Tracking Website Statistics

Keeping Track of Website Statistics

Tracking Website Statistics

Tracking Website Statistics

Just like any business, one of the most important aspects of success is following the statistics. Even though there are various kinds on online businesses on the internet, the facts and figures are never one size fits all.

Obviously there are many statistics to follow; the ones that apply to your business niche and those that apply to the type of business as a whole. The truth is you need to be able to combine this data to configure an effective strategy for the success of your business.

By having a website, you must pay very close attention and keep track of the number of visitors and page views that your receiving. You may also want to create some form of an email campaign which can help you determine how your targeted visitors are responding to your emails and marketing messages.

Whenever conducting a new marketing campaign you would want to keep a watchful eye on your online statistics. Be sure to analyze the page views each page is receiving, how many times a link you created was clicked, as well as the Click Through Rate (CTR) and the percentage of conversion for each link.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) should also be analyzed regularly for effectiveness. Be sure to keep track of your keywords that attract and drive search engine traffic, and the results they produce.

By tracking all of your statistics will give you insight of what's working and what's not.

To get more information visit the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia , and don’t forget to download your FREE career brochure!

Musicians – Use YouTube and Internet marketing to promote your band

Hey, all of you musicians out there looking for the next big break. Why don't you make your own break and learn how to promote your band online. One giant option is to use YouTube's new store options. Through partnerships with Amazon, iTunes, Topspin, & Songbird, YouTube is now giving musicians the ability to sell everything from t-shirts to concert tickets right there within YouTube. The only thing you need to do is get traffic to your videos. Using YouTube and the many other online marketing avenues available to you can create enormous buzz for your band, help sell your CDs and merchandise, and even get you discovered by major labels. But where do you learn how to do all of this? One of the best options is to get an Internet marketing certificate from the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia. This distance learning, adult education resource can give you the knowledge required to market your band online, getting your band seen by millions of eyes (and ears). At IMTC, you decide how long it's going to take for you to get certified (6 months minimum) and you decide at what pace you want to take our online classes. This makes it perfect for bands with a hectic nightly schedule or who are touring. Anywhere you go, as long as you have an Internet connection, you can access the classes and learn when you are ready.

Not only does certification from the Internet Marketing Training Center give you all the necessary education to market your band and its products, but you will also be able to work for any business that is looking for an Internet marketing specialist. In between sound checks and tuning, check out IMTC for more information and to read success stories from others that are now making money online.

Facebook and Youtube Workshop in Virginia Beach: Success!

Thanks to everyone who attended the Facebook and Youtube FREE workshop in Virginia Beach last Saturday, Nov. 5th, 2011.

We had a great turnout and Colin gave some great information that attendees could take home and implement immediately in their business.

If you are interested in attending one of these live workshops, we will be having them every month or so on various topics of interest.

To be put on the mailing list for workshop notification, call Colin at 757.687.5190 and he'll make sure you're aware of all upcoming events!

Internet Marketing Education – Why Choose Distance Education

There are many options you can take when it comes to post secondary education. When deciding which route you want to take, consider the benefits to distance education. You don't have to pay for transportation costs, housing expenses, or education materials. One of the best distance education institutions is the Internet Marketing Training Center.

At IMTC, you learn at your pace, when you want to. Get certified in Internet marketing in as little as six months.

Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia Course

3 Great Reasons to Join IMTC

Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia Lessons

Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia Lessons

Are you overwhelmed when it comes to learning Internet marketing? Are you unsure what marketing program or course you should pursue? Maybe you have already spent hundreds or perhaps thousands of dollars on Internet marketing products realizing they were just a waste of time and money. Well, if you answered yes to any of the above, I'm going to give you three great reasons to join the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia.

IMTC's Pledge to Your Education

Unlike other proclaimed Internet marketing schools, IMTC, the Internet Marketing Training Center, is a registered and licensed school recognized by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia. IMTC is absolutely dedicated in administering all the necessary skills to educate all students through online courses, phone interaction, email, discussion boards/forums, audio, video, as well as student to student networking platform.

