YouTube comes out with new options

Be sure to check out YouTube when you get a chance. They have now changed the ‘As Seen On' feature. The ‘As Seen On' feature lets viewers know what websites that particular video is embedded on. This is very helpful for website and blog owners that post video on their sites. YouTube is now helping them get more exposure. The ‘As Seen On' feature has also moved to just below the view count. This way it's a lot easier to see.

Another nice new feature is the option to read comments two different ways. Now, you can read comments chronologically or related by thread. The related by thread option lets you read the comments and if somebody response to a comment, it is shown indented under the original comment. This make reading comments easier and help people stay involved with the YouTube community, which always helps keep people engaged and viewing more videos. If you know of any more new features on YouTube, leave a comment.

Learning video marketing and marketing with YouTube is an extremely vital part of promoting your products and services online. Using video is only one part of a smart and focused marketing plan. CLICK HERE to see what else is required for a concise marketing plan.

IMTC Uses Video Sales Letters for the School

Video sales letters are quick and easy video slideshows that you can use to market your business. Recently, the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia has started implementing the use of video sales letters for marketing the school on Youtube. Why have they done this? For a couple of reasons:

• Ease – Making video sales letters is possibly the easiest video to create

• Speed – Video sales letters don't take long at all to make. This means we can make a lot of them and get them uploaded fast

• Technicality – Video sales letters don't require a lot of video knowledge, expensive software, or even a camera to make a successful video

Here is an example of one of the videos we made:

You too, can learn how to make video sales letters, as well as everything you've ever wanted to know about Internet marketing at

Career Training – Super Bowl is Over, Now What?

Now that the Super Bowl is over and the winning Packers are headed home, what are you going to do for the rest of the winter? There's no more football and in most parts of the country it's still really cold outside. Why don't you take this time to start your new career in Internet Marketing? By the time the summer is over, you could have a certificate in Internet Marketing. With this certificate, you could start your own business online. You could also work for businesses and corporations that need people to do Internet Marketing for them. The demand for people with Internet Marketing experience is going to continue to grow. Get in on this new career early and you could write your own ticket to do whatever you want.

This is the best time to start a new career in Internet Marketing

If you are thinking about a career change or if you're just starting out and are looking for a field that is in demand right now, Internet marketing is for you. If you type into Google “Internet Marketing Jobs” you will find a lot of jobs available for SEO Managers, Internet Marketing Specialists, Social Media Managers and many other titles related to marketing online. I looked on one site and found over 60 jobs available right now around the world. But here's the problem: businesses want trained professionals. Are you trained in all the skills it takes to market a business online? The majority of people would have to say ‘no'. If you are one of those people, don't worry, that's a good thing. Why would the fact that you don't have the training to get one of these jobs be a good thing? Because nobody else has this training either. There aren't any schools offering training on this subject, except for 1.

That school is the Internet Marketing Training Center. At IMTC, we are training people the skills it takes to market these businesses online. But not only that, we are also training people to market their own businesses as well. That's another reason why it is a great time to start a new career in Internet marketing: because you can use it to sell your own products and services as well. Imagine being able to work for a company, or many different companies at the same time, as their  Social Media Manager, and then be able to come home and make more money by selling your services and goods online at the same time. You would have money coming in from multiple places. That can allow you a lot of freedom.

o what are you waiting for? Get on over to the Internet Marketing Training Center and sign up for a free brochure. In less than a year, all of these companies could be fighting over each other to get you to come work for them. But you must make the first step, click here.

First Semester Sign Ups are now Open

If you've been waiting to sign up to the Internet Marketing Training Center, now is your chance. We are signing up new students for the first semester. So what training do you get in the first semester?

• Autoresponders

• Directory Registration

• Domain Name Selection

• Keywords

• Link Strategy

• Merchant Accounts

• Meta Tags

• Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

• Search Engine Registration

• Shopping Carts

• Social Networking

• Website Development

• Website Formatting

• Website Hosting

• Website Navigation

• Much more.

You learn how to use everything mentioned above to market your business online. You can get certified in Internet marketing and either market your own products and services or you can work for any number of companies that are desperately looking for people to do this for them. Also, for businesses, you can sign up a current employee and we can train them to market your business online. Sign up now to get into the first semester.

