Comment marketing: using forums and blog comments to help spread the word about your brand or business; moderating the comments on your own blogs or social profiles to add value to your brand and/or curate fan input into data.
Yes, the comments people leave on your blog can give your brand an extra amount of exposure. The way you answer your friend's questions or comments on Facebook can help build your expertise and create an important interaction between you and your followers. How you use the comments they leave can help build your business: are they offering suggestions on what they would like to learn from you? Are they addressing their concerns about what's working and not working in their business? These tidbits can be used to ‘curate' their concerns into new products. Often, your friends and fans are telling you in a roundabout way what new information they'll be seeking in the future.
Even the replies you leave on Yahoo! answers and forums can build your expert status and help drive traffic to your website. Do businesses know how important this is to their marketing and overall exposure on the web? Probably not. That's why this is an opportunity for you to create a solution for their problems. These ideas in ‘comment marketing' can help you create a niche career for yourself and have something unique to present to businesses that otherwise have no idea.
Comment marketing is easy and the concepts are simple to implement if you have the right training. Working from home in an Internet marketing career has never been this easy to obtain until now.