SEO (Search Engine Optimization) – Why do we Need It?

It's the most effective way to drive traffic to your website and Its a guarenteed tool to improving the volume of the traffic.  It is also the most effective way to drive traffic at a low to no cost.  The search engines will improve your website's exposure while increasing site traffic by using keywords/tags.  Once you have done your keyword research you can then start targeting your market.  We can help you make that happen!

Grow Your Business With The Proper Staff Training

Running a small business can be challenging enough with the economic situation we face.How far could you grow your business if one of your staff members had the Internet marketing training to create a profitable presence on the web?

A staff member in your organization could skyrocket your business with the knowledge of blogging, article writing, web design, e-commerce, video marketing and online advertising. For a small investment in training, your small business could reach new heights of revenue by tapping into the ever growing marketing that the web provides.

Companies large and small are developing a vast web presence to reach their targeted customers, because that's where the customers are. Whether they are on their phones, surfing the web at home, hanging out on Facebook or researching information, a business that has an effective web presence gets a larger share of the business than one that doesn't.

Training a trusted staff member in Internet marketing is the best investment your company can make to insure that you have the tools necessary to compete in today's high tech world. Find out now how the training of the future is just a phone call away.

On-Site Campus

Here is a view of the campus; It is really nice, area is good,  Friendly neighbors and a lot of parking.  If your interested and your in the area you should stop by and check it out.  We are just about there and are ready to start on-line classes.  You can learn how to start an on-line business, How to get more traffic coming to your business you already have, or even if it's to get familiar with the computer and how everything works.  You will be opening up a bigger window for yourself , you will make yourself more valuable, and you will always have something to fall back on if your job falls through. 


Internet Marketing Jobs: Is Your Staff J.O.B. Unsatisfying?

Is working for someone else ungratifying?

The World of Work 2010 report from Randstad found that half of all employees feel their skills are underused and around 10% have been forced to take up work that did not make full use of their abilities. People are looking for work outside the job that may better utilize their talents, not just for the extra income but for the satisfaction.

Justin Myers, a freelance editor and consultant, was first pushed to self-employment through redundancy. After taking a few months off to “get his head together”, Justin started freelancing with some shifts at an online newsdesk. Now he's working on two distinct projects and enjoys the lifestyle.

“Being your boss is a magical feeling; you feel really empowered and I love having responsibility for myself. Additionally, being a consultant, I've found that clients really value my opinion and input. I don't think you get that perceived level of confidence when you're in a staff job.”

Pursuing employment with online training, whether for yourself or getting a better job elsewhere, starts with a school you can trust. A school with a staff that have  put into place the real world skills that it takes to make money. The Internet Marketing Training Center is the resource you need to make an impact on a tough job market. An impact that you can trust to make your life more fun and interesting….

Hot Careers

According to an article by Chris Kyle over at Yahoo! Education has listed six new hot careers.

#1 is Social Media Strategist
#2 is Homeland Security
#3 Forensic Accounting
#4 Online Video Game Designer
#5 Email Marketing Manager
#6 Home Health Aide

That means you can have TWO potential career paths that are on the hot list after graduating from IMTC.

This is because Internet Marketing is huge right now, and it will be from here on out.  As the marketplace starts to better define what it is looking for, graduates from IMTC will be poised to enter that marketplace and fill a major need.

The Internet has become our playground now.  We do a lot of business AND playing on the Internet.  We communicate and connect with a larger circle of friends than ever before, we spend more time playing (#4 online Video Game Designer?  Bejeweled?  Farmville?  Etc? ) on the Internet.  And there are so many more ways to connect to the Internet than before. Desktop computer, laptops, netbooks, tablets like the iPad, smartphones like the iPhone, even devices like Kindle are starting to connect to the Internet more so than before.

Businesses go where people are.  Make the most of these possibilities by getting involved now.

Do you want to know what sort of skills are necessary to penetrate the job market in Internet Marketing?  Come and check out the curriculum at the Internet Marketing Training Center so you can learn what it takes to be a Social Media Strategist or Email Marketing Manager today!

Make your Dreams come True: Working On-Line

Being a single/stay at home parent in the world today is very difficult with lay off’s and downsizing.  By finding something that your good at and love to do, you can sell on-line nationwide.  Even if it’s a service that you are selling you can always get Advertisers and Affiliates.  There are more options/benefits by working online.

Look forward to overcome the insecurity; You can work from home, work at your own pace, build your own site, do research, and optimize. You will everything you need to know from start to finish.  Stop thinking that you’re out of options and you don’t know what to do next.  We have what everyone is looking for that will make all your worries go away!

Copywriting and Writing For The Web

Writing for websites, online articles and sales copy is far different than writing for magazines and newspapers.The web is a place where people surf fast for information and make decisions quicker than when they leisurely read print. Web copy is a visual medium, consisting of various colors and font sizes. The nature of computer screens and how our eyes adjust to them have dictated how we write words for websites. Over the course of the short life of the Internet, marketers, designers and writers have experimented with how to make web copy more “readable.” And what they have come up with is a science unto itself.