Comprehensive Training at IMTC

Not only can you study at your own convenience, IMTC is packed with everything you need to succeed in your Internet marketing career. Every section of the course provides in-depth details on each specific topic, covering proven strategies and implementations for effective online results. From keyword research, web design, all the way to driving traffic and making sales, is just a fraction of what the course covers.

A Look Inside the Students Training Course

Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia Lessons Quiz

Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia Lessons Quiz

In case your wondering whats inside, be prepared for a well-organized, and sequential training platform. The course is split up into three semesters. In each semester there are over a dozen lessons covering virtually all elements of successful Internet marketing. Each individual lesson is loaded with up to date, step-by-step methods, and the proper implementation for its particular department. The lessons are straight forward, laid out clearly so every student can comprehend. Each lesson is followed up by a comprehensive quiz to test the knowledge you've just acquired.

The lessons are arranged in a systematic structure that bridges each lesson together, making it a naturally fluent step-by-step training course.

To get more information about the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, visit , and don't forget to download your FREE career brochure!

Mobile Marketing: The Next Untapped Resource?

If you want an audience, you don't stand in the middle of the woods shouting.

If you want an audience, you have to go where the people are.

Each time a new trend or technology develops, the spam follows. We can see this in Facebook, we can see this in Twitter, heck, I think email is just another way for us all to collect junk mail now. But there are a great number of new tools that have been picking up steam the last few years that you may want to take note of.  One in particular is Mobile Marketing, or “text message (SMS) marketing”.

People just don't have the time anymore to be checking email all day, Facebook and Twitter have so much noise now that it's easy to get lost.  But everyone checks their phone when they get a text message.  It's so incredible easy just to pull the phone out of the pocket and take a look at what you got.

Of course, this is a precarious area.  You don't want to spam people, especially as a business, there's not quicker way to get on your customer's bad side.  We use the same principles we did we email.  We have to have the customer “opt-in” to receive messages and then be careful what we send them.

What's the Point of Mobile Marketing?

Mobile Marketing is not the tool to make the hard sell.  It's not a tool for selling at all.  The focus should be complete and utter brand loyalty and recognition. After all, those people who don't have the unlimited text plan have to PAY to receive your texts, so it better be something good! Radio stations are making effective use of mobile marketing with contests that get the audience to actually text in during a special time. Doing so gives the audience a chance at a prize. Periodic discounts sent out en masse can trigger an influx of targeted business, especially if the audience has opted in to very specific lists.

You want your audience to be excited to hear from you and Mobile Marketing is the perfect medium for that. Discounts, contests, and very specific, targeted communications are the strength. And what business doesn't want those tools in their tool belt?

The point is, that there are many ways to market.  Trends will come and go. A captive audience is hard to beat, especially when they have asked you to be the captor.

YouTube – Always Changing

Just when you think YouTube is going to stay the same for a while, they go and change it all up on you. Today, I was uploading a new promotional video for IMTC when I found that the upload page is completely revamped. Here is what I saw:

Everything is cleaner with a new look on the upload page. Basically, all of the options are the same except that you can now upload more than one video at a time.

But the changes don't stop there. Once you choose your file to upload, the video information page has changed as well.

Everything is still available to you as in the old video information page, but now it's so much nicer looking. Check it out when you get a chance.

Video marketing is an important part of marketing online. Learn the video marketing skills needed to land a great job.

How Often Should You Blog?

Blogging is currently a very hot trend.  It cannot be ignored if you are doing any sort of marketing on the Internet. Well written blog posts create valuable content that show your expertise. An active blog shows that you are current in your industry. Daily posting proves that your site is important to the search engines and the public.