Contact Jennifer at to sign up for the first semester of IMTC

For more information, be sure to check out the IMTC site.

Youtube – Use Channels to Get Viewers

If you have an account (and everybody should, it's free) on Youtube, you've probably watch a video or 2…hundred. Have you ever noticed that some videos are on the standard white Youtube background and some videos are on a nice looking, color coordinated background? The color coordinated pages are Youtube channels. Channels are pages that users have created. They can contain any video the user chooses, along with color and background. Other viewers that like the videos you have on your channel can subscribe. If they subscribe, they will get notices of other videos you put online. This keeps people coming back to your channel, thereby increasing the views. The nice thing about channels is that you can use it to your advantage. You can create your own custom background that contains any type of information you want. This is a great way to advertise other sites, products, or services and most importantly, viewers don't see this on a regular Youtube page; only on your channel. So, you really need to be getting people to subscribe to your Youtube channel. If you would like to know MORE ways to use your channel or to get video marketing training, check out the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia Beach.

Internet Training Marketing Center Commercial

The new commercial we are creating for the Internet Marketing Training Center is well on its way. This past Saturday we had auditions for some little kid actors. Everybody that auditioned did a great job and looked good on the camera. The next step in the commercial making process is to actually shoot it. We will be shooting the commercial in the same place that we had the auditions. Hopefully the little actors we have are just as good as they were in the auditions. If they are, we'll have no problem creating a great commercial for the school. The idea of the commercial is to show that nobody has plans to grow up and get laid off; or get stuck in a dead end job. Luckily, if you find that you yourself are in that position, it's not too late to change that. One great way to change your career is to create your own. By having your own business, you would never have to worry about any of the problems other people do. You can do what you want, work when and where, and save money while doing it. Doesn't that sound good? If you'd like to change your career into one that you are in charge of, you need to get the training required to make sure you succeed. A great place to get that training is the Internet Marketing Training Center. You can learn how to run your own successful business on the Internet. And the best part is, you can acquire this education from the comfort of you own home. So what are you waiting for? Learn how you can work at home and be in charge of your own business.

Camtasia – Awesome Software

Have you ever come across an awesome computer program that when you use it, you say “this is awesome”. Camtasia is a program that I always say is “awesome”. Camtasia can record anything that is on your computer screen. It actually creates videos of what you are doing on your computer. You see the mouse moving, text typing, websites loading, anything you want. It also records audio. In the video that Camtasia creates, you can hear mouse clicks, sounds that are playing on your computer, and the sound of your voice that's recorded from a microphone you speak into. Can you imagine all the possibilities you can have with a program like this? You could record the steps to uploading a picture to Facebook, then put that video up on Youtube, and have people pay you to watch it. That's right, you could charge people to watch your video. With Camtasia, you could offer consulting to customers. If they have a question about how to order your product, you could create a Camtasia video that shows them exactly how to do that. There are just so many ways to use Camtasia, I could go on forever.

If you've never used Camtasia before, try it out. Click here if you need training on how to use Camtasia to make money online.

Video Marketing – What is it?

Video marketing consists of posting your videos to sites so people can watch and comment on them. Sites like Facebook, Youtube, Metacafe, Myspace, and many others accept videos. Videos get people to comment and share with their friends, just like they do with comments to posts. All of this sharing and commenting can build connections that in turn will get you customers. Video is a powerhouse when it comes to media marketing.

It contains all the other elements listed above: text, audio, images, and graphics. That makes it very powerful. Also, a lot of people don’t have the skills to create video on their own. This means that there aren’t as many videos on a subject compared to an article on the same subject.

That gives video more value. However, videos are harder to make search engine friendly. Articles are still the easiest for Google to find. But there’s good indication that video may or may not over take articles in the eyes of Google and other search engines in the near future, so getting on the video bandwagon now could be a huge benefit to your career.

With a little training, you could increase your value to a company and increase what you earn. It’s time you took your career to the next level of professionalism. If you are ready to do that, here is the place to start.