Career Training – Super Bowl is Over, Now What?

Now that the Super Bowl is over and the winning Packers are headed home, what are you going to do for the rest of the winter? There's no more football and in most parts of the country it's still really cold outside. Why don't you take this time to start your new career in Internet Marketing? By the time the summer is over, you could have a certificate in Internet Marketing. With this certificate, you could start your own business online. You could also work for businesses and corporations that need people to do Internet Marketing for them. The demand for people with Internet Marketing experience is going to continue to grow. Get in on this new career early and you could write your own ticket to do whatever you want.

Work from Home:The Case for Working from Home

One of the great advantages of being an Internet marketer is that you can work from virtually any location around the world.  You may work for an employer in a towering office building or for yourself in the comfort of your own home. I came across a thought-provoking article about the reasons people give for wanting to work from home and decided to share it with our readers. If you are thinking about asking your employer to let you work remotely from home, this article by Sylvie Fortin offers insight into how to present your case.

Great versus Lousy Reasons to Work from Home

By: Sylvie Fortin

Did you know that many people have lousy reasons for wanting to work from home? Believe it or not, these same people are often the ones who fail as telecommuters. If you want to work from home, have you assessed whether your reasons are lousy or great? If not, take a few moments to see some of the most typical Lousy versus Great Reasons for Working from Home and then decide if you’re on the right track or not.

Lousy Reason #1: I want to stay home with my children.

Great Reason #1: I want to be able to be more reliable and work harder for my employer. I have children, so I am realistic enough to realize that working from home late at night, on weekends, and during holidays will make me a more efficient worker than if I had to miss work because of my children. By staying at home to work, I can make up for lost productivity by working off-shifts.

Lousy Reason #2: I don’t like to commute.

Great Reason #2: I would rather spend an extra 1-2 hours a day working, rather than waste time in traffic. During a typical commute to work, a lot of quality work time gets wasted sitting in traffic, when my time would be better spent doing extra work and meeting tight deadlines.

Lousy Reason #3: I want to make my own hours and work when I feel like it.

Great Reason #3: Standard office hours tend to restrict me. My skills are best utilized outside of the ordinary workday and I am most efficient and focused when I have the freedom to work longer hours than the standard office setting allows.

Lousy Reason #4: I hate working with other people.

Great Reason #4: My personal preference when working is to focus on the task at hand. I find the office setting to be too inefficient for me to truly work to my employer’s advantage.

When co-workers spend time chatting and socializing, it interferes with my ability to concentrate and work to my best ability. Although I enjoy socializing, I would prefer to choose my own social situations and leave my friendships outside of the work environment. This, to me, is the best situation for the employers whom I work with, as I am only billing for time spent physically working on tasks, rather than being paid for time spent around the office.

Lousy Reason #5: I want to make a lot of money.

Great Reason #5: I prefer to be compensated for the value of the work I do, rather than restricted to working an 8-hour day. In order for me to truly explore all my talents and expand my financial status, I recognize that I will need to work on many different projects and work with many different clients. This is my best possible opportunity to expand my skills and explore all the different career paths I would like to pursue.

Lousy Reason #6: I don’t want to work for a dumb boss.

Great Reason #6: In today’s tough economy, working for a single employer is not as secure as it once was believed. Providing my specialized skills to a number of clients at a time allows me to enjoy greater financial stability, because I am less concerned about losing any one particular job.

I do recognize, however, that each of my clients are my bosses. I simply choose to work for many bosses, rather than just one.

Although I have my own business and can choose my clients, I recognize the importance of treating each of my clients with the utmost professionalism and courtesy. This is critical to my success as an independent contractor. Once you have taken a look at your reasons for becoming a telecommuter, you can better determine whether you’re in it for the right reasons. Some people just aren’t made for working from home. There’s no shame in that reality, but it’s best to find that out before you cause yourself all kinds of anguish and heartache. Good luck in whatever you choose to do from wherever you choose to do it!

This article is excerpted from “You Can Work in Your PJs”, a real world guide to telecommuting.

To learn about a legitimate work-from-home business, visit

CD and Product Creation Myths De-Bunked


Myth 1: You have to go to a studio and pay big hourly fees to create a decent CD

Tom's Response: I have only done one CD project in a studio. It worked out just fine and wasn't really that expensive in the long run. I think it cost about $40.00 per hour for a digital studio in someone's basement. If you practice before you get there you can save lots of time and money.

