have the rights to distribute it. One of the most effective ways for list building and driving traffic to your free offering is by creating a “squeeze page”. Joining in JV Giveaways is another excellent way to get your free offering out to hundreds or maybe thousands of possible prospects at no cost. You should also join several forums in your niche and make a profile signature in which you'd be able to link back to the squeeze page you created. By doing so, every time you make a contribution to a specific forum by posting a thread or comment your signature will be added, normally below your post.

Tip #2: Go Viral by Distributing eBooks

You can find an abundant amount of free content across the Internet that you can utilize for your list building campaign. Another good way to find content for your campaign is by using Private Label Rights. After you've gathered enough content you can now reuse the material to create your very own unique eBooks. Within your eBooks you can insert links that point back to your sales letter or squeeze page and take advantage of the viral behavior of eBooks that's in rotation and downloaded every day throughout the Internet. In order to create an eBook you simply need to create a word doc and then save it as a pdf file. You can upload your eBooks to eBooks directories, as well as article directories on the Internet, which will be distributed through these websites to drive major free traffic to your sales letter or squeeze pages.

Tip #3: Making Use of Pop Overs & Exit Pops

By using pop overs and exit pops enables you to acquire the specifics of potential prospects who attempts to leave your website without opting in for your particular offer. Exit pops may be more preferable because they are only activated whenever someone attempts to leave the website. Many find this far less pushy and annoying. Pop overs and exit pops are scripts that enables a new window to open whenever someone that has been searching your website for a specific time frame or when they decide to leave the website all together. By using these pop scripts you should see a substantial improvement in your conversions. By using WordPress as your website platform, you should be able to find several plugins with these pop features.

To get more information visit the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia , and don’t forget to download your FREE career brochure!

Local Search – Help brick and mortar stores market online

Local Search is quickly becoming a highly desired marketing tool when it comes to brick and mortar stores selling and connecting online. Many local businesses all over the country are realizing they could be making more money if they could market their products and services online. Also, local businesses are realizing that many of its potential customers are going online first in order to decide where they want to shop. Businesses such as restaurants, dentists, eye doctors, plumbers, hotels, auto repair garages, and more need to advertise in the Internet but are either too busy or not skilled enough to even attempt to market online. That's where you come in. With a certificate from the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you would be paid by them to do their Internet marketing for them. Even better, you can do this for multiple businesses all from the comfort of your own home. Since everything you need to do is online, you can sit at your own computer and do their marketing for them. This is great for stay at home moms and dads, retirees, college students needing extra cash or tuition, and many others that don't want the traditional 9-5 job schedule. On top of working for local businesses, you can use the skills you acquire from IMTC to create and sell any number of products and services that you yourself creates. It's the best of both worlds.

For more information on the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia and on how you can begin to start making money in as little as 6 months, be sure to check out IMTC. Also, when you're there, learn about one of the fastest growing job fields in the world.

Start Your Own Internet Business – The Skills To Own Your Future

You hear thousands of commercials and get inundated daily with email ads about starting your own online business. Yes. There is a lot of money available to make online. It is the new frontier of business and advertising, especially geared towards people just starting out in their own business or work from home venture. The reason is the affordability. Compared to opening your own physical retail store, the investment of which is far out of the reach of average people, the Internet provides a low-cost alternative to any traditional business venture.

That's not where most Internet businesses fail, however. The problem is with people buying into work at home programs without the proper training in running an online business.  Regardless of what some work at home program touts, it takes a degree of skill to effectively sell products and services to others online. If you have purchased work at home programs before and have been disappointed with the results, there were probably fundamental skills missing that would have helped you succeed.

These are the skills that the Internet Marketing Training Center teaches:

* Using videos to brand your business

* Using social networking to inexpensively reach millions of your potential customers

* Writing effective web copy to motivate viewers to buy

* Using an e-commerce system to seamlessly deliver your products

* Interactive marketing using autoresponders, blogs, forums and newsletters

Very few, if any, work at home programs teach you fundamental marketing skills. That's why so many people fail. If you are really serious about starting (and succeeding) in an online business or just want to get a job working for someone else, IMTC has the skills you need. Come check out our site and see what we mean.