Make money while having fun!

Yay it is Friday!  What are you doing this weekend?  Maybe you are hanging out with family or going to the movies with some friends.

If you have a successful online business, you could be making money while you are out having fun!  You do not have to be in the office or sitting at your computer 24 hours a day.

At IMTC we can teach you how to be successful online.  Whether you are just starting out or whether you already have a successful business.  We have training for all levels.

Give us a call for more information 757-687-5191.

Internet Marketing Training Center – Your Value To An Employer

With the training you will receive at IMTC, youwill have all the needed skills that employers are looking for. More than they could ever get from outsourcing, an internship or even a virtual assistant, you can provide them skills that can take their business to the heights of success and even work from home.  Internet marekting training is a valuable set of skills that you can take anywhere. There is a large amount of information on the web about marketing but how are you to know what works and what doesn't?

At IMTC, we have figured out the good from the bad. After years of testing and real world experience, we know what works and what employers are looking for. Video training? Got it. Keyword research? Got that too.

Web design? SEO? Blogging?  Check, check, check.

There is so much to learn, we can't even write about it all here. To see the complete roster of classes and to read about the success stories from people, just like you, who are making a full time living with Internet marketing, visit: and download our free career guide.

Financial Perks Working from Home

We all have had the tough economy affect our lives in one way or another.  Maybe you should consider a new career in Internet Marketing.  You can work from home.  Did you ever think about how working from home can SAVE you MONEY?!  Think about a few things….

1.  Save money on the ever increasing price of gas.  Commuting back and forth costs money.  I just filled up my tank..$70…ouch!.

2.  Save money on eating out.  If you eat out at lunch, that gets expensive.  Not to mention trips for coffee, snacks, etc.  You can eat at home and you will probably eat healthier too!

3.  Save money on clothes.  From home, you can work in your pajamas!  No need to run out and buy “office attire”.

4.  Save money on child care.  The current cost of keeping a child in day care is crazy!  Work from home and you can eliminate that cost entirely.  And you will have more one on one time with your children.  You can even eat lunch together!

What other profession can save you money and has potential to help you earn more money than ever?  That's right….Internet Marketing.  The best place to learn the skills you need to be successful on the Internet is IMTC.  Check us out!

Internet Marketing Training Center Show

Looking for a new direction in your career? Join the tens of thousands of people making a full time living online with Internet Marketing. Visit the site for a free downloadable career guide.

Internet Marketing Training – Career Transitions

Changing from one career to the next can be either scary or exciting. It really depends on whether you had to make a change due to losing a job, or maybe it was about time for something different. Either way, the success of your future depends on how much you like your new career or how relevant your new job is in the marketplace.

Before you make a decision about transitioning to a new career, I invite you to discover the exciting field of Internet marketing. With so many people shopping online, and more growing everyday, Internet marketing continues to be a career with the highest growth rate. And it's fun too. The Internet is changing everyday. It's never boring or the same old thing. Considering this career offers the opportunity to work from home; think about how different that would be.

You can start your own business or work for someone else, it's your choice. If building and managing online businesses sounds like something that you would like, you owe it to yourself to discover what the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia has to offer. Whether it be blogging, social media, website creation or search engine optimization, IMTC can teach you the skills that will put you in demand and at the top the pack. Visit: and see if a career in Internet Marketing is right for you.

IMTC – Distance Education Night Classes

Hi. I'm Colin, an instructor at the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia. As many of you already know, fitting the time to learn a new trade into your busy schedule can be difficult. Many of us have full time jobs, children and other obligations, that make it hard to attend a traditional college. That's where distance education comes in. Learning online gives you the freedom to study when you want, where you want, even at night.

Distance education is perfect for those of us who have no time during the day to learn a new skill, but really desire to improve our lives with a new career. Don't let the ability to learn at night, on your own time, slip away. At IMTC we know how busy you are and that's why we have tailor-made classes for busy individuals just like you. Internet Marketing is a fast growing career that is changing everyday. Visit: to find out if a career on the Internet is right for you. I'll see you over there.

Internet Marketing Training Center – Careers For Stay At Home Moms

If you're looking for information on career choices for stay at home moms, you've come to the right place. This tough economy is forcing us to make difficult decisions about our careers and our families. Some us have to choose between leaving our children at expensive day care or joining the workforce to help pay the bills. But there is another choice: one offered by the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia.


Have you heard of Internet Marketing?It's specialized training in blogging, ecommerce, social networking, website maintenance, writing for the web and more. Businesses large and small need competent marketers to help manage their website operations. It's easy to learn and you can work from home and make a good living doing it.

In as little as six months, you could be on your way to a new career where you don't have to make the hard choices of where to put your children. They could stay home with you while you help build wealth for a company or yourself. Visit: and download our free career guide that will explain just how easy it is to work from home.

Internet Marketing Training Center – Careers In Ecommerce

What is ecommerce? It's the new economy, the way we purchase online and the fastest growing sector of
marketing. It includes online shopping cart systems, website design, customer service applications,
copywriting and more. If you're here looking for information on a career in ecommerce, you're at the right

At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia,we teach the up-to-date ecommerce skills that
employers are looking for right now. You can even use the training we teach to start your own business
online. Either way, ecommerce is the business wave of the future and you want to be apart of it. At IMTC,
you can get a certificate in Internet marketing in as little as six months. You could even start making
money on the Internet long before that.

What kinds of things will you learn at IMTC? How about blogging, social media, website creation, merchant
accounts, search engine optimization and a lot more. IMTC is dedicated strictly to Internet Marketing, so
you'll get the latest information on ecommerce and how to implement it into a business. Companies large
and small need skilled workers right now to manage their website operations. This IS the career for you.
Visit to download our free career guide and read the success stories of people just like you
that are now making a full time living with ecommerce.

IMTCVA – Online Education For High School Seniors

If you're a high school student looking for information on what to do after graduation, you're at the right place. Like most of your friends, the Internet plays an important part in your everyday life. It's where you get your news, how you study and how you stay in touch with your friends. But have you ever thought of taking all of those things and making a career out of it? At the Internet Marketing Training Center, we can teach you the skills that employers are looking for when it comes to selling their products and services online. Things you already are familiar with: blogging, social media, web design, ecommerce, MP3 products and more.
Businesses are looking for bright, young and energetic peopleto manage their ecommerce systems and stay on top of emerging trends. And they pay good money for it. Internet marketing is an exciting career for the young people of today. You're already spending time on the web, why not make a great living doing it?

Visit: to download a free career guide that can show you plenty of exciting ways that young people are making money on the Internet.

Online Marketing: Helping Aging Parents

Are you looking for information about helping your aging parents? You have come to the right place. You may be in a position where your parents are just beginning to need more assistance or maybe you are already a full time care taker for your parents.

How can you and I give our aging parents the care they need and earn money at the same time? A career in Internet marketing may very well be the answer. Unless you are in a position to quit working entirely, you need a job where you can work from home and Internet marketing can give you that flexibility. Not only can you work from home, you can also work for a company if you decide to. In addition, you can learn everything you need to know to enter this exciting field online in the comfort of your home any time, day or night. All you need is a computer and access to the Internet.

At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, we teach all the skills you need to become an Internet marketer and legitimately make money from the Internet. You will learn how to make websites, do email marketing, blogging and social networking. In as little as six months, you can earn your certificate in Internet marketing. Many of our students use their new skills to earn money even before they complete the course.

I invite you to visit our website at where you can download a career guide that will show you all the things I am talking about. There are also success stories of people we have helped who are now making a full time living online. Check us out to see if Internet marketing is right for you. Trust me; your grandchildren will be impressed.