The rest of my CDs have been recorded in my office using my own equipment, or by the company providing the phone service when I was doing a telephone seminar. When necessary, I edited the recordings right on my personal computer with inexpensive software.

Myth 2: You must have music on the tape and make it sound like Nightingale Conant to be successful with CDs.

Tom's Response: For years my audio tapes and CDs did not have music on them. They were completely informational and sold around the world with virtually zero returns. Now, it's so easy to put music on I go ahead and do it just to increase the production value.

Myth 3: You need four-color packaging and lots of expensive graphics so the product looks professional.

Tom's Response: I make my packaging look as good as I can, but I never spend big money on graphics. About the most I've ever spent is $85.00 for an artist to draw a color picture for me which I scanned and used both on the web as an advertisement for the product and on the cover of the product.

Get more information on how to make your own CD products!

Social Networking – Buttons To Make Marketing Easier

What kind of buttons? These are the buttons you see all the time on people's websites saying “Digg This”, “Follow me on Twitter” and “Join Me On Facebook.”

Where do people get these buttons? How can they help your online business?

On most social networks, social bookmarking sites and microblogging sites like Twitter, you can find a link that will say “Tools and widgets.” On these pages the website provides the codes that you simply copy and paste into your website or blog. They will give you a number of options on what kind of graphics or button styles to choose from. These are direct links to your particular accounts that your friends and followers can visit in one click.

A widget is even better. It will show your tweets, facebook friends and updates and even your published articles on in real time. As your social sites are updated, they refresh automatically. And they are not complicated to install. It is simply a code to copy and paste that the site provides for you.

If you want to get really fancy, you can create a graphic in Photoshop with your company logo, and just embed a link to your profile in the image. This is a lot easier than it sounds and helps with branding, especially with Facebook Fan Pages.

How can this help your business? Easy.

These widgets and buttons help drive traffic to your accounts. Your visitors can stay updated on all of your tweets, articles and videos in one glance. The button helps you get valuable “diggs” on submitted websites. Your friends may not even be aware that you have an account at a particular service and now they can network with you further by clicking straight out to your profile and becoming friends. You can build up Twitter followers with your “follow me” button without having to search and follow other people first. These buttons are meant to make your social networking easier. Time is valuable. Use these fun applications to network with others without being online all the time.

Click on these to see how they work!

Social Media Revolution – Youtube Channels

Youtube is the fastest growing video hosting site in the world. The channels that Youtube provides its users can be a powerful marketing tool to show off your brand and help sell your products and services. Channels can easily be customized with special background images of yourself or your logos. You can use the channel to store all of your videos in one place where everyone can see them, make friends, build subscribers and collect comments.

Youtube channels provide clickable links to websites to help drive traffic to your websites from the millions of Youtube visitors each and every day. Businesses large and small are taking advantage of the power of Youtube and of online video. Some brands, such as the floundering Old Spice brand, found new life in comedy skits produced just for Youtube. The videos were so unique and funny that they went “viral,” meaning that people spread them and shared them around like wildfire, resulting in re-vitalized sales and market share for the brand.

Now as a result, many businesses are re-thinking their social networking strategies. And they are looking for people like you. People who know how to make huge strides in online marketing without costing too much. Where do you learn to be a Youtube marketing expert? Right here at the Internet Marketing Training Center. We can teach you to master your dreams….

How can IMTC help me?

Are you ready to attend IMTC yet?!

Here are some great reasons:

1.  Get the training and knowledge to be able to work from home and for yourself.

2.  Learn how to blog and make blogging work for you.

3.  Learn about keywords and search engines.  You need this to market your products effectively.

4.  Learn how to create products to sell online and how to market them.

5.  Learn how to utilize social networking to expand your client base.

And so much more!  We are eager to get our school open and to help everyday people make a profit online.  We can help you!

Internet Marketing Jobs: Is Your Staff J.O.B. Unsatisfying?

Is working for someone else ungratifying?

The World of Work 2010 report from Randstad found that half of all employees feel their skills are underused and around 10% have been forced to take up work that did not make full use of their abilities. People are looking for work outside the job that may better utilize their talents, not just for the extra income but for the satisfaction.

