Internet Marketing: Target a Niche Market for Your Home-Based Internet Marketing Business

One of the advantages of Internet marketing is that you can select a topic that interests you and target a niche market that shares your passion. After you choose your subject and narrow your audience, you can decide which approach to take to reach your market.

How will you reach your customer?

  • One-to-one approach
    This approach relies on search engine keywords to draw users to your website as they browse the Internet. Once they have found you and given you permission to use their email to contact them, you may reach out to your customers through email promotions. In addition, you can nurture a client relationship by routinely posting blogs and inviting visitors to your site to interact directly with you.
  • Appeal to specific interests and locations
    With this method, you can define your market according to age group, gender, geographical location and special interests and then post ads based on the keywords your target enters when browsing. For example, a tire company can post advertisements on racing and trucking websites with the assurance that the audience has a similar interest.

What do you need to start targeting your market?

For starters, you will need a website, an email program and a blog. You will also need to know how to use keywords, shopping carts, merchant accounts, autoresponders, search engines and social networking programs In addition, you will need to develop and package products such as e-books, MP3 files, and e-courses.

To discover how to easy it is to learn these skills required for operating your home-based Internet marketing business, visit

It is time for a change

Are you struggling in this tough economy?  Are you stuck at a dead end job?  Do you want to become more valuable to your current employer?  Do you want the financial and lifestyle freedom that you have always dreamed about?

Internet Marketing Training Center is the answer.  We have created an awesome Internet marketing school, the first ever in the world.  All course material is under the strict guidelines of Internet marketing master Tom Antion.  Go ahead, Google him, you will see!

This is a great time of year to make a change.  The Internet is everywhere.  With the right training you could be on your way to a better life for you and your family.  Look into IMTC!

This is the best time to start a new career in Internet Marketing

If you are thinking about a career change or if you're just starting out and are looking for a field that is in demand right now, Internet marketing is for you. If you type into Google “Internet Marketing Jobs” you will find a lot of jobs available for SEO Managers, Internet Marketing Specialists, Social Media Managers and many other titles related to marketing online. I looked on one site and found over 60 jobs available right now around the world. But here's the problem: businesses want trained professionals. Are you trained in all the skills it takes to market a business online? The majority of people would have to say ‘no'. If you are one of those people, don't worry, that's a good thing. Why would the fact that you don't have the training to get one of these jobs be a good thing? Because nobody else has this training either. There aren't any schools offering training on this subject, except for 1.

That school is the Internet Marketing Training Center. At IMTC, we are training people the skills it takes to market these businesses online. But not only that, we are also training people to market their own businesses as well. That's another reason why it is a great time to start a new career in Internet marketing: because you can use it to sell your own products and services as well. Imagine being able to work for a company, or many different companies at the same time, as their  Social Media Manager, and then be able to come home and make more money by selling your services and goods online at the same time. You would have money coming in from multiple places. That can allow you a lot of freedom.

o what are you waiting for? Get on over to the Internet Marketing Training Center and sign up for a free brochure. In less than a year, all of these companies could be fighting over each other to get you to come work for them. But you must make the first step, click here.

Are you ready?!

The first semester at IMTC will be open any day now for online enrollment!  Now is the time to make that career change or improve your skills for your current employer.

We are so excited to finally be ready for enrollment.  There has been so much planning, labor and hard work gone into IMTC already and we have just begun.  We can't wait to get you started!

Feel free to call us at 757-687-5190 or send an email to:

We look forward to hearing from you!

Web Design: What Is Web Accessibilty and Why Does it Matter?

If you have done even the tiniest bit of web design and entered alt text for an image, you have already encountered the concept of web accessibility. Maybe you were in a class and instructed to type a description of the image into the alt text field. You may have even received a brief explanation that alt text helps people with vision problems because a screen reader will read the words to them and they will know a specific image is being loaded onto the web page.

While alt text helps the visually impaired, there are people with other disabilities that you may not have considered when designing your website. These people may have mobility issues, deafness, color blindness, learning disabilities or difficulty concentrating. The practice of making your website usable by people of all abilities and disabilities is called “web accessibility.”

Why make your site web accessible?
The obvious reason to design a web accessible site is to make it easier for people with disabilities to use your site. However, there are two other reasons to keep in mind:

  • To avoid lawsuits and bad publicity
  • To benefit from a wider audience

Making online content more accessible
The United States Distance Learning Association offers these ideas for making online content more accessible:
1. With an audio excerpt also provide a text transcript of that excerpt.

2. Many blind students use screen readers to read a website. To help these readers, use tags in your web designs to give alternative explanations for images and links.

3. Avoid long, scrolling pages, and avoid putting important information at the bottom of a page because if a screen reader starts at the top of the page, it may take a long time to get to this content at the bottom of the page.

The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) offers guidelines for web page accessibility (see

Web developers can download aDesigner for free from This tool is a disability simulator, and will test your website for accessibility problems.

Where can you learn more?
There is much to learn and much you can do to make your site available to everyone. Fortunately, there is also much information to assist you in achieving web accessibility. For starters, check out WebAIM’s site. WebAIM is a non-profit organization within the Center for Persons with Disabilities and their site is packed with information to help you understand how people with disabilities interact with the web and how you can design your website to comply with principles and standard regulations.

Here’s what you will find on their site:

  • Web Content Accessibility Guidelines with four legal principles (POUR)
  • Principles of Accessible Design
  • Training and technical support
  • Experiences of Students with Disabilities

See WebAIM at

To learn more about designing your website, visit

Free Internet Traffic For Your Websites

Getting free traffic to your website is easier than you might think! There are so many avenues to traffic that it can feel like your standing in the middle of the highway… the information superhighway that is.