Along with readability, what we are also doing with web writing is trying to get readers to “click” out on links. The best web copy is usually trying to compel readers to visit another website or get them to buy something. Marketers have experimented with this as well. Web copy should be written to persuade your reader to take action through a psychological process. All of these things can be learned effectively and practiced to perfection.

Who do you trust to teach you this knowledge? The Internet Marketing Training Center has the expert staff that have been writing copy for years. Now they are bringing that knowledge to you. This is the kind of high level training that businesses are looking for or that you can use yourself to write for your own web business.

Product Creation

So you have decided to take the plunge and start an online business.   At IMTC, not only will you learn the skills to create a website but you will also learn how to create products to make even more money.

The possibilities are endless.  You can create and sell ebooks, DVDs, CD's ecourses, webinars and many more.  At IMTC not only will we teach you how to create different products, but how to market them as well.  You will learn how to utilize the Internet and make it work for you.

We are excited about our new school, we are excited to meet our students and we are excited to share our valuable knowledge.  Check out our website:

The Concepts of Internet Marketing

Marketing is not a new concept.  The Internet is no longer new, but it continues to evolve almost daily so that there are new opportunities and new ways for doing things.  I don't think anyone could have predicted the rise of Facebook or Twitter, yet these are becoming business essentials.

One thing we all hate is junk mail.  We we started getting junk email someone, somewhere, (sadly, it wasn't me) coined the term “spam” and now we can use it for quite a few things.  Basically, spam is unsolicited marketing. With the advent of social media like Facebook and Twitter, we can now “opt-in” or “subscribe” to the information we want.  We DO want to here about specials deals from our favorite stores.  We do want to hear what our favorite celebrities are doing without having to go buy a gossip rag—as well as getting the low down straight from the horses mouth.  We want to hear about when our favorite movies, video games, tech gadgets come out.  We want to be connected!  We just want to control that.

So, this is all great if you are a giant company.  You aren't really marketing or promoting, your just kind of expanding your presence. What if you are the little guy?  The little business?  The entrepreneur? That's where the marketing comes in.

You have to get out there and get in front of the traffic.  There are all sort of avenues for that on the Internet.  Not all of them may apply to your business.  Some will, and some will need to be tied into other more traditional forms of promotion.

For instance, our children are growing up with the Internet as entertainment.  There are all sorts of games, all sorts of forums, all sorts of ways to entertain themselves.  If they aren't creating themselves, they can FIND people out there creating.  There are kids on YouTube, making a fortune being stupid.  There are adults making a fortune on the YouTube being ridiculous.  Unfortunately, “ridiculous” is often funny and if you can draw people in (we're taking about word-or-mouth campaigns that takeoff) and when the people show up, businesses want to pay to sell them something.  If you have the attention of the public, there are businesses that want to stand right next to you and bask in the glow—showing off their latest product of course.

That's what you want to do.  You want to get in front of the people show off what you have.  That's what we teach over the Internet Marketing Training Center. We teach the concepts of marketing on the Internet and how best to apply those concepts.

Don't believe me?  Check out some of the people who are getting rich off of applying the principals of Internet Marketing.

Ilya Pozin : Made his first million by the time he was 25.

Gloria Starr: Travels the World as an Image Consultant.  Grew her business on the Internet.

Work from Home: Leave that Dead End Job and Make Money Sitting On Your Butt

There was a time when you were excited about your new job. Your hopes were high. You had a little extra money in your pocket. No, you wouldn’t be doing the type work you always dreamed of, but it was a job and it meant that you were going places — that you had a future with a decent company.

Time is slipping away and now you realize there is very little chance that you will ever be promoted to a higher paid position with the company. It’s hard to face, but yes, you are in a dead end job. Maybe it’s time for a change. But what will you do?

If you find yourself in that position, think back to projects you have worked on over the years and jot down the ones that you have enjoyed the most. Include both work- related and personal projects. Then, ask what was it about those projects that you liked. Also list the new skills that you want to learn.

For instance, you have always liked using computers and surfing the Internet. You designed a website for your best friend and you even taught your sister how to blog. Several of your friends have asked you to show them how to build their online store.

These are projects you liked to do. Now think about the skills that you want to learn. Do you want to learn how to create videos to post on YouTube? Do you want to learn how to optimize your website so search engines will give you high rankings? Do you want to learn copywriting so you can write e-mail promotions? Do you want to develop products to sell on your website? At the Internet Marketing Training Center (IMTC), you can be trained in these Internet marketing skills online from the comfort of your home on your own time.

Sound fun and exciting? Maybe it is time to expand your skills so you can leave that dead end job and make money sitting on your butt at home in front of your computer. Learn more about the Internet Marketing Training Center and how it can help shape your future at