Got Kids? Get Internet Marketing Training!

I am so excited that today I was working on my iphone while I was in the carpool line picking up my kids.  That was AWESOME!  Could it get anymore convenient than that?

Why do stay home parents want to come to the Internet Marketing Training Center?

Your Own Business
We don’t preach any get rich quick stuff at IMTC. We teach you how to build solid, low risk / high return web properties . . . we call them “Virtual Real Estate” . . . and you don’t even have to take out a mortgage! You will learn techniques that can give you a great cash flow so you aren’t always worrying about money and bills and how you’re going to buy that new fancy car or boat. PLUS, having lots of these low cost websites can create a great security for you and your family. Money can be coming in while you are vacationing or when you run into some of those nasty life issues like sickness, injury or unexpected expenses. We teach students how to work once . . . and get paid over and over and over.


That is why I can be at the kids school right now working. It is so convenient these days with technology to work from ANYWHERE. 

Flexible schedule
When you get the skills that IMTC teaches you can often do Internet work part-time for other small businesses, while still keeping the stability and income of your current career. As your Internet income increases, it will be your choice if you want go full time on the Internet. This will allow you to use your Internet education as a way to legitimately work from home . . . or really . . . anywhere in the world so you never have to waste your life fighting traffic to commute to that dreaded J-O-B.

Come check out the website and get more information to start your career from the comfort of your home

E-commerce Systems: How To Use A Shopping Cart

Besides the website and product images, there is a core set of processes to an e-commerce system: the shopping cart, the merchant account, and the payment gateway. A good shopping cart will integrate these elements seamlessly for a trouble free selling experience.  The shopping cart takes the orders, the merchant account processes the credit cards and payments and the gateway connects the two together. The shopping cart produces the code for the selling buttons that are placed under each product on the website.

A general understanding of e-commerce will go a long way in ensuring that you will always be ready to go with any new products you develop. It's not that hard to get a working knowledge of the shopping cart system so you can add and remove products, change prices and descriptions. Shopping carts also have the ability to create upsells, discount coupons, ad tracking and automatically process shipping and handling. To truly reap big profits, your e-commerce system needs to run on automatic… freeing you up to run your business and all the daily tasks you have. Learn to run an e-commerce system of your own…

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – Why do we Need It?

It's the most effective way to drive traffic to your website and Its a guarenteed tool to improving the volume of the traffic.  It is also the most effective way to drive traffic at a low to no cost.  The search engines will improve your website's exposure while increasing site traffic by using keywords/tags.  Once you have done your keyword research you can then start targeting your market.  We can help you make that happen!

Blogging: New to Blogging? Learn the Language

According to Wikipedia, blogging has been around since 1997 and people started using blogs globally in 1999. If you are new to blogging, learning the language and familiarizing yourself with terms bloggers commonly use may take the mystery out of setting up your first Internet marketing blog.

  • Blog
    Blog is short for weblog and is similar to an online journal. Basically, it is a website where the owner of the blog can make regular entries and visitors can post their comments. Blog postings may be comments, photos or videos and may be organized by date, by topic, by subject, or in any way that makes sense for you and your readers. They are usually displayed with the most recent postings at the top of the page.
  • Post
    Every entry in the blog is called a post and each post usually has a title and content, as well as other parts. The content may be text, images, links, and videos. Every post has a publication timestamp, and most also have categories, tags and comments. The latest post is displayed first so the reader will see the latest public speaking news first.
  • Categories and tags
    Categories and tags organize posts and make it easier for the reader to find information within the blog. While categories are like topics, tags are more like keywords.
  • Comments
    Blogs usually let visitors post comments about the posts. This gives readers the opportunity to interact with the writer of the blog and enter into an online discussion, which others readers may join.
  • Permalinks
    Permalinks are user-friendly URLs. Permalinks, a WordPress term, make it easier for search engines such as Google and Yahoo to catalog blog posts. Each post on a blog has a unique ID and permalinks provide a way to link directly to a post. A formatted link, a permalink usually has some form of the title in the link. For example, a post with the title Everything You Wanted to Know about Public Speaking might have the permalink
  • Theme
    The design and layout you select for your blog is called a theme. Since the content of your blog is usually separate from the theme, you can change the layout of your blog at any time without having to worry about the content being affected.
  • RSS
    RSS is an acronym for Really Simple Syndication. RSS and feeds are a way to distribute the content of your blog so that people can subscribe to it. This means people do not actually have to visit your blog regularly to see what you've added. They can subscribe and have new content delivered to them by email or through a feed reader.
  • Page
    When blogging, it's important that you understand the difference between a web page and a post. While posts depend on having timestamps, web pages do not. Web pages are not displayed in chronological order and they do not have categories or tags. A web page only has a title and content (for example, About Me or Contact Us). The number of pages on your site remains relatively static, whereas new posts are added every day or so. Pages have static content, while posts have dynamic content