Let's go over just a few of ways that you can get traffic to website without spending a dime.

* Social networking – we all have heard about this by now. Major sites such as MySpace, Facebook and Twitter provide profiles that are searchable all over the Internet and can contain a number of valuable links to your websites. Over half a billion people are now members of social networking sites and the potential traffic stream is endless.

* Article sites – writing articles not only builds you and your business as the expert, the links you leave in the author's profile or resource box can help drive heavy traffic to your website from all over the Internet.

* Videos – free hosting sites such as YouTube and Revver not only let your searchers meet you face to face, leaving a link to your website in the profiles and even in the video itself as a watermark can help send valuable prospects your way.

* Leaving your URL in the comments boxes of other peoples blogs, social networking profiles and forums will let people easily click on your site to see what your business is all about.

* Discussion boards – There are hundreds of discussion boards on every subject under the sun all over the Internet. This is a great place not only to leave a link to your site, but also engage other readers and ask or answer questions about a subject that makes you the expert!

* Traffic exchanges – an exchange is a service that lets you click on a certain number of URLs in exchange for others clicking on yours. You can earn credits just by clicking on sites and trade them in for free ad space.

* Free classifieds – search for these free classifieds and you'll find amazingly that there are quite a few you can utilize. A site like Craigslist is an example.

In the old days of the Internet, you had to rely on getting good search positioning to get any traffic at all. But using these short cuts to driving traffic to your site will accelerate visits and make big potential money.

Youtube – Use Channels to Get Viewers

If you have an account (and everybody should, it's free) on Youtube, you've probably watch a video or 2…hundred. Have you ever noticed that some videos are on the standard white Youtube background and some videos are on a nice looking, color coordinated background? The color coordinated pages are Youtube channels. Channels are pages that users have created. They can contain any video the user chooses, along with color and background. Other viewers that like the videos you have on your channel can subscribe. If they subscribe, they will get notices of other videos you put online. This keeps people coming back to your channel, thereby increasing the views. The nice thing about channels is that you can use it to your advantage. You can create your own custom background that contains any type of information you want. This is a great way to advertise other sites, products, or services and most importantly, viewers don't see this on a regular Youtube page; only on your channel. So, you really need to be getting people to subscribe to your Youtube channel. If you would like to know MORE ways to use your channel or to get video marketing training, check out the Internet Marketing Training Center of Virginia Beach.

Work and Live Anywhere!

Do you need another good reason to pursue a career in Internet marketing?

How about this.  The Internet is everywhere.  This means that you can live anywhere that you choose.  Internet marketing gives you the freedom to do this.  You do not have a physical store front that you have to worry about.

Would you like to travel and live in Europe for a year?  Or how about going to the Bahamas for the winter?  Do you have a sick relative that needs help for awhile?  Do you miss your kids or grand kids and want to move closer to them?

All of this is possible with Internet marketing.  At IMTC you will receive the training that you need to have this kind of lifestyle.  Check us out!

E-commerce Systems: How To Use A Shopping Cart

Besides the website and product images, there is a core set of processes to an e-commerce system: the shopping cart, the merchant account, and the payment gateway. A good shopping cart will integrate these elements seamlessly for a trouble free selling experience.  The shopping cart takes the orders, the merchant account processes the credit cards and payments and the gateway connects the two together. The shopping cart produces the code for the selling buttons that are placed under each product on the website.

A general understanding of e-commerce will go a long way in ensuring that you will always be ready to go with any new products you develop. It's not that hard to get a working knowledge of the shopping cart system so you can add and remove products, change prices and descriptions. Shopping carts also have the ability to create upsells, discount coupons, ad tracking and automatically process shipping and handling. To truly reap big profits, your e-commerce system needs to run on automatic… freeing you up to run your business and all the daily tasks you have. Learn to run an e-commerce system of your own…

Success in Business: Mastery of the Tools

Have you ever heard the old riddle, “How do you eat an elephant?”

The answer is, “One bite at a time!”

Success in Business: Mastery of the Tools

I mention this because one of the keys to success is having a mastery of specific skill sets or tools.  Entering a new industry almost always dictates you learn to use and master new tools. The Internet Marketing Training Center is based on Tom Antion's mentorship program and will involve a mastery of a lot of those same tools used in his program, as well as learning new ones as the Internet expands and changes.

Time and again in the mentorship program we have stressed that you need to learn specific tasks.  A lot of the people who fail, do so because they do not invest time in developing those skills. We have made guides and reference material available for almost all the tasks you will need to learn, but many people want to skip ahead, get it done, get it finished and they end up confused or lost and not at all understanding how things tie together.

If you plan to sell anything on the Internet, you better learn how to use that shopping cart (Kickstart Cart Training)! Go through the trainings step-by-step.  Do a few PRETEND products. Practice!  Not all of the pages on your website need to be available to the entire world!  Keep some pages hidden and you can test out all sorts of things in the shopping cart and on the website.  You'll MAKE mistakes yes.  But that's how you learn!  Mistakes and repetition. And you don't want to be making mistakes when it's down to the wire.

Please, don't be in such a rush that you don't learn the necessary skills to be able to run your own business. Go through the training materials. Ask for help if you need it.  Remember, the first lessons aren't the advanced stuff.  It's the base stuff that you NEED to know before you get started.

Final tip: Take some time to make sure you have your business setup (tested and running smoothly) before you get started with the marketing of your products.  It does you no good if you have hundreds of people want to buy your book if you've setup the shopping cart wrong and are going to need help to fix it.  Foundations first, painting and decorating later.