Justin Myers, a freelance editor and consultant, was first pushed to self-employment through redundancy. After taking a few months off to “get his head together”, Justin started freelancing with some shifts at an online newsdesk. Now he's working on two distinct projects and enjoys the lifestyle.

“Being your boss is a magical feeling; you feel really empowered and I love having responsibility for myself. Additionally, being a consultant, I've found that clients really value my opinion and input. I don't think you get that perceived level of confidence when you're in a staff job.”

Pursuing employment with online training, whether for yourself or getting a better job elsewhere, starts with a school you can trust. A school with a staff that have  put into place the real world skills that it takes to make money. The Internet Marketing Training Center is the resource you need to make an impact on a tough job market. An impact that you can trust to make your life more fun and interesting….

Copywriting and Writing For The Web

Writing for websites, online articles and sales copy is far different than writing for magazines and newspapers.The web is a place where people surf fast for information and make decisions quicker than when they leisurely read print. Web copy is a visual medium, consisting of various colors and font sizes. The nature of computer screens and how our eyes adjust to them have dictated how we write words for websites. Over the course of the short life of the Internet, marketers, designers and writers have experimented with how to make web copy more “readable.” And what they have come up with is a science unto itself.

Along with readability, what we are also doing with web writing is trying to get readers to “click” out on links. The best web copy is usually trying to compel readers to visit another website or get them to buy something. Marketers have experimented with this as well. Web copy should be written to persuade your reader to take action through a psychological process. All of these things can be learned effectively and practiced to perfection.

Who do you trust to teach you this knowledge? The Internet Marketing Training Center has the expert staff that have been writing copy for years. Now they are bringing that knowledge to you. This is the kind of high level training that businesses are looking for or that you can use yourself to write for your own web business.

Work from Home: Leave that Dead End Job and Make Money Sitting On Your Butt

There was a time when you were excited about your new job. Your hopes were high. You had a little extra money in your pocket. No, you wouldn’t be doing the type work you always dreamed of, but it was a job and it meant that you were going places — that you had a future with a decent company.

Time is slipping away and now you realize there is very little chance that you will ever be promoted to a higher paid position with the company. It’s hard to face, but yes, you are in a dead end job. Maybe it’s time for a change. But what will you do?

If you find yourself in that position, think back to projects you have worked on over the years and jot down the ones that you have enjoyed the most. Include both work- related and personal projects. Then, ask what was it about those projects that you liked. Also list the new skills that you want to learn.

For instance, you have always liked using computers and surfing the Internet. You designed a website for your best friend and you even taught your sister how to blog. Several of your friends have asked you to show them how to build their online store.

These are projects you liked to do. Now think about the skills that you want to learn. Do you want to learn how to create videos to post on YouTube? Do you want to learn how to optimize your website so search engines will give you high rankings? Do you want to learn copywriting so you can write e-mail promotions? Do you want to develop products to sell on your website? At the Internet Marketing Training Center (IMTC), you can be trained in these Internet marketing skills online from the comfort of your home on your own time.

Sound fun and exciting? Maybe it is time to expand your skills so you can leave that dead end job and make money sitting on your butt at home in front of your computer. Learn more about the Internet Marketing Training Center and how it can help shape your future at

Distance Education: Local Businesses Need SEO

Local search has taken the search engines by storm. A huge amount of small businesses including pizza shops, dentists, nightclubs, dry cleaners and car dealerships are now using local search to create a presence on the web. This has taken the place of the Yellow Pages and for good reason. Local search gives you all the tools you need to make a decision about where to purchase, how to get there and even links to the establishment's website.

Look at the power local search provides you, the customer:

  • Interactive maps and directions from your home.
  • Streetview – see the neighborhood your about to travel to.
  • Reviews of the business.
  • Links to menus, printable coupons and social networking.
  • Get the search results right on your phone.
  • And much more….

As small business grows it's reach on the web, they will need people who know how to submit and manage their listings. The information has to be updated and fresh for customers to find them. These search engine techniques are not just for large companies anymore. Not having a updated presence on the web can mean lost business. Where will they find the right people to help them manage these tasks?

The Internet Marketing Training Center will help teach the skills that today's savvy marketers will need to help small business stay ahead. This kind of technology will increase the demand for jobs in Internet marketing management. This is a whole new world opening up right in front of your eyes… are you ready to take it on?