Working At Home

Stephanie and Daughter Leann

     This is what I mean by working at home with your child/children.  Couldn't have done it without Tom Antion's knowledge and Training he has put into the Internet Marketing Training Center.  I know just enough information and more with only part of the training that I have done with his training materials. 

     I now have a site up that is just starting to make money and it is the BEST feeling ever.  I look forward to learning more and increasing the amount to much more.  If you are ready to sit on your couch with your arm around your child then you need to go through the training that the Internet Marketing Training Center has for you.

I will give you more updates the next time.  Hope to talk with you soon on what sites your making money with.

Grow Your Business With The Proper Staff Training

Running a small business can be challenging enough with the economic situation we face.How far could you grow your business if one of your staff members had the Internet marketing training to create a profitable presence on the web?

A staff member in your organization could skyrocket your business with the knowledge of blogging, article writing, web design, e-commerce, video marketing and online advertising. For a small investment in training, your small business could reach new heights of revenue by tapping into the ever growing marketing that the web provides.

Companies large and small are developing a vast web presence to reach their targeted customers, because that's where the customers are. Whether they are on their phones, surfing the web at home, hanging out on Facebook or researching information, a business that has an effective web presence gets a larger share of the business than one that doesn't.

Training a trusted staff member in Internet marketing is the best investment your company can make to insure that you have the tools necessary to compete in today's high tech world. Find out now how the training of the future is just a phone call away.

On-Site Campus

Here is a view of the campus; It is really nice, area is good,  Friendly neighbors and a lot of parking.  If your interested and your in the area you should stop by and check it out.  We are just about there and are ready to start on-line classes.  You can learn how to start an on-line business, How to get more traffic coming to your business you already have, or even if it's to get familiar with the computer and how everything works.  You will be opening up a bigger window for yourself , you will make yourself more valuable, and you will always have something to fall back on if your job falls through. 


Web Design: Why You Need Your Own Website

Why should you have your own web site?

If you provide products and services to sell, you need a web site to market them. Here’s what your own web site you can do for you:

•        Earn more money.

•        Generate more product sales.

•        Post your press kit online.

•        Reduce printing costs.

•        Establish credibility.

•        Increase the number of people who have heard of you.

Internet Marketing Jobs: Is Your Staff J.O.B. Unsatisfying?

Is working for someone else ungratifying?

The World of Work 2010 report from Randstad found that half of all employees feel their skills are underused and around 10% have been forced to take up work that did not make full use of their abilities. People are looking for work outside the job that may better utilize their talents, not just for the extra income but for the satisfaction.

Justin Myers, a freelance editor and consultant, was first pushed to self-employment through redundancy. After taking a few months off to “get his head together”, Justin started freelancing with some shifts at an online newsdesk. Now he's working on two distinct projects and enjoys the lifestyle.

“Being your boss is a magical feeling; you feel really empowered and I love having responsibility for myself. Additionally, being a consultant, I've found that clients really value my opinion and input. I don't think you get that perceived level of confidence when you're in a staff job.”

Pursuing employment with online training, whether for yourself or getting a better job elsewhere, starts with a school you can trust. A school with a staff that have  put into place the real world skills that it takes to make money. The Internet Marketing Training Center is the resource you need to make an impact on a tough job market. An impact that you can trust to make your life more fun and interesting….

How to Work From Home

I can't believe how many times I hear from people that they are going to work from home because they have a website.  Do you know having a website means nothing unless you use the proper techniques and online marketing tools to get people to your site.  How can you work from home with a website that no one is coming to?  With the knowledge you can get from the Internet Marketing Training Center you can work from home in no time with the knowledge you need to MAKE MONEY WITH YOUR WEBSITE.  Go to the IMTC and check out how you can work from home in no time.