Video Marketing: Use Camtasia to Create Short Videos for your Website

One way to increase your rankings in Google is to use short videos on your website. You may be surprised to discover that you can create short videos even if you don’t have a video camera. Using Camtasia, a screen capture video capture software, you can record anything you can put on your screen and can narrate over top of it from a microphone or from your speakers.

After you capture your presentation, you can revise it by cutting and/or pasting in various segments. In addition, you can overlay your voice, as well as sound effects or music, onto the presentation. Camtasia allows you to record audio while screen-capturing a demonstration so you can narrate the presentation while it is in progress. However, many presenters prefer to wait until they have completed the screen capture, and then record the voice-over from a script as they play back the screen capture.

Camtasia also allows the video stream to be exported to common video formats such as MPEG-2 or MPEG-4 which can be read by most computers, even if the Camtasia software is not installed.

To see the Camtasia video demonstration below, go to

This Camtasia video tells how Tom Antion has made over $750,000 just referring a product.

Got Kids? Get Internet Marketing Training!

I am so excited that today I was working on my iphone while I was in the carpool line picking up my kids.  That was AWESOME!  Could it get anymore convenient than that?

Why do stay home parents want to come to the Internet Marketing Training Center?

Your Own Business
We don’t preach any get rich quick stuff at IMTC. We teach you how to build solid, low risk / high return web properties . . . we call them “Virtual Real Estate” . . . and you don’t even have to take out a mortgage! You will learn techniques that can give you a great cash flow so you aren’t always worrying about money and bills and how you’re going to buy that new fancy car or boat. PLUS, having lots of these low cost websites can create a great security for you and your family. Money can be coming in while you are vacationing or when you run into some of those nasty life issues like sickness, injury or unexpected expenses. We teach students how to work once . . . and get paid over and over and over.


That is why I can be at the kids school right now working. It is so convenient these days with technology to work from ANYWHERE. 

Flexible schedule
When you get the skills that IMTC teaches you can often do Internet work part-time for other small businesses, while still keeping the stability and income of your current career. As your Internet income increases, it will be your choice if you want go full time on the Internet. This will allow you to use your Internet education as a way to legitimately work from home . . . or really . . . anywhere in the world so you never have to waste your life fighting traffic to commute to that dreaded J-O-B.

Come check out the website and get more information to start your career from the comfort of your home

Do It Yourself…or Not?

“Do It Yourself” has become an industry to itself.  We see books “For Dummies”, “How To”, and all sort of “Do It Yourself” articles, books, and videos.  “DIY” (do it yourself) is a keystone of any entrepreneurship.  And the big question always is, “is it cheaper/faster/better to do it yourself, or to pay someone else to do it?”

Society functions well BECAUSE we have separated and specialized function.  This is how we evolve and grow.  If people are allowed to concentrate on certain tasks, they will become more efficient, better, and cheaper.  But there are a lot of things that you can do for yourself as a business person.

A good way to determine if something might be a DIY task is how time consuming a task will be once the learning curve have been reached.  Will it take HOURS away from you when you could spend hours on another task that will make you more money?  In that case, it might be more worthwhile to pay someone to do it.  If it's going to take a week for someone to get out and do it—and it's something that is going to be repetitive—I can almost guarantee that it would be cheaper, faster, more efficient and less stressful to learn a little bit and do it yourself.  Building a house?  Go ahead and pay for that one.  Repainting your bedroom?  Save a little cash and knock it out yourself.

  1. Time Consumption (including education)
  2. Difficulty/specialization of knowledge
  3. Cost of a Professional's Services

We are increasingly opened up to a world that is more and more DIY friendly.  Everyone with Internet access can have a blog (website) and market that website for almost nothing! Heck, with a smartphone and the WordPress app, you can control content on the blog from almost anywhere!

The point being, you can do almost anything thing these days with enough time and interest.  The question becomes, how best to spend your resources (time and money).

Are you a good fit for being a DIYer? Come us out at Internet Marketing Training Center for more details on the an Internet Lifestyle!

E-commerce Systems: How To Use A Shopping Cart

Besides the website and product images, there is a core set of processes to an e-commerce system: the shopping cart, the merchant account, and the payment gateway. A good shopping cart will integrate these elements seamlessly for a trouble free selling experience.  The shopping cart takes the orders, the merchant account processes the credit cards and payments and the gateway connects the two together. The shopping cart produces the code for the selling buttons that are placed under each product on the website.

A general understanding of e-commerce will go a long way in ensuring that you will always be ready to go with any new products you develop. It's not that hard to get a working knowledge of the shopping cart system so you can add and remove products, change prices and descriptions. Shopping carts also have the ability to create upsells, discount coupons, ad tracking and automatically process shipping and handling. To truly reap big profits, your e-commerce system needs to run on automatic… freeing you up to run your business and all the daily tasks you have. Learn to run an e-commerce system of your own…

Success in Business: Mastery of the Tools

Have you ever heard the old riddle, “How do you eat an elephant?”

The answer is, “One bite at a time!”

Success in Business: Mastery of the Tools

I mention this because one of the keys to success is having a mastery of specific skill sets or tools.  Entering a new industry almost always dictates you learn to use and master new tools. The Internet Marketing Training Center is based on Tom Antion's mentorship program and will involve a mastery of a lot of those same tools used in his program, as well as learning new ones as the Internet expands and changes.

Time and again in the mentorship program we have stressed that you need to learn specific tasks.  A lot of the people who fail, do so because they do not invest time in developing those skills. We have made guides and reference material available for almost all the tasks you will need to learn, but many people want to skip ahead, get it done, get it finished and they end up confused or lost and not at all understanding how things tie together.