Blog Fresh Content

The biggest reason blogging is hot right now is that it ranks very well with search engines. But let's not ignore the truth that blogging is just a great way to get information out and connect with people. The Internet has put a severe hurting on printed materials and one of the reasons is because that something is published on the Internet instantly.  With RSS feeds, Facebook and Twitter sharing, hundreds, thousands, even MILLIONS of people could actually be aware of your content in a matter of moments.  It becomes obvious that it is important to have well written articles at this point, since the information is available so quickly and by so many people.

Blog Tightly Focused Content

While it's possible that a huge number of people will have immediate access to your content—and some will delayed access as people check-in to their Facebook, Twitter, and email accounts—not all these people will be eager to read your content. Especially if it doesn't catch them right away.  You want to make sure that when people come looking for your material later, it is tightly focused and available to be found through search engines.  The tighter the focus of the article, the more likely it will be to score well.  Stick to a few terms that are important and complimentary to your topic at hand, especially when optimizing for search engines.

Interaction With Readers / Customers

Remember the reason you are writing is for your audience.  You are giving them information, even if that information is only for their entertainment purposes—let's call that gossip or daydreaming. Daily blogging will help build up that rapport with your readers, even if they never reach out to communicate directly with you, they are still accessing your content. Give them something of value—in the form of information or their guilty pleasures, there are certainly A LOT of sites out there doing that on a daily basis—and they will be more inclined to come back, read through your content, and SHARE your content with their friends.  Make them laugh and you have them right where you want them.

Blog to Keep Them Coming Back for More

Remember, you have to entice your readers with fresh content, that is tightly focused and appeals to your target audience.  When these conditions are met, your site will spread through social sharing and find value in search engines that will allow the content to be relevant and valuable even past the immediate moment of sharing.

A Huge Thanksgiving Special from IMTCVA

Yes, Black Friday is happening early!

We have a special offer to every new student that is thinking of joining our Accelerated Learning Program. An offer so special in fact, that we can't even mention the full details here. The Internet Marketing Training Center is the only school of its kind to teach you the skills for a flexible and fantastic career.

Believe this… this offer could save you a ton of money over our regular tuition rates. It's simple to find out the details: Just call Colin Martin at 757.687.5190 and he'll explain it to you. Can it get any easier to start your new training right now? This special offer ends on November 30, 2011, but you don't want to wait until then. We have a limited amount of these opportunities available and we know they will go fast!

The world of Internet marketing and digital marketing is looking for skilled people who know how to make money online. I know this is you. There has never been a better time to learn the critical skills that employers all over the country are looking for. Internet Marketing jobs are in high demend. Put yourself in this valuable and powerful position by talking to Colin today: 757.687.5190

Make your dreams come true and make that call!

A Career in Video Marketing – Proper Training Needed

Being trained in video editing is not enough. Period.

There is a huge demand for online video marketing in every field of business: corporate, retail, manufacturing and service industries. They all are using video to promote their products in social networking, website, mobile marketing and Youtube. Think of the possibilities that the right training could give you. At most technical schools, video editing has been a popular study providing graduates with a great career. But things are changing. The demand by businesses that need video to become a viral tool of promotion is growing everyday, and leaving most video editors in the cold.

Businesses are looking outside of their talent for the services they need. That's not going to get you the raises and promotions you're looking for. If your a video editor looking for more saleable marketing skills, our school has the training that can provide an entirely new career path for you. Think about how in demand you could be producing AND marketing online video for your clients. The marketing of video is where the real power of the medium presents itself. One simple two minute video, nicely created, could be seen by literally millions of people all over the world in short order.

Online video is everywhere. You see it on nearly every website you go on to. It's a huge part of online business marketing and you need the skills to stay above the pack. If you are a video editor, you are so close to having everything you need to take control of your future. At IMTC, we have the up-to-date training that you need to succeed in this arena. Download our career brochure right from the website and others who have used Internet Marketing to accelerate their lives into full gear. Is this you?