How To Write Intriguing Article Titles

Get your articles read. That is the point of writing them. What is the first thing a person sees when they come across one of your articles?

The title.

This is the element that dictates whether anyone wants to read it. How can you write a title that makes people excited to read the rest of the story? Look at these easy techniques to liven up the intrigue and curiosity factor:

* 7 steps – this is the perfect length for readers who have little time to invest, but really want to get to heart of an issue.

7 Steps to a More Perfect Blood Sugar Level

* Reason Why – the reason why anything is the way it is can be intriguing. You also look as if you have some kind of inside information.

The Reason Why You're Losing Money With Affiliate Marketing

* Warning – alerting your readers to something important can awaken their curiosity.

Warning: If You're Using This Popular App, You're Leaving Business On The Table

* Average Joe – readers don't want to be talked down to. If you relate to where they're coming from, it builds trust.

Just Like You, I Struggled to Make Money Online…. Until Now. 

Remember to be creative and write titles that beg to be read. Want to know how to make a living writing killer articles that help make people money? The answer is…. 


How Can You Make Money From Home?

How can you make money from home? The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia is an Internet marketing school designed to teach you everything you would need to know about selling your products online. No only can you sell your products and services, you can also get hired by companies looking for the same thing. Check out  for more information.

Social Proof For Your Website: More Important Than You Think

Social proof is an important feature of a website if you don't want to isolate your visitors.

What is social proof? It's any place on the website where your showing off how many people have visited the site, subscribe to the site or a place where visitors can leave a comment or share the content with their friends. In the old days, visitor counters and guestbooks used to help in establishing the fact that people were visiting and enjoying the site. There days, it's far more powerful to let your visitors share the content with their friends and sound off with their opinions.

There's two main reasons why this may be more important than you think.

1) Google is rewarding websites that people ‘like.' How do they know what people like? Sites that have great content, that is shared using the Twitter, Facebook and Google + sharing buttons, look like sites that are entertaining, educational and relevant. Yes, Google can tell when people share content with their friends, stay on the website longer and leave comments. How is Google rewarding sites that people like? With higher search positioning.

2) No one wants to be the first to buy something they are unfamiliar with. If a visitor can see that others have been sharing, commenting and subscribing to a site, they'll feel better and more assured about buying something. Just like the review feature on Amazon, how others react to a site, product or service has a major impact on the buying decisions of others who follow. If your website has the ability to extract comments from your visitors, that will have a big influence on other people who visit in the future.

Social proof is fairly easy to implement. In WordPress, you can use a ‘comments' plug-in to get people talking. Also, a plug-in such as “Sociable” will give your visitors access to a vast array of social sharing buttons for Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, Digg, Reddit, Linkedin and more.

How Google ranks websites in the search results has changed dramatically…

Blogging For Business: keyword tips

Just about every business with an online presence has a blog. It's a great way to stay in touch with your prospects and customers, letting them know of new products and changes in your business. It gives your customers a way to comment and be a part of the goings-on, increasing your interactive marketing and client loyalty.

Some blogs do better than others and I'll show you why. Attracting new traffic to your company website is the main reason for blogging. The keywords you use in the post titles are important for search engine optimization and attracting new customers. Keyword research is probably one of the most critical parts of writing a successful  blog. How disappointing would it be if all of your hard work and postings were seen by literally no one?

Keyword research needs to be conducted ahead of time — before you start writing your posts. Look at the title of this post for example: Blogging For Business. Using the keyword suggestion tool from Google, I found that nearly 8100 searches a month are conducted for this phrase.

That's pretty good. I try and pick words or phrases that don't have too high a search (1,000,000), because the competition is too high as well. I also don't want to pick a word or phrase with too little searches (87), because no one's really looking for it. 8100 to 15,000 is just about right. That's a lot of potential traffic I could attract to the website.

Besides paying attention to and writing good, compelling content, the title keywords are your most important priority for a successful blog.

Top professional bloggers are living the dream of working from home…

Careers in Internet Marketing: Paid and Free Ads

Just like any other business, ads play a huge role in Internet businesses as well.

While most believe that search engines bring in all of the customers to web-based businesses, the amount of competition to get on the first page of a search result leaves ads as an important alternative to attracting traffic. The most popular ads are called pay-per-click and they appear on the top, and often on the right-hand side bar of a search result. PPC ads give a business an opportunity to ‘bid their way' to the top of a search result page in just a few hours.

There are also Facebook ads, banner ads and free classified ads such as and Craigslist. Each ad is constructed differently depending on how its used. For a pay-per-click ad, the business owner doesn't have to pay until a searcher ‘clicks' on the ad. That being said, the ad needs to be written very carefully so people who would not be interested in the product don't click on it. This is called ‘qualifying' the ad for a specific target customer, making sure that only the most qualified prospect clicks on it.

Free ads need to be written so the most critical information is presented in the least amount of words. People scour free ads by the thousands and it needs to stand out from the others or it will get lost or be ineffective. Whether ads are paid or free, they need to be conversion-friendly: written enticingly and leading to a landing page that makes money. If this is all done incorrectly, there will be a lot of wasted time and money.

That's where businesses need well trained writers and ad managers for their websites. You just can't have anyone pop an ad on the Internet. There's many variables that take place for an ad to work. Millions of dollars are spent every year on ads that stink. Most businesses are looking for someone with the specialized knowledge that you'll get at IMTC. We teach only the proven and specialized techniques that make money on the web. Get your free career brochure and see what you're missing out on.