If you plan to sell anything on the Internet, you better learn how to use that shopping cart (Kickstart Cart Training)! Go through the trainings step-by-step.  Do a few PRETEND products. Practice!  Not all of the pages on your website need to be available to the entire world!  Keep some pages hidden and you can test out all sorts of things in the shopping cart and on the website.  You'll MAKE mistakes yes.  But that's how you learn!  Mistakes and repetition. And you don't want to be making mistakes when it's down to the wire.

Please, don't be in such a rush that you don't learn the necessary skills to be able to run your own business. Go through the training materials. Ask for help if you need it.  Remember, the first lessons aren't the advanced stuff.  It's the base stuff that you NEED to know before you get started.

Final tip: Take some time to make sure you have your business setup (tested and running smoothly) before you get started with the marketing of your products.  It does you no good if you have hundreds of people want to buy your book if you've setup the shopping cart wrong and are going to need help to fix it.  Foundations first, painting and decorating later.

How can IMTC help me?

Are you ready to attend IMTC yet?!

Here are some great reasons:

1.  Get the training and knowledge to be able to work from home and for yourself.

2.  Learn how to blog and make blogging work for you.

3.  Learn about keywords and search engines.  You need this to market your products effectively.

4.  Learn how to create products to sell online and how to market them.

5.  Learn how to utilize social networking to expand your client base.

And so much more!  We are eager to get our school open and to help everyday people make a profit online.  We can help you!

Internet Training Marketing Center Commercial

The new commercial we are creating for the Internet Marketing Training Center is well on its way. This past Saturday we had auditions for some little kid actors. Everybody that auditioned did a great job and looked good on the camera. The next step in the commercial making process is to actually shoot it. We will be shooting the commercial in the same place that we had the auditions. Hopefully the little actors we have are just as good as they were in the auditions. If they are, we'll have no problem creating a great commercial for the school. The idea of the commercial is to show that nobody has plans to grow up and get laid off; or get stuck in a dead end job. Luckily, if you find that you yourself are in that position, it's not too late to change that. One great way to change your career is to create your own. By having your own business, you would never have to worry about any of the problems other people do. You can do what you want, work when and where, and save money while doing it. Doesn't that sound good? If you'd like to change your career into one that you are in charge of, you need to get the training required to make sure you succeed. A great place to get that training is the Internet Marketing Training Center. You can learn how to run your own successful business on the Internet. And the best part is, you can acquire this education from the comfort of you own home. So what are you waiting for? Learn how you can work at home and be in charge of your own business.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – Why do we Need It?

It's the most effective way to drive traffic to your website and Its a guarenteed tool to improving the volume of the traffic.  It is also the most effective way to drive traffic at a low to no cost.  The search engines will improve your website's exposure while increasing site traffic by using keywords/tags.  Once you have done your keyword research you can then start targeting your market.  We can help you make that happen!

Blogging: New to Blogging? Learn the Language

According to Wikipedia, blogging has been around since 1997 and people started using blogs globally in 1999. If you are new to blogging, learning the language and familiarizing yourself with terms bloggers commonly use may take the mystery out of setting up your first Internet marketing blog.

  • Blog
    Blog is short for weblog and is similar to an online journal. Basically, it is a website where the owner of the blog can make regular entries and visitors can post their comments. Blog postings may be comments, photos or videos and may be organized by date, by topic, by subject, or in any way that makes sense for you and your readers. They are usually displayed with the most recent postings at the top of the page.
  • Post
    Every entry in the blog is called a post and each post usually has a title and content, as well as other parts. The content may be text, images, links, and videos. Every post has a publication timestamp, and most also have categories, tags and comments. The latest post is displayed first so the reader will see the latest public speaking news first.
  • Categories and tags
    Categories and tags organize posts and make it easier for the reader to find information within the blog. While categories are like topics, tags are more like keywords.
  • Comments
    Blogs usually let visitors post comments about the posts. This gives readers the opportunity to interact with the writer of the blog and enter into an online discussion, which others readers may join.
  • Permalinks
    Permalinks are user-friendly URLs. Permalinks, a WordPress term, make it easier for search engines such as Google and Yahoo to catalog blog posts. Each post on a blog has a unique ID and permalinks provide a way to link directly to a post. A formatted link, a permalink usually has some form of the title in the link. For example, a post with the title Everything You Wanted to Know about Public Speaking might have the permalink
  • Theme
    The design and layout you select for your blog is called a theme. Since the content of your blog is usually separate from the theme, you can change the layout of your blog at any time without having to worry about the content being affected.
  • RSS
    RSS is an acronym for Really Simple Syndication. RSS and feeds are a way to distribute the content of your blog so that people can subscribe to it. This means people do not actually have to visit your blog regularly to see what you've added. They can subscribe and have new content delivered to them by email or through a feed reader.
  • Page
    When blogging, it's important that you understand the difference between a web page and a post. While posts depend on having timestamps, web pages do not. Web pages are not displayed in chronological order and they do not have categories or tags. A web page only has a title and content (for example, About Me or Contact Us). The number of pages on your site remains relatively static, whereas new posts are added every day or so. Pages have static content, while posts have dynamic content

Working At Home

Stephanie and Daughter Leann

     This is what I mean by working at home with your child/children.  Couldn't have done it without Tom Antion's knowledge and Training he has put into the Internet Marketing Training Center.  I know just enough information and more with only part of the training that I have done with his training materials. 

     I now have a site up that is just starting to make money and it is the BEST feeling ever.  I look forward to learning more and increasing the amount to much more.  If you are ready to sit on your couch with your arm around your child then you need to go through the training that the Internet Marketing Training Center has for you.

I will give you more updates the next time.  Hope to talk with you soon on what sites your making money with.