Changing Jobs in 2012 – The Skills to Make it Happen

Are you thinking of changing your job next year? Or even switching careers completely? Before you make a move, research carefully what skills employers will be looking for over the next couple of years.

Of the highest in-demand skills for 2012: computers, the Internet and information marketing. All the skills we teach at the Internet Marketing Training Center. Here at IMTCVA, we know that marketing on the Internet: blogging, website design, online video, e-commerce and more, will be growing each and every year. Businesses look towards Internet Marketing as a cost-effective and powerful way to reach their customers. Compared to traditional marketing: television, radio and print, the Internet gives companies a huge advantage of reach without blowing out their budgets.

The problem with marketing on the Internet is that businesses are having a hard time finding enough qualified people to do the work. Internet marketing is relatively new. Because of that, few people possess the exact skills and training to do the job. What that means for the ones who know how to do it is a huge in-demand skill set. You could even work for a number of businesses from the comfort of your own home. That's what we call a “virtual assistant” and there is no shortage of work for those who know how to do it. In fact, we believe that “virtual” jobs and “tele-commuting” is the wave of the future.

Where can you learn everything you'll need to know to be in high demand? Well, right here of course. Check out or free downloadable career guide and list of the classes we teach. You'll be glad you did.

Internet Marketing Careers – Affiliates Working From Home

Did you know you can make a generous living selling other people's products from your home computer? At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months and be on your way to your own home based business. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia

Online Education – Making It Easy to Change Careers Mid-Stream

Most people who are in dead end jobs feel stuck. They would love to make a career change, but don't feel they have the time to learn a new skill. The hours they work now can interfere with being able to go back to school, even for night classes. But what if you could learn at your own pace? And from the comfort of your own home?

Online education, also known as distance education, is perfect for people who have little time to squeeze a traditional education into their schedule. Most people who are in the middle of their careers have children as well. This adds even more stress to one's ability to find time for learning. How about learning when and where you can? When you have that small amount of time to further your education, you'll use your time wisely and take your education more seriously.

Distance education is perfect for those who need the skills now to make a change. At the Internet Marketing Training Center, we can teach you the skills for a new career: a career that's high in demand by employers, non-profits, or you can use the skills to create your own part time or full time business: one that brings in a lot of extra money. At IMTC, we will give you ideas about how to use your Internet Marketing education to get the job of your dreams or start a business.

Why wait? It's time to get out of that dead end job and take your life and career as far as it can go. Call us at 757.687.5190 or download our free career guide at  and see what your future can hold.

Distance Education – What’s Different About IMTC?

Colin, an instructor at IMTC talks about the school. The Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia is an Internet marketing school designed to teach you everything you would need to know about selling your products online. No only can you sell your products and services, you can also get hired by companies looking for the same thing. Check out  for more information.

Distance Education – Learning From Home is Easy

Getting an education online gives you the freedom to study at your own pace. Learn how you can discover the hottest and most in demand jobs available today. At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months and be on your way to a great job. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia

Distance Education – Recession Proof Businesses

Yes. It's been a tough last few years on the economy and in the job market. Many conventional careers took a major hit as companies try and find a bottom line that they can use to survive. Middle management, an important resource over the last two decades, became a cost -heavy burden on most businesses and many people lost their jobs. Businesses have turned to more cost-effective ways to advertise and broaden their global reach. For most, the Internet provided the key marketing and advertising strategies they were looking for to stay afloat.

Of course, resources ran low when the demand for skilled Internet workers ran high. There was a shortage of people that knew the fast-paced and ever-changing Internet world.

Jobs in Internet marketing are recession proof. Why? Because during tough times the Internet offered the solutions for many cost-cutting measures. Employees could work from home, saving a ton of money for companies on things such as office space, utilities and equipment. The return on investment for advertising on the web is greater than that of conventional PR: television and print media.

Internet marketing is an integral part of almost every company, large or small, and it's here to stay. The job market for skilled Internet marketers, bloggers, video media and writing for the web is constantly growing. How can you tap in to this rewarding and expanding market?

IMTC – Taking University and College Courses Online

Looking for Internet Marketing online courses that you can use for a new career? At the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia, you can get a dedicated certificate in as little as six months. Visit the site to download your free career guide.

Certified to operate by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia

Internet Marketing Training Center Show

Looking for a new direction in your career? Join the tens of thousands of people making a full time living online with Internet Marketing. Visit the site for a free downloadable career guide.

Internet Marketing Training – Career Transitions

Changing from one career to the next can be either scary or exciting. It really depends on whether you had to make a change due to losing a job, or maybe it was about time for something different. Either way, the success of your future depends on how much you like your new career or how relevant your new job is in the marketplace.

Before you make a decision about transitioning to a new career, I invite you to discover the exciting field of Internet marketing. With so many people shopping online, and more growing everyday, Internet marketing continues to be a career with the highest growth rate. And it's fun too. The Internet is changing everyday. It's never boring or the same old thing. Considering this career offers the opportunity to work from home; think about how different that would be.

You can start your own business or work for someone else, it's your choice. If building and managing online businesses sounds like something that you would like, you owe it to yourself to discover what the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia has to offer. Whether it be blogging, social media, website creation or search engine optimization, IMTC can teach you the skills that will put you in demand and at the top the pack. Visit: and see if a career in Internet Marketing is right for you.

Online Education Opportunities – Careers In Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is a fast growing and constantly changing business. More and more companies are creating an online presence to keep up with market demand and their customers expectation's. Of course, this creates a huge gap in supply and demand. How can businesses find enough qualified people to keep things running smoothly?

At IMTC we teach the necessary skills to compete in today's market, and the specialized Internet marketing education that employers are looking for. this career choice is moving fast, and you don't want to be left behind. Now is the perfect time to take advantage of this exciting career. If you don't want to work for someone, that's ok.

This is a unique educational opportunity that you can use to start your own online business. The choice is yours. Come over to and download our career guide to see what Internet marketing is all about.