WordPress Vs. Blogger

We get this question all of the time.

It's all about customization. Both blogging platforms have the potential to draw subscribers, get good search positioning and drive traffic to your websites. Both create engaging posts using images, audio and video.

The difference is in what happens after the visitor arrives at the blog itself. With WordPress, you have many options for engagement that are not easily available for Blogger sites. The most powerful option is a side-bar widget for opt-ins. An opt-in form is critical to marketing anything on the Internet. Building a database can lead to many more sales above and beyond just traffic coming and going on the blog. The Blogger platform theme doesn't support side-bar widgets and for the most part, is not at all able to support other popular plug-ins such as store widgets, lightboxes and polls.

The major difference that most people recognize between the two services is the ability to make the site look any way you want. WordPress themes are 100% customizable so they can look exactly how you want it to. Most of the time, you can't even tell a website is using WordPress software unless you look at the code behind the scenes. Blogger, while it can be somewhat customized, still uses the same basic template without the ability to make drastic changes.

I've seen both platforms look great, engage visitors and come up high in search engine results. But because of the vast array of plug-ins available, WordPress wins hands-down in its ability to be a fully customizable tool for your marketing needs.

Are You Using Title Bars to Your Advantage?

According to SearchEngine news and Planet Ocean, two of the most respected SEO research firms, the “title bar” area is one of the most important SEO friendly parts of your website. It's where the search engines look first for the respective keywords about your site and carries the most weight of any other area of text for keyword relevance. Are you using these ‘title' area to your advantage?

For most of the website that I look at, the answer is no. Most are still labeled “Home”, “About Us” and “Contact”, etc…  In WordPress, the default title is the name of the page itself: /about-susan-jones and other such labels. However, there is a plug-in that can change the title area to whatever you want it to be – and keyword rich titles are the ticket to SEO success.

The All-in-One SEO Pack plug-in is free and easy to use. It installs in seconds and is a powerful tool for exploiting the proper keywords on your website. After installation, the form will appear at the far bottom of every page and post in edit mode. Here is an example of the SEO Pack below:


Using the proper keywords, you can easily attract the search engines so they can match up your website content with those who are searching the web for information. Learn more about proper SEO of a website.



Simple Website Navigation – Best Practices

The confused mind votes “no.”

That's an old saying concerning a new concept: website navigation. For some reason, we think that having a ton of links on our websites will make it easier for people to get where they're going or ‘force' them to go where we want them to. The real problem is that when there are too many choices, people tend to freeze up.

Navigating through a website should seem like coming to a series of doors in a hallway. If there are too many, it can instantly seem daunting. Given a clear choice of 3 or 4 can make the process clearer and smoother. We recommend no more than 6 – 7 navigation links on a home page. If you really need more, a drop-down window can help make it easier, because the choice to navigate further into the site becomes that of the visitor instead of something you thrust upon them.

Another way to keep top navigation more simple is page-to-page linking. A simple navigation link “Articles” will take the visitor to a page where more choices are, such as the titles of the individual articles themselves, and then clicking on those would lead to another dedicated page with the article body on it. This is similar to going through a house one door at a time, leading from room to room, instead of 14 doors to choose from as soon as you enter the foyer.

We often have a tendency to want to deliver too much information, just because we know a lot. For the website visitor who's just discovering this information for the first time, too much information can lead to headaches and indicision. Simple website design can make you a valuble resource to any industry.

Twitter Techniques For Building An Email List

Twitter is great for marketers, but it's not OK to sell directly to your followers. No one wants to be spammed to death with affiliate ads for junk they don't need.

A better way is to lead your followers down a path to great content so that they learn from you and build your expert status. Linking to content that your followers find helpful will increase your ‘good will' value and guarantee that they will not mind clicking on the links that you provide.

At the end of the content – a blog post, video or online article – you can have an opt-in form that will promise even more great content for them. At this point, they mind very little about having to ‘sign in' to get more information, helping you build that all-important email list. Twitter has worked great for this kind of conversions because it focuses on the delivery of quality content sharing and less of a salesy and pushy attitude which is commonly frowned upon in social media.

Being a ‘resource' is the goal for your Twitter duties. Any content you link to can be used to build trust and credibility. Once you have the undivided attention of your followers, they will reward you with their information that you can use to market to them over and over again.

How can Twitter help build a physical business?



Who Is IMTC’s Founder….

…and how can he help you realize a dream of starting your own business just like he has?

Our founder, Tom Antion has been selling on the commercial Internet since its beginning circa 1994. Since then Tom has made himself an Internet multi-millionaire and helped hundreds of small business owners and entrepreneurs earn full and part time incomes on the Internet. Many have taken what they have learned from Tom and used it on a consulting basis to help other businesses thrive on the web. Many have bolstered their positions in their jobs by bringing great value and return on investment to the companies for which they work.

Tom Antion, founder of IMTC

IMTC Founder Tom Antion

Tom has personally trained over 900 consulting clients and is asked frequently to speak on the topic of Internet marketing at conferences around the world. This school is an effort to make Tom’s training available to a much wider audience and at a much more affordable investment.

Tom is a practical straight shooter type of person and that is reflected in the school he created. He will only allow solid, practical and immediately usable techniques as part of the curriculum of the school.

Get your free Student Guide to